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Symptoms.--There is discomfort in the right
anterior abdominal region. There may be a slight sensitiveness on pressure near
the navel. The discomfort may have been coming and going for some time, and one
doctor has suggested a possible involvement of the appendix; another may be
quite sure of appendicitis; all agree that an operation should be performed.
The operation is performed--of course it is; for you cannot beat the game of
Cause.--The patient is not any
better after the operation--of course not. Why should he be? The
operation did not remove the cause. Indeed, the medical wiseacres never gave
any thought to cause. In this they thought to beat nature. But it cannot be
done. Nature sent out her edict at the beginning of time: Cause must be
removed to cure effects. There never has been an exception, and never will
be, the daily behavior of the entire medical profession to the contrary
There never has been, and never will be, a case of
appendicitis that has not been preceded by gastro-intestinal catarrh, with
indigestion and distention from gas. The catarrhal bowels are sensitive, and, when
distended with gas, there may be much or little pain. When the pain is great,
few escape operations. But no cures are made. Those whom the undertaker does
not get drift to the scrap-pile labeled incurable. To cure disease by
removing effects cannot be done. It is a game which the best cannot beat.
When an abscess forms, involving the appendix, the
natural course, if not meddled with--examined and re-examined or burst by the
examiner's fingers--will be a natural and normal opening into the intestine.
Where the pus fails to take this course--or, to state it differently, where
nature is not frustrated in her efforts at establishing drainage at a point of
least resistance by getting rid of the pus accumulation through the bowel--it
is because of malpractice by meddlesome examiners' 'bull in a china
shop' methods.
Treatment.--To illustrate this point: About a
year ago a mother brought in her arms to my office a boy about seven years old.
She took him out of one of the hospitals, where the surgeons had declared that
he must be operated upon at once. On examination, I found a walled-off pus-sac
in the region of the appendix. I did not dig in with my fingers to satisfy
myself just how large, or to satisfy a morbid curiosity in seeing how much
resistance there was, etc. I palpated and examined very gently, and found a
walled-off abscess as large as a goose egg. With all the physics, attempts at
moving the bowels, and manipulative examinations, the boy was still within the
possibilities of the disease ending in a natural way. I told the mother to
carry her boy home. If there was a temperature amounting to 103 degrees, she
must put ice on the abdomen; with a temperature less than that, she was to keep
warmth to the abdomen and warmth to the feet. Nothing but water was to be given
daily, without force, to clear the bowels below the cut-off. By this I mean
that the swelling and distention had collapsed the bowels in that region, so
that there was nothing passing down from above.
I requested the mother to report every two or three
days. I told her to let the boy rest without disturbance to be kept absolutely
quiet in bed.
I heard nothing more from the case for about two
months. Then the mother came and brought a lady to see me, whom she had
encouraged to come to get my advice. But, before going into any further
conversation, I insisted on her telling me about her boy. I reminded her that
she had not reported to me for further advice. Her answer was that he rested
quietly, that she had followed the instructions to the letter, and that in
about seven days after she was in the office he had a copious evacuation from
the bowels, which was largely pus, mixed with blood and fecal matter. One or
two movements had cleared the bowels out. I had told her that when the bowels
moved well she might feed the child orange juice. She had kept him on the
oranges for two days, and then fed him lightly for a week. And that was all
there was to the case. I have seen many similar cases come to just such an
ending. It is possible to have all appendicular abscesses end in that way by
doing nothing scientifically. What is science? Truth.
Meddlesome and vicious examinations are the cause of
about all ills resulting from appendicular abscesses. Hundreds of cases come to
my office every year complaining of exactly the same pains that they had before
they were operated upon for the removal of their appendices. The truth is that
they did not have appendicitis, acute or chronic; but they did have
gastro-intestinal catarrh and the accompanying indigestion.
What is the trouble? Gastro-intestinal
catarrh. What is chronic appendicitis? Chronic
gastrointestinal catarrh. The aggravating cause is excessive
starch-eating. Operations for the chronic, and most operations for the acute,
are malpractice. Of course, when vicious treatment and nursing, with meddlesome
examinations, have caused an abscess to burst into the peritoneal cavity, it is
a very serious affair. The abdomen must be opened, cleared out, and properly
drained; and patients should be fasted during the time that the healing is
taking place. A lack of understanding of the symptoms-complex diagnosed
appendicitis is the cause of the frenzied haste and hysteria surrounding such
I know from years of experience, 'watchful
waiting,' and let-alone treatment that it is not a serious disease, and
that it is one which does not occur very often without officious meddling.
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