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This course does not claim to offer cures for any disease. What it does offer is the means to provide optimal support for the body during such times.
Disease is the reflection of a state or states of imbalance. This imbalance has a mental, physical and spiritual component and no one area can be affected without affecting the others. In this course we are mainly addressing physical disharmony, but aware that we must treat the body holistically, if we are to heal effectively.
The greatest disease threat to modern man comes from those diseases which can be described as degenerative. Another way to look at this is a process of slow wasting. Slow torture would not be too far from the mark either. Improved hygiene has helped to eradicate many of the infectious diseases which were a major life threat to our forefathers. In the Western world, starvation has become a thing of the past. Modern medicine deals effectively with fractures and accidents that may have previously meant death. The result is that we have a longer life expectancy.
Expectancy is a very appropriate word to use, because, whilst the potential for a much longer life is certainly there, the reality is that we don't live much longer at all, and our later years are mostly spent in feeble decay. The reasons for this being stress, inadequate nutrition and pollution. Whilst we have made great advances in some areas, we have also regressed alarmingly in others, particularly in the area of nutrition. Because everybody is basically in 'the same boat', we tend to accept our lot, and continue on in blissful disregard for our future. After all, 'it could never happen to us'. Orthodox medical science has no answers; the drug companies see to that.
Biblical reference suggests that many centuries ago, around the time of Noah, we were in such glowing states of health and vitality that the average person lived for some 500 years. This may seem far fetched, and when compared to our present state of health and life expectancy, it certainly is. However, we should not dismiss this possibility lightly.
An experiment conducted by Dr. Alexis Carrell of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research demonstrated the potential for live tissue to live indefinitely, if provided with the right conditions. Dr. Carrell took a small piece of heart from a chicken embryo and immersed it in a nutrient solution from which it obtained its food and into which it secreted its wastes. This solution was changed daily.
The heart tissue lived for 29 years and only died one day when an assistant forgot to change the metabolised polluted fluid! In other words, it died of autointoxication, poisoned by its own metabolic wastes.
Our bodies have the regenerative capacity to survive for many years, given the right conditions to do so. The potential life expectancy for all of us could be more like 100‑130 years, rather than the 70 years that we are resigned to. Some say, 'well who'd want to live longer than that anyway?' With the present prospect of death from some hideous degenerative disease one would wholly agree! Living longer is not about extending a state of degeneration, it is about living vibrantly for that length of time. There is no way one can expect to do this without a major and positive shift in mental attitude, and a total commitment to first class nutrition.
The Four Diets
During this course we have learned four primary dietary approaches for treating disease. Our standard wholefoods diet forms the basis for creating and maintaining good health. The other three programmes can be applied whenever the circumstances require. These are the cleansing diet, the low allergy diet and the juice fast. All of these diets vary considerably in their healing and cleansing effects. The seriousness of ones illness will determine the degree of dietary modification to be applied. For example, cancer can be viewed as one of the most serious imbalances and will require the most committed application of dietary disciplines.
If you always choose from these four basic diets you will have a simple and functional foundation to work from. They are proven and effective. Apply your knowledge to achieve the appropriate fine tuning so as to tailor the diet to your needs.
The Basic Steps to Follow
At the risk of repeating myself again, understand that all disease results from metabolic imbalance. This is the cause. It doesn't matter what you call the disease; that's only a name for the effect. The only value of this name is that it usually helps us identify a defined set of symptoms. These can guide us back to the cause.
The Priorities
Begin by investigating the bodies five critical areas of function and physical wellness:
The correct application of diet and remedies to these fundamental areas will correct metabolic imbalance, and the dis‑ease, whatever name you call it, will disappear.
Run a thorough check of the food being eaten and always begin by correcting the following dietary priorities first:
Breakfast, Sufficient Complete Protein, No Junk Food
and Lots of Clean Water
This simple format will dramatically improve 90% of the problems. Remember also that exercise is vitally important.
Spinal Correction
Be mindful of the possible need for spinal correction. During this course, little consideration has been given to the need for addressing the skeletal structure. Pinched nerves or blocked nerve flow, resulting from spinal subluxation (misplaced vertebrae) can cause pain and illness and no amount of dietary change will correct this. Such cases will require some form of spinal adjustment. Find a good osteopath for these purposes.
The following diseases are nothing more than names for symptoms. Let the symptoms guide you to the cause and apply the tools of your dietary knowledge to provide the right conditions for the body to heal itself.
Heart Disease
The term 'heart disease' covers a number of circulatory disorders and herein lies the key: circulation. As we have seen, impaired circulation usually results from blockages or clogging of the arteries and blood vessels. In all cases of heart disease or hypertension you must remove the dietary causes of this blocking.
The simplest process would be to apply the standard wholefoods diet with special restrictions on fats, oils and salts. A bonus here will be weight loss; this is most important for these people. Exercise is also critical! Begin gently and work slowly up.
Stress must be reduced. This will strain the heart by causing it to beat faster. Exercise and relaxation exercises (meditation, yoga) will help with stress. Caffeinated beverages and sugar will also cause the heart to beat faster and will add to stress don't drink them.
Death from Heart Disease
This is often from myocardial infarction. The myocardium is the heart muscle and infarction means death. This muscle relies principally on the coronary artery to deliver oxygen and nutrients to it. A blockage or occlusion of the coronary artery will result in a myocardial infarction.
Blockages in any of the circulatory vessels will mean less space for the blood to flow through. There will be greater 'back pressure' and the heart will have to work harder to circulate blood around the body. All this results in high blood pressure or hypertension and contributes to the early demise of the myocardium. Circulating fats cause thickening of the blood. (A combination of this, plus inelasticity and plaque build up of the blood vessels caused by salt and cholesterol, is particularly dangerous. This raises the risk of a clot or thrombus forming and blocking a major artery or vein. If this should occur in the heart it is called a coronary occlusion and the result will usually be a myocardial infarction. Should this occur in the brain, it may result in the bursting of a blood vessel. This is called an aneurysm and the resulting haemorrhage in the brain is called a stroke.
Distilled Water is of immense value in removing salts from the tissues. These salts harden arteries and cause fluid retention with an associated increase in weight and elevation of blood pressure. Put all patients with heart disease and especially hypertension on 6‑8 small glasses of distilled water taken over the course of the day. This will draw out salts and rehydrate their bodies.
Sodium Ascorbate will improve the function of everything and will help to elasticise arteries (collagen). It also acts as a diuretic and will help lower blood pressure. Use between 2‑4 teaspoons daily.
Odourless Garlic is renown for its antithrombotic and antihypertensive qualities. It will reduce blood viscosity. Use high doses of odourless garlic tablets or capsules 6‑9 per day.
These are the priorities when treating heart disease, and related circulatory problems. Occasionally a hypertensive person will not respond to these measures. The causes will be mainly emotional; possibly a deep seated 'boiling of the blood'. Relaxation, personal development, Bach flower remedies and massage will all help.
Vitamin E is known as the heart vitamin because it strengthens the myocardium. It also has great antithrombotic value and is a powerful antioxidant. Caution needs to be exercised when administering this nutrient. Strengthening the heart muscle too quickly, without first clearing the circulatory channels, might raise blood pressure. Use 100iu of Vitamin E per day. Increase this by 100iu weekly until, after 4 weeks, the person is taking 500iu per day. This is enough and is safe. Keep a check on blood pressure.
Diuretics are often supplied to stimulate the kidneys into passing water and thus reducing fluid retention and weight. This is not working at cause and is not the way to do it. Diuretics often cause a loss of the two heart salts potassium and magnesium in the fluid that leaves the body. These mineral electrolytes are vital for the conductivity of the electrical impulses that cause the heart to beat. Consider supplying them as a supplement at about 500mgs each, per day.
Do not just come off drugs prescribed by a doctor. That is his or her job. If possible, work with the doctor on a dietary, supplement and exercise programme with a view to correcting these problems at cause and a 'weaning off' of any drugs.
Heart disease and hypertension represent the greatest health risk for people in Western society. Our diet and lifestyle is highly supportive of these degenerative conditions. Statistically, a 35 year old person with a blood pressure of 160/100 will live 16 years less than the same individual with a 'normal' blood pressure of 120/80.
Arthritis is a crippling disease which affects a very large number of people. It is not restricted to the elderly. Cases of juvenile arthritis in children as young as 6 years are quite common.
A less recognised fact is that arthritis is a killing disease. Death usually results from kidney or liver failure or heart attack brought on by an excess of toxins and the stress of the condition. The medical opinion is that arthritis is incurable and the best that a sufferer can hope for is some relief through symptom suppressing drugs.
There are about 200 varieties of arthritis. Nearly all involve inflammation of the joints, lack of circulation and destruction of bone and cartilage. These are the symptoms that must be treated. We will examine some of the most common varieties and their causes.
Osteoarthritis is common in old people, affecting more women than men. It is of a degenerative nature and results from poor lifestyle and general wearing out.
A normal healthy joint such as hip or knee is covered with a smooth layer of shiny cartilage. Degeneration of this cartilage results in wear and breakdown of the bone underlying it. This causes pain.
We have seen that old age is just a process of wearing out. The idea being to wear out slowly, not quickly. As such, any improvement in diet and lifestyle will help the arthritic sufferer. Often these people are overweight. An improved diet will result in weight loss. This will reduce the load on the already weakening joints.
In most cases the arthritic sufferer will have an acidic system. This results from an excessive consumption of meats, dairy, grains, sugar, tea, coffee, preservatives etc. Acidity is one of the primary causes for the inflammation manifesting in their joints or spine. It will also be irritating every other organ and tissue. The body attempts to neutralise this acidity by taking the alkalising mineral, Calcium from the joints. The result of the corrosive acidity is inflammation of the joints and the breakdown of bone and cartilage.
Cleansing Diet
The standard cleansing diet is a highly alkalising programme and is ideal for sufferers of most arthritic conditions. It removes a large part of the cause of the condition by shifting the body chemistry from acid to more alkaline.
There are certain fruits and vegetables which can aggravate an arthritic condition. These include citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits and strawberries and plants of the Solanacea group the nightshades. These include tomatoes, egg plants (aubergines), capsicum (peppers) and potatoes. Always muscle test the compatibility of these foods and exclude them if they fail. If you are not able to muscle test then exclude tomatoes, oranges and grapefruit as a precaution.
Other bonuses achieved by this programme include weight loss; the temporary removal of aggravating intolerant foods and the flushing of the kidneys and rehydrating of the body by the use of lots of distilled water. All of these factors are of critical importance. Fasting will achieve the same results even more quickly, however caution must be observed because detoxifying reactions will likely be severe. This approach would be best suited to a younger person who understands the process.
Summary of Dietary Procedures
A period of cleansing of between 5 and 10 days (the longer the better) on the standard cleansing diet often produces a 50% or more reduction in symptoms. Distilled water is a necessary part of this treatment. Following the cleanse, the person can be introduced to the standard wholefoods diet with particular emphasis on vegetables and vegetable juices and the continued avoidance of citrus fruits and the nightshades, if they present ongoing problems.
Vitamin C should always be the priority. Supply 10‑30gms of a compatible Vitamin C formula (usually Sodium Ascorbate) daily from the first day of the cleanse onwards. It is a powerful detoxifier and essential for the support of the adrenal glands. In any arthritic condition the adrenals will have been hopelessly overworked producing the anti‑inflammatory hormone, Cortesone. Vitamin C will improve circulation to the joints.
There are only so many nutrients that you can use at one time. The body can only heal 'so quickly'. Do not overload it. Muscle Test and choose the two or three most appropriate supplements. Others can replace them later so as to provide a complete coverage over a period of time.
B Complex is important due to the stress of the condition. B5 (pantothenic acid or calcium pantethonate) is particularly important because it is necessary for adrenal function along with vitamin C. Try and choose a B Complex high in B5 or supply extra. Up to 2gms of B5 per day is perfectly safe for a few months.
Mineral Complexes provide the Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Silica necessary for bone growth. Once the body's metabolism has been corrected the growth of new cartilage and bone will begin if the necessary nutrients are present. Remember that bone is connective tissue and as such it is dependent upon sufficient Vitamin C for the production of the protein Collagen.
Evening Primrose Oil can be very effective as an anti inflammatory. It is expensive because a large number of capsules must be taken to get sufficient oil. Use 6‑9 per day.
Vitamin E will improve circulation and help to remove scar tissue and 'mop up' free radicals from the inflammation. Use 500iu per day.
Green Lipped Mussel Extract can be useful. Muscle test it before using because it is expensive.
The Amino Acid, D.L. Phenylalanine sold as D.L.P.A. can be effective as a short term pain reliever. Always be guided by a muscle test.
Apple Cider Vinegar is often touted as a cure for arthritis. Whether the apple cider vinegar has curative properties is not known, however, we do know that most elderly people suffer from a lack of free stomach acid. This will result in poor digestion, a general lack of nutrients and the impaired absorption of the mineral.
Calcium ‑ suggest the use of Apple Cider Vinegar in a little water or apple juice if you suspect Hypochlorhydria.
Rheumatoid arthritis occurs more often in younger people and is often severe and difficult to treat. All of the advice relating to Osteoarthritis is appropriate when treating rheumatoid, however a few extra factors need consideration. These are infection and allergies.
There is real possibility that post viral infection could be a major cause of this condition. All of the above mentioned dietary improvements plus the use of appropriate immune supplements like Vitamin C, Vitamin B Complex and Zinc etc, will be of value in supporting the body in overcoming lingering viruses. The main culprits are likely to be Cytomeglo Virus and Epstein Barr Virus (glandular fever). The body can overcome these naturally in time, however, correctly prescribed homoeopathic remedies are the fastest route.
With rheumatoid sufferers it is very important to identify and eliminate all allergens and intolerances from their diet and environment. All of the basics like milk, yeast, eggs, grains and citrus should be given priority.
Choose from the same choice of supplements as for osteoarthritis. Vitamin C is the priority, Evening Primrose Oil may be especially valuable.
Gout may be the 'great leveller' of arthritic conditions as it mainly affects middle aged and older men.
Gout results from a precipitation of Uric Acid Crystals in the joints. These cause pain and stiffness. It is usually believed that gout results from high living. This may well be the case as such a lifestyle means consuming lots of alcohol, coffee and other inappropriate foods.
Gout is relatively easy to treat. You will remember that Uric Acid is one of the nitrogenous byproducts of protein metabolism. All of the other foodstuffs, comprising a 'rich' diet, will contribute to an acid constitution.
The Urate crystals break up readily when these 'rich foods' are replaced by a more alkalising programme. As such, a period of 5‑10 days cleansing followed by a good quality wholefoods diet will usually eliminate the problem.
This is a rheumatic condition where there is abnormal calcification of the spinal vertebrae, sacroiliac joints and sometimes the hip.
Calcium and other minerals, leaching from the bones or deposited by the blood, form as abnormal deposits or spurs on the vertebrae or bones. If these deposits become large enough they will eventually cement the normally mobile joints together. This condition can be reversed by correcting the metabolic imbalance that caused it in the first place.
Treat it as for Osteoarthritis. If it does not respond consider post viral infection and allergies.
Remember that in all diseases including arthritic conditions there are emotional components. With arthritis it is often anger and resentment or maybe a hardening of attitudes. That hot, red, soreness which characterises inflammation may be the physical manifestation of the emotional reaction to anger or resentment. Pain is always guilt. Guilt calls for punishment thus the pain.
Continuing with the theme of bone problems we will now examine some of the factors contributing to Osteoporosis. This literally means 'thinning bones'. To treat it we must understand something of the nature of bone growth.
Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous and Silica are minerals necessary for bone growth, Calcium being the principal mineral. Sufficient supply of these minerals is certainly necessary but is definitely not the only issue in correct bone growth. Bone formation minerals are being deposited in our bones up to the age of about 35. At this age we reach 'maximum bone density'. From hereon these minerals and especially Calcium, slowly begin to leach out. Under ideal circumstances this leaching is slow and takes place at a rate that still leaves us with strong bones well into our later years. This, however, is not the case in society today.
Women suffer more with osteoporosis than do men. This is because the female sex hormone Oestrogen helps to maintain calcium in the bones. At menopause, these hormones are no longer produced and the calcium loss speeds up resulting in weak and brittle bones.
Bone fractures, particularly of the radius (wrist) and the femur (upper leg bone) are common in older women. This appears to be mainly the result of falling over, however it is very likely that the rarefied bone is unable to support the body weight and actually breaks whilst the person is on their feet, resulting in the fall.
The Medical Answer
The medical answer to osteoporosis is to provide Oestrogen Replacement Therapy and Calcium in an attempt to maintain bone density. This is not the answer. Putting a person on artificial hormones for the rest of their life is not working with the body. Similarly, nearly all of the Calcium supplements recommended by the medical profession and chemists are based on the highly unabsorbable and alkalising Calcium Carbonate. This is the last thing needed by a stomach which is already likely to be very low in HCI. Often the advice by the many suppliers of natural health products is not much better. Most are on the band wagon to sell their own Calcium supplement. These are usually better quality and more absorbable than the medico's variety, but is still not addressing the problem of cause.
Finally, we have the Milk Board telling us that the way to avoid osteoporosis is to get more Calcium in the diet by drinking milk. We have seen that for most this is not an alternative either. You pay a high price for any Calcium gained from milk.
Calcium Deficiency?
Osteoporosis is not necessarily a deficiency of Calcium. That is not to say that some people will not need calcium, or more correctly a mineral supplement, but if you run around trying to provide more Calcium to correct Osteoporosis you will be missing the cause.
Degenerative Disease
As with every degenerative disease Osteoporosis is a product of our poor Western diet and lifestyle resulting in metabolic imbalance. Let us look at some of the factors involved. Remember that these factors have been cumulative since day 1 of your life and will have influenced the degree of bone density achieved before your bones began to lose minerals in your early 30's.
The Factors
Excessive Protein consumption causes Calcium loss in the urine regardless of how much calcium you consume. Too much Protein is a major factor in Osteoporosis.
The excessive intake of salt causes Calcium loss. Sugar causes a leaching of Calcium from the body. Lack of stomach acid, which is very common in older people means that little Calcium will be absorbed.
Lack of weight bearing exercises results in loss of Calcium from the bones. It is a case of 'if you don't use it, you lose it!' Older people confined to bed can practically shrink before your eyes. Some reports indicate a loss in height of up to .41cm per annum for some women after menopause. This is due to Calcium loss from their bones. Astronauts have demonstrated marked loss of bone density after 3 months in space.
Oxalic Acid found in tea, coffee, chocolate and some other foods bind with Calcium in the intestines to form insoluble soaps which further inhibit the absorption of this mineral.
Smoking accelerates bone demineralisation as does excessive alcohol consumption.
Phosphorous is a mineral required for bone growth, however, it is required in a suitable balance with Calcium and Magnesium. The chances of consuming excessive Phosphorous are very high. Excessive phosphorous stimulates the Para Thyroid Glands to release Calcium from the bones. As such it can have an Osteoporotic effect. Red meat has 30 times as much Phosphorous as Calcium. Processed foods and cheeses, soups and puddings all contain high levels of Phosphorous, as do baked products (phosphate baking powder). Carbonated beverages contain lots of sugar as well as Phosphoric Acid as a buffer to help prevent your teeth dissolving. Bran, used by many to help ease constipation is very high in Phosphorous. Finally, the use of super phosphate on many of our crops is excessive, resulting in high levels of Phosphorous in those foods.
The average recommended requirement for Calcium for adults is about 1000mg per day. Many people believe that we need more than this, thus lots of dairy foods and supplements should be included in our daily diet.
authorities believe that we do not need this much Calcium at all. Using the examples of foreign cultures does
not always provide meaningful data, however, an article by Greg Fitzgerald, a
Conversely, Eskimos, who consume between 1000‑2000mg of Calcium per day suffer rampant Osteoporosis which becomes evident in their late 30's. The diet is high in fat and meat. Mr. Fitzgerald also believes that abundant Magnesium in the diet is the more important issue as Calcium tends to be
're cycled' in the body.
From this information the message should be clear. Lifestyle changes are your greatest guarantee of avoiding Osteoporosis. Providing large amounts of Calcium as a mineral supplement or through Calcium Ascorbate will likely unbalance the other minerals in your body, especially the precious Magnesium and cause more problems than no supplementation at all.
Minerals and or Calcium supplements may well be appropriate for certain individuals. Be sure that they are in a bio available form for the body and be guided by a muscle test. The body will tell you whether it needs them or not.
The best advice is to apply a moderate approach. 'Middle ground' is safe and works. As such I recommend a diet low in sugar, salt and stimulating beverages. Provide sufficient protein. Plenty of exercise is very important. Daily walks are quite sufficient. Apple Cider Vinegar taken before protein meals will be very valuable for many. All of this should be considered before worrying about whether a Calcium supplement should be used. If a supplement is indicated choose one offering chelated or mineral orotates with a balance of all of the necessary minerals for bone growth. Vitamin C is probably more important than anything else.
There are about 10 different varieties of Diabetes. These are characterised by excessive thirst and urination. Sufferers can pass up to 10 litres of fluid per day, their fluid intake not matching their output.
Generally speaking Diabetes is a failure of the sugar regulating organs within the body. This results in states of Hyperglycaemia. This condition results from a tired Pancreas producing too much Insulin. Insulin is necessary for blood sugar (glucose) to be taken up and utilised by the cells. An excess of Insulin causes the too rapid utilisation of blood sugar with a resulting low or hypoglycaemic condition.
The Hypoglycaemic Link
All mature age Diabetics were Hypoglycaemic. Diabetes can be described as the 'next stage on' from Hypoglycaemia. After years of abuse the Pancreas ceases to produce Insulin that has any effect on blood sugar. The Insulin is often still there, but it 'doesn't work'. Thus we have a state of Hyperglycaemia with little sugar going into the cells.
Insulin‑Dependent and Non Insulin‑Dependent Diabetes
Insulin dependent Diabetes accounts for about 40% of cases. Many of these people experienced juvenile onset Diabetes which manifested at an early age, often following an operation or emotional trauma in their life. Onset is usually rapid; the condition being quite severe. Sufferers require daily injections of Insulin and dietary maintenance of blood sugar levels.
Mature age Diabetes occurs later in life. It appears to be of a degenerative nature resulting directly from nutritional and lifestyle abuses. Their illness can be managed by diet and oral agents.
Clinical Manifestations
Most Diabetics succumb to circulatory failure. About half suffer a premature death from myocardial infarction. Atherosclerosis is very common amongst diabetics. It also appears that the high level of blood sugar causes blood vessels to thicken, further impairing circulation. Renal failure is also common.
High blood sugar levels favour the growth of yeast and so intestinal candidiasis becomes difficult to control. A lack of feeling can occur in the lower extremities, thus injuries do not always register fully. Combined with lack of circulation this can result in gangrene.
Predisposing Factors
Predisposing factors for diabetes include excessive weight (obesity) and a family history of the disease. Dietary control is a very important issue. Despite mountains of evidence showing the value of dietary discipline there is still a powerful lobby that refutes its value.
All the same rules can be applied for Hypoglycaemia. That is, the removal of all refined carbohydrate foods. The aim of the diet must be to prevent excessive swings of blood sugar. Very regular small meals to maintain even blood sugar plus all of the appropriate supplements to support Liver, Pancreas, Kidney and Circulation.
Caution: When treating an Insulin dependent Diabetic caution must be observed. Their blood sugar levels must be regularly monitored and they should advise their doctor of what they are doing. Remember, as their health improves their requirement for Insulin will decrease.
Cleansing diets are perfectly safe for diabetics. Make sure that brown rice is included as a complex carbohydrate that can be taken at any time to balance blood sugar. Lots of weight can be shed on this programme. On completion move into the standard wholefoods diet with appropriate supplements and avoidance of intolerant food. In time the body will begin to rebuild and organs and tissues will regenerate. It may be possible that with dietary and mental commitment a 65 units per day Insulin dependent Diabetic may reduce that dependency to 15 units per day or less. This will increase life expectancy.
The Emotional Link
All sugar problems relate to feelings of a lack of sweetness in one's life. Each person's perception of how that is for them will be different. That's fine. The purpose of the journey is to find how it is for you and let it go. Louise Hay says, Longing for what might have been, deep sorrow and a great need to control. The positive affirmation is 'This moment is filled with joy. I now choose to experience the sweetness of today.' A beautiful affirmation and very appropriate.
With any serious disease it is vital that the sufferer drops the role of being a victim and all the payoffs and sympathy that go with this. If they can embrace their disease; acknowledge it fully and their role in creating it, they then have every opportunity of learning what it is they need to know and dropping the crutch of that disease forever.
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