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Do you need the mom's consent to test the BABY for HIV?
Baby must have HIV
Mr Justice Wilson made his ruling at the High Court in
A baby at high risk of having HIV will have to be
tested for the virus even though her parents oppose it following a landmark
ruling in the High Court.
The move has massive implications for parents' rights to decide what treatments
their children should have.
The girl - who cannot be named for legal reasons - is four months old and her
mother is HIV positive.
Her parents believe in the effectiveness of alternative medicine and say it has
kept the mother healthy so far.
They had said they feared they would lose control over the way the child was treated
if the test goes ahead.
But Camden Council said the baby could die if she is also HIV positive and goes
untreated, and wants the child to receive the highest standard of medical
treatment available.
'Baby's rights come first'
In a High Court ruling on Friday, Mr Justice Wilson said the child would have
to have the test.
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