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It is now the endeavor of scientific medicine to
educate people into believing that, if they are inoculated with all kinds of
prevention, and often enough, disease will be made impossible for them.
Doctoring of all kinds, from the wonder-workers to the most utterly utter
modern medical scientist, correctly interpreted means, or is equivalent to: Ignore
health laws; remain ignorant of them; ruthlessly break them; and, when
suffering because of such stupidity or incorrigibility, send for the tom-tom
artist, or be immured or cured by one of the inoculations or serumizations.
My stand against vaccination and serumization for the
prevention and cure of disease is based on the conviction that the treatment is
in oposition to law, common-sense, and reason. The laws of nature or God, if
you please--have been broken before disease manifests. Disease is a crisis,
which means an effort on the part of the body to eliminate pent-up toxins. It
is a systematic house-cleaning, and would not be necessary if irrational living
had not brought on enervation, checking elimination and causing Toxemia. I must
declare that there is no logic--absolutely no common-sense--in breaking every
law of nature, as conventional civilization does, and, when retribution comes,
endeavor to sidestep the consequences by getting under the cover of cure or
prevention, which in no wise corrects outlawry or its penalty.
Thinking people can know, if they want to, that disease
is not what medical science teaches--namely, symptom-complexes caused by
extraneous influences--and that it may not be prevented or cured by vaccines or
serums. Disease, so-called, is nature's way of curing. A cold is elimination of
toxin. To stop the symptoms means to stop elimination, which means forcing the
organism to retain the toxins and gradually grow a larger toleration, until
life is overwhelmed by a so- called acute disease or a chronic organic disease,
which may end in the destruction of some important organ, or life itself.
Disease is auto-house-cleaning, and all the treatment
necessary is rest of body and mind. So-called treatment or curative measures
are positively obstructive.
Isn't it a fact that immunity to disease is natural?
Man breaks down his immunity by building Toxemia and a cesspool under his
diaphragm. The only reason why people are ever sick is because their resistance
is broken down. I say broken-down resistance advisedly; for if people who are subject
to so-called epidemics are educated into proper living--proper care of their
bodies--and they then live accordingly, they rise above the socalled
disease-producing influence.
Instead of attempting to immunize against disease by
the injection into the body of a poison--a poison made from the filth of animal
disease--would it not be better to immunize by establishing proper living
habits to build up a natural resistance to disease? A healthy body will not
develop any disease--no, not smallpox.
Medical superstition and commercialism in combination
render mind oblivious to truth and impotent to reason logically; else, how is
it possible to believe that infecting the blood with septic vaccine or serum,
which is poison, renders immunity to a disease from which the culture medium is
taken? For example, a calf is inoculated with pus from a smallpox pustule. When
septic inflammation has gone through the inflammatory stage to ulceration and
suppuration, this pus is used to vaccinate human beings, in the superstitious
belief that the disease created (vaccinea) immunizes against smallpox. The only
reason why the vaccine disease does not kill is because the poisoning is of the
skin. If the operation should carry the poison beneath the skin--hypodermatize--general
septic poisoning would be induced, and the patient would die from septicemia
(putrescent infection)--the same infection that takes place in wounds that are
badly drained, or in child-bed fever where natural drainage is obstructed and
intra-uterine douches are neglected.
Septic poisoning is the same, be the infection from
vaccine, serum, a badly drained traumatism (wound), or suppuration located
anywhere in the body. There are but two sources of infection; namely, Toxemia
from retained waste-products of metabolism (tissue-change), and putrescent
infection. The latter runs a rapidly fatal course in pronouncedly toxemic
If children were fed right, there would be no excuse
for so-called vaccine prevention, which per se is an infection; for it
is made from putrescence--products of disease. The human mind appears to have
an aptness of penchant for reveling in filth. 'As a dog returneth to his
vomit,' so the human family is led by its own ignorance, or the
superstition of its medical advisers, to return to the body's dejecta for cures
or prevention, in spite of the fact that purlfication is preached by all
What are vaccines made from? The waste--the excrete--eliminated by the throes we call disease. This
debris is taken to laboratories, and by scientific conjuration it is made
pure--so pure that it is thrown into the blood of children with the idea that
they will be better able to resist disease than if their blood is allowed to
remain pure or up to the standard established by nature. Can common-sense
reasoning make anything out of such a procedure but madness--science frenzy?
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