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What we discussed above was directed at disease prevention. A scientific and researched opinion, based on clinical observations, and a list of diseases that seem to arise from the establishment of chronic dehydration were shared with you. The aim was to arm you for future prevention of disease. However, you might already be suffering from the adverse effects of dehydration and wish to reverse the tide of events that have already taken place. Let us hope you have not reached an irreversible situation and some reversal of the disease process can be hoped for. Of course, nothing can be promised. All we can do is hope a correction pattern could establish.

Do not forget that at each phase of life, our body is the product of a time-operated series of chemical interactions. Armed with correct knowledge, it might be possible to reverse some reactions, but not all. First and foremost, do not imagine you could reverse the situation if you now 'drown' yourself in water. Not so! The  cells of the body are like sponges; it takes some time before they become better hydrated. Also do not forget that some of them make their membranes less permissive of water diffusionin or out. The first place that will show signs of being 'over-watered' will be the lungs if your kidneys do not filter the excess water. If your kidneys are not damaged as a result of the long-standing and expanding dehydration that the loss of thirst sensation will automatically force on the body, then you can feel safe and drink the specified amount.

If your kidneys have also suffered from having to concentrate and pass the 'toxic' chemicals that keep building up within the body in long-endured and increasing dehydration, then you have to be very cautious. By now, you must also be under medication and professional supervision. You cannot just cut your medication and begin drinking water in place of these 'chemical manipulators of the body chemistry.' You should for a few days assess exactly the quantity of water you normally drink and the amount of urine you pass. Now begin adding one or two glasses of water a day to the amount you usually drink. Also measure the quantity of urine you pass. If the amount of urine you pass begins to increase, then you can also increase the water you take. If you are on diuretics, remember that water is the best natural diuretic if the kidneys function normally. In my opinion, it is ignorance-based 'science' to prescribe the intake of diuretics in place of increasing water intake if the kidneys of a patient are capable of producing urine.

The vogue in medical practice has become the spontaneous and indiscriminate use of diuretics, calcium blockers, beta blockers, and anti-cholesterol medications in the type of patients exemplified by Mr. Fox. Why? Simply because the 'science of medicine' has expanded on a hopelessly erroneous paradigm. The very foundation of 'knowledge' on which medical practice of today is staking its credibility and license to practice is in error and ignorant of water metabolism disturbance as a possible cause of disease emergence in the human body.

That is how I was taught medicine before I discovered my own ignorance. After reading my book, Dr. Julian Whitaker in his October 1994 newsletter, Health and Healing, that goes to 550,000 people, went public. He stated,' In medical school I learned that water was unimportant to the body.. Water was inactive, simply along for the ride,' and so on. I am told that he is advising those who attend his clinic about chronic dehydration. Your attending physician has the same basis of wrong education about the human body and its calls for water. Now that you know better, tell him where he has gone wrong in your case. Ask him to supervise your condition when you begin to adjust your daily water intake and your diet. If he or she is unaware of what you are talking about, share the information you have acquired on the problems associated with long-standing chronic dehydration of the body. Do not give up if your request is brushed aside on the grounds that you do not know what you are talking about and he or she does.

The body is under a constant drive to retain salt to keep water inside the system. It will take a gradual increase in urine to pass the excess salt out. Water will do it if its intake is increased very gradually. When urine formation is reduced and some edema (swelling) of the legs and eyelids are present, increased water intake should be proportionate to increased urine production. As the puffiness of the eyes and the swelling of the ankles begin to show signs of being reduced, then/water intake can be increased. My basic concern is for the inadvertent collection of water in the lungs. That is why I insist on an accurate measurement of fluid intake and urine output if you wish to test the effect of increasing your daily water intake and reducing your coffee and tea intake.

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