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As this book was being written, a group of scientists in
AIDS research from Europe and
Professor Luc Montagnier of the Pasteur Institute is the
original discoverer of the virus that was later labeled as HTV. This French
professor isolated the claimed virus that was supposed to have inhibited the
immune system. He sent samples of the virus to Robert Gallo in
Professor Montagnier seems to have reversed his original views and now claims the virus not to be of primary importance in AIDS. The newspaper interview indicates that the professor now accepts the possibility of AIDS having other causes. He seems to acknowledge the possible existence of AIDS even without the presence of HIV. The professor must have come across compelling arguments that deny HIV as the culprit and the single cause of all the group of diseases classified under AIDS. A drastic change has taken place in Professor Montagnier's thinking.
Professor Duesberg, who had researched the actual
composition of the virusat the same time as others were
believing in its disease-producing propertieshad announced the virus
incapable of causing AIDS. There were many debates, but his arguments did not
cut any ice with the established group busy with AIDS viral research in
I wrote to Dr. Manfred Eigen, a most eminent DNA research
scientist from Max-Planck Institute in
Now, all of a sudden in 1992, a new surge of activity with an alternative view of AIDS had gathered momentum with both Professors Montagnier and Duesberg as leaders in the field.
In 1989,1 had sent these researchers a copy of our Special AIDS Issue of Science In Medicine Simplified (SMS) from the Foundation for the Simple in Medicine (references 74 and 75), in the same way the Foundation freely shares its views with most top researchers (a copy of the letter to Manfred Eigen was also sent to Professor Duesberg). This special AIDS volume was also sent to many medical libraries at universities engaged in AIDS research. The detailed articles presented scientific explanations from which a synopsis has been given in the preceding paragraphs.
In my article on the neurotransmitter histamine, first presented briefly at the 3rd Interscience World Conference on Inflammation in 1989, and later published in 1990,1 also explained the immune suppressive actions of many of the chemical agents that are generated as a result of stress in the human body. In this extensively distributed article, I discussed some aspects of AIDS as a severe stress-induced 'system disturbance,' opposing the current view that it is caused by a single particle, a virus.
This issue of SMS was also extensively distributed. Copies
of the 1989 Special AIDS Issue and 1990 issue of SMS were also sent to
Professor Philippe Lazar, the Director General of IINSERM in
My research was progressing at the same time as new information on the critical roles of cysteine in the manufacture of some DNA materials became available and published. It became completely clear and obvious to me that AIDS was a metabolic disorder, and the DNA/RNA fragments classified as the different viruses of AIDS were themselves a product of cysteine shortage in the body.
With infinitely more detail than has been presented in this section, my most recent article, 'AIDS: The Dead-End of Virus Etiology' was published in the 1991 issue of SMS and distributed to many other scientists engaged in this field of research.
It is a moral obligation of any dedicated scientist to share his or her new information with others engaged in the research of a common topic, even before the subject is presented in scientific journals. It is also a moral obligation of those who receive the information to give credit to the person who has generated and shared the information.
A news headline in Le Monde of 9 August 1991 reflected a heated fight
between Bruno Durieux, the Minister of Health of France and Professor Albert
German, President of the National Academy of Pharmacy of
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