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The works of Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827)


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The works of Ludwig van Beethoven
(1770 - 1827)

Catalogue of Works Without Opus Number

Beethoven's Works Without Opus Number (designated WoO from the German) were first compiled by Kinsky in 1955. In parallel with this, Hess was compiling a list of Beethoven's works not included in the Complete Edition of 1888. Many of these were subsequently given WoO numbers but those that remain are given Hess numbers. Finally, in an Appendix to Kinsky's work he listed works regarded as possibly not by Beethoven. Thus which are now confirmed to be by him are given AnH (Anhang = Appendix) numbers. The list below is not complete.

I may expand this at a later date to give a more complete description of the pieces. My main source for these works is 'Cooper (ed A Beethoven Compendium'.

Last updated May 27, 1997.

Catalogue of Major Works
Return to the Beethoven Home Page

WoO 1 : Ritterballett

WoO 2 : March and Entr'acte for Tarpeja

WoO 3 : Gratulations-Menuett

WoO 4 : Piano Concerto in E flat major

WoO 5 : Violin Concerto in C major

WoO 6 : Rondo in B flat major for piano and orchestra

WoO 7 : Twelve Minuets

WoO 8 : Twelve German Dances

WoO 9 : Six Minuets

WoO 10 : Six Minuets

WoO 11 : Twelve Laendler

WoO 12 : Twelve Minuets

WoO 13 : Twelve German Dances

WoO 14 : Twelve Contredanses

WoO 15 : Six Laendler

WoO 16 : Twelve Ecossaises

WoO 17 : Eleven Moedling Dances

WoO 18 : March for Military Band

WoO 19 : March for Military Band

WoO 20 : March for Military Band

WoO 21 : Polonaise for Military Band

WoO 22 : Ecossaise for Military Band

WoO 23 : Ecossaise for Military Band

WoO 24 : March for Military Band

WoO 25 : Rondo for wind (2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons) in E flat major

WoO 26 : Duo for two flutes

WoO 27 : Three Duos for clarinet and bassoon (no 1 in C major)

WoO 28 : Variations for two oboes and cor anglais on 'La ci darem'

WoO 29 : March for wind (2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 horns) in B flat major

WoO 30 : Three Equali for four trombones

WoO 31 : Fugue for organ

WoO 32 : Duo for viola and cello

WoO 33 : Five pieces for mechanical clock

WoO 34 : Duet for two violins

WoO 35 : Canon for two violins

WoO 36 : Three quartets for piano and strings

WoO 37 : Trio for piano, flute and bassoon

WoO 38 : Piano trio in E flat major

WoO 39 : Piano trio in B flat major

WoO 40 : Variations for piano and violin on 'Se vuol ballare'

WoO 41 : Rondo in G major for piano and violin

WoO 42 : Six German Dances

WoO 43 : Two pieces for mandolin and piano

WoO 44 : Two pieces for mandolin and piano

WoO 45 : Variations for piano and cello on 'See the conqu'ring hero comes'

WoO 46 : Variations for piano and cello on 'Bei Maennern'

WoO 47 : Three Piano Sonatas

WoO 48 : Rondo for piano

WoO 49 : Rondo for piano

WoO 50 : Piano sonatina in F major

WoO 51 : Piano sonata in C major

WoO 52 : Bagatelle for piano in C minor

WoO 53 : Allegretto for piano in C minor

WoO 54 : Lustig-Traurig for piano

WoO 55 : Prelude in F minor for piano

WoO 56 : Bagatelle for piano in C major

WoO 57 : Andante favori for piano

WoO 58 : Two cadenzas for Mozart's piano concerto K 466

WoO 59 : Fuer Elise for piano

WoO 60 : Piano piece

WoO 61 : Piano piece

WoO 62 : Unfinished string quintet in C major

WoO 63 : Variations for piano

WoO 64 : Variations for piano

WoO 65 : Variations for piano

WoO 66 : Variations for piano

WoO 67 : Variations for piano duet

WoO 68 : Variations for piano

WoO 69 : Variations for piano

WoO 70 : Variations for piano

WoO 71 : Variations for piano

WoO 72 : Variations for piano

WoO 73 : Variations for piano

WoO 74 : Song 'Ich denke dein' with variations for piano duet

WoO 75 : Variations for piano

WoO 76 : Variations for piano

WoO 77 : Variations for piano

WoO 78 : Variations for piano

WoO 79 : Variations for piano

WoO 80 : 32 Variations for piano in C minor

WoO 81 : Allemande for piano in A major

WoO 82 : Minuet for piano in E flat major

WoO 83 : Six Ecossaises for piano

WoO 84 : Waltz for piano

WoO 85 : Waltz for piano

WoO 86 : Ecossaise for piano in E flat major

WoO 87 : Cantata on the death of Joseph II

WoO 88 : Cantata on the accession of Leopold II

WoO 89 : Aria 'Pruefung des Kuessens'

WoO 90 : Aria 'Mit Maedeln sich vertragen'

WoO 91 : Two arias for 'Die schoene Schusterin'

WoO 92 : Aria 'Primo Amore'

WoO 92a: Aria 'No, non turbati'

WoO 93 : Duet 'Nei giorni tuoi felice'

WoO 94 : 'Germania', finale for 'Die gute Nachricht'

WoO 95 : 'Chor auf die verbuendeten Fuersten'

WoO 96 : Incidental music for 'Leonore Prohaska'

WoO 97 : 'Es ist vollbracht' finale for 'Die Ehrenpforten'

WoO 98 : 'Wo sich die Pulse', chorus for 'Die Weihe des Hauses'

WoO 99 : Italian Partsongs

WoO 100 : 'Lob auf den Dicken'

WoO 101 : 'Graf, Graf, liebster Graf'

WoO 102 : 'Abschiedsgesang'

WoO 103 : Cantata 'Un lieto Brindisi'

WoO 104 : 'Gesang der Moenche'

WoO 105 : 'Hochzeitslied'

WoO 106 : Birthday Cantata for Prince Lobkowitz

WoO 107-130 : Twenty-four songs

WoO 131 : Unfinshed song 'Erlkoenig'

WoO 132 : Song

WoO 133 : Song

WoO 134 : Song 'Sehnsucht' in four settings

WoO 135-151 : Seventeen Songs

WoO 152-158 : 143 Folksong Settings

WoO 159-198 : Forty-three Canons

WoO 199 : Ich bin der Herr von zu

WoO 200 : 'O Hoffnung'

WoO 201 : 'Ich bin bereit'

WoO 202 : 'Das Schoene zu dem Guten'

WoO 203 : 'Das Schoene zu dem Guten'

WoO 204 : 'Holz, Holz'

WoO 205 : Musical quips from Beethoven's letters

Hess 12 : Oboe Concerto in F (fragment only)

Hess 13 : Romance in E minor for 3 soloists and orchestra

Hess 15 : Piano Concerto No. 6 (unfinished)

Hess 19 : Wind quintet in E flat major

Hess 28 : Movement in A flat major for string trio

Hess 29 : Prelude and Fugue for Strong Quartet

Hess 30 : Prelude and Fugue for Strong Quartet

Hess 31 : Prelude and Fugue for Strong Quartet

Hess 33 : Minuet for string quartet

Hess 34 : String Quartet arrangement of Opus 14 No. 1

Hess 36 : Handel Fugue arranged for String Quartet

Hess 38 : Bach Fugue arranged for String Quartet

Hess 39 : String Quintet in F major (lost)

Hess 40 : Movement in D minor for String Quintet

Hess 46 : Violin Sonata in A major

Hess 48 : Allegretto in E flat major for piano trio

Hess 64 : Fugue for keyboard

Hess 65 : Concerto excerpt (arrangement of Opus 37)

Hess 69 : Bagatelle in C minor for piano

Hess 87 : March for piano (arrangement of WoO 29)

Hess 88 : Minuet for piano (arrangement of Hess 33)

Hess 89 : Ritterballett (piano arrangement of WoO 1)

Hess 90 : The Creatures of Prometheus (piano arrangement of Opus 43)

Hess 91 : Opferlied (piano arrangement of Opus 121b)

Hess 92 : Bundeslied (piano arrangement of Opus 122)

Hess 93 : `Freudvoll', piano accompaniment for Opus 84

Hess 97 : Wellington's Victory (piano arrangement of Opus 91)

Hess 99 : March for piano (arrangement of WoO 18)

Hess 107 : Grenadier's March

Hess 108 : Wellington's Victory (panharmonicon arrangement of Opus 91)

Hess 115 : Vestas Feuer (unfinished Opera)

Hess 118 : Music for the Consecration of the House (from Opus 113)

Hess 133 : Folksong

Hess 134 : Folksong

Hess 137 : Song `Ich wiege dich' (lost)

Hess 139 : Song `Minnesold' (lost)

Hess 143 : Song `An die Freude' (lost)

Hess 152-207 : Folksong settings

Hess 208-232 : Italian partsongs

Hess 233-246 : Counterpoint exercises

Hess 274-277 : Four Canons

Hess 297 : Adagio for three horns

Hess 300-301 : Two Canons

AnH 3 : Piano Trio in D major

AnH 4 : Flute Sonata in B flat major

AnH 5 : Two Piano Sonatinas

AnH 6 : Rondo in B flat major for piano

Page owned by Simon Johnston and last modified March 1997
Modifications, additions or corrections welcome! Email me at

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