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Vangelis is a
famous Greek composer and keyboardist. He composes and performs mainly
instrumental music and filmscores. His music is often categorized under terms
like 'synthesizer', 'sympho' and 'new age'.
was born as 'Evangelos Odyssey Papathanassiou' at march 29th 1943 in
In 1970 the group broke up and Vangelis started a solo career.
It seems to be
mainly keyboards in all forms (Pianos, synthesizers, organs, etc.), but he is
also skilled at the drums and has played flutes, vibes, tablas, tubular bells,
timpanies, cymbals and gongs in the past.
In most cases the synthesizer forms the
basis of his work.
Putting out records mostly. Sometimes composing music for films, plays, etc. He rarely performs in public and hardly gives interviews.
Probably. His music has been used for many purposes. What you perhaps heard differs a lot per country. I'll list a few possibilities:
avoids public appearances. He rarely gives interviews and concentrates on
making music.
It is disputed if he is presently
married. There is an old interview (Backstage 1982, Belgian musicians magazine)
that claims he was once married to Vana Veroutis, a Greek female vocaliste who
performed on Vangelis' albums 'Heaven and Hell' and 'La Fete
Sauvage'. Vangelis remarks in the interview he doesn't even know were she
is at that moment. On
the other hand, Mark Griffin's book 'The Unknown Man' makes no notice
of this at all, but mentiones instead that Vangelis lived with Veronique
Skawinska, who's responsible for most photographs used in the artwork of many
of Vangelis his albums from the late seventies and early eighties. It's perhaps
best to avoid this subject at all, since Vangelis is a private person, and it
serves no purpose to gossip about these matters.
He has a brother called 'Nico', who is also in the music business,
but functions mainly as producer. The two worked together on an album by the
Italian band 'Chrisma', recorded in Vangelis' Nemo studio in
Vangelis' last known studio was the 'Epsilon Laboratory' in
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