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Dr. C. George Boeree
Carl Rogers was born January 8, 1902 in
When Carl was 12, his family moved to a farm about 30 miles west of
He went on the the study for the ministry. During this
time, he was selected as one of ten students to go to
After graduation, he married Helen Elliot (against his parents wishes),
moved to
Religions loss was, of course, psychologys gain:
He was offered a full professorship at
In 1957, he returned to teach at his alma mater, the
Rogers theory is a clinical one, based on years of experience dealing with his clients. He has this in common with Freud, for example. Also in common with Freud is that his is a particularly rich and mature theory -- well thought-out and logically tight, with broad application.
Not in common with Freud, however, is the fact that
Also not in common with Freud is that
Keep in mind that, unlike Maslows use of the term,
He also applied the idea to ecosystems, saying that an ecosystem such as a forest, with all its complexity, has a much greater actualization potential than a simple ecosystem such as a corn field. If one bug were to become extinct in a forest, there are likely to be other creatures that will adapt to fill the gap; On the other hand, one bout of corn blight or some such disaster, and you have a dust bowl. The same for us as individuals: If we live as we should, we will become increasingly complex, like the forest, and thereby remain flexible in the face of lifes little -- and big -- disasters.
People, however, in the course of actualizing their potentials, created society and culture. In and of itself, thats not a problem: We are a social creature, it is our nature. But when we created culture, it developed a life of its own. Rather than remaining close to other aspects of our natures, culture can become a force in its own right. And even if, in the long run, a culture that interferes with our actualization dies out, we, in all likelihood, will die with it.
Dont misunderstand: Culture and society are not intrinsically evil! Its more along the lines of the birds of paradise found in Papua-New Guinea. The colorful and dramatic plumage of the males apparently distract predators from females and the young. Natural selection has lead these birds towards more and more elaborate tail feathers, until in some species the male can no longer get off the ground. At that point, being colorful doesnt do the male -- or the species -- much good! In the same way, our elaborate societies, complex cultures, incredible technologies, for all that they have helped us to survive and prosper, may at the same time serve to harm us, and possibly even destroy us.
Among the many things that we instinctively value is positive regard,
Another thing -- perhaps peculiarly human -- that we value is positive self-regard, that is, self-esteem, self-worth, a positive self-image. We achieve this positive self-regard by experiencing the positive regard others show us over our years of growing up. Without this self-regard, we feel small and helpless, and again we fail to become all that we can be!
Like Maslow,
Our society also leads us astray with conditions of worth. As we grow up, our parents, teachers, peers, the media, and others, only give us what we need when we show we are worthy, rather than just because we need it. We get a drink when we finish our class, we get something sweet when we finish our vegetables, and most importantly, we get love and affection if and only if we behave!
Getting positive regard on on condition
Over time, this conditioning leads us to have conditional positive self-regard as well. We begin to like ourselves only if we meet up with the standards others have applied to us, rather than if we are truly actualizing our potentials. And since these standards were created without keeping each individual in mind, more often than not we find ourselves unable to meet them, and therefore unable to maintain any sense of self-esteem.
The aspect of your being that is founded in the actualizing tendency,
follows organismic valuing, needs and receives positive regard and self-regard,
On the other hand, to the extent that our society is out of synch with the
actualizing tendency, and we are forced to live with conditions of worth that
are out of step with organismic valuing, and receive only conditional positive
regard and self-regard, we develop instead an ideal self. By
This gap between the real self and the ideal self, the I am and the I
should is called incongruity. The greater the gap, the more
incongruity. The more incongruity, the more suffering. In fact,
incongruity is essentially what
When you are in a situation where there is an incongruity between your image of yourself and your immediate experience of yourself (i.e. between the ideal and the real self), you are in a threatening situation. For example, if you have been taught to feel unworthy if you do not get A's on all your tests, and yet you aren't really all that great a student, then situations such as tests are going to bring that incongruity to light -- tests will be very threatening.
When you are expecting a threatening situation, you will feel anxiety. Anxiety is a signal indicating that there is trouble ahead, that you should avoid the situation! One way to avoid the situation, of course, is to pick yourself up and run for the hills. Since that is not usually an option in life, instead of running physically, we run psychologically, by using defenses.
Denial means very much what it does in Freud's system: You
block out the threatening situation altogether. An example might be the
person who never picks up his test or asks about test results, so he doesn't
have to face poor grades (at least for now!). Denial for
Perceptual distortion is a matter of reinterpreting the situation so that it appears less threatening. It is very similar to Freud's rationalization. A student that is threatened by tests and grades may, for example, blame the professor for poor teaching, trick questions, bad attitude, or whatever. The fact that sometimes professors are poor teachers, write trick questions, and have bad attitudes only makes the distortion work better: If it could be true, then maybe it really was true! It can also be much more obviously perceptual, such as when the person misreads his grade as better than it is.
Unfortunately for the poor neurotic (and, in fact, most of us), every time he or she uses a defense, they put a greater distance between the real and the ideal. They become ever more incongruous, and find themselves in more and more threatening situations, develop greater and greater levels of anxiety, and use more and more defenses. It becomes a vicious cycle that the person eventually is unable to get out of, at least on their own.
The fully-functioning person
1. Openness to experience. This is the opposite of defensiveness. It is the accurate perception of one's experiences in the world, including one's feelings. It also means being able to accept reality, again including one's feelings. Feelings are such an important part of openness because they convey organismic valuing. If you cannot be open to your feelings, you cannot be open to acualization. The hard part, of course, is distinguishing real feelings from the anxieties brought on by conditions of worth.
2. Existential living. This is living in the
3. Organismic trusting. We should allow ourselves to be
guided by the organismic valuing process. We should trust ourselves, do
what feels right, what comes natural. This, as I'm sure you realize, has
become a major sticking point in
4. Experiential freedom.
5. Creativity. If you feel free and responsible, you will
act accordingly, and participate in the world. A fully-functioning person,
in touch with acualization, will feel obliged by their nature to contribute to
the actualization of others, even life itself. This can be through
creativity in the arts or sciences, through social concern and parental love,
or simply by doing one's best at one's job. Creativity as
Carl Rogers is best known for his contributions to therapy. His therapy has gone through a couple of name changes along the way: He originally called it non-directive, because he felt that the therapist should not lead the client, but rather be there for the client while the client directs the progress of the therapy. As he became more experienced, he realized that, as 'non-directive' as he was, he still influenced his client by his very 'non-directiveness!' In other words, clients look to therapists for guidance, and will find it even when the therapist is trying not to guide.
So he changed the name to client-centered. He still felt that the client was the one who should say what is wrong, find ways of improving, and determine the conclusion of therapy -- his therapy was still very 'client-centered' even while he acknowledged the impact of the therapist. Unfortunately, other therapists felt that this name for his therapy was a bit of a slap in the face for them: Aren't most therapies 'client-centered?'
Nowadays, though the terms non-directive and client-centered are still used,
most people just call it Rogerian therapy. One of the phrases that
It's the same in therapy. If independence (autonomy, freedom with responsibility) is what you are helping a client to achieve, then they will not achieve it if they remain dependent on you, the therapist. They need to try their insights on their own, in real life beyond the therapist's office! An authoritarian approach to therapy may seem to work marvelously at first, but ultimately it only creates a dependent person.
There is only one technique that Rogerians are known for: reflection. Reflection is the mirroring of emotional communication: If the client says 'I feel like shit!' the therapist may reflect this back to the client by saying something like 'So, life's getting you down, hey?' By doing this, the therapist is communicating to the client that he is indeed listening and cares enough to understand.
The therapist is also letting the client know what it is the client is communicating. Often, people in distress say things that they don't mean because it feels good to say them. For example, a woman once came to me and said 'I hate men!' I reflected by saying 'You hate all men?' Well, she said, maybe not all -- she didn't hate her father or her brother or, for that matter, me. Even with those men she 'hated,' she discovered that the great majority of them she didn't feel as strongly as the word hate implies. In fact, ultimately, she realized that she didn't trust many men, and that she was afraid of being hurt by them the way she had been by one particular man.
Reflection must be used carefully, however. Many beginning therapists use it without thinking (or feeling), and just repeat every other phrase that comes out of the client's mouth. They sound like parrots with psychology degrees! Then they think that the client doesn't notice, when in fact it has become a stereotype of Rogerian therapy the same way as sex and mom have become stereotypes of Freudian therapy. Reflection must come from the heart -- it must be genuine, congruent.
Which brings us to
1. Congruence -- genuineness, honesty with the client.
2. Empathy -- the ability to feel what the client feels.
3. Respect -- acceptance, unconditional positive regard towards
the client.
He says these qualities are 'necessary and sufficient:'
If the therapist shows these three qualities, the client will improve, even if
no other special 'techniques' are used. If the therapist does
not show these three qualities, the client's improvement will be minimal, no
matter how many 'techniques' are used. Now this is a lot to ask
of a therapist! They're just human, and often enough a bit more
'human' (let's say unusual) than most.
I happen to agree with
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