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Monetary policy in the EU
1. Role and provisions of the European Monetary System
The European Monetary System is being considered as a first attempt at Economic and Monetary Union, but it is really more like a mechanism devised for creating a zone of monetary stability. The idea was floated by German Chancellor, Helmut Schmidt and French President, Valery Giscard dEstating. The Council had adopted the idea, in the form of a resolution on the establishment of the European Monetary System (EMS) and related matters. The objectives were of stabilizing exchange rates, reducing inflation, and preparing for monetary integration.
provisions of the
In terms of exchange rate management, the
2. An initial supply of ECUs (for use among Community central banks) will be created against deposits of US dollars and gold on the one hand, and member currencies on the other hand. The use of ECUs created against Member States currencies will be subject to conditions varying with the amount and the maturity.
3. Participating countries will coordinate their exchange rates policies vis-à-vis third countries. Ways to coordinate dollar interventions should be sought of, avoiding simultaneous reserve interventions. Central banks buying dollars will deposit a fraction and receive ECUs in return; likewise, central banks selling dollars will receive a fraction against ECUs.
4. No later than 2 years after the start of the scheme, the existing arrangements and instructions will be consolidated in a European Monetary Fund.
5. A system of closer monetary cooperation will only be successful if participating countries pursue policies conductive to greater stability at home and abroad; this applies to deficit and surplus countries alike.
essence, the
2. The Delors Report
1987 the
committee was of the opinion that the creation of the EMU must be seen as a
single process, but in stages, progressively leading to the ultimate goal. Thus
the decision to enter upon the first stage should commit a
to the Report, the first stage should be concerned with the initiation of the
process of creating the EMU. During this stage there would be a greater
convergence of economic performance through the strengthening of economic and
monetary policy consideration within the existing institutional framework. In
the monetary field the emphasis would be on the removal of all obstacles to
financial integration and of the intensification of cooperation and
coordination of monetary policies. Realignment of exchange rates was seen to be
possible, but effort would be made by every
In the second stage, which would commence only when the Treaty has been amended, the basic organs and structure of the EMU would be set up. This stage should be seen as a transition period leading to the final stage; it should constitute a training process leading to collective decision-making, but the ultimate responsibility for policy decisions would remain with national authorities during this stage. The procedure established during the first stage would be further strengthened and extended on the basis of the amended Treaty, and policy guidelines would be adopted on a majority basis.
In the monetary field, the most significant feature of this stage would be the establishment of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) to absorb the previous institutional monetary arrangements. The ESCB would start the transition with a first stage in which the coordination of independent monetary policies would be carried out by the Committee of Central Bank Governors. It was envisaged that the formulation and implementation of a common monetary policy would take place in the final stage; during this stage exchange rates realignments would not be allowed barring exceptional circumstances.
The final stage would begin with the irrevocable fixing of Member States exchange rates and the attribution to the EC institutions of the full monetary and economic consequences. It is envisaged that during this stage the national currencies would eventually be replaced by a single EC currency. In the economic field, the transition to this stage is seen to be marked by three developments: EC structural and regional policies may have to be further strengthened ; EC macroeconomic and budgetary rules and procedures would have to become binding; and the EC role in the process of international policy cooperation would have to become fuller and more positive.
In the monetary field, the irrevocable fixing of exchange rates would come into effect and the transition to a single monetary policy and a single currency would be made. The ESCB would assume full responsibility, especially in four specific areas:
1. The formulation and implementation of monetary policy.
2. Exchange-market intervention in third currencies.
3. The pooling and management of all foreign exchange reserves.
4. Technical and regulatory preparations necessary for the transition to a single EC currency.
Report was the main item for discussion in the EC summit in
3. The Maastricht Treaty
three stage timetable for EMU did start on 1 July 1990 with the launching of
the first phase of intensified economic cooperation during which all Member
States were to submit their currencies to the
second stage is clarified in the Maastricht Treaty. It was to start in 1994.
During this stage the EU was to create the European Monetary Institute (EMI) to
prepare the way for a European Central Bank (ECB) which would start operating
on 1 January 1997. Although this was upset by the 1992 turmoil in the EMS, the compromised
reached in
A single currency, to be managed by an independent ECB, was to be introduced as early as 1997, if seven of the then 12 nations passed the strict economic criteria required for its successful operation, and in 1999 at the very latest. These conditions are as follows:
1. Price stability. Membership required a price performance that is sustainable and an average rate of inflation, observed over a period of one year before the examination, that does not exceed by more than 1.5 percentage points that of, at most, the three best performing EC member countries. Inflation shall be measured by means of the consumer price index on a comparable basis, taking into account differences in national definitions.
Interest rates. Membership required
that: observed over a period of one year before the examination, a
3. Budget deficits. Membership required that a member country has achieved a government budgetary position without a deficit that is excessive . However, what is to be considered excessive is determined in Article 104c(6) which simply states that the Council shall decide after an overall assessment whether an excessive deficit exists. The Protocol sets the criterion for an excessive deficit as being 3% of GDP. However, there are provisions if either the ratio has declined substantially and continuously and reached a level that comes closer to the reference value; orthe excess over the reference value is only exceptional and temporary and the ratio remained close to the reference value.
4. Public debt. The ratio of government debt should not exceed 60% of GDP. But again there is an important provision unless the ratio is sufficiently diminishing and approaching the reference value at a satisfactory pace. Whether such an excessive deficit exists is open to interpretation and is decided by the Council under qualified majority. In helping the Council decide, the Commission is to look at the medium term and quite explicitly can have the opinion that there is an excessive deficit if there is risk, notwithstanding the fulfilment of the requirements under the criteria.
Currency stability. Membership
required that a member country has respected the normal fluctuation margin
provided for by the exchange-rate mechanism of the
The important requirements for a stable system are that no member should be able to run their economy in a way that increases the costs for the others. Provided that the minimum standard set is high enough, then the euro area as a whole will get the finest credit ratings/lowest interest costs.
timing of these convergence tests has been crucial. If they had occurred in
1992, only
data on which the decision on 2 May 1998 was based was deemed, in the opinion
of the EU Commission, to indicate that 11 nations had passed the test. Of the
remaining four, three (
Table 1.1: EU Member States performance to the convergence criteria.
Inflation |
Government budgetary position |
Exchange rates |
Long term interest rates d |
Existence of an excessive deficitb |
Deficit (%of GDP)c |
Debt ( per cent of GDP ) |
ERM participation | |||||
January 1998 |
Change from previous year |
March 1998 |
January 1998 |
Reference value |
2.7 e |
7.8f |
Yesg * |
Yes | |||||||
Yes * |
Yes | |||||||
No |
Yes | |||||||
No |
Yes** | |||||||
Yes * |
Yes | |||||||
Yes * |
Yes | |||||||
Yes |
Yesh |
9.8i |
No |
Yes | |||||||
Yes * |
Yesj | |||||||
No |
Yes | |||||||
No |
Yes | |||||||
Yes * |
Yes | |||||||
Yes * |
Yes | |||||||
Yes * |
No | |||||||
Yes * |
No | |||||||
EU(15) |
Source: Eijffinger& de Haan (2000)
Member States had government deficits of 3% on GDP or less in 1997;
4. Main elements orf Economic and Monetary Union
Economic and Monetary Union has four broad ingredients: the euro and the single European monetary policy; the coordination of European macroeconomic policies through the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP); the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines (BEPG) and related processes; the completion of the internal market; and the operation of the structural funds and other cohesion measures.
Although the euro did not come into existence until 1 January 1999 and then only in financial markets, most of the characteristics of Stage 3 of EMU were operating once the European Central Bank (ECB) opened in June 1998. The ECB in the form of the European Monetary Institute (EMI) had been preparing for that day since 1994 with all of the EU national central banks (NCBs). The form of the coming single monetary policy was known already by 1998, both in framework and instruments. The generalized framework was incorporated in the Amsterdam Treaty.
The European Central Bank
The European Central Bank was established in June 1998,is located in Frannkurt and is given total independence to carry out its mandate.
The ECB and the 12 central banks of the euro adopting nations are known as the Eurosystem, which distinguishes them form the European System of Central Banks (ESCB) since the latter includes the central banks of all the 25 EU nations. The ECBs primary task is to ensure price stability in the euro area; price stability has been defined to be an annual increase in the consumer price index of less than 2%. To achieve this, a so-called two-pillar strategy is followed:
i) setting a target for the growth of money supply, defined in the broadest sense;
ii) assessing future price trends and risks to price stability by examining trends in wages, exchange rates, long-term interest rates.
It is also responsible for collecting all necessary statistical information, from both the national authorities and economic agents, and for following developments in the banking and financial sectors and promoting the exchange of information between the ESCB and banking authorities. The ECB defines and implements monetary policy of the euro area; holds and manages the foreign exchange reserves of the euro area and conducts foreign exchange operations; issues euro notes and coins; and promotes the smooth operation of the payment systems.
The head of the ECB is its Executive Board, which is responsible for the daily running of the bank, implementation of its monetary policy and transmitting the necessary instructions to the national central bank. It comprises the President, Vice-President and four other members, all six being appointed on the agreement of the nations in the euro area. All six hold non-renewable eight-years terms. They are appointed by common accord of the governments of the member states at the level of the Heads of State or Government, on a recommendation from the EU Council, after it has consulted the European Parliament and the Governing Council of the ECB. The main responsibilities of the Executive Board are:
i) prepare Governing Council meetings;
ii) implement monetary policy for the euro area in accordance with the guidelines specified and decisions taken by the Governing Council. It gives the necessary instructions to the euro area NCBs;
iii) manage the day to day business of the ECB;
iv) exercise certain powers delegated to it by the Governing Council.
The top decision making body of the ECB is the Governing Council, which comprises the six members of the executive board and the 12 governors of the euro area central banks. The president of the ECB acts as its chairperson. Its main responsibilities are:
i) adopt the guidelines and take decisions to ensure the performance of the tasks entrusted to the Eurosystem;
ii) formulate the monetary policy in the Euro area, including, as appropriate, decisions related to immediate monetary objectives, key interest rates and the supply of reserves in the Eurosystem;
iii) establish the necessary guidelines for their implementation.
Governing Council meets twice a month at the Eurotower in
There is also the General Council, consisting of the President and Vice-President of the ECB as well as the governors of the national central banks of all EU nations- 29 members .It carries out the tasks taken over from the European Monetary Institute which the ECB is required to perform in Stage Three of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) on account of the fact that not all EU Member States have adopted the euro yet. The General Council also contributes to:
i) the ECBs advisory functions;
ii) collection of statistical information;
iii) preparation of the ECB's annual reports;
iv) establishment of the necessary rules for standardising the accounting and reporting of operations undertaken by the national central banks;
v) taking of measures relating to the establishment of the key for the ECB's capital subscription other than those already laid down in the Treaty;
vi) laying-down of the conditions of employment of the members of staff of the ECB;
vii) the necessary preparations for irrevocably fixing the exchange rates of the currencies of the Member States with a derogation against the euro. In accordance with the Statute, the General Council will be dissolved once all EU Member States have introduced the single currency.
The ECBs capital amounts to EUR 5.5 billion. The NCBs are the sole subscribers and holders of the capital of the ECB. The subscription of the capital is based on the basis of the EU Member States respective shares in the GDP and population of the Community. The fully paid-up subscriptions of euro area national central banks (NCBs) to the capital of the ECB amount to a total of 3.9bn euro. The EU non-euro area NCBs are required to contribute to the operational costs incurred by the ECB in relation to their participation in the European System of Central Banks by paying up a minimal percentage of their subscribed capital. From May 2004 these contributions represent 7% of their subscribed capital, amounting to a total of EUR 111,050,987.95 .
The euro area and the NCBs pay up their respective subscriptions to the ECB capital in full. The NCBs of the non-participating countries pay up 5% of their respective subscriptions to the ECBs capital, as contribution to the operational costs of the ECB. In addition, the NCBs of the Member States participating in the euro area provide the ECB with foreign reserve assets of up to an amount equivalent to around EUR 40 billion. The contributions of each NCB are fixed in proportion to their share in the ECBs subscribed capital, while in return each NCB is credited by the ECB with a claim in euro equivalent to its contribution. The non-euro area NCBs are not entitled to receive any share of the distributable profits of the ECB, nor are they liable to fund any losses of the ECB.
It should be stressed that the Eurosystem is independent. When performing Eurosystem-related tasks, neither the ECB, nor any member of their decision making bodies may seek to take instructions from any external body. The Community institutions and bodies and the governments of the Member States may not seek to influence the members of the decision-making bodies of the ECB or of the NCBs in the performance of their tasks. Both the Eurosystem and the ESCB are not legal persons. According to the international public law, ECB is the core of the complex structure of the Eurosystem.
The pursuit of monetary policy by the Eurosystem runs into a number of difficulties. In the Governing Council of the ECB, the Executive Board (6 persons) is a minority compared to the now 12 governors of the national central banks. The present ECB design could induce the Council to yield too much to the national interests of the governors. It will probably take quite a while before it is possible to shift to a majority of Council members appointed explicitly for the system as a whole. The problem is that, over the next 10-15 years, the imbalance can only grow worse, once candidate countries and perhaps todays outs join the euro.
There is also a fundamental problem in the Eurosystem of one size fits all and there has been a debate on the technical virtues of inflation-targeting versus monetary targeting.
5. The Eurosystem
The institutional system behind the single monetary policy is quite complex, because it has to deal with the fact that some EU members are not participants in Stage 3 of EMU (yet). The Treaty sets up the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), the ECB and the participating NCBs form the Eurosystem, which is what is running the monetary side of the euro area. The term Eurosystem has only been coined by its members, in order to make the set up clearer.
The Eurosystem is relatively decentralized.
It operates through a network of committees, where each national central bank
and the ECB have a member. The ECB normally provides the chairman and the
secretariat. The Governing Council takes the decisions but the Executive Board
coordinates the work of the committees and prepares the agenda for the
Governing Council. The Eurosystem also has a Monetary Policy Committee, but
unlike the
The Eurosystem bank has a high degree of independence from political influence in exercising its responsibility. Not only is the taking or seeking of such advice explicitly prohibited, but the Governing Council members are protected in a number of ways in order to shield them from interest group pressures:
-They have long terms of office, eight years in the case of the Executive Board (and not renewable), so that they are less likely to have any regard for their prospects for their next possible job while setting the monetary policy;
-The proceedings are secret, so the people cannot find out how they voted. Each member is supposed to act purely in a personal capacity and solely with the aims of price stability at the euro area level in mind, and without regard to national interests. No system can ensure this, but a well-designed one increases the chance of this happening substantially. More importantly, it can reduce any belief that the members will act with national or other interest in mind.
-The Eurosystem is explicitly prohibiting from monetizing government deficits.
The point of trying to achieve this
independence is simply credibility- try to maximize the belief that the Eurosystem will actually do just
what it has been asked to- namely maintaining price stability. This credibility
comes from other sources than independence. The structure of the Governing
Council is strongly reminiscent of that of the Bundesbank. The Bundesbank was
highly successful in maintaining low inflation. By having a similar structure
(probably assisted by the
The Eurosystem has a simple single objective of price stability. But for monetary policy to be credible, it is necessary that the objective should be clear enough for people to act on and that the central banks behaviour should be both observable and understandable. Here the ECB had to define the objective, since the Amsterdam Treatys concept of price stability is far too vague to be workable. They opted for inflation over the medium term of less than 2%. The inflation they were talking about, was defined as that in the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices. After a swift clarification that this meant zero inflation was the lower bound, the specification was widely criticized for being too inexact. Not only is the length of the medium term not spelt out, but it is not clear how much and for how long prices can deviate from the target. Nor is there indication of how fast inflation should be brought back to the target after a shock hits.
This means that a wide range of policy settings would be consistent with such a generalized target. Policy is thus not very predictable something the Governing Council has sought to offset by trying to give clear signals about interest rate changes. The inevitably diffused structure of decision making with 18 independent decision makers means that the Eurosystem cannot offer a single and closely argued explanation of how it regards the working of the economy.
Thus far, policy has been fairly successful, but since mid-2000, inflation has been stubbornly above 2%. Although it has been possible to blame the rapid rise in oil prices and some other shocks, the deviation is getting to the stage where it could have an effect on expectations. Until now, price inflation expectations have remained a little below 2%.
6. The Stability and Growth Pact and Excessive Deficit Procedure
To support the likely success of the Euro in case of the fiscal criteria,
the Stability Pact was agreed at the Dublin Council of December 1996 and
confirmed in
The reference value of a 3% deficit would constitute an absolute ceiling, except if the country concerned experiences a fall in GDP of over 2%.
If a country is found (during the semi-annual evaluation performed by the Commission) to have a deficit in excess of 3% of GDP, it would have to make a non-interest-bearing deposit equivalent to 0.2% of GDP plus 0.1% for each point of the excess deficit. The variable part applies only for deficits up to 6% of GDP; the total is thus capped at 0.5% of GDP.
The deposit will be returned as soon as the deficit goes below 3%; if the excess deficit persists for over two years, the deposit becomes a fine.
This pact should help to prevent from substantial excessive deficits in a single country of the EMU and it is also supported by the second principle of the ECB, the political independence. The latter is seen as a necessary condition to ensure that printing money will not finance the budget deficits. The Stability Pact should help to keep fiscal discipline in the countries of the EMU in order to fulfill the target of the narrow fiscal convergence criteria every year.
time to time, the SGP has come under pressure, the greatest pressure not
surprisingly coming in 2002 and 2003 when EU economy was not performing well.
Various proposals have been put forward for reforming the SGP and indeed the Commission has itself advanced proposals. EU finance ministers reached a hard won deal on reforms to the Stability and Growth Pact at an extraordinary meeting in advance of the EU summit of heads of state and government on 22 and 23 March 2005.
essence, big countries such as
Trigger for an excessive deficit procedure: No excessive deficit procedure will be launched against a member state experiencing negative growth or a prolonged period of low growth. Previously, the exception was for countries in a recession defined as 2% negative growth, something which has been virtually unheard of among EU members.
Relevant factors letting a country off an EDP: Member states recording a temporary deficit or one close to the 3% reference value will be able to refer to a series of relevant factors to avoid an EDP. Factors will include potential growth, the economic cycle, structural reforms, policies supporting R&D plus medium-term budgetary efforts. Rather than referring to an exhaustive list of relevant factors as had been mooted at one stage, the deal sets out chapter headings. These will take the form of general principles whose application will be thrashed out between member states and EU institutions.
will be given where countries spend on efforts to 'foster
international solidarity and to achieving European policy goals, notably the
reunification of
The first
part of this phrase will go some way to pleasing
The Council and Commission have recognized the importance of pension reforms in an ageing society by agreeing to give 'due consideration' to the implementation of these reforms in their budgetary assessments relating to the excessive deficit procedure. They note that carrying out such reforms leads to a short-term worsening of public deficits but a long-term improvement in the sustainability (public debt) of public finances.
Extension of deadlines in connection with excessive deficit procedures: Countries will have two years (previously one) to correct an excessive deficit. This may be extended in cases of 'unexpected and adverse economic events with major unfavorable budgetary effects occurring during the procedure'. To benefit from these, countries must show proof that they have adopted the correction measures that were recommended to them. Member states have committed to using unexpected fiscal receipts during periods of strong growth to reduce their deficits and debt.
Country-specific medium-term objectives: Medium-term objectives will be tailored to individual member states based on their current debt ratio and potential growth. This will vary from -1% of GDP for low debt/high potential growth countries to balance or surplus for high debt/low growth countries.
Reliability of statistics provided by member states :The Council wants to beef up Eurostat's resources, powers, independence and accountability. As a reaction to the Greek underreporting of statistics, it says that imposing sanctions on a member state 'should be considered' when there is infringement of the obligations to duly report government data. The Commission unveiled a proposal to improve the reliable reporting of statistics on 22 December 2004.
Involvement of national parliaments in the process Member states' governments have been called on to present stability/convergence programs and Council opinions on these to their national parliaments.
Debate concerning the Stability and Growth Pact has continued after the reform, also. Some are of the opinion that the pact has been politicized and is now unlikely to bite at least in the case of the big countries. Or that the reform was a regrettable backward step for European currency stability.
Others are very pleased with the new
pact, especially
In 1972, the six Member States-Belgium , France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherlands- set up a snake in the tunnel mechanism to narrow the fluctuation margins between the Community currencies (the snake), in relation to fluctuations against the US dollar (the tunnel).
abstract currency, a standard legal tender used to calculate the budgetary
contributions of each
a Percentage change in arithmetic average of the latest 12 monthly-harmonized indices of consumer prices (HICP) relative to the arithmetic average of the 12 HICP of the pervious year.
b Council decisions of 26.09.94, 10.07.95, 27.06.96 and 30.06.97.
c A negative sign for the government deficit indicates a surplus.
d Average maturity 10 years; average of the last 12 months.
e Definition adopted in this report: simple arithmetic average of the inflation rates of the three best performing Member States in terms of price stability plus1.5 percentage points.
f Definition adopted in
this report: simple arithmetic average of the 12 month average of interest
rates of the three best performing
g *Commission recommended abrogation.
h Since March 1998.
i Average of the available data during the past 12 months.
j ** Since November 1996, October 1996.
k Since October 1996.
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