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Dangerous Mind - Psychology
Since I've chosen to major in psychology, I've chosen
to do my paper on something that pertains to my major. In this case the mental
disorder schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a severly disabilitating disease that has stricken the lives of
almost two million people in the United States alone (Keefe
20). Since this disease is so devastating the majority of people that suffer
from it either live on the streets or in mental institutions. In fact, forty
percent of the beds in American mental hospitals are occupied by patients with
schizophrenia (Hamilton 145). According to Hamilton the overall chances of a
person to develop the disease is one in a hundred (145). There are three
distinct types of schizophrenia that are diagnosed in today's society. These
are disorganized, catatonic, and paranoid schizophrenia.
Disorganized schizophrenia can start to show signs in early adolescents. These
people portray inappropriate behaviors and emotions. For instance they may
laugh at something like a close friend dieing or cry
on a funny part of a movie. Disorganized schizophrenics also talk in a
nonsensical manner. They make up their own language or just talk backwards.
Catatonic schizophrenia is set apart from the others because of the persons
with it unique catatonic, or motionless, state. These people spend lomg periods of time weeks, months, and occasionally years
motionless or in other words 'dead to the world' (Hamilton 120). When
they do snaqp out of their catatomic
state they are extremly hostile and aggressive. Last
is paranoid schizophrenia which is characterized by the false beliefs or
delusions the person has. For example the thought that the FBI planted a secret
microchip in their brain and is controlling them. Alomg
with these specific types of schizophrenia are some symptoms that pertain to
all schizophrenics.
Firstoff, all people diagnosed with schizophrenia
have perceptual difficulties, that is, they sufer
from hallucinations. A hallucination is a false sensory experience, such as
seeing things, hearing things, and even feeling things that aren't really
there. Hallucinatioms have a compelling sense of
reality to the persons who suffer from them. Auditory hallucinationsare
by far the most common form of hallucinatiom in
schizophrenia. They are so characteristic of the disease that a person with
true auditory hallucinations should be assumed to have schizophrenia until
proven otherwise (Kagn 485). Thought disorders or
delusions are also a symptom found in all schizophrenics. These include incoherent
speech, quick shifts of ideas from one thing to a totally unrelared
one, and off the wall thoughts and ideas. The delusions that all schizophrenics
encounter are false or inane beliefs that are believed by the schizophrenic and
noone else. The delisions
of schoizophrenics go well beyond thinking that their
being watched or something. They often are convinced that someone is
controlling them by radio, microchip, hypnosis, and so on. For instance a
patient of Torrey, named Josh, believes that the FBI
planted a small radio into his skull and is controlling him through it, he even
went as far as to cut his own scalp with a knife trying to get it out (44).
Schizophrenic persons also have severe disturbances in emotion and behavior.
This is the most worriesome symptom to family and
friends of the patient. It is, because the person with schizophrenia is
incapable of feeling any empathy with anyome
including themselves. That menas that they are
incapable of putting themselves in other peoples places. The side effects can
range anywhere from laughing at a sad situation, to public masterbation,
even to self mutilation. What makes schizophrenia so hard to understand and frighteming is the faxt that all
these symptoms can show up more in one person and less in another. That is also
what makes schizophrenia so hard to diagnose.
The world is in the midst of an explosion of knowledge about the causes of
schizophrenia. There has always been theories about the causes, but now as the knowledgeaccumulates the theories will become fewer and
fewer. Almost all of thisnew knowledge about the
causes is a product of the last ten years, and the next ten years promise to
increase our under standing evenfurther.
There are still several theories about the causes of schizophrenia, and they
have to do with what we now know about the physical aspects of the disease.
First of all schizophrenia is a brain disease, probably several brain diseases
that altogether produce the symptoms. Also the brains of schizophrenics are
different from those of people without the disease. When I say different I mean
that in fact some areas of schizophrenics brains are shaped different or just
smaller than those same areas would be in a normal persons brain (Torrey 111). The area of the brain that seems to be
responsible for schizophrenia is limbic system and it's connections. The limbic
system is the part of the brain through which most incoming stimulus must pass.
According to Dr.. Paul McLean, The father of the
limbic system, it has 'selective, integrative, and unifying functions by
which raw experience is armonized into reality and
coherent activity is organized' (Torrey 78). In
other words it is the part of the brain that interprets reality throuhg what we hear, see, touch and smell.
At one time the most widely accepted theory about the cause of schizophrenia
was stress and family interactions. These aspects began with Freud, who in 1911
published his analysis of a paranoid schizophrenic, which was the first time
schizophrenia was realized as a problem of the brain thar
could not be avoided, but instead had to be treated. Back in the early 1900's
all psychoanlysists agreed that the source of psychic
trauma theoretically responsible for schizophrenia was the relationship between
the child and the parents (Torrey 91). Within the
last thirty years, though, considerable interest has been given to the thought
of infectious disease as the cause of schizophrenia. Since viruses can, and do,
onlyb affect certain areas of the brain while living
others unharmed, such as the rabies virus and herpes zoster
virus, it could account for the bizarre symptoms in schizophrenics (Bebbington 80). Viruses mat also change the function of the
brain cells without changing their structure (Bebbington
81). For example cell enzymes may be permantly
disrupted by a viral infection and the cell would continue to live and show no
signs of damage. Which means thar viruses could cause
schizophrenia and leave no sign of it. Another intriguing fact about viruses as
a possible cause of schizophrenia is the fact that they may remain latent for
many years at a time, like the HIV virus before it turns into AIDS. That would
be a possible explanation for the reasons behind why schizophrenia doesn't show
up until later on in a persons life. Of all the thoeries
that are present in today's society the one that most psychologists and
psychiatrists stand by is that of biochemical facters.
The center of attention throughout the last decade has been the neurotrannsmitter dopamine. Dopamine is a protein in the
brain that fits under a class known as the catecholamines
which transmit information between nerve cells (Bebbington
110). The reason dopamine has come under so much speculation is because when
amphetamines are given to a person in a high dosage they cause the dopamine
levels in the brain to increase. Which in turn causes schizophrenic type
behavior. Drugs that block dopamine receptors in the brains of schizophrenics
have been proven to be effective in helping reduce their sympyoms
(Keefe 100). Other neurotransmitters under
investigation in the causes of schizophrenia are serotonin
and norepinephrine. They are still being tested and
experimented with, though. Another theory related to biochemical theories has
to do with nutrition. Orthomoleculer psychiatry is
based around nutrition and how some deficiencies in vitamins can affect the
brain chemistry of someone. Which in turn can lead to alterd
subjective experiences which are called metabolic dysperceptions
(Anderson 95). These nutritional theoties are still
young and no real proof has been established.
Since there is no real cure for schizophrenia there are only treatments.
Treatments can be anything from group therapy to antipsychotic
drugs. First of all I want to tell you about some well-intended therapies of
this century that were carried out with little scientific bases and unhappy
results. These include the insulin coma, electroconvulsive
therapy, and a form surgery called the frontal lobotomy. Insulin is a hormone
in the body that controls the levels of blood sugar. When given too much
insulin the supply of sugar to the brain decreases to the point where coma
occurs. 1933 a German physician named Manfred Sakel
induced insulin comain some schizophrenics concluding
that it helped relieve their syptoms (Stone 66).
Happy to the news, American doctors rushed to induce insulin coma into severe
schizophrenics, and most died as a result (stone 67). Electroconvulsive
therapy (ECT) is another example of a widely used therapy with little evidence
of it's usefullness. ECT is breif
pulses of electricity that are passed through the brain. Unfortunately it works
for severe depression but not schizophrenia. Probably the most outrageous
therapy, if you want to call it that, was the frontal lobotomy. The American
psychiatrist Soloman H. Snyder has called it
'barbaric' and 'diabolical' (Anderson 20). A frontal
lobotomy is the surgical removal of parts of the frontal lobes. Developed in
1935 by doctor Egas Moniz
of Potrugal, the frontal lobes were believed to be
the siteof the problem and therfore
were removed. Instead of helping the schizophrenic, though, it just took what
shreds of personality they had left and left them like zombies.
Times have changed and extinsive research is done on
all theoretical treatments before they are administered to any real patients.
The most important and helpful treatment used today is that of drugs. Drugs
used to treat schizophrenia are called antipsychotics.
Keefe pointed out that antipsychotics
reduce symptoms of the disease, shorten a patients stay in the hospital, and
reduce the chances of rehospitalization (145).
Persons with schizophrenia, when entering psychiatric hospitals, used to stay
for several weeks or even months. With these new antipsychotic
drugs, though, the stay has been reduced to just days. In fact a person who
takes the drugs has a 3-out-of-5 chance (60 percent) of not being rehospitalized (Keefe 164). These
antipsychotics work by blocking certain receptors of
certain types of neurotransmitters in the brain. For instance chlorpromazine is
an atipsychotic that blocks the receptorsfor
dopamine, which as I explained is believed to be the cause of most symptoms of
schizophrenia (Anderson 97).
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