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Communication in the Courtroom and the 'Appearance' of Justice

Communication in the Courtroom and the 'Appearance' of Justice When the jury revealed its verdict on Charles Ingram, he made no re­sponse other than pursing his lips and slightly shaking his head. But his wife reached down and took he
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Introduction to Applications of Nonverbal Communication

Introduction to Applications of Nonverbal Communication Few topics encompass such a rich and broad area of investigation as nonverbal communication. Researchers in fields as diverse as psy­chology, ethology, communication studies, sociology, a
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No More Teachers' Dirty Looks: Effects of Teacher Nonverbal Behavior on Student Outcomes

No More Teachers' Dirty Looks: Effects of Teacher Nonverbal Behavior on Student Outcomes Teachers change lives. As the popular bumper sticker attests, the power of teachers to influence the course of a child's life is enormous, rivaling in some
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Emotional Intelligence and Deception Detection: Why Most People Can't 'Read' Others, But a Few Can

Emotional Intelligence and Deception Detection: Why Most People Can't 'Read' Others, But a Few Can In this chapter we will consider why most people seem impervious to the many nonverbal cues that they could use to understand the
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Nonverbal behavior and political leadership - nonverbal behavior and the dimensions of relationship

Nonverbal Behavior and Political Leadership - NONVERBAL BEHAVIOR AND THE DIMENSIONS OF RELATIONSHIP Historian Shelby Foote describes the way a military leader's nonverbal behavior, in a particular instance, was misconstrued. During the Civ
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Police Use of Nonverbal Behavior as Indicators of Deception - The Behavior of Liars

Police Use of Nonverbal Behavior as Indicators of Deception - The Behavior of Liars People rely on various sources of information when they form impressions about others. They could pay attention to various characteristics of the tar-get pe
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Business applications of nonverbal communication - nonverbal communication in the evaluation of personnel

Business Applications of Nonverbal Communication - NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION IN THE EVALUATION OF PERSONNEL A number of popular books proclaim the importance of nonverbal communication in businesses and organizations. For instance, the cover
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Nonverbal Behavior in Couple Relationships: Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Withdrawal

Nonverbal Behavior in Couple Relationships: Exploring the Causes and Consequences of Withdrawal The importance of communication in close relationships is high-lighted by Wood's assertion that 'communication is not only a cen­tral, generati
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Facial Expression Decoding Deficits in Clinical Populations with Interpersonal Relationship Dysfunctions

Facial Expression Decoding Deficits in Clinical Populations with Interpersonal Relationship Dysfunctions The existentialist French philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre is famous for his statement 'Hell is the others.' This pessimistic stance
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Culture and Applied Nonverbal Communication

Culture and Applied Nonverbal Communication As this volume has indicated there is now a rich literature examin­ing the nonverbal behaviors in many applied settings. These stud­ies continue to document exactly how important nonverbal behaviors
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Working on a Smile: Responding to Sexual Provocation in the Workplace

Working on a Smile: Responding to Sexual Provocation in the Workplace Scan any social situation involving both sexes and you will likely see differences in how women and men communicate both verbally and nonverbally. One nonverbal behavior conc
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Nonverbal Communication and Health Care

Nonverbal Communication and Health Care Health and illness are complex, socially influenced concepts and un­derstandings that rely heavily on communication. Nonverbal commu­nication-the use of dynamic but non-language messages such as f
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Police Use of Nonverbal Behavior as Indicators of Deception

Police Use of Nonverbal Behavior as Indicators of Deception People rely on various sources of information when they form impressions about others. They could pay attention to various characteristics of the tar-get person, such as gender (Hall
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Nonverbal Communication and Health Care

Nonverbal Communication and Health Care Health and illness are complex, socially influenced concepts and un­derstandings that rely heavily on communication. Nonverbal commu­nication-the use of dynamic but non-language messages such as facia
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