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Catch the moment - Perfect photography


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Catch the moment - Perfect photography!

Remember the buddy system because two have more fun than one!

Take time once in a while to just enjoy the moment

When someone tries to surprise you,

let them think they got away with it

Don't worry about what you see in the mirror,

beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

Remember, your mother thinks you're cute even if no one else does.

Always try to do what you are taught,

it can sometimes lead to beautiful things

Try to give a gentle lift to a friend in need

Search for the best route to what you're hoping for

No goal is too hard to attain when you persevere

Sometimes it's better to watch from a distance

and plan your next move carefully

Get to know someone first before accepting that he may be your enemy

Be careful what you put into your body, health is too important to ignore

Present yourself well and mind your manners

Remember, no matter how much you

resemble your siblings, you are still unique!

Taking a power nap from time to time can put you back in the pink!

Whenever possible, jump and clap for joy!

Always keep in mind that the world is filled with marvels

You never know what awaits around the next bend!

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