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Sowing Bed

Sowing Bed To have a good seed bed we have to: ·       Make sure that the seed bed has water and oxygen; ·       No hard crust that the seed bed cannot pass; ·  &nbs
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The world seen in the eyes of the animals - The structure and the functions of the visual apparatus

 The world seen in the eyes of the animals The structure and the functions of the visual apparatus The visual apparatus, the most important sensitive organ, informs the central nervous system about all changes that happen in the surr
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Environmental and Community Biology - Fern Sporebank at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh

Environmental and Community Biology Fern Sporebank at the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh Introduction Fern ‘dust’ was first investigated scientifically by Marcello Malpighi (1628 – 1694) who investigated microscopically the
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Bacterial Paleontology

Bacterial Paleontology Paleontological Institute RAS, Profsoyuznaya 123, Moscow, 117997, Russia Bacterial paleontology is rather young branch of paleontological studies. Bacteria (and microbes in general) could be perfectly preserved as
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                                Content   •  Introduction •  Biomaterials:We have t
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Muscles and Fasciae of the Perineum

Muscles and Fasciae of the Perineum The perineum is the region below the pelvic diaphragm and has the same skeletal boundaries as the pelvic outlet: anteriorly, the pubic arch and its arcuate ligament; posteriorly the tip of the coccyx; and
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Helix aspersa - External Anatomy

  Helix  aspersa Helix aspersa             Helix, the edible terrestrial snail, is often used in invertebrate zoology courses as an example of pulmonate anatomy.  Helix pomatia is the escargot and H. aspersa
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