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Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The CCIR versus The ICC
Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The Chamber of
Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) is the strongest business environment association
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania is the most powerful association representing the Romanian business environment that holds together bilateral chambers of commerce, business associations and the entire network of 42 territorial chambers of commerce and industry.
The CCIR is a non-governmental selfsustaining organization which supports the business communitys interests and mostly of its members in the dialogue with the national authorities and international organizations.
The CCIR acts to create a steady coherent
business environment favorable to the development of the private sector in
services are offered to both its Romanian member and non-member firms, and also
to foreign companies that develop business relations in
CCIR is supporting the business community also by providing business services such as: organizing economic missions, training programs, seminars or debates, providing valuable information from its databases and detecting business opportunities.
the context of the
Collaborating with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, can be a
benefit for any Romanian or foreign company who want to develop a business
either on domestic or foreign markets, as well as to improve the skills of the
staff or to get economical information from various sectors.
The mission of The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania is to ensure the prosperity of the Romanian business community towards a system based on economic progress, initiative, competitivity and company responsability.
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania works towards:
and supporting its members' interests in relation with the authorities
Building a
more friendly business environment
economic and commercial relations
the investment process in Romania
its members in developing successful business
Helping the
Romanian companies to prepare for adopting the EU regulations
One of the main priorities of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania
(CCIR) is promoting the Romanian economy at an international level, by
supporting both Romanian businesspersons in developing strong relationships
with external partners, as well as foreign companies in placing their
investments in the most attractive and dynamic sectors of activity.
The worldwide network of more than 170 similar organizations abroad and the bilateral co-operation bodies, in which CCIR takes part, enable CCIR to facilitate international business contacts. The Chamber develops a large international co-operation network and is a member of:
- ICC - International
Chamber of Commerce
- Eurochambres - European Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry
- ABC - Association of Balkan Chambers of Commerce and Industry
- Euro Info Network, through Euro Info Centre Bucharest
- BSEC-BC - The Black Sea Economic Cooperation
CCIR is the most representative business association in
Acting as a single voice for over 50,000 Romanian companies, CCIR is the
advocate and the defender of the business community's interests in front of
important institutions, such as:
- Social and Economic
- Inter-ministerial Groups and Committees
- Export Council
- Consultative organisms for Parliament, Government and Presidency
The Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania was created in 1953 for the settlement of foreign trade disputes.
the Decree Law No. 139 of 11 May 1990, the
The Court of International Commercial Arbitration acts attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania. The Court is not a legal person. The general assembly of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania sets the organizing and functioning of the Court of International Commercial Arbitration. The Court is managed by a Board. The rules of procedure of the Court of International Commercial Arbitration shall be approved by its Board.
decisions of the
The arbitration fees are destined to cover the expenses incurred in settling the disputes, including secretariat activities, the arbitrators fees and documentary support in their activity, and other expenses required by the functioning of the Court.
Under its Regulations on the
Organisation and Operation of the Court of International Commercial Arbitration
attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, the Court provides the following
services: arbitration, consultancy on procedures, studies and research in the
field of arbitration, co-operation with the arbitration commissions within the
system of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in
Arbitration for the settlement of international and domestic commercial
disputes, its jurisdiction being based on the agreement concluded by businesses
in their contracts or addendum sthereto;
Procedures consultancy is provided free of charge by the specialists of
the Arbitration Court at its
offices, by phone or post;
International co-operation with similar institutions and organisations
from other countries, for the purpose of establishing and developing
collaboration. Participation in and organising of international conferences,
meetings, forums and seminars;
Study and research of the international arbitration legislation and of
the law applicable to the disputes;
Co-operation with the Arbitration Commissions within the system of Chambers
of Commerce and Industry in Romania in promoting arbitration and in case law.
According to its Rules of Arbitration, the Court settles, in accordance with the law or ex aequo et
bono, disputes pertaining to international business, under the
arbitration agreement concluded by the parties to the contract. The
Standard Arbitration Clause of the Court of International Commercial
Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania:
'Any dispute arising from or in relation to this contract, including the conclusion, performance or termination thereof shall be settled through the arbitration of the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest according to its Rules of Arbitration. The arbitral award shall be final and binding.'
'Orice litigiu decurgand din sau in legatura cu acest contract, inclusiv referitor la incheierea, executarea ori desfiintarea lui, se va solutiona prin arbitrajul Curtii de Arbitraj Comercial International de pe langa Camera de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei in conformitate cu Regulile de procedura arbitrala ale acestei Curti. Hotararea arbitrala este definitiva si obligatorie.'
Parties may also stipulate in their arbitration clause the number of
arbitrators and the place of arbitration. In international arbitration, parties
may also stipulate the language used during the hearings and in the documents
submitted, and also the substantive law applicable to the dispute.
Resolution of disputes by the Court
has the following advantages:
awards are
final and binding for the parties;
they enjoy a wide international
recognition as
arbitrators' expertise - the Court's arbitrators are experienced specialists in law and international economic relations;
confidentiality - the hearings are not public; access to information
on the disputes at the
celerity - proceedings are carried out within twelve months in international arbitration and six months in domestic arbitration;
low costs arbitration fees are calculated as percentages - decreasing after reaching threshold values - of the monetary amount of the claim, as provided by the Schedules of Arbitral Fees and Expenses; moreover, in domestic arbitration, fees include also the arbitrators' fees.
The main objectives of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and Bucharest, both at the national level and territorial level, are to promote Romanian trade, industries, agriculture and services, both at home and abroad, and to represent and defend the interests of the Romanian economic operators before the domestic authorities and in their relations with specialised organizations.
of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania and
There are more than 7,500 members -individual and group members- all over the
country, from which 95 % are represented by the SMEs.
The Chamber is member of International Chamber of Commerce, Eurochambres and the Association of the Chambers of Commerce of G-77 Countries, Association of Balkan Chambers of Commerce, Association of Chambers of Commerce in the Black Sea Region, and of the conference of Chambers of Commerce of the Central Europe Initiative Countries.
Since June
1995, when Euro Info Centre Bucharest was set up by the Chamber of Commerce and
Industry of Romania with the support of PHARE Programme and of the Belgian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a direct link for exchange of information was
created with Euro Info Centre housed by the Brussels Chamber of Commerce and
Industry. In the long run, the Romanian centre developed the specific
activities aimed to disseminate European information for Romanian SMEs, to help
them in approaching the single market and to participate in the exchange of
information within the European network.
The main activities, as defined by the
European Commission procedures and by the statute of the European network,
consist in informing, assisting and accompanying Romanian companies on the
European single market. Many European projects were implemented by EIC
Bucharest aimed to raise awareness on European matters and to promote the
business partnership at European level.
Based on a
voluntary membership affiliation, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
Romania has several categories of members:
1. Individual members:
National or
multinational companies, joint ventures, public corporations located in
Romania, in the field of trade, industry, agriculture, services
2. Collective members:
chambers of commerce and Industry
Associations of employers organized on branch and branch subdivision, field of
organizations related to business community
Honorary members
and High professionals
In order to become a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, one should fill in an application form and pay the registration fee.
Chamber membership is not only about being associated with us, its about using your membership to grow your business. Here are some benefits of being a CCIR member:
Lobby and advocacy
CCIR take great pride in
being the most representative business organization in
Being a CCIR member is the best business card in developing strong business relationships with your local and international partners, helping you gain their confidence and interest.
A global network membership
You can be part of the oldest and most respected worldwide business organization, the Chamber of Commerce, a brand that dates back from the 17th century.
Notoriety and prestige
Now you have the chance to make your company known to the market through active participation at the forums, conferences, seminars, workshops and professional debates organized by us.
At CCIR, as our member, you enjoy a privileged statute. We offer more value for less money, meaning you are delivered personalized and profitable products and services at great discounts or even free of charge.
News and Information
Boost the success of your business by taking advantage of the latest information and news we provide. You stay on top with our written and electronic publications and you use the information that best suits your business profile.
Business opportunities
You can benefit from the newest business opportunities set by the matching program PARTINVEST as well as from the international economic missions we organize. Using our large database, our councilors can provide you detailed information on potential business partners and their business environment.
We offer you a whole range of professional training courses and seminaries in order to compete on the European market and to meet the expectations of the accession process.
Complete marketing services
We can help you top identify the needs of a changing market, as we offer market research, analysis and pools made using direct questioning of the companies and business environment.
Quick settlement of commercial disputes
You have an alternative for settling the commercial disputes, which is characterized by flexibility, final or obligatory solution for parties: The International Arbitration Court that offers conciliation of disputes, commercial arbitration and procedure counseling.
According to our statute, as CCIR member you have the following rights and duties:
To take part into the
general Assembly of the Chamber, to bring forward and debate upon matters
related to commerce, industry and services, as well as to the Chamber's
To vote if
you have been member for at least one year and paid the subscription;
To elect and
to be elected among the members of the Chamber's leading bodies if you have
been member for at least two years and paid the subscription;
To benefit
of Chamber's services, paying less than non-members;
To inform
the Chamber upon matters concerning the general interests of the merchants,
with a view to protecting and promoting these interests;
To attend
lectures, conferences and other events organized by the Chamber, with view to
the members' training and upgrading.
To act
according in respect with the stipulation of the Statute, as well as the
decisions of the Chamber's leading bodies, and to contribute to the carrying
out of the Chamber's purposes.
To pay the annual subscription as established by the Generally
Assembly of the Chamber.
To carry out your activity in compliance with Romanian laws and the
fair commercial practices, avoiding any disloyal competition.
The CCIR versus The ICC
the 27th-29th of October, the capital of
The event entitled ' The
future of foreign direct investments - national or regional?' gave the
guests - agencies of investment development and similar organizations from both
countries with EU membership and south eastern countries - the opportunity to
present the conditions they offer the potential investors in the areas of
business in their countries.
The forum aimed at some
main objectives as: giving the foreign investors a clear message about the
continuous development of the Romanian business environment in the effort of
meeting the European standards in the field, attracting foreign investments in
Romania; the comparative description of central European countries as a
potential target for national and regional investments; supporting the Romanian
investment projects; supporting the online commerce and payment tools; the
introduction of new technologies; drawing the attention of the business environment
on intellectual property and copy right; supporting investment partnerships and
business development; supporting certain economical areas with development
potential; presenting the development opportunities offered by the Romanian
real estate market .
The program
included plenary sessions, round tables on subjects like the experience of
central and SEE countries in drawing foreign investments as UE members;
environment protection; intellectual property and consumers protection -
national and European regulations, competition and state aid, sources of
credit/finance. The forum introduced a very important practical element -
networking - a business mission and visits to investment objectives in the
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