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Com-Sys (Description of System)
I. General Review
The primary task of the system is to register the events that arrive from the alarm center to
the receiver unit and, after the receiver unit has preprocessed them, display them for the operator
in an ordered and perspicuous form. Its further task is to help the operator to handle the events
that require intervention as effectively as possible. Obviously, the system has to meet several
further requirements of safe and comfortable use as well.
The Com-Sys is a developed version of the Orszem program (also created by the IRF Bt).
While developing the system, we aimed to utilize the opportunities of modern technology as well
as to integrate the feedback and experience we received from the users of the program.
Taking into consideration the above requirements and experiences, we have constructed a
set of conditions which, in turn, served as the basis of the Com-Sys.
1 The construction of the Com-Sys
The Com-Sys is system of open architecture consisting of several modules. The following
figure gives a review of the functioning of the system:
The fact that the individual tasks are handled by separate modules has numerous advantages.
The whole system becomes extraordinarly flexible, therefore it is possible to satisfy the given
requirements of application as fully as possible and it is relatively simple to meet the
requirements that may emerge later.
The programs are ready to handle database through the network (for example, Windows NT
or Novell Netware). Therefore, in case it is demanded, the Database, the Administration Module
and the other components of the system can be placed on separate computers.
Interface modul 1
Interface modul 2
Operator Module (OrME.exe)
(OrMEBackup, OrMEArchive)
Administration Module (OrMEAdmin.exe)
Each module of the system is suited to support several languages. These language modules
can be inserted in the system later as well.
In order to understand the structure of the Com-Sys, let us examine the tasks of the individual
components as well as their data connections:
1.1 The Database
The database constitutes the basis of the functioning of the whole system. The stored data
can be classified as follows:
_ Customers’ data. (Name, address, phone number, status, etc.)
_ Event tables. Each table contains a list of code-event assignments
characteristic of the programming state of the alarm center. You can
assign several customers to the same list yet in extreme cases each
customer can have a list of assignments of his or her own.
_ Log. The events that occurred and the operator’s interventions are saved.
_ Picture information. You can assign various pieces of picture
information to customers. It is possible to assign several customers to the
same picture. As a result, for instance, it is suffice to store city maps only
once. You can assign customer-specific information (location of zones
etc.) to each picture.
_ Users’ data. The data and the rights of the operators who use the system
are stored here.
_ Configuration data. These data guarantee the correct functioning of the
The data are stored in a standard data format. Presently, it means Paradox databases;
nevertheless, due to the openness of the system the present database format can be modified, if
1.2 The Administration Module (OrMEAdmin)
You can perform any modification that affect the functioning of the system exclusively by
the help of the administration module.
The module keeps connection solely with the database, therefore its functioning does not
require the run of the other components of the program. It guarantees that the functioning of the
whole system is configurable.
The module displays the data for the system administrator in a perspicuous, object-oriented
form. The data are shown in the tree-structure often used in Windows systems, so the
modifications are easy to perform.
1.3 Operator Module (OrME)
The task of the operator module is to provide the operator with all the necessary information
in a most user-friendly form as well as to contribute to the efficient performance of the necessary
Besides displaying the logged events, the module is capable of displaying the customers’
actual data. The display of the momentary status of a given customer belongs here.
When constructing the user’s surface, it is important to consider that it should be as
modifiable in accordance with momentary requirements as possible and that the functions often
used should be accessible with one click of a button by the help of various toolbars. In the
program, the different types of information appear in separate windows surrounded by a single
frame. (MDI User Interface)
By the help of the program, each of the tasks that require intervention on the part of the
operator is displayed as a separate process, in a separate window. It guarantees that one operator
is able to execute several interventions at the same time. These intervention processes are easy to
search back and analyze later.
1.4 Interface Module(s)
The interface module keeps contact between the receiver unit and the operator module. Its
primary task is to process the information received from the receiver unit towards the OrME
program (and backwards, if required) in a unified format. Practically speaking, the Interface
Module constitutes an organic part of the OrME program. Physically, it is a DLL file.
The fact that with the sole change of the interface module and the installation of a new
module we can apply a receiver unit of different type or version is a good example for the
extendibility of the system. Since the OrME is capable of keeping contact with several interface
modules (even of different types) at the same time, it is possible to serve several receiver
modules (even of different types) at the same time, with one system of programs. The number of
the receiver units and the interface modules are limited exclusively by the hardware structure of
the applied computer.
1.5 Utilities
You can assign utility programs to various time-related events or to events received from a
receiver unit. These programs can be inserted in the system later as well, exclusively by the
modification of the configuration through the database. In the basic system, the regular back up
and saving is carried out by such programs.
2 System Requirements
To assure the functioning of the system, it is required to apply a computer and an operation
system of the proper speed and safety that are capable of executing the program. Also, you
should fulfill the minimal personal requirements that are indispensable for the proper-level
operation of the programs.
2.1 The Construction of the Minimal Computer Configuration
You can run the system under the operation systems Windows 95/97/ME or Windows
NT/2000. In view of the fact that due to the function of the Com-Sys reliability is of paramount
importance, we recommend exclusively the Windows NT/2000 system as an execution
In case you apply the Windows NT/2000, the minimal requirements for the executing
computer are the following:
_ Pentium II processor (Pentium III or better is recommended)
_ 64 Mbyte RAM (128 Mbyte is recommended)
_ 16 Mbyte free disk space for the executing system; however, in case the
system is continuously functioning, the databases may require a disk space of
even hundreds of Mbytes.
_ SVGA monitor (resolution: 800x600)
_ A sound card is recommended
Obviously, to handle a large number of customers efficiently, you may have to extend the
resources of the computer, primarily, to change the size of the memory and the processor type of
the computer.
2.2 Minimal Personal Requirements
From the point of view of the functioning of the system, the users can be divided into two
categories: operators and administrators.
The task of the operators is to run the properly constructed Com-Sys system. It demands a
level of computer rudiments similar to those required by an average Windows-based system, that
is: to handle the mouse, to use menus, buttons etc.
As for the system administrator, a more thorough knowledge is compulsory. You are
required to be aware of the basic possibilities the operation system provides. That is, to know
and apply the possibilities which are indispensable for the handling of the files: subdirectory,
file, copy and deletion. Moreover, you should know the structure and the basic data relations of
the Com-Sys system, because in absence of such knowledge you will fail to utilize the possibilities
provided by the system.
II. Administrators’ Rudiments
The operator is required to carry out several tasks. To be able to execute these tasks on as
high a level as possible, you are required to have a thorough knowledge of the structure, the
inner processes and the functioning of the Com-Sys system.
In this description we approach the tasks of the administrator from a practice-oriented point
of view and examine the components the administrator works with. We explain the elements
(that is, components of programs) and demonstrate the way the system works through showing
how to use these elements. Our aim is that the administrator in the possession of the below
information be able to install and use the Com-Sys system, to solve the problems that might occur
and to configure the system in conformity with the changing requirements.
To acquire the necessary knowledge, we consider it expedient to study the below syllabus
and put each part task into practice. We inserted numerous figures and examples to elucidate the
information and to enable the operator to acquire the necessary knowledge as easily as possible.
The description related to the operation system assumes a system installed on Windows NT.
Our aim is to compartmentalize the text so that the operator could use it as a manual as well
as to refine and deepen the knowledge s/he already possesses.
Note: The paragraphs in italics provide those pieces of information that are not
indispensable for the functioning of the system. However, they may prove useful for those who
intend to get a more professional knowledge of the functioning of the system. To understand
these items, you may need a more thorough knowledge of operation systems.
3 The Installation of the System
To execute the installation, you are required to be in the possession of administrator’s right
on the computer. To run and configure the Com-Sys system later, no such distinguished right is
3.1 How to Execute the Installation
The installation takes place in a way usual in Windows systems. You can start the
installation of the system by starting the program that contains the separate installation material
or the SETUP.EXE program, which you can find in the DISK1 subdirectory of the medium of
the installation material. The installation is of the so-called wizard system. The installation
program provides the below information or asks the below questions:
_ Greeting, general information.
_ Displays
_ Gives the place of installation.
_ Names the folder of the program.
_ Sums the existing information.
_ Copies the components of the Com-Sys and configures the system.
_ Finishes functioning.
In case a problem occurs in the course of the installation process, the installation program
informs you.
3.2 The Components Installed
In the course of the installation all components needed for the run of the program are copied
to the computer and the defaults are set up.
The components of the program are stored in the following structure:
In our example, the program has been installed to the “E:” disk and the default subdirectory
name has not been modified. The modules needed for the run of the programs and for the
handling of the database have also been installed. Since these modules may be required by
several programs of the Com-Sys system, it is the operation system that handles them henceforth.
The folder of the program is accessible for all users. Therefore, it is not only the installator
(that is, the user possessing the administrator’s right) but all configured users who can run the
components of the system.
On the condition that the installation has been successfully completed, you can start the
following applications from the Program folder (default name: OrME):
3.3 How to Re-Install the System
If you start the installation program on a computer where the Com-Sys system has already
been installed, you refresh the system. In this case the runable files are overwritten only if you
install a newer version. The data files are compared on the grounds of their dates; the files with a
later date are used.
NOTE: You cannot install two independently functioning systems on one computer.
3.4 How to Remove the Com-Sys System
In case you need to remove the installed system from a computer, you can execute the task
in a way usual in the 32-bit Windows systems. Click the icon Add Programs of the Control
Panel, select the record OrME and remove it from the operation system by clicking the button
The data generated after the installation will not be deleted in the course of the removal of
the system. Basically, these data can be the following:
_ Data of saves.
_ Archived data.
_ Various log files.
_ Picture files.
_ Sound files that were placed in the system not in the course of the
These files can be removed manually, if required. We will discuss the location of store later.
4 How to Configure the System and Execute Administrator’s Tasks. (How to
Use the OrMEAdmin)
The system, if successfully installed, contains default settings exclusively. At first, you may
need to modify these settings and you need to define customers and customer-related data.
These tasks (like almost all tasks related to the administration of the system) can be executed
with the OrMEAdmin program. In this chapter we give an account of the use of this program.
4.1 The Structure of the OrMEAdmin Program. How to Use Utility Functions
When examining the structure of the OrMEAdmin program from the point of view of
display, we can divide the appearing window into four main sections. The menu row and the
speed button row are posited as it is usual in Windows systems. The remaining section of the
window of application is divided into two subsections. (To modify the proportions of the
sections, use the mouse.) On the left panel, you can see the object browser, while on the right
panel you can handle the data of the selected object.
In this application, just like in any other applications of the Com-Sys system, you can
transform the speed button row into a floating window by dragging it with the mouse.
The floating toolbars:
The toolbars help you to set up of the surface of the program in conformity with your
requirements. In addition, you can hide or display the handler’s button row by clicking the menu
item “View-Tools”. In case you are in the possession of several language modules, you can
select the default language of the display by clicking the menu item “Language”. You can apply
this function at any time while the program is running; yet you requirement of change takes
effect when you start the program again.
You can use a part of the data-handling functions of the program before you open the
database, but the prerequisite of the use of these functions is that no other application
keeps the database open. This function executes the arrangement of the database.
With the exception of the application of this function, you can use the OrMEAdmin without
restrictions while any other component(s) of the Com-Sys system is/are running.
In general, you can start work by opening the database. At this point, the system asks for a
user’s name and a password. Only a user in the possession of administrator’s right can open the
database in the OrMEAdmin program. The use of the object browser is rendered possible by the
opening of the database.
4.2 How to Arrange the Database
After starting the OrMEAdmin, you can use a database handling function without opening
the database. You can apply this function exclusively on the condition that no other program
module keeps the database open. This function executes operations that entail a significant rearrangement
of the data; therefore, if in the course of the execution other modules had access to
the data, errors would occur. In the course of the running of the function, the amount of the used
disk space may increase significantly, therefore the computer should have a proper amount of
free disk space.
How to re-generate th index file of the data: To start the function, select the menu item
“Tools-Reindex” or the button . In case database errors or data display errors occur, the
function regenerates the index files. The undue application of the function cannot cause any
4.3 How to Use the Object Browser
If you intend to execute an administrator’s task other than the function mentioned in 4.2.,
start by opening the database. To do so, click the menu item “File – Open Dataset” or the button
. First, give your user’s name and password. Provided you have given the correct data and
you are in the possession of administrator’s or installator’s right, now you can use the object
browser. The accessible objects of the system are displayed in a tree structure on the right-hand
Let us see the objects you can operate with and the ways to carry out operations:
In the above figure, you can see all elements of the object browser structure that exist in the
program after the installation. If you want to execute operations on a given object, first select the
object then edit the object-related information on the left-hand panel.
If you do not intent to carry out any more data modification on the objects of the system,
you can close the open database by selecting the menu item “File – Close Dataset” or the button
4.4 Operating with the Objects
Let us examine each object, its properties and the operations you can execute on it.
4.4.1 How to Handle the Object OrME
At the base data of the object OrME , you can modify the location of the system
components. For its input image, see 4.3. You can type the name of the new destination
subdirectory right in the input fields, or you can get help to select the required subdirectory by
clicking the button next to the input field.
When carrying out modifications, take into consideration the following facts:
_ If you modify the store subdirectory of the database, the system logs you off
after validating the modifications. The next login takes place in conformity
with the data on the modified path.
_ In case you modify the location of a component, you are required to copy the
elements of the components to the new location (subdirectory) manually.
_ In case you modify the location of the database but you cannot see the data
tables in the new location, you are theoretically banned from the system,
since for login and for the check of the name and the password it is necessary
to find the proper table in the database. To avoid this situation, in case the
data tables cannot be found in the selected location, you can modify the
subdirectory of the data tables with the OrMEAdmin program without giving
your name and password.
To store the modifications executed in the input fields, click the button .
4.4.2 How to Handle the User Objects
According to the terminology of the Com-Sys system, the users are those people who handle
the Com-Sys. If these users are in the possession of administrator’s or installator’s right, they are
allowed to use the OrMEAdmin program. In the absence of these rights, they are allowed only to
handle the data monitor.
The number of users is not limited in the system.
Note: Obviously, there is a limit that results from the finite number of the data that can be
handled. However, practically it can be regarded as an infinite number, since you can define
nearly one million users.
You cannot delete a user from the system. However, if required, you can ban a user from the
system by deleting his/her “Active” property. How to Create a New User
To define a new user, select the object “User”:
Now give the data of the user to be defined by the help of the below input panel:
Give the full name as User Name. The Login Name is the name used to log in the system.
When you type the password, asterisks are displayed. You have to mark on this panel whether
the user is active, that is, whether s/he is allowed to use the system.
Users’ activity is divided into three categories. These categories determine the right of a
given user in the Com-Sys system. These categories imply the following rights:
User: You are allowed to perform operator’s activity exclusively. You are not
allowed to use the OrMEAdmin.
Administrator: Besides operator’s activity, you are allowed to handle customer- and
user-related data. You are not allowed to modify users’ rights.
Installator: Besides administrator’s activity, you are allowed to carry out certain
modifications on the event data of special customers (RECEIVER,
When you have filled in the fields correctly, click the button to store the data. How to Modify the Users’ Data
To modify users’ data, select the user you want to modify in the object browser. Now the
above input panel appears, but it already contains the data of the selected user. The difference is
that you can execute the modifications by clicking the button .
4.4.3 High Days
Certain properties of the customers may depend on the organization of labor. High days may
cause trouble with these properties. For instance, due to changes in the organization of labor, a
workday may have a Sunday schedule. To define these unusual days, modify the data of the
object . You can do so by the help of the following panel:
On this panel you can assign a given schedule to a given date. You are required to validate
this assignment customer by customer. The buttons “Select All” and “Clear All” help you to
select the customers. To store the setups, click the button “Record”.
In the bottom section of the panel, you can see the assignments stored so far.
4.4.4 How to Handle Customers’ Data
According to the terminology of the Com-Sys system, a Customer is the object the signals of
the alarm center arrive from. All the properties related to the defended object belong to the data
of the customer.
There are two distinguished customers in the system. One is the Com-Sys system itself; its
name is SYSTEM, its code is: 0. The other customer is the receiver unit; its name is RECEIVER,
its code is: -1. Events belong to these customers as well; these events are defined in the event
group assigned to these customers. The installator can modify the data of these customers as
well, though in certain situations the possibilities are more restricted than in the case of other
customers. These modifications, however, are to be carried out very cautiously, as a faulty setup
may endanger the functioning of the system. The customers that constitute a part of the system
also differ from those defined later in that they cannot be deleted.
The events of the customer SYSTEM are basically time-related. You can use them to start
certain utility functions. The events of the customer RECEIVER serve the processing of the
events that belong to the functioning of the receiver unit.
The handling of the customers’ data (similarly to that of users’ data) can be classified into
the definition of a new customer and the modification of the data of an already existing
customer. There is a significant difference, however: when defining a new customer, you give
only some basic data. The remaining properties of the customer can be given only later as
modifications of an already existing customer.
There are various, logically detached data that belong to customers. Let us discuss the
definition of data groups in separate sections so that the explanation would be perspicuous and
the details would be simple to search back. How to Create a New Customer
To create a new customer, select the object OrME/Definitions/Customer.
Now on the right-hand panel you can see input fields. To create a new customer, fill in these
input fields.
As you can see, you are required to set up three properties altogether:
_ Customer’s Code: The customer code programmed in the customer’s alarm
center. In case events come in, the calling part is identified on the basis of
this code.
_ Customer’s name.
_ Event Group. This group identifies the event marked by the incoming event
code. We will discuss event groups in detail later.
While filling up the input fields, take into consideration that no immediate modification of a
customer code or an event group related to an already existing customer is possible. In case you
need to carry out such modifications, you can execute it by exporting ( the customer and
then importing ( it under the new conditions. How to Modify Customers’ Data
To modify customers’ data, select the customer to be modified in the object browser. The
drop-down list below the menu row where you can find the customers in alphabetical order helps
you to select the customer. When you have selected the customer to be modified, the tables
containing the data of the customer appear on the right-hand panel. Each table contains a group
of the customer’s data. You can choose between the tables by the help of the ear on the upper
section of the panel:
If you cannot see all the ears, use the arrows on the right to make the hidden ones visible.
Customer-related data are arranged into eight groups. On these tables, data input takes place
in conformity with certain unified rules. The rules are summed up here; therefore, each table
gives solely the meaning of the input fields and their location within the system.
Depending on the selected table and the modifications executed on it, you can save the
modifications by clicking the buttons “Add” and “Apply” (discussed above). Data grids are
exceptions: to render their use simpler there is a separate row of buttons, though you can execute
these functions without using the button row as well.
Let us see the operations you can carry out with the navigator buttons:
_ The first four buttons serve navigating between data lines: first, previous,
next, ultimate (respectively). You can execute these tasks with the scroll bar
next to the data grids or by the help of the up and down buttons.
_ By clicking the 5th button, you create an empty data line, where you can save
data. You can carry out this task by pushing the Shift-Insert key combination
as well.
_ The 6th button serves deleting the selected line, similarly to the Ctrl-Del key
_ By clicking the 7th button, you change to edit state. Now you can modify the
fields of the line. You can execute the same task by selecting a field of the
line and pressing the Enter key or any key that serves data input.
_ The 8th button is for saving the modifications. The saving also takes place if
you leave the line by pressing the Up or Down keys.
_ By clicking the 9th button, you can quit edit state without saving the
modifications. You can use the ESC key for the same purpose.
_ By the help of the 10th button, the contents of the data lines are re-read from
the database. Customers’
You can define the basic data of the customers by the help of the following input fields:
With these input fields you can give or modify the following data:
_ Name of customer
_ Active status of customer. Thus you can ban the handling of the customer’s
data in the OrME Operator Module temporarily.
_ You can give the data related to the access of the customer (address, phone
number, fax number etc.)
In the framed field you can see and modify the status of the given customer. There are three
pre-defined types of status belonging to each customer; each type of status can assume three
: Marks the unknown – closed – open state of the customer’s object.
: Marks the unknown – alarmed – reposed state of the customer’s
Marks the unknown – technologically wrong – technologically OK
state of the customer’s object.
To modify the state of the given status, click the buttons next to the status display
figures. To re-read the actual states from the database, click the button . You may
need this function if (in conformity with the received events) the state of a certain status of a
given customer changes in the course of using the OrMEAdmin.
On the panel you can see the customer’s code as well as the name of the event group;
however, you cannot modify these data here. How to Define Zones
While defining the data of the event group, you can define the number and type of the zone
to an event. Here you can give the name of the zone of the given number and type in case of this
It is important to note that in the Com-Sys terminology we regard all event-related,
supplementary types of information as zones. As a result, zone types may vary, depending on the
protocol between the alarm center and the receiver unit.
In the system, there is an „Other” type of zone defined. It is for free use.
You can execute the task of defining by the help of a data grid. To execute definition, give:
_ Type of the zone. You have to select it from the above-mentioned
_ Number of the zone.
_ Name of the zone.
In the course of the use of the system, the zone names defined here will be connected to
events, if needed. How to Give the Data of Those to Be Called
Work flows can be bound to events; in case such an event occurs, the work flows are to be
executed by the user (operator) of the Com-Sys system. To these work flows you can assign
persons with relation to whom the operator of the system has to perform various activities. For
instance, the operator is required to inform the given person about the occurrence of an event.
On this data form you can save the data of the persons to whom you can assign a work flow
You can save data by using of the data grid (discussed above), where you can give the name,
the address and the telephone and fax number of the person to be called.
The number of the partners is not limited by the system. How to Define Work flows
You can assign work flows to events. The system either executes a work flow
independently, by starting the selected external program or displays the activity and the data of
the person to be called (if there is any) for the operator. In case there is at least one work flow
which the operator has to work with assigned to the event, then the event is to be handled. That
is, if the event occurs, it is displayed for the operator as a task to be executed.
You can define work flows by the help of the data input panel below:
Let us see how to execute the task of definition. This is how to give the data of the input
_ First, select the event to whose occurrence you intend to assign a work flow.
You can select from the events by the help of the drop-down select field.
_ Now you can choose between the pre-defined persons to be called, if
_ Give a name to your work flow; it will appear on your work list under this
_ Provided you are in the possession of a sound card, you can choose an
individual sound. To listen to the selected sound, click the button . In
case you assign several work flows to one event (as it is quite usual), the
sounds assigned to each work flow are displayed consecutively. In case you
do not assign sounds to any work flow, the default sound sign of the system
(“beep”) will be played.
_ In the next input field, you can give a more detailed description of the work
to be executed. The description may consist of maximum 90 letters.
_ You can assign external programs to an event and you can give parameters to
the program. We will discuss the definition of the list of the selectable
programs later.
NOTE: In case there is a program assigned to the work flow, that flow is
handled automatically with the run of the program. It is not displayed for
the operator even if there is an activity or a person to be called defined.
You can analyze and modify your defined work flows by the help of a data grid in the
bottom section of the input panel.
You can assign an unlimited number of work flows to one event. How to Define the Timing of Events
As a rule, a part of the events that are generated in the alarm centers of the customers is
generated at a pre-definable time. Opening and closings are typically such events. In case a
customer defends his/her parlor, the opening and closing will occur at definite hours, in
conformity with the shop hours. You have the opportunity to give the hours when a given event
is to be occur, broken down according to days and events. In case the event does not arrive in a
defined period of time, or it arrives at a time other than this period, you can automatically
generate another event. To this event you can bind a work flow, in which, for instance, you can
order the operator to check the cause of discrepancy.
You can define a period of time to each event; the event has to occur in that period.
In the course of definition, you are required to give the beginning and the end of the
permitted period by events and by days. It would mean giving an exceedingly large amount of
data even in the case of a small number of events; also, a significant part of the data would recur.
To enable you to give this mass of data to the computer as simply as possible, the panel that you
use for executing the definition is planned to simplify your work to a considerable degree.
You can perform definition by the help of the following panel:
First, let us see the data you can give by the help of the input fields:
_ You can see a special list box on the panel, where you can find the list of the
events assigned to the customer. In the list box, in the check box in front of
the event, you can select the events in case of which you intend to activate
time check. To select the event, click the name of the event.
_ Next to the list box, you can find the fields for the input of time data. You
can change the time data in five-minute steps.
_ Before the list of the days there is a check box. By the help of it, you can give
the days whose time data you modify in the fields for changing time data
(discussed in the previous paragraph). In case all select fields are active, you
can modify the time zone of all days simultaneously. If you set up the time
zone of a given day as “00:00 – 00:00”, then the selected event that occurs
that day is handled as an out-of-zone-time event at any time of the day.
_ In the bottom section of the panel you can set the new event which is to be
generated if the selected event fails to arrive or arrives at the wrong time.
Now let us examine how to execute a complete definition. In our example the task is to
prepare the system to wait the events “Opening 1”, “Opening 2” and “Opening 3” between 8:30
and 9:30 from Monday to Friday and between 9:00 and 10:00 on Saturday. These events should
not occur on Sundays. In case the “Opening” event arrives outside the selected time zone, “Error
1” should be generated; in case the event does not arrive in the period of the time zone, “Error 2”
should be generated.
The process of definition step by step is as follows:
_ First, select the event “Opening 1” in the special list box. Activate time check
by the help of the check box before the name of the event.
_ Set the check boxes before the days into a state so that they be active from
Monday to Friday.
_ By the help of those input fields that serve the selection of the time, modify
the time zone belonging to the days to “8:30 – 9: 30”.
_ Set the check boxes before the days into a state so that only the one
belonging to Saturday be active.
_ With the help of those input fields that serve the selection of the time, modify
the time zone belonging to Saturday to “9:00 – 10:00”.
_ If required, modify the time zone belonging to Sunday to “00:00 – 00:00”
(described above).
_ In the bottom section of the panel, in the drop-down select field, set the
events “Error 1” and “Error 2”.
_ Activate the event “Opening 2” in the special list box on the panel by
clicking the check box before the name of the event (not by clicking the
name of the event). In this case the 'Opening 2” automatically inherits the
events of the “Opening 1”, which you have already selected.
_ Repeat the above operation with the event “Opening 3” as well.
The modifications are immediately stored and activated. How to Store Picture Information
On the next panel, you can assign pictures to customers:
The input panel is divided into three sections:
In the upper section you can find the tools that serve the manipulation of pictures:
_ You can enlarge or minimize the display of the selected picture.
_ You can select the picture to be displayed from the pictures assigned to the
_ You can assign a new picture to the customer. When you have selected the
button, an ‘Open’ dialog box appears, as usual in the Windows systems. In
our system, by default, the dialog box displays the contents of the
subdirectory selected for storing the pictures. Obviously, you can select from
elsewhere as well. When you have selected a bitmap (*.bmp) picture you
have to give it a display name. You can assign the same physical picture file
to several customers, even under different display names. The selected
picture file (in case it was not there originally) will be copied to the
subdirectory selected for storing pictures. The number of the pictures which
you can assign to customers is not limited.
_ You can delete the active displayed picture. Of course, by default, this
deletion deletes only the customer’s reference to the picture. If the deleted
picture is not assigned to any customers, by the help of the appearing dialog
box you can decide if you intend to delete the picture file physically as well.
The middle section serves the display of the picture.
In the bottom section of the panel you can select between the zones of the customer and a
special record. You can use the latter for selecting the location of the defended object. By
clicking the surface of the picture, you can “situate” the selected zone in the picture. The zone is
marked by the number of the zone (0 – the location of the defended object) and a small arrow:
If you click the same place, you can “remove” the symbols from the picture. If you move the
mouse cursor (arrow) near the symbol, the name of the zone is displayed in the bottom section. How to Export Customers
It is possible to store the customer’s definition data in an external file. You can use this
function for storing your data (strongly recommended) or for moving your customers between
computers. In the course of a customer’s export, all the definition data that belong that customer
are stored; that is, not only the customer-specific records (name, address, name of zone etc) but
the data of the event table and the picture and sound files as well. On condition that you store
exported data about all customers in a safe place (places), after a system crash you can create an
operable system even without the save data, by re-installing the Com-Sys and importing the
customers’ data. Of course, log data and the users’ (operators’) data cannot be saved with this
method. For a full-scale recovery, you should use save data. We will discuss this topic in detail
To export data, select the customer’s object and then select the menu items “Tools / Export
_Customer’s Name_. Now give the name and the path of the export file. You can trace the
display of the data and the trouble free process in a dialog box:
The exported data are stored coded; therefore, they can be used only with the Com-Sys
system How to Import Customers
To import the previously exported data, use the menu item “Tools / Import”. An “Import
Wizard” leads you through the process. The process is modified in conformity with the
conditions under which you perform data import and with the problems that occur in the process
of data import.
While describing the process of import, we do not follow a particular restoring process, but
consider the possible phases of the data import. In the course of a concrete import process, you
have to go through only a part of these steps.
How to Give the File to Be Imported
After you have selected the menu item “Tools / Import”, give the data file you indent to
import data from:
You can type in the name and the path of access of the data file. However, it is simpler and
safer to ask for help by clicking the button next to the input field and define the data file to be
imported by using the usual dialog box that serve the opening of files.
With the buttons in the bottom section of the dialog box you can conduct the process of
import in a way usual in the operation system.
How to Set Up the Basic Data of the Import
Provided that the selected file is suitable for data import, on this page you can set up the
properties that determine the process and the range of the import. You can have a look at and
modify the customer’s code and name and the name of the customer table. (To modify the code
or code table of an already existing customer, import the customer with new properties, and
delete the old, unnecessary data.)
Here you can select the data group you intend to import and you can decide whether you
want to create a new code table from the customer’s data or use an already existing one.
How to Select Destination Code Table:
In case you intend to assign an already existing code table to the customer, you have to
select it.
How to Control File Import:
In the process of the data export, the sound and picture files assigned to the customer have
also been saved. The import of them may cause conflict if there is an existing file under the same
By default, the system supposes that in case of identical names, the two files are identical.
(In most cases it is true, since the import most probably was from the same system.) By this
setting, the already existing sound or picture file will not be overwritten, and the imported
customer will use these files.
In case you select overwriting, then the existing files of similar names will be overwritten,
and the imported customers, as well as the already existing customers, will use these files.
In case of renaming, the sound and/or picture files to be imported are stored under new
names, and the imported customer will refer to these names. It is a safe solution, though it may
happen that the same file in two (or more) copies uses space.
How to Check Event List Links:
In the course of defining a customer, you have assigned functions (activity, time restriction
etc) to certain events. Here you can see the list of these special events. To delete these attached
functions, select event name and click the “Cancel” button. It is also possible to “change” an
event before a function.
Provided that you have not modified the type of the event table, each event has a parallel of
its own. However, if the import is made to another event group, it may happen that you have to
set it up manually.
How to Check Event List:
When you create a new event group, then all event names have to exist as records in the
event name list (See: 4.4.5.). On this panel you can select which already existing name (and thus
function) matches the name of the event to be imported. In case you cannot find a suitable name,
you can extend the event name list.
How to Trace the Process of Import:
Provided you have given all information correctly, you can perform conversion. You can
trace the process of conversion on the panel. How to Delete Customers
As we have seen above, if you intend to remove a customer form the system, deletion is not
necessary. It is sufficient to delete the customer’s “Active” property (See: However,
if you want to delete all the data of the customer from the system, select the object of the
customer and then select the menu items “Tools / Delete _Customer’s Name_”. Now you
receive a warning that with this deletion you remove all the data related to the given customer. If
you decide to delete, the data of the customer will irreversibly be deleted from the system.
4.4.5 How to Handle the Event Name List
You can handle the names of the events within event groups under one central object:
With the central handling of the event name, you can make the name of the event represent a
certain function, which creates a connection between different event group types as well (e.g.
Contact ID, 4/2 etc.)
You can handle the data as follows:
You can extend the list or modify names as described above. You can delete an element only
in case there is no link related to it in any of the event groups. To check the existence of links,
select the CheckBox “Display Link Status”. Now the event names which have links are
displayed highlighted. In this state the process of display may slow down considerably due to the
search of links.
4.4.6 How To Handle Event Groups
You are required to define code –> event assignments so that the Com-Sys system would be
able to interpret the codes received from customers. Generally, these assignments vary
depending on the alarm center or its communication protocol. Since you can use identical code –
> event assignments for communicating with several customers, it is expedient to arrange these
assignments into groups. These sets of data are called event groups. An event group contains all
information related to elemental communication codes that are necessary for the correct
interpretation of the codes received from the receiver unit.
The Com-Sys system contains at least two special event groups that are necessary for the
correct functioning of the components of the Com-Sys itself. These groups are assigned to the
customers necessary for the functioning of the system (discussed in 4.4.4.). The possibility of
modifications in these distinguished event groups is restricted.
To create and modify event groups, use the object browser (as described above). To create a
new group, use the object “Event Group”. To modify an already existing event group, select the
object of the event group. How to Create an Event Group
To create a new event group, select the object “Code Table”:
On the right-hand panel now you can see the input fields where you can type in the data
needed for a new event group:
To define a new event group, you are required only to type in the name of the event group to
be created. In addition, you have the possibility receive the data of an already existing event
group. In this case, you can make the data of a selected group inherited. With this method, you
can easily create an event group that differs from an already existing one only to a small degree.
In case you want perform inheriting, choose the select field “Enable Inherit” and select the
group whose events you intend to receive.
After you have filled in the input fields correctly, click the button “Add” to create a new
event group. How to Modify Event Group Data
To modify an event group, select the object to be modified in the object browser. After you
have selected the code group you intend to modify, the tables with the data of the customer
appear on the right-hand panel:
On the first table you can modify the base data of the code table; on the 2nd page you can modify
the event data defined on the code table. The Base Data of an Event Group
On the page of the base data, you can modify the name of the event group and the short
explanation defined to the event group. To make the modifications take effect, click the button
. On this page you can also see the customers to whom the data of the given event
group are defined: How to Modify Event Data
You can handle the data by the help of the data grid. The input fields of the grid are as follows:
_ Event Code: The code arriving to the Com-Sys system, generated by the
customer’s alarm unit.
_ The name of the code, selected from the event code list. After you start to
edit the field, an edit button appears in the field:
To ask for the event list that you have to select from, click the edit button:
To select, look up the required name in the drop-down list. You can accelerate the process
by starting to type in the name of the event and then jump to the first appropriate item of the list.
To finish your choice, select the button ; to return without modifications, select the
button .
_ To be displayed. Here you decide if there should be a record of the event in
the log of the Com-Sys system in case the given event code is received. For
instance, here you can filter those events that you have generated under
certain conditions, but you would not like them to be logged. Those system
events whose occurrence is time-dependent are filtered similarly.
_ Zone type. In case the given event is zone-dependent, here you select the type
of the zone. For a detailed description of the zone types, see
_ Zone number. In case the given event is zone-dependent, here you can define
the number of the zone.
_ External program. You can assign an external program to the event. This
program is called, regardless which customer the event arrived from.
Irrespectively of this fact, in the work flow assigned to the customer you can
also assign an external program to the event (as discussed in
_ Parameters of external programs. You can assign parameters to the external
program to be started.
_ In the next three fields, you can select the way a given event affects the status
of the customer. You can set up the way the given event effects the
customer’s status that marks alarm, opening-closing and technological errors.
The event can leave statuses unmodified, can set them up or delete them.
In case of those event groups that are assigned to system customers, you can modify
exclusively those data fields whose descriptions starts with a “ – “ sign.
Above the data grid, you cans see the list of those customers who are assigned to this event
group How to Delete Event Groups
After you have selected the object of the event group, you can delete the event group by
selecting the menu items “Tools / Delete _event group name_. Now the system asks for a
confirmation. In case you say yes, and provided that the event group is not assigned to any
customer, the deletion will be performed.
You cannot delete an event group that is assigned to a customer.
4.4.7 How to Give External Programs
We have already discussed that when defining customers and event groups, under a certain
condition you can start an external program. Here you can always select external actions from a
You can edit a list with the following object:
When selecting an object, use the data grid on the right-hand panel to add runable programs
to your list. For the definition, give the name of the runable program manually or by the help of
the data browser button and the appearing “Open” dialog box. You can also give parameters
to the program.
4.4.8 How to Define System Sounds
In case there is an operator’s work flow assigned to an event, you can bind a warning sound
to it. You can perform the management of these sound files on the page belonging to the object
On the panel that serves data handling you can see the sound files already defined to the
system. To extend the list, click the “Add” button. To delete the selected file, click the “Delete”
button. Provided that you possess a sound card, you can play the selected sound with the button
The sound files are stored in the subdirectory selected for the data. If you extend the list, the
selected file is stored here, too. In case of deletion, the file deleted physically as well.
4.4.9 The Log Files of the Components of the System
In the OrME system, those components whose functioning does not require intervention on
the part of the operator log the events of their functioning into a text file. There are two
components that create such logs:
_ OrBackup. It registers it events into a single file: OrBAckup.log. In case at
the time of starting no such log file exists, it generates the file. In case the file
exists, it adds the events that occurred in the course of the run.
_ OrArchive. It registers it events into a single file: OrArchive.log. In case at
the time of starting no such log file exists, it generates the file. In case the file
exists, it adds the events that occurred in the course of the run.
The log files are found in that subdirectory where the runable components of the program
have been installed.
With the OrMEAdmin program, you can have these log files displayed; also, you can delete
them. To handle the log files, use the components within the object “System Logs”:
If you have selected “OrBackup Log” or “OrArchive Log”, you can see the log file on the
right-hand panel, and, if required, you can delete it. To delete the selected log file, click the
“Clear” button.
You can also handle log files with the opportunities provided by the operation system.
4.4.10 How to Generate a Report
In the OrMEAdmin program, you can generate several reports. With the reports, you can list
the defined data as well as display the generated events.
To select the report you would like to run, use the object browser:
To run the reports, you are required to give certain data that define the range of the data to
be displayed. When you have given all the data needed for creating a report, you can have the
finished report displayed on the screen or you can print it by clicking the buttons in the bottom
section of the right-hand panel:
Let us see the data needed for the run of a report in detail: How to List Customers’ Data
When you have selected “Customer Data Report”, give the name of the customer whose
data you intend to list on the right-hand panel. The report will contain all the static data defined
to the customer in a summary form. How to List the Data of Event Groups
After you have selected “Code Table Data Report”, give the name of the event group whose
data you intend to list on the right-hand panel. The report will contain all the static data defined
in the event group in a summary form. How to Generate a Customer-Related Event List
It is possible to display the registered events of the customers in a summary form or to print
When you have selected the object of the report (Customer Event report), give the
viewpoints of the selection on the appearing panel:
_ You can select the customer whose data you want to have displayed.
_ Obviously, you can also select the period whose data you want to have
displayed by giving the first and the last date. The List of Users’ Activity
In the system, users’ activity is saved. To search back these data, use the following object:
After you have chosen the object of report (“User Activity Report”), give the viewpoints of
selection on the appearing panel:
_ You can select the user whose data you want to have displayed.
_ You can select the type of the activity: operator’s activity or administrator’s
activity performed in the OrMEAdmin which you intend to list.
_ You can restrict the list of the activities to be displayed.
_ Of course, you can also select the period whose data you want to have
displayed by giving the first and the last date.
5 How to Use the Elements of the System
In the previous chapter (The General Review of the System) we have already discussed the
role of each component as well as their relation to each other. Thus we have become familiar
with the construction of the Com-Sys system. Now let us see user’s rudiments needed for the use
of each module in full detail.
5.1 The OrME Data Display Module
This module receives the data from the receiver unit(s) using the interface unit(s). It
interprets the data, displays the event, if needed, and stores it in the database. If necessary, it
starts the external units or starts and traces the process of event handling for the operator. In
addition, it handles changes in status.
To sum up, this module is for receiving data from the receiver unit and display all
information needed for the effective functioning of the Com-Sys system.
We will discuss the functioning of the module in a separate chapter.
5.2 Interface Modules
The interface module keeps contact with the joining receiver unit. This module receives the
data that come in from the receiver unit and, after pre-processing, sends it to the OrME.
Physically, the interface unit is a DLL, which, in the course of running, constitutes an
integral part of the OrME. As a result, in case the configuration of the receiver unit is needed,
you can perform it from the OrME unit by using the interface unit.
5.3 How to Use the OrMEBackup Module
The OrMEBackup program saves the data of the Com-Sys system. The structure of the
program contributes to the total automation of the saving in conformity with individual
requirements, even if several versions of the saved data are stored. The program performs the
saving in conformity with the pre-defined data and the data given in parameters. It creates
records about the events that occur in the course of saving in the OrBackup.Log file, and then
finishes functioning.
In the course of saving, data files and sound files from the subdirectory selected for data and
picture files from the place selected for pictures are saved. You can define the base location by
the help of the OrMEAdmin (see: 4.4.1.) It is expedient to select the base location of the saving so that, if possible, it would be a shared subdirectory on another computer in the network. If this
is not possible, you have to give the destination subdirectory on the computer that runs the
OrME. Since the sharp data are engaged in the course of the functioning of the program, it is
uncertain if the save modules of the operation system can save them correctly. The OrMEBackup
program can save data safely even while the OrME is functioning. If required, here you can write
saved data on streamers, DAT, FDD etc. by using other save modules.
In the absence of the parameterization of the OrMEBackup program, the data will be saved
in the defined base directory. In the course of the saving, the data already saved there will be
You can start the program parameterized as well. The correct syntax is as follows:
OrBackup _/SETxxxxx_
_ With the parameter /SETxxxxx, you can give the name of a subdirectory that
opens from the base directory of the saving. The actual saving will be
performed here. For example, in case of the parameter “/SET_0001” the
location of saving is: <base directory> /SET_0001.
As practical, you have to start the OrBackup program in the work flow attached to the events
of the customer SYSTEM (eg. change of hours, change of days, change of months). However,
you can give it as a timed event of the operation system, if required. (See: Windows AT
5.4 How to Use the OrMEArchive Module
In the course of the long-run use of the Com-Sys system, the registration of the events that
arrive from customers may extend the size of the database to such an extent that it would effect
the usability of the system (the total disk space would be used etc.) At the same time, the work of
the OrME user does not necessitate the old events. The OrMEArchive module was created to
solve this problem. The module selects the old data from the sharp data and backs them up. In
the course of the running of the program, all the records with the exception of the actual data and
the data of the previous day are archived. The location of the process is the subdirectory
“Archive”, which opens from the base directory of the saving. In the sharp database, the archived
data will be deleted logically; therefore, their access is not possible, though they still use space.
However, the data to be saved later will be placed on the location of the archived data in the
database. By default, the data of the actual day and the two preceding days are not deleted.
However, by parameterizing the program, you can modify the default, if required. The correct
syntax of the starting of the program is as follows:
OrMEArchive _/DAY:xx_
“xx” marks the number of the days that precede today and are not to be deleted. For example:
OrMEArchive or OrMEArchive /DAY: 2 On the monitor module (OrME) you can see
the data of the two preceding days.
OrMEArchive /DAY: 14 On the monitor module (OrME) you can see the data of the
two preceding weeks.
After the program starts, it performs back up. It creates records about the events that occur
in the course of the back up in the OrArchive.Log file, and then finishes functioning. As
practical, you have to start the OrBackup program in the work flow attached the events of the
customer SYSTEM (eg. change of days). However, you can give it as a timed event of the
operation system, if required. (See: Windows AT command). As a result of the character of the
functioning of the program, it is expedient to run the program daily.
In the course of the back up, a file about each archived day is created in the selected
subdirectory. You can handle these coded and condensed data in conformity with the strategy of
your company.
The task of the user (or the operator) of the system is to function the system continuously.
On demand, you have to carry out the predetermined interventions on the ground of the
information provided by the system. To execute your work on a high level, you are required to
be aware of the possibilities the system provides and to be able to apply them in practice as well.
The functioning of the system does not demand advanced knowledge on your part, but it is
necessary to know the functions of the OrME program and the handling of the components of the
graphic surface of the operation system.
In this chapter we give a summary of the knowledge you need for the functioning of the
Com-Sys system.
6 How to Start and Close the OrME
To start the program, start the OrME program module. After completing the basic check, the
OrME asks for the identification of the user, that is, for a name and a password. The identifier of
the actual user is assigned to all events that occurred in the course of the functioning and to all
interventions related to the events.
After the start of the OrME, the interface module(s) that keep contact with the receiver unit
is/are activated. Now the system is ready.
To initiate the close of the system, close the OrME module.
Evidently, both the start and the close of the system are logged.
7 The Structure of the OrME Module
It is the OrME program or module that the user of the system has to execute operations with.
Also, it is this module that displays the necessary information for you.
The operator surface of the system can be divided into several sections. First, let us examine
these units with the related functions and then let us look at the detailed usage of each module.
When you start the program, the surface of the OrME appears as follows:
Let us see the tasks of the main units:
_ Menu row. Provides access to the functions of the program.
_ Toolbars. You can access certain functions with the click of a single button.
These buttons are found in this row.
_ Speed button row: The program provides a so-called MDI surface. It means
that in the main window several independent windows appear which you can
use to display various data or execute operations. Each button in this row
belongs to a window. With these buttons you can easily change windows; in
addition, you can survey the list of the open windows.
_ The window displaying the actual events. This window is of special
importance: this is where you can see the list of the incoming events. It
cannot be closed in the course of the normal functioning of the program.
_ The section for the display of the windows. You can see the open windows in
this section of the main window.
_ Status row. Displays the name of the actual user and provides information
about the selected menu item or tool button.
7.1 Menu Commands
As in the case of other applications, menu commands serve the access to the basic functions
of the program. By clicking any element of the main menu in the menu row, you can choose
between the appearing menu commands. If you rest the mouse pointer on a menu item,
additional information about the selected element will appear in the status row. In case there is a
symbol next to the menu item, the function of the item is similar to that of the tool bar button
identified with the same symbol.
7.1.1 Commands of the File Menu
Configurations: Provided that you possess the adequate right (that is, at least
administrator’s right), you can execute the default settings of the program here. After you have
selected the menu item, the following dialog box appears:
As you can see, you can change four parameters of the program:
_ Automatic reception of events. An operator is assigned to each incoming
event. This assignment can be automatic, but it can be required that the
operators endorse each event manually. (In the latter case, you can endorse
them one by one or all of them simultaneously.) Of course, the act of
endorsement does not acknowledge the events to be handled. This is where
you can set up the actual user’s automatic assignment to the incoming event.
_ In case an event to be handled comes in, the system leads the operator
through the necessary activities with information displayed in a window.
Here you can set up the automatic display of the window at the time of the
arrival of the event to be handled. Note: If the operator is not always there to
carry out the tasks while the monitoring is running, it is expedient to ban the
automatic window display, since in extreme cases the number of opening
windows may reach a number that hinders the handling the program.
_ If an event arrives from an unknown and undefined customer code, here you
can ban its display.
_ In case an event comes in from an inactive, that is, banned customer, you can
ban its display. Obviously, even if you display the event, the system will
provide you with a warning of the customer’s banned state.
Lock Window: To “lock” the program, select this menu item. While locked, the program
functions with full efficiency, but no user’s intervention is possible. To resolve the locked state,
type the password of the logged-in user or the password of the “root” user (defined at the time of
This function is to be used when the logged-in user leaves the computer for a short time and
s/he does not want any other person to intervene with the functioning of the system under his/her
Exit: This menu item initiates the process of exit from the system.
7.1.2 The Commands of the View Menu
In the View menu item we can switch off and on the display of the tool bars of the program.
7.1.3 The Commands of the Customers Menu
Display Picture: After you have selected the menu item, a list window appears where you
can select one or several customers. When you click the OK button, the pictures belonging to the
selected customers are displayed in a separate window.
Display Status: After you have selected the menu item, you can see the status of the
customers in a window.
7.1.4 The Commands of the Tools Menu
Event Data: Displays the data of a work flow that belongs to an event you have selected
from the list of the actual events. You can add notes to the displayed work flow, but cannot
change the existing notes later.
Simple Report: By selecting this menu item, we can collect the events of a given customer
that occurred in a given period from the list of the actual events. The data are displayed in a new
window. After you have selected the menu item define the customer and the period. Then the
display takes place.
7.1.5 The Commands of the Users Menu
Login User: The user logs in. If the actual user have not logged off yet, the process of
logging off will automatically take place when you select this menu item.
Receipt Events: The user is required to inform the system that s/he has received and
acknowledged even those incoming events that have no attached work flow. You can do so by
clicking the data display line that contain the data of the event, but since these events do not
require intervention only acknowledgement on your part, you can receive all the events
simultaneously by selecting this menu item or by clicking the appropriate button in the tool bar.
This process can be automated. (See: 7.1.1.)
Change Password: By selecting this menu item, the actual user can change his/her own
password. To execute the change, type the old password in the dialog box and then type in the
new one twice. The text of the password here (like everywhere) is displayed on the screen in
7.1.6 The Commands of the Language Menu
It is possible to use several languages in the system. The menu items that appear here
represent the optional language modules of the OrME. The modifications you have performed
take effect after the restart of the OrME.
There is one distinguished menu item: „<NONE>”. If you select it, the default language of
the program will be used and none of the external language modules will get activated.
7.1.7 The Commands of the Window Menu
With the menu items of the first section of the menu list, you can easily arrange the display
of the open windows.
By clicking the menu item „Show Event List”, you can place the window that contains the
event list on the top. Taking into consideration the functioning of the system, this is a window of
special importance, since here you can trace the arrival of the events.
With the menu items of the third section and you can easily close windows that contain
pictures or windows that display status.
The functions that are most often used are accessible with a single click of a button in a
separate tool bar.
7.1.8 The Help/About Menu
To display basic information about the OrME program, select this menu item.
7.2 How to Use Tool Bars
There are toolbars to serve the quicker access to certain functions and thus to help users’
work. The tool bars are grouped into four categories: “Data Navigator”, “Tools”, “Sound
Control” and “ Windows Tools”. In case you do not need the service, you can switch the tool
bars off (See: 7.1.2).
When the system starts, the toolbars are in a docked state. That is, they constitute an organic
part of the main window of the program in the section under the menu row. If you pick a tool
bar with the mouse somewhere else than on the surface of the button and drag it away from its
original position, it will become a separate floating window. This separate window can be closed
or it can be dragged to its original position. Under the menu row, you can modify the position
and the sequence of the tool bars by dragging them with the mouse.
Let us see the functions you can perform with each tool bar:
7.2.1 Data Navigator
With the buttons of the tool bar, you can move the positioner line on the events displayed in
the actual window. The buttons serve the following functions, respectively:
_ Go to first line.
_ Go to previous line.
_ Go to next line.
_ Go to last line.
_ Re-read database.
7.2.2 Tools
The buttons of the tool bar provide a simpler access to certain menu items. We have already
discussed the functions performed. At this point, let us summarize these functions on a short list:
_ Close program.
_ A user logs in.
_ Display picture data of customer(s).
_ Display status data of customers.
_ Receive or acknowledge events (endorse).
_ Display information about the work flow that belongs to a record that you
have selected from the event list.
7.2.3 Sound Control
You can control the sound signs generated by the program with this toolbar. In case the
computer is suitable for playing sound files, you can assign various sounds to the tasks defined in
the work flows. By default, the sounds are to be displayed until the work flow(s) is/are over. You
have the opportunity to pause play and then restart it, as well as to delete sound signs. To
perform these functions, click the buttons of the toolbar; the given operation applies to all the
sounds assigned to all work flows.
The three buttons perform the following functions, respectively:
_ Restart sound display after pause.
_ Pause sound display.
_ Delete sound display. (Valid only until the occurrence of the next work
7.3 Speed Button Bars
In the course of the normal functioning of the program, several windows may be displayed
simultaneously so that they may hide each other partly or completely. This is why it is
indispensable for the operator to survey the open windows and to navigate easily between them.
The buttons can appear in two rows. On the first speed button row a button is defined to
each displayed window (with the exception of the windows that serve the handling of the work
flows). If you click the button, the given window id displayed even if it has been hidden till then.
On the speed button bar a button is created to each displayed window. By clicking this
button, the given window is displayed even if it has been hidden till then. The button that
represents the window of the actual event list is invariably posited in the first position of the
button row.
The second button row appears on condition that an event to be handled has arrived, and it
has not been acknowledged by the operator. The buttons that appear here can have two symbols.
If there is no window displayed to the given event, a red ball: . And in case you have already
opened a work flow window, a red exclamation mark: On the buttons you can read the
name of the customer/the name of the event.
The above figure shows four windows and the button row that belongs to an unprocessed
event to be handled.
If due to the number of open windows the buttons cannot be shown completely, you can
slide the buttons to the right and left with the arrows displayed.
7.4 Information Windows
The system provides the operator with all the information through windows. There are
several types of windows in the system to perform these tasks. The windows appear invariably
within the main window in a form called MDI User Interface. You can modify the display of the
individual information windows with the following functions: resize (the minimum size of
certain windows cannot be redefined), full-screen display, minimize, arrange windows etc.
Let us give a detailed description of the way you can use the opportunities provided by the
individual windows:
7.4.1 Actual Event List
This window plays a special role in the OrME system. The window cannot be closed
separately; it disappears only when the whole system is closed. In case you attempt to close it, it
gets minimized. On the surface below you can see the list of events received by the system:
The first row of the window is the header. Here you can read the name of the displayed data.
Each line below the header shows the data of an incoming event. Let us see the information we
can get about an event in these lines.
The background of a line can be displayed in four colors:
_ System event generated by the receiver or
the OrME system.
operator’s task has been defined to the event.
_ An event defined to a customer; it is to be
handled. An operator’s work flow has been defined to the event. The color of
the line stays red until the given work flow is completed. In case the window
that displays a work flow does not appear automatically (See: 7.1.1.), you can
open it by double-clicking the line or clicking the button of the event.
_ An event defined to a customer; it is to be
handled. An operator’s work flow has been defined to the event. The operator
has already acknowledged the event.
_ A system-generated event that is to be
handled. An operator’s work flow has been defined to the event. The color of
the line does not change until the given work flow is completed. In case the
window that displays a work flow does not appear automatically (See: 7.1.1.),
you can open it by double-clicking the line or clicking the button of the event.
_ A system-generated event that is to be
handled. An operator’s work flow has been defined to the event. The operator
has already acknowledged the event.
_ The pointer of the selected line. If you give a
command that applies to one event, the command will affect this line. If you
select a line by clicking, it will get into endorsed state. In case the last incoming
event is the selected line, the selection will automatically be replaced to the
next incoming event, and that line will automatically become the last displayed
line. If the selected event is not the one that arrived last, the selection will not
change when a new event arrives. In the latter case, it may happen that the new
incoming event will not be visible, since the selected line is invariably posited
in the visible zone.
At the beginning of the line there is a dog-ear to show whether the operator endorsed the line
or not:
If the dog-ear is red, the line has not been endorsed yet. To execute endorsement, click the
line or use the menu item (discussed in 7.1.5.)/ tool button.
The header shows the type of information that the system displays in each column position.
You can change the width of an information column in the following way: move the mouse
pointer to the header, to the borderline between two columns. Now the shape of the mouse
pointer changes. To modify the width of columns, move with the clicked mouse button to the left
or right. You can also revise the sequence of the columns: pick the column to be moved in the
header with the mouse and drag it to the required place.
Let us see the data displayed is each position:
_ Date, Time. The date of the occurrence of the event.
_ Code. The customer code of the owner of the event
_ Rec./Line. The code of the receiver unit (or, in case the receiver does not
possess an independent code, the number of the line that keeps contact with the
receiver) and the number of the line within the receiver unit.
_ Event Name. The name of the event.
_ Zone Information. Displays event-related zone information. In case the name of
the zone is defined to the given customer, that one appears; otherwise, the type
and the number of the zone is displayed.
_ Event extension. Displays supplementary information related to the event, eg.
Caller ID, SIA modificators etc.
_ End Date, End Time. The date of the acknowledgement of the event. In case of
an event not to be acknowledged, this date is identical with the occurrence of
the event.
7.4.2 The Window of the Work flow
If you double-click any event, a window appears that displays the work flows related to the
given event. Obviously, the tasks to be performed are displayed only if they have been defined to
the given event.
In case a part work flow is typed in and recorded, it cannot be modified later.
You can close the window only if there is a tick next to each work flow. In case you attempt
to close the window in the absence of ticks, it gets minimized. If you acknowledge the event, the
Name of customer
Time of receiving event
Name of event and zone
Name of work flows to be
Address and phone number of
Button for the display of the
picture information
belonging to customers
Button for the pause of sound
Field for typing in the part
work executed
Close window when all work
flows complete
Description of the selected
work flow and of related
Record the typed-in,
completed part work plus
the date into the log
Log of the work flows
completed so far
information related to the event cannot be modified later. If there is a tick next to the name of
each work flow, you can close the window without acknowledgement and later continue work,
though the event still remains unacknowledged (red background).
7.4.3 The List of Selected Events
By the help of the menu item Report/Simple Report … (See: 7.1.4.), you can select a
narrowed group of actual events. The window discussed here displays the event list selected
under certain conditions. To define the customer and the period whose events you intend to
display, select the menu item:
After you have pressed the OK button, the required list appears.
You can keep open several windows that display the narrowed event lists; their number is
limited exclusively by the capacity of the computer. Obviously, the user can close these windows
without restrictions.
The surface of the window is identical to that discussed in the previous section; however,
there is one small difference: in the header you can read that it is a report window and not a
window that display sharp data.
7.4.4 How to Display the Status of the Customers
By the help of the menu item Customers/Display Status (See: 7.1.3.), you can display the
status of the customers.
The statuses are modified by the incoming events, in conformity with the rules defined by
the system administrator.
There are three pre-defined types of status belonging to each customer; each type of status
can assume three states:
: Marks the unknown – closed – open state of the customer’s object.
: Marks the unknown – alarmed – reposed state of the customer’s object.
: Marks the unknown – technologically wrong – technologically OK state of
the customer’s object.
The following window displays the present state of the customers:
You can perform the following operations with the displayed data and with the window:
_ You can navigate between the customers by the help of the button row (discussed
_ You can select the order of the display by the help of the ComboBox. You can arrange
the customers in accordance with the customer’s code, customer’s name and the date of
the last incoming event.
_ By clicking the button , you can close the window.
The data displayed in the window give living information; therefore, all modifications take
effect immediately. The display may take place in one or more columns, depending the width of
the window.
You cannot carry out operations on the statuses.
7.4.5 How to Display Customer-Related Picture Information
Here you can display those pieces of picture information that belong to a customer. To call
this window, follow the method described in section 7.4.2. or use the menu items
Customers/Display Pictures… (See: 7.1.3.).
On the header of the window you can read the name of the customer whose pictures you
display. In the upper section of the screen, you can see the tools:
BY the help of them, you can perform the following functions, respectively:
_ Close window
_ Enlarge picture
_ Minimize picture
_ Select picture (You can define several pictures to one customer.)
In the middle section of the window the selected picture is displayed. On the surface of the
picture, the following symbol can be used to mark zones (e.g. on the layout of a building) and the
location of the defended object (e.g. on a map):
The number above the arrow shows the number of the zone. In case the number is “0”, the
point of the arrow marks the defended object.
If you rest the mouse cursor on the symbol, the name of the zone is displayed in the bottom
status row.
7.5 The Status Row of the Main Window
The status row of the window can be found in the bottom section of the main window. The
status row is divided into two sections.
In the first section, you can read the full name of the actual logged-in user.
The second section is for help. If you select a menu item or rest the mouse pointer on a tool
button of the main window, here you can read a short description of the function of the selected
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