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DC++ Tutorial on how to make Active mode work with ICS


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DC++ Tutorial on how to make Active mode work with ICS (Internet Connection Sharing).

Hello, welcome to my little tutorial on how to make active mode work while sharing your internet connection. Ok first of all Im going to say how I shared my internet connection. We have 2 computers in the house and we wanted both of them to have internet without using a router. My computer have 2 Ethernet cards so I can plug the internet into one and use the other one to connect my dads computer to mine so that he gets internet. I want to make that clear in the first place, my computer is DIRECTLY connected to the internet, so if you want to run dc++ in active mode on a computer connecting to another to have internet youre reading the wrong thing. But, if you have your modem directly plugged into your computer and sharing the internet with another computer in your house, you are reading the good thing. In the first time, I plugged the internet in the onboard card and the LAN cable in the PCI card and I WASNT ABLE TO USE ACTIVE. But when I plugged them like in the part just below this, it worked like a charmthats what I noticed. And now heres how I shared the internet and how I could make dc++ work in active mode. I didnt use Port forwarding. I just basically inverted the cables in the way you are about to read and I ran the network wizard again.

1. Plugged the cable modem in one of my Ethernet card (the PCI one)

2. Plugged a LAN cable in my other Ethernet card (the ONBOARD one) so my dad can be connected to my computer.

*you probably notice that its the opposite of how I plugged them in the first place, thats what, made active work for me*

3. Went in NETWORK CONNECTIONS, and then I clicked on Set up a home or small office network. Anywaysif you have ICS, you know how you to do the rest

4. Ok, now my dad can access internet through my computer, now what I do is that I check if the XP build-in firewall is enabled. (Network connections, right-click the connection which is directly connected to the internet, properties, advanced tab.)

5. Ok its disabled. Thats one thing done. You probably already knew that if you have any kind of firewall on, dc++ wont work in active mode.

6. Thats allnow you start up dc++ and in the settings leave things like that ;

7. be sure not to have ANY firewalls on. Also, look for any software firewalls that could be onexample: Zone Alarm.

8. If after all that, it still doesnt work, (even after inverting cables like mentioned before) I suggest trying PORT FORWARDING. Heres how to do it :

I dont know if you can see the picture wellHere it is : go in network connections , right click your internet connection , properties, advanced taband do as said in the screenshot. In external port number put any numbers between 1024 and 655535. In Internal port number put the same number as in EXTERNAL PORT NUMBER. And do that again but selecting UDP instead of TCP. Then in DC++ settings put your ip in the active fields and the port number that you entered before in the port fields

Sorry for any bad spellingI am a Canadian French and English is my second language.

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