Bulgara | Ceha slovaca | Croata | Engleza | Estona | Finlandeza | Franceza |
Germana | Italiana | Letona | Lituaniana | Maghiara | Olandeza | Poloneza |
Sarba | Slovena | Spaniola | Suedeza | Turca | Ucraineana |
Mobile FBUS 1
Version 1.7 1
Types 3
Events 4
Public 5
Types 9
Properties 10
Types 11
Events 11
Properties 12
Types 13
Events 13
Events 14
Properties 15
Types 16
Constants 16
Public 17
Public 17
Published 18
Types 19
Events 19
Public 20
Published 20
Types 21
Constants 22
Public 22
Published 22
Extra Components 23
FBUSOpenPictureDialog 23
FBUSStatusBar 23
FBUSVUMeter 23
Used to specify the comport to use
Used to specify the type of reset the phone will do
AlarmTime : TDateTime;
AlarmSet : Boolean;
Record structure of the phone alarm information
IMEI : String;
SWVersion : String;
HWVersion : String;
Model : String;
SWDate : String;
Sup_Startup_logo : boolean;
Sup_caller_group_logo : boolean;
Sup_sendkeystroke : boolean;
Sup_operator_logo : boolean;
Sup_pictures : boolean;
Sup_ringtones : boolean;
Record Structure of the Phone model information
NetworkCode : String;
Country : String;
SMSCenter : String;
CellID : String;
LAC : String;
Record Structure of the Phone network settings
Raises an event when the phone is connected
Raises an event when a ringtone is being played
Raises and event to indicate if the phone is powered by battery or via ACDC power, i.e. a recharger or recharge cradle
Raises an event to indicate the level of the batteries charge. This is from 0 to 5. 5 being the highest value, i.e. fully charged
Raises an event to indicate the level of the signal. This is from 0 to 5. 5 being the highest value, i.e. an excellent signal
Raises an event to indicate if the Phone keyboard is locked. True is locked, false is unlocked
Raises an event to indicate if a call is in progress. True means a call is in progress, false mean there is no call in progress
Raises an event to indicate that there has been an error adding an entry to the phones phonebook. Sender is a string explanation of the error
Raises an event to indicate thata new SMS message has been received by the phone
Raises an event to indicate an error while sending an SMS Message. Sender is a string explanation of the error
Raises an event to indicate the count if SMS Messages in the Phones Inbox
Raises an event to indicate the count if SMS Messages in the Phones Delivered messages box
Raises an event to indicate the count if SMS Messages in the Phones out box
Raises an event to indicate if a ringtone has been sent via SMS. True means it has been sent successfully, false means there was an error sending it.
Raises an event to indicate that there is an incoming call on the phone. Number is a string containing the name or number of the caller. If the number is in the phones phonebox, it will display the name of the caller, otherwise it will return the number
TNewPIctureMessage = procedure(NewPIcture:Boolean) of object;
Raises an event when a new logo or picture message is received
TSMSSendAck = procedure(Ack:boolean; data:integer); of object;
Raises an event when a SMS Acknowledgment is received.
This procedure initiates a connection to the phone
This procedure will disconnect the connection to the phone.
This procedure will set the alarm on the phone
This procedure will set the date and time on the phone
This function will get the current time from the phone. By default, they date may not be set on the phone, and the first time you call GetTime the date may be a random date, but one you set the date and time, the date will be set in the phone, and will it will keep the correct date from there.
This function is used to query the different NetMonitor screens on the phone, and each of the screens is returned as a string.
This procedure will reset the phone depending on the TReset Type passed
This procedure will hang up a phone call in progress
This procedure will make a voice call to the number passed to it
This procedure will send DTMF tones to the phone depending on the tone passed to it.
Valid tones are 0 to 9, # and *
This will cause the phone to make a beep sound
This will answer the phone if it starts ringing.
Sets the comport to use to connect to the phone
This specifies a connection to the FbusStatusbar to use.
This is were the event to indicate if the phone is connected is handled
This is were the event to indicate if a ringtone is being played is handled
This is were the event to indicate the power source of the phone is handled
This is were the event to indicate the battery charge level is handled
This is were the event to indicate the signal level is handled
This is were the event to indicate if the phones keyboard is locked or not is handled
This is were the event to indicate if a call is in progress is handled
This is were the event to indicate if there was an error adding a Phonebook entry is handled
This is were the event to indicate when a new SMS message has been received by the phone is handled
This is were the event to indicate if there was an error with SMS is handled
This is were the event to indicate if there was an error sending an SMS message is handled
This is were the event to indicate if an SMS message was sent successfully or not is handled
This is were the event to indicate the count of SMS messages in the phones Inbox is handled
This is were the event to indicate the count of SMS messages in the phones OutBox is handled
This is were the event to indicate the count if SMS messages in the Deliverybox is handled
This is were the event to indicate if a ringtone has been sent via SMS successfully or not is handled
This is were the event to indicate if the phone is receiving an incoming call is handled
This is where the event to indicate and SMS acknowledgment is handled.
All types are defined in the LOGOMIS.PAS file.
This procedure clears the logo editor
This procedure downloads a logo of type TlogoType. Use Ord(logotype) to pass the integer value of the logotype, i.e. Ord(fbOperatorLogo)
If the iGroupNumber is the index of a picture message to be downloaded.
This procedure will send the currently displayed logo to the phone
This procedure will load a Logo from file. This can be a NOL, NGG or an NLM
This procedure will load a graphic from file . This can be a BMP, GIF, JPG
This procedure will save the currently displayed logo to a Logo file
This procedure will make a logo from an the current image in the logo editor
This will make a logo from a graphic file, i.e. BMP, GIF or JPG.
This procedure will send a logo via SMS. If you are sending a logo to another phone which has a different provider than yours, and you want them to be able to save the logo, you will have to set the providers information before sending the logo. (see SetNewNetCode)
This procedure will send a logo to a Siemens handset.
This function will export the currently displayed logo to a specific file type, i.e. BMP, GIF, JPG
This funtction will reset a logo on the phone, i.e. the ORD of TLogoType, eg. ORD(fStartupLogo)
this procedure will set the Netcode of a provider for a Logo to be sent via SMS
This procedure will set the Startup Text of the phone
This function will send a logo to a destination without previewing the image. If you want to send a logo to multiple recipients, use this function. Sfilename is the logo filename, sDestination is the phone number to send to, sNetcode is the netcode of the recipents provider,and iType is the ORD of the TlogoType.
This property will Set the Logo type of the phone, and will resize the logo editor to the right height and width for the logo selected
This property sets a reference to the main FBUS component. The logo editor will not work correctly WITHOUT a reference to an FBUS component
This property sets a reference to an Image Control that can be used to display the logo I its actual size. This is not required.
This property sets and gets the message text of a Picture message.
This property Sets the link to the FBUSLogoEditor;
This is were the event to indicate when a logo has been uploaded is handled
This is were the event to indicate when a logo has been downloaded is handled
This is were the event to indicate when a logo has been saved to file is handled
This is were the event to indicate when a logo has been sent via SMS is handled
This is were the event to indicate the a logo has been sent
to a Siemens phone is handled.
All types are defined in the LOGOMIS.PAS file.
This property is triggered whenever the logo editor changes.
This procedure increase the magnification on the editor.
This procedure decrease the magnification on the editor.
This is the exposed property of the Bitmap where the logo is draw. You can assign canvas commands to this bitmap, and they will be reflected on the image on the editor.
This will update the current picture.
This procedure will load a logo file or a graphic file from file and display it;
This procedure will undo the last bit of editing done on the editor.
This procedure will redo the last bit of editing done on the editor, that was cleared by the undo event.
This procedure will clear the logo editor.
This property will assign the text to be applied to the logo editor.
This is the property for the logoe editors displayed picture.
This property sets the magnification level.
This property sets the TdrawingTool type to be used on the logo editor.
This property sets the TPEN style of the logo editor.
This property sets the TBRUSH style of the logo editor.
This property sets the TLOGOTYPE of the logo editor, and resizes the editor to suite.
This propery sets the property to a TIMAGE control that can be used to preview a the current logo at actual size.
These are the logo types that are currently supported
These are the tools types that can be used on the logo editor
This is the record structure of the TLOGOTEXT. It contains information about the font and the text that is assigned to the logo editor.
This event is triggered when there was an error downloading a logo from the phone.
This event is triggered when there a logo has been uploaded to the phone.
This event is triggered when a logo has been downloaded from the phone.
This event is triggered when a logo has been saved to file.
This event is triggered when a Logo has been sent via and SMS Message
This control was specially written to provide Unicode support to Mobile Fbus.
This is a standard Click event.
This procedure will clear the list of SMS Messages.
This function will return the message details of a selected item in the list. This is a TSMSMessage Record structure. (See SMS.PAS for structure)
This function returns the selected message index.
This function will delete an item from the list based on the index. (the index is zero based)
This procedure will load the SMS Messages based on the iBox value into the FBUSSMSList. This is the value of the SMS Message box. (see SMS.PAS constants for more values)
This property sets a reference to the main FBUS component. The logo editor will not work correctly WITHOUT a reference to an FBUS component
This is property you set to define the Character set to use when decoding the SMS messages from the phone. I.e. Chinese, Arabic etc. By default, this will be the default language for your area.
This property contains the SMSMessage items in. They can be individually read or deleted based on their index.
This property returns the cound of selected items in the list.
Raises an event when an SMS message error has occurred
Raises an event when an error occurred sending an SMS Message
Raises an event when an SMS Message has been successfully sent
TSMSMessage =
msg_Date : TDateTime;
sSender : String;
bRead : Boolean;
sMessage : String;
Record Structure of an SMS Message
fbOutgoingMessage = 11;
fbDeliveryReport = 12;
fbIncommingMessage = 13;
This procedure will refresh the list of SMS messages
This function will return the Count of messages in the Box Type, specified by one of the box type constants.
This function returns the count of unread messages in the inbox
This function returns the total messages in the inbox
This function returns the count of received messages. When a new message has been received by the phone, you can use this function to find out how many new messages were received
This function indicates if a message specified by its index and the box it is in, has been read yet or not
This function returns an SMS Message and its information based on its index and its box type
This function returns the date and time of an SMS Message based on its index and box type
This procedure sends an SMS Message
This function returns the message data based on its index and box type
This function will delete an SMS message based on its box type.
This function will send a Bitmap or a
This is were the event to indicate if there has been an SMS error is handled
This is were the event to indicate if an SMS Message had an error when sending is handled
This is were the event to indicate if an SMS Message has been sent successfully is handled
Used to specify the Phonebook memory type
Location : integer;
MemType : TMemType;
Name : string;
Number : String;
Group : integer;
Record Structure of a phonebook entry
Name : string;
Record structure of a phonebook book
Raises an error when there has been a phonebook entry error
This function returns a Phonebook entry based on an index to read, and the memory type to read
This procedure adds a phonebook entry based on an index to write to, and the memory type to write to, and the group number
This procedure deletes a phonebook entry based on an index of the entry, and the memory type and the group number
This function returns a phonebook entry based on the speeddial location index
This procedure adds a speeddial based on the speeddial location index, the phonebook entry name, and the memory type
This procedure edits a speeddial based on the speeddial location index, the phonebook entry name, and the memory type
This is were the event to indicate if a Phonebook entry error occurred is handled
wMid : Integer;
wPid : Integer;
vDriverVersion : dword;
szPname : String[32];
wTechnology : Integer;
wVoices : Integer;
wNotes : Integer;
wChannelMask : Integer;
dwSupport : dword;
Record Structure for
lpData : String;
dwBufferLength : dword;
dwBytesRecorded : dword;
dwUser : dword;
dwFlags : dword;
lpNext : dword;
Reserved : dword;
End ;
Record Structure for
Value : Double;
Freq : String;
Record Structure for Frequences
Raises an event when the phone is playing a Ringtone
Raises an event when the ringtone has been sent via SMS
Specifies the device to use when playing a ringtone
This procedure reads a ringtone file into memory. If the file exists, then it will return TRUE. If it does not exits, then it will return FALSE.
This procedure writes a ringtone to a ringtone file
This procedure Uploads a new ringtone to a phone
(note: Nokia 51xx phones can not upload new ringtones)
This procedure sends a ringtone as an SMS message to another cellphone
This procedure will play a ringtone to the specified device.
(Note: the speaker playback only works under Winnt 4 and Win2K, but even though the 51xx phones cant save a ringtone to memory, you can still preview the ringtone through the phone)
This is were the event to indicate when a ringtone is being played is handled
This is were the event to indicate if the ringtone was send via SMS successfully is handled
The FBUSOpenPictureDialog is a specially altered OpenDialog that will display a preview of not only BMP, and JPG images, but also GIF images, as well as Nokia Logo files, NOL. NGG and NLM.
It is used only by the LogoEditor, and is opened by calling FBUSOpenPictureDialog1.execute.
It returns a modal result, and a filename just like other dialogs.
The FBUSStatusBar has been specially written to work with the FBUS component and will automatically indicate events like, if the phone is connected, if the keyboard is locked, if the alarm is set, if a call is in progress, the power source of the phone, and the battery and signal levels.
It is designed to just drop on a form, and a property set in the FBUS component properties, and the source code does the rest. Automatically updating each item as its event changes.
The FBUSVUMeter is designed to work with the FBUSStatusBar, but it can be used on its own.
Its a meter that shows levels like the
It is recommended that the demo be consulted for ideas on how to use all of he functions, procedures, and events in all the above Components and Classes.
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