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Language and written media (newspapers, journals, magazines, internet)


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Universitatea Petru Maior

Targu - Mures

Language and written media

(newspapers, journals, magazines, internet)

Language on the Internet

Written media includes:





Language on the internet

The internet is an association of computer networks with common standards which enable messages to be sent from any registered computer (or host) on one network to any host or any other.

The unprecedented scale and significance of the Net as a global medium can not be denied. The extra significance is reflected in the spelling, in languages which use capital letters: this is the first such technology to be conventionally identified with an initial capital. We do not give typographical enhancement to such development as Printing, Publishing, Broadcasting, Radio or Television, but we do write Internet and Net.

Several writers called Internet language written speech, meaning people write the way they talk.

English has become the international Lingua Franca throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. The Americans, following Bismarcks phrasing invented the Internet.

The Digital English is characterized by 14 main features:

The use of personifications

An excessive use of the passive voice

An all to frequent use of euphemisms

A systematic use of hyperboles


Misleading assertions

Redundant language


Hyphenation trends


Informal abbreviations and contractions

Computer spelling and syntax

A systematic use of the present tense

A developed sense of humor

The citizens of the Internet, the netizens, use their own language. Heres a list of acronyms:

S smile

BG big Grin

AND Any Day Now

ASAP- As Soon As Possible

B4 before

BF Boyfriend

B4N Bye For Now

BB Bye Bye

BRB Be Right Back

CYA See You

DL Download

GF Girlfriend

GG Good Game

GL Good Luck

BTW By The Way

RO Read On

TY- Thank You

U2 You too

YW Youre Welcome

Common disclaimer phrases are used in order to talk faster in chat, and are also often contracted into acronyms. They tend to occur at certain points in a sentence, which can facilitate decoding. Common examples include:

lol (Laugh Out Loud/Laughing out loudly)

lmao (Laughing My Ass Off)

rofl (Roll On Floor Laughing. Sometimes 'rofl' and 'lmao' are combined into 'roflmao')

omg (Oh My God)

sec (Just a second)

iirc (If I Remember Correctly)

afk (Away From Keyboard)

g2g (Got To Go, and sometimes Good To Go)

brb (Be Right Back)

btw (By The Way)

log (Log Off)

bio (Rest Room ex. 'afk bio')

ftw (For the Win)

ne1 (anyone)

2day (Today)

ttyl (Talk To You Later)

jk (Just Kidding)

k (Okay)

kk (Okay)

imo (In My Opinion)

imho (In My Honest Opinion, In My Humble Opinion)

go (Get Out)

l2p (Learn To Play)

gg (Good Game; wishing someone a good game or, sarcastically, mocking someone who lost)

gl (Good Luck)

hf (Have Fun)

bff (Best Friends Forever)

The Internet users invented the FANZINES, and the PROZINES. A fanzine is a nonprofessional publication produced by fans of a particular phenomenon (such as literary or music genre) for the pleasure of others who share their interest. Typically, publishers, editors and contributors to fanzines receive no financial compensation. Fanzines are traditionally circulated free of charge, or for a nominal cost to defray postage or production expenses. Copies are often offered in exchange for similar publications, or for contributions of art, articles, or letters of comment, which are then published. Some fanzines have evolved into professional publications (sometimes known as 'prozines'), and many professional writers were first published in fanzines; some continue to contribute to them after establishing a professional reputation. The term fanzine is sometimes confused with 'fan magazine', but the latter term most often refers to commercially-produced publications.

The Language

nColloquial, informal language

nExcessive use of adjectives

nExpresses enthusiasm

nSpecific and concrete vocabulary (according to the theme)


nThe use of personification, hyperbole

nUse of past, present and future tense


Science Fiction Fanzines

Media Fanzines

Comics and Graphic Arts Fanzines

Horror Film Fanzines

Rock and Roll Music Fanzines

Punk Fanzines

Mod Fanzines

Local Music Fanzines

Role Playing Fanzines

Wargaming Fanzines

Sport Fanzines

Media Fanzines were originally merely a sub-genre of SF fanzines, written by science fiction fans. These media zines spanned the gamut of publishing quality from digest sized mimeos to offset printed masterpieces with four-color covers.


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