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TERMENI importanti pentru acest document |
One of the most important financial markets is represented by the stock exchange
And the
most famous one is the one existing in
The market is coordinated electronically and operates in three markets:
domestic equities (they include listed securities of large corporations and unlisted securities for smaller and growing companies)
gilt-edged stock (gilts are issued by the Bank of England under the government control; they are traded in a secondary market through exchange)
international equities
The money markets are directed between buyers and sellers which are banks, financial institutions, private persons. There is no physical market place; the negotiations are done by phone, automated dealing system, the financial instruments being CDs, bills of exchange, treasury bills, bonds.
Parallel markets are to be found and are known under names such as:
inter bank market (it lets the banks to deposit surplus cash with each other)
CDs market (it involves large companies, institutions; it deposits large surplus sums for a given rate of interest)
Commercial bills market (it deals with unsecured promissory notes, short term ones; these are issued by the companies listed on the Stock market)
Euro currency market (it deals with
currencies lent outside the domestic market place;
The Foreign Exchange Market conducts transactions through the phone and data links between banks, financial institutions, firms, the brokers act as intermediaries. The quotes are given in many currencies for the buying and selling rates on a daily basis for all types of transactions.
Text comprehension
Answer following questions
Where is the most important financial market?
What do the security houses offer?
How are the prices displayed?
Do people own shares and how?
How the money market managed and which is are its elements?
How is the money directed?
Can you describe the parallel markets?
What do you know about the Free Market Exchange?
Banking vocabulary
Affiliate (afiliere)
Bank branch (filiala bancara)
Bond (obligatiune)
Bearer ( purtator al unui cec sau cambii)
Bearer bond (titlu de valoare)
Bullion (lingouri de aur, argint, metale pretioase)
Clearing cycle process (proces prin care, o plata, efectuata pe baza unui cec, este transferata dintr-un cont in altul)
Clearing house (sistem centralizat si computerizat de stabilire a sumelor datorate reciproc)
CD = Clearing deposits
Corporate bond (obligatiune sau titlu de valoare care reprezinta un imprumut obisnuit)
Creditworthiness (evaluarea capacitatii unei persoane/firme de a achita bunurile/serviciile primite )
Equity (activele nete ale unei companii, dupa ce u fost platiti toti creditorii)
Financial instruments (ocumente financiare)
Gilt edged security (itlu de valoare cu dobanda fixa, emis de guvernul britanic sub forma obligatiunilor guvernamentale sau a bonurilor de tezaur)
To issue ( a emite)
Margin (marja)
Share ( actiune ; parte sociala)
Stock(stoc de active; titlu de valoare cu dobanda fixa)
Subsidiary (iliala, sucursala,)
Build up sentences using the above mentioned vocabulary
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