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STAS 10107/0-90
- brief notes -
1. Reinforcement anchorage:
a) longitudinal
la lad ; d=diameter of rebar
It will be considered to have severe solicitation conditions:
the reinforcement of elements with antiseismic strength purpose in constructions belonging to seismic zones AF, only in the potential plastic zones
the reinforcement of elements acted upon by important concentrated forces, situated at distances smaller than 40d from the interior bound of supports
the reinforcement of elements computed for the fatigue limit state
It will be considered to have defavorable conditions of adherence:
the rebars having a horizontal position during casting (or an inclinement smaller than 45o with respect to the horizontal), placed in elements with height h>=300mm and situated in the superior part of the element ;
horizontal rebars from the vertical elements of the structures, having great height and thickness <= 300mm (structural walls, reservoir walls and silos..) ;
when justified, in special cases, other reinforcement for which the reinforcing conditions, technological conditions of concrete casting or some other causes could unfavorably influence the adherence within the anchorage zones (ex: structures executed using sliding forms).
b) transversal
for ties and stirrups there will be hooks
bent at 135o or 180o in case of
2. Reinforcement splicing
by welding: compulsory for bars with d>=32mm and recommended for bars with d>=25 mm ; welding will not be used for bars with d<=10mm
in the potential pastic zones splicing will be avoided; if not possible, the splicing of all bars with d>=16mm will be done only by welding. In case of bearing vertical elements this provision will be applied only for the base level;
splicings will usually be placed in zones of minimum effort in rebars; for the vertical bearing elements, the splicing is admitted above the level of each floor plate;
for the rebars spliced by overlapping, situated in zones where in any loading group they remain subjected to compression, the overlapping length will be: 30 d for elements with concrete class < Bc25 and 20 d in case of elements with concrete class > Bc25
3. Supplementary provisions for columns
The present provisions are referring to columns with significant axial loads:
There will be considered the following groups of columns:
group A : columns participating to antiseismic structures with significant post- elastic deformations and require specific ductility measures, in seismic zones AE
group B : columns participating to antiseismic structures, designed to remain in the elastic range under the seismic action, in seismic zones AE or columns in the seismic zone F
group C : columns not participating to antiseismic structures or columns with low values of loads, designed to remain in the elastic range in the sesmic zone F
for orthogonal sections, the minimum dimension is 250 mm and for circular sections D250mm
the dimensions must be a multiple of 50 mm
the ratio between the sides of the section is usually established as: h/b2.5
minimum diameters 12mm for bars PC60 and PC52, 14mm for OB37
maximum recommended diameters: 28mm for columns with usual concrete and 22mm for columns with ligth aggregate concrete
clear minimum space between bars 50mm
interaxial distance 250mm ; the reinforcing with only 4 bars in the corners of the section is
addmitted only for columns having the sides of the section 350mm for columns
belonging to group A and
350mm for groups B and
C ; for circular columns, the minimum
no. of bars is 6.
total longitudinal reinforcement percentage p:
maximum p : pmax = 2.5% (recommended)
minimum p :
minimum reinforcement percentage on each side of the section is: pmin_side = 0.20
the maximum slope for the deviation of the longitudinal reinforcement, through the height of the beams, in case of changing of the columns section is
the distance between the stirrups through the height of the column should be:
for the group A columns, there will be provided closely spaced stirrups :
in the potential plastic zones at the inferior extremity of the columns at all storeys, in all cases
in the potential plastic zones at the superior extremity of the columns at each storey, if :
in the potential plastic zones at the superior extremity of the columns when there is the possibility of occurrence of plastic hinges, in the case of short columns or at the columns belonging to structures at which some structural walls are missing, from functional reasons
the length of the plastic zone lp is measured from the superior, or inferior respectively, face of the beam and it is taken as :
if, at the
dimensioning of the column, it is admitted that: then the length lp
increased by 25%
over the length lp , the distance between the stirrups must follow the rules:
for the columns belonging to group A, the straight portions at the end of the hooks of stirrups, must be taken as 10 d instead of 5 d
over the length of overlappping of longitudinal reinforcement we must provide closely spaced stirrups, as for the plastic zones; at the base of the columns in groups A&B there will be provided closely spaced stirrups form the superior face of foundation until the end of the lp portion, measured from the upper face of the flooring
for the
columns belonging to group A for which (short columns),
there will be provided closely spaced stirrups, as for the
plastic zones, over the whole height of the respective
the diameter of the stirrups must follow the rules:
the need for intermediary stirrups is established considering:
for the group A columns, each longitudinal bar must be tied to a stirrup corner ; it is admitted that the longitudinal bars to be tied from 2 to 2 sirrup corners if the distance between 2 consecutive branches is less than 200 mm ;
for the
columns in seismic zones F there are admitted only perimetral stirrups, outside
the potential plastic zones, if : , with 3 bars on each side ;
for the
columns in groups B&C there are provided intermediary stirrups in all the
cases in which there are over 3 bars on each side, if and when there
are over 4 bars/side, if
the transversal reinforcement percentage on the direction of one side b of the columns section will be computed with the formula:
, where
Ae the cross sectional area of one stirrup branch
ne the number of stirrups branches intersected by a plan parallel to side b
ae the distance between stirrups over the height of the column
- on the direction of each side, the minimum pe should be:
- for the
columns of groups B&C:
- for the columns in group A :
outside the potential plastic zones:
within the potential plastic zones:
- if :
- if :
in which :
3. Supplementary provisions for beams
the medium reinforcement percentage, will usually be between 0.81.8 %
for the beams subjected to bending with torsion, in
the case when it is recommended that
the dimensions of the cross section are, usually,
multiple of 50 mm for and multiple of 100 mm
the minimum diameter is 10 mm ; for light-weight concrete beams, the bars with d>12mm must be from PC
the clear distances between the bars:
the distance between the axes of the bars, in the tensioned zones, must be, usually, max. 200 mm
the minimum reinforcement percentages, in the tensioned zones, are:
in the suport sections of the beams participating to antiseismic structures, the ratio between the bottom and the upper reinforcement should be:
- in
the seismic zones A,B,C
- in
the seismic zones D,E
the anchorage and
splicing of this type of reinforcement is performed as for bars subjected to
tension ; for the anchorage in the supports of the bottom reinforcement, it
is recommended the following setting:
in the regions in which there is no need for structural longitudinal reinforcement in beams at the upper part, there will be provided one bar at each stirrup corner ;
for beams with , intermediary reinforcing bars will be provided on the
lateral faces of the beam, at distances of at most 400 mm over the height of
the section, tied up together by transversal ties
the minimum admitted diameters of longitudinal constructive reinforcement:
they will not be smaller than the diameter of the stirrup
the minimum diameters of the stirrups in case of tied-up cages:
, where d is the
maximum diameter of longitudinal reinforcement;
6 mm for beams
8 mm for beams
the minimum diameters of the transversal bars in case of welded cages: Fmin = 4 mm
for beams with there will be provided
stirrups with minimum 4 branches
closed stirrups will be provided:
over the entire length of independent beams, without a slab at the upper flange ;
in zones where there are structural rebars at the upper face of the beam or if the beam has a slab at the upper flange
maximum distances between stirrups ae :
in the regions where there is compressed reinforcement resulted from computation:
for the usual concrete
beams ;
for the light-weight
concrete beams ; d = the minimum diameter of
the longitudinal reinforcement in the compressed zone
in the potential plastic zones of the beams
participating to antiseismic structures, over the length lp :
in all other cases :
for the beams participating to antiseismic structures, in the seismic zones AE, the minimum transversal reinforcing percentage pe in the potential plastic zones must be:
the potential plastic zones are usually considered as the zones of extremities of all beams, developed over the length lp usually equal to 2h ; h = the height of the beam
usually, the length lp=
2h is measured from the column face :
in the situations when
the critical section for negative moment is offset from the column face at a
distance , consider the following:
3. Supplementary provisions for slabs
is established considering the following:
pmed will usually be below 0.8% for one-way slabs and below 0.5% for two-way slabs
the deflections to be kept under the allowable limits
accoustic insulation
the slabs with high concentrated forces and flat slabs will be checked for punching
minimum allowable thickness: - 60 mm for monolithic slabs
- 30 mm for prefab. Slabs with 10 mm concrete covering
the thickness will be, usually, a multiple of 10mm
minimum diameters: - 6 mm for bottom straight bars
- 6 mm for inclined bars and top bars if theyre PC60 or PC52
- 8 mm for inclined bars and top bars if theyre made of OB37
- 5 mm for welded wire meshes
minimum no. of bars / meter
for hp: 5 bars/m
for 300mm< hp: 4 bars/m
for hp: 3 bars/m
the maximum no. of bars is 12 bars/m
constructive details
for one-way slabs, there will be provided constructive reinforcement on the direction perpendicular to the resistance reinforcement :
in the tensioned zones in field and supports, distribution reinforcement with the section /meter equal to at least 15% of the resistance diameter but not less than 4F6 /m for individual bars reinforcing and 5F5 /m for welded meshes
for the negative moments in the supports, local upper reinforcement will be provided
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