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FIFA PC (Keyboard) Guide


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My FIFA PC (Keyboard) Guide v1


Goal Keeper Control: Right Shift

Camera Lock: Home


[Running From Left to Right]

Forward: Right Arrow (->)

Backward: Left Arrow (<-)

Up (Left): Up Arrow ( )

Down (Right): Down Arrow (v)

Attacking Tactic:

Man Release

Wing Play

Counter Attack

Box Overload

Defensive Tactic:

Q + 1: Flat Back

Q + 2: Offside Trap

Q + 3: Pressing

Q + 4: Zonal Defense


Z + D: Chip Shot

Q + D: Finesse Shot

Q + W: Chip Through

Q + A: Early Cross

Q + S + S: One to One Pass

A + A: Low Cross

Q + A + A: Early Low Cross

D + S + Direction: Fake Shot

A + S + Direction: Fake Lob

Space + A + A: Chip Lob

Try Yourself (Unorthodox): Z + A Space + D A + A + A D + D; LShift + D


E: Switch Player

Q + D: Ground Shot

Free Kick:

E: Switch Player

Space/Z: Call 2nd Player

Home: Camera Lock

Q + D: Ground Shot

Z + D: Lay Off & Shot

Space + D: 2nd Player Shot

[Curl: While Player is running to take a shot hold LEFT/RIGHT direction to swing, UP/DOWN direction to top/back spin]

Running Tricks:

While running with E, release E and hold LShift and quickly press Direction keys sequentially .

360 left: LShift + Back, Up, Forward

360 Right: LShift + Back, Down, Forward

Lane Change Left: LShift + Forward, Up

Lane Change Right: LShift + Forward, Down

Step Up Left: LShift + Down, Up

Step Up Right: LShift + Up, Down

Ball Lift: LShift + Forward, Back, Forward

Step Over: LShift + Forward, Forward OR LShift, LShift

Heel to Heel: LShift + Back, Forward

Rainbow Left: LShift + Down, Back, Up (Only Dribbling =90+ Players Can Perform)

Rainbow Right: LShift + Up, Back, Down (Only Dribbling =90+ Players Can Perform)

Step Over & Roll Left: LShift + Forward, Back, Up (Only Dribbling =90+ Players Can Perform)

Step Over & Roll Right: LShift + Forward, Back, Down (Only Dribbling =90+ Players Can Perform)

Signature Move Left: LShift + Forward + Down, Up (C. Ronaldo, Robinho, Ronaldinho, Torres)

Signature Move Right: LShift + Forward + Up, Down (C. Ronaldo, Robinho, Ronaldinho, Torres)

Rabona: LShift + Back, Up, A [@90] (Cant perform by me :$)

Blanco Bounce: Home (Never Tried : s) [Pressing the right stick with GP]

Standing Tricks:

While running stop using Space or E, then hold LShift and quickly press Arrow Keys sequentially .

Fake: LShift + Forward, Forward

Fake Left: LShift + Forward, Up

Fake Right: LShift + Forward, Down

Drag Back Left: LShift + Back, Up

Drag Back Right: LShift + Back, Down

Scoop Turn Left: LShift + Up, Back, Down

Scoop Turn Right: LShift + Down, Back, Up

Rainbow Flick Left: LShift + Forward, Up, Back (Only Dribbling =90+ Players Can Perform)

Rainbow Flick Right: LShift + Forward, Down, Back (Only Dribbling =90+ Players Can Perform)

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