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One of the rather legitimate questions that learners of English keep asking is that regarding the order of adjectives. Why, for instance, cant one translate adjectives in the exact order they appear in ones mother tongue? Of course, the most obvious answer to this question is that there are rules constraining the order in which adjectives can be placed in front of a nominal. This section is devoted to reminding students this rule, albeit very briefly. Consider the examples taken from our text:

(1) dark gibbering shapes

(2) cheap, sentimental, manipulative rubbish

Why is it that dark must be placed before gibbering? If you want to find out, please read the three rules below and consider the examples that go with them:


Subjective opinions are farthest from the noun:

E.g. an interesting old novel

General description comes next (size, shape, age, colour, etc.)

E.g. a nice large meal

Origin comes next

E.g. a smartly-dressed old American lawyer, a nice round

wooden box

If you look closely at this table, you will easily see that the adjective that most closely belongs to the noun must stay near it, while the speakers opinion is farthest in line. What happens when all the adjectives preceding the noun are of the same type? This is the situation with the example we offered under (2). Here, the order is up to the writer or speaker that makes use of that string of adjectives.

To round up our brief discussion, consider the comprehensive table below:









Size, shape, participles

Proper adjective

Noun made of

Purpose? Relating to?

Head noun

All of these



Agatha Christie



super de luxe

solid copper

oil lamp







good old-fashioned






pink and blue




Nota bene!

If you want to remember all these rules more easily you can make use of the following memorizing trick. You only need to learn by heart the sentence below:



Lovely big old warm round red Indian cotton cushion


Some of the adjectives in the following sentences are in the wrong order. Make the necessary corrections:

We were shown round the museum by a little, old, friendly woman who didnt speak much English.

Rob and Sally have bought a delightful old-fashioned country cottage just outside Cheltenham.

Where did you buy that round strange Persian rug youve got in the hall?

My sister wore an extraordinary large straw orange hat to the party.

Have you seen those tiny new amazing wrist TVs that you wear like a watch?

There was a beautiful antique French writing desk at the sale but it was too expensive for us.

Whatever happened to that red big American sports car you used to drive?

Have you read about that ingenious new surgical instrument for carrying out operations through a small opening in the skin?

The original Fiat 500, an incredibly little popular Italian car, is no longer in production.

The puppy had such round big lovely brown eyes that I couldnt help bringing him home with me.

2. Translate into Romanian:

a). Ten men of revolting appearance were approaching form the drive. They were low of brow, crafty of eye, and crooked of limb. They advanced huddled together with the loping tread of wolves, peering about them furtively as they came, as though in constant terror of ambush; they slavered at their mouths, which hung loosely over their receding chins, while each clutched under his ape-like arm a burden of curious and unaccountable shape. On seeing the Doctor they halted and edged back, those behind squinting and moulting over their companions shoulders. ( Evelyn Waugh Decline and Fall)

b) The music began again. Teresa stood quite still before the fire and assembled her thoughts. Her left hand gripped the golden crucifix on her bosom, while her right hand patted her hair, which had been tossed by the wind. She was examining her reflection in the big mirror above the mantelpiece. She saw the iron-gray hair streaked with strands of black, and the eyes that formerly had been full and dark but which were now hard and wide and coarse as her heavy lips, that always seemed to have lurking behind them the laugh of derision, the explosive threat, the coarse oath, or the soft tongue of blarney. She saw, too, the heavy jaw under its fat, which was that of self-indulgence and all the selfish complacency of a tyrant. And on the big hands were the jewelled rings. Now they flashed again at her and excited her cruel instincts for they were the visible things of success which her savage, pagan soul had always lusted after.

( F.L.Green Odd Man Out)

3. Translate into English:

In fata cavoului lor, al Barbilor, isi numara adeseori stramosii. Erau, intr-o boltnita, oase mai vechi, dezgropate de prin curtile bisericilor. Numele lor erau scrise in slavoneste pe fetele unor pietre intoarse acum, strajuind pe mortii mai noi. Bunicii lui aveau insa doua frumoase busturi de marmura, asezate alaturi, icoana vesnica a unei casatorii de o jumatate de veac, trainica si linistita. Prin adancimile pietrei, praful si ploile lasasera urme negre, punand un fel de umbre de viata noua in chipurile incremenite: Ienache Barbu, bunicul, avea ochii bulbucati ca ai lui, barba si plete; iar Balasa Barbu, bunica, o frunte inalta, luminoasa, doi zulufi bine potriviti si un zambet inghetat in coltul gurii. Incolo erau unchi si matusi. Cel mai de curand sosit era Dumitrache, mort la Viena, unde a avut grija sa-l invete multe pe nepotul sau. Iar in coltul cel mai modest al acestui mare cavou de familie, o simpla placa de marmura cu un nume pe ea: Lotte. Era mama lui Bubi, uitata, mai la o parte. N-a cunoscut-o nimeni in viata in afara de batranul baron, si apoi mai era si catolica. Astfel se putea lamuri aceasta parasire, care il durea intotdeauna pe fiul ei. (Ion Marin Sadoveanu Sfarsit de veac in Bucuresti)



Dialog 1

Would you like to come and have dinner with us on Tuesday, evening? Colette has been telling me I should invite you both for ages.

With pleasure, as long as she doesn't take too much trouble. What time would you like us to come?

Between half past seven and eight o'clock. That way you'll be able to see the children before they go to bed.

Dialog 2

M. = Mary J. = John

M. : Oh, there you are, John! I was wondering if you'd still be here.

J. : Hello, Mary. How are you? Were you looking for me, then ?

M. : Yes. Listen, will you be free next Saturday night? We're having a party. Would you like to come?

J. : This coming Saturday, do you mean? That would be great Thank you very much. No, wait a minute, I forgot. I won't be able to come. My brother's coming to stay this weekend. I' be busy.

M.: That's all right. He can come too. I was going to say you could bring a friend. There'll be plenty of room and l'm sure the others would like to meet him.

J. : All right then, that's agreed. By the way, what are you celebrating? Anything in particular?

M.: Well, yes. It's Carol's birthday. But that's just an excuse really

J. : That's good. l'll bring a few bottles with me, shall I?

M. : Yes, a few more bottles always come in useful. But we won't be able to go on too late. The neighbours start to grumble if we make too much noise.

Alte notiuni

1 - Alte modalitati de a invita:

we'd be so happy if you would

feel free to call whenever you are in town

it would be a real pleasure to

it'd be nice if you could join us

let me introduce you to

we'll be glad to (raspuns la o invitatie)

2 - Mai familiar:

the more the merrier

to drop in; to drop by

to be fully booked (pentru a refuza o invitatie)

to throw a party (US)

3 - Mai ceremonios:

Mr and Mrs Baker request the pleasure of your company

Mr and Mrs B would be pleased if you would attend

Mr and Mrs B will be at home on

an 'at home' = o invitatie la o receptie

to send (out) invitations

to have a previous engagement

to extend greetings

to congratulate

please extend my best regards to

to invite to dinner

formal dress

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