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1. Read the following text and try to guess the meaning of the new words and phrases from the context.

On arrival in the port of discharge necessary arrangements are made for discharging the cargo. In the majority of cases, the agent entrusts the discharging of goods to some stevedoring company or wharfingers. This company usually undertakes to discharge the cargo into their own warehouses and then to deliver this cargo to the respective consignees.

In other cases, the agent arranges with the consignees a direct delivery of goods alongside the ship. In both cases the Chief Mate is under duty to make out notices of readiness and to hand them over to the agent. The agent, in his turn, hands in these notices to the consignees.

As a rule the cargo is delivered against original bills of lading and on payment of freight. The receiver of the goods is to sign his name on the bill of lading to the effect that full cargo under the bill has been received to his entire satisfaction. Such an endorsement is called clean receipt. A bill of lading is a negotiable document and it is often sold and resold before it is presented to the master at the port of discharge. So, when a bill of lading is presented to the master he must see that it has been properly endorsed by the consignee and by each of the holders, if the bill of lading has changed hands.

Usually the ships agent is charged with the legal formalities. He negotiates with the consignees or the holders of the B/L and introduces to the master the right and legitimate person who must take the delivery of goods. The agent also secures clean receipts for the goods delivered.

Sometimes the goods are delivered in small separate lots against the consignees receipts. With the final lot all these receipt are exchanged for a duly signed and endorsed bill of lading.

Very often the agent places his signature and seal on the bill of lading, which serves as a proof that the goods have been delivered to the right persons.

According to the contract the agent is bound to collect from the receivers of goods the freight and other charges due to the shipowners. The amount of freight is usually in the bill of lading. Besides, the agent usually gets direct instructions from the shipping company as to what amount of money he should collect in connection with a definite shipment.

The master of the ship may deliver the goods only after he has ascertained that the freight and other charges, if any, have been paid. The fact that the money has been paid must be efficiently confirmed by the agent. He usually does this by giving the captain either a formal written notice or by arranging with the captain that he will visa each B/L the money under which has been duly collected.

In case of non-payment of freight and of other charges due to the ship the master may exercise a lien upon the goods and the agent renders him assistance in this connection.

In case of shortage of goods or any claims or disputes on the part of consignees the agent is to arrange immediate checking of the cargo in order to protect the interests of the vessel. If the shortage or defects of goods are found on discharging, an appropriate statement of facts should be drawn up. This statement is usually signed by the master, by the agent and sometimes by the customs house officer or a surveyor.

2. Role play the following dialogues and then make out and perform dialogues of your own

2.1. Dialogue 1

FIRST MATE: We are ready to start discharging Hold No.1. Well begin with the consignment of 2000 bales of cotton under B/L 3782.The cargo is consigned to Messrs. Dijon & Co., Textiles Manufacturers. Who will take delivery for this cargo?

AGENT: Weve arranged with the stevedoring company that theyll take delivery of the goods. The boss stevedore will arrange the tally of goods. When the goods are tallied and received he will give you clean receipts. Later on I will exchange these receipts for a duly signed B/L.

FIRST MATE: Have you collected freight under this B/L?

AGENT: Certainly, I have. Here is an official notice to this effect.

FIRST MATE: Good. Let me have that notice. In the same hold there is a consignment of 500 cases of electric refrigerators under B/L No, 3784. These refrigerators are consigned to the Lebanese Trading Corporation via your port. To whom shall we deliver this lot?

AGENT: This lot is to be delivered to the local Transport Company who have a legal power of attorney from the Lebanese Trading Corporation. They have already paid the freight and other charges due under this B/L. Ill bring their representative tomorrow morning and he is to give you clean receipts for the goods received. When discharging has been completed Ill deliver you a duly endorsed and accomplished B/L.

FIRST MATE: I want their representative to make out clean receipts for each draft because this is rather a valuable cargo. Can you arrange that?

AGENT: Of course, I shall arrange that.

2.2. Dialogue 2.

AGENT: This last consignment of gas tube fittings was two cases short.

FIRST MATE: Whats the number of that B/L?

AGENT: No.8673 for 300 cases of gas tube fittings. As a matter of fact, we got ashore only 298 cases. Our tallies agree. Whats the matter with that B/L?

FIRST MATE: I suppose you didnt pay attention to the remark on the B/L that two cases were in dispute.

AGENT: Why, I did, but I thought they meant two extra cases over 300. They ought to have stated:298 cases plus 2 cases in dispute

FIRST MATE: Yes, thats what they ought to have done, but overlooked it. Anyhow, we have to draw up a statement of shortage. State that two cases are short-landed.

AGENT: Yes, thats what we have to do.

2.3.Dialogue 3.

AGENT: Im sorry, but we cannot give you clean receipts for these steel billets.

FIRST MATE: Why, whats the matter? Have you any claims as to the shortage of these goods?

AGENT: No, we have no claims whatsoever as to the quantity. But we object to the state of the goods. Many billets have become rusty.

FIRST MATE: but we have nothing to do with this. There is a clause inserted in the B/L :Weight, quantity & condition unknown. Shippers responsibility. This clause relieves us of any liability.

AGENT: Then well give you clean receipts, but we must call in experts and draw a special statement of facts.

FIRST MATE: Thats your legal right. We cannot object to that. But we firstly refuse to bear any responsibility as we have delivered you the goods in the same conditions as shipped and, as I have said, the state of goods was stipulated as unknown to us.

2.4. Dialogue 4.

CAPTAIN: Do you represent Messrs. White & CO?

CARGO SUPERINTENDENT: Yes, Sir. I am Cargo Superintendent of the firm. My name is Peterson. Here is my power of attorney. Did you get my radiogram to heat the cargo?

CAPTAIN: Yes, we got it in time and by now the mean temperature is about 80F.

CARGO SUPERINTENDENT: Oh, thats very good. It will greatly expedite discharging. Whats your ships draft?

CAPTAIN: She draws 8.6 m aft and 8.3m fore.

CARGO SUPERINTENDENT: Have you prepared notices of readiness?

CAPTAIN: Yes, we have, Here they are. Please sign your name and state the time they are accepted. We are ready to discharge from 17.00 hours today.

CARGO SUPERINTENDENT: Its eleven now. So the lay hours will count exactly from 17.00 hours. Can you hand me over the shipping documents sent to us by ships mail?

CAPTAIN: Certainly, here they are. Please sign this receipt.

CARGO SUPERINTENDENT: can we start taking measurements and samples?

CAPTAIN: Yes, of course. Ive already arranged everything with our ships agent, Mr.Johnson. He is on deck now, We are only waiting for the inspector from the customs house. He will be here soon.

CARGO SUPERINTENDENT: have the hatch covers and ullage holds been opened?

CAPTAIN: yes, everything is made ready to take measurements.

CARGO SUPERINTENDENT: Have you got standard gauging equipment aboard?

CAPTAIN: Yes, we have normal tapes and thermometers. I think you may now go on deck. I am informed that the customs house officers have just come and they are waiting for you.

CARGO SUPERINTENDENT: All right, thank you. See you later.

2.5. Dialogue 5.

CARGO SUPERINTENDENT: Excuse me, captain. Soon youll complete pumping out centre tanks Nos.7 and 8. I would like to ask you not to drain them and leave about a metre layer of oil below.

CAPTAIN: What do you need that for?

CARGO SUPERINTENDENT: You see, after we pump out the bulk of the cargo into shore tanks well bring a barge alongside to collect drains.

CAPTAIN: All right. Ill tell second mate to see to that. Only keep in mind, we wont take into account any additional samples which you take from the barge.

CARGO SUPERINTENDENT: No, certainly not. The samples which we had taken jointly with you before discharging will serve as characteristics of the whole lot. If you like I can confirm that by an official letter.

CAPTAIN: Yes, will you kindly do that for sake of order?

2.6. Dialogue 6.

CARGO SUPERINTENDENT: As soon as stripping of the tanks is completed, well inspect the tanks and make out a certificate of tank inspection.

CAPTAIN: Very well. Do you want any other arrangements to be made?

CARGO SUPERINTENDENT: Yes, certainly. First of all I would kindly ask you, captain, to have the pipelines pressed with the ships pumps as soon as discharging is completed.

CAPTAIN: That we can easily do, of course, but to avoid any claims for water contamination of the cargo in the shore tanks I should like you to give us a written order to that effect.

CARGO SUPERINTENDENT: O.K. Ill give you such a notice if you like. So, its settled then. Now we must have 1200 tons of cargo discharged into a barge. Tomorrow morning well bring a barge alongside and I would ask you to make arrangements for discharging all into that barge.


Words and expressions

to entrust = a incredinta

negotiable = negociabil

to be satisfied with = a fi satisfacut de

to endorse = a gira

holder = detinator

to negotiate = a nogocia, a duce tratative

to exchange = a schimba, a face schimb

seal = sigiliu

proof = dovada, proba

to be bound = a fi obligat

to collect = a stringe

amount = suma, cantitate

to state = a declara, a stabili

to ascertain = a constata, a stabili, a preciza

charges = taxe, sume datorate

to confirm = a confirma

claim = reclamatie, pretentie

statement of facts = raport oficial

to draw up = a intocmi

to consign = a expedia

according to = conform cu, potrivit cu

to overlook = a omite, a trece cu vederea

to resume = a relua

to suppose = a presupune

rusty = ruginit

to refuse = a refuza

to stipulate = a stipula

unknown = necunoscut

mean = mediu

lay days (hours) = stalii

ullage = ulaj, spatiu neumplut (dintr-un tanc de marfa

ullage tables = table de ulaj

to compute = a calcula

to drain (tanks) = a evacua

tape = banda, ruleta (de masurat)

certificate of quality = certificat de calitate

certificate of inspection= certificat de inspectie

the bill of lading has changed hands = conosamentul a trecut din mina in mina

to exercise a lien upon the cargo = a exercita dreptul de gaj asupra marfii

to take delivery of the cargo = a receptiona marfa

two bags were short = lipsa de doi saci

to relieve of liability = a fi eliberat de raspundere

to bear responsibility = a purta raspunderea

to thieve the tank = a lua probe de apa de la fundul marii

to strip the tank = a evacua tancul complet

outage measurements = masuratoare, sondaje la nivelul stratului de lichid.

4. Reading comprehension.

4.1. Read again the text and answer the following questions.

To whom may the agent entrust the discharging of goods?

What does the stevedoring company usually undertake to do in such cases?

Against what document is the cargo delivered to the consignee?

Should the freight be paid before or after the delivery of the cargo?

May a bill of lading be sold to another person?

Who is to see that cargo is delivered to the legitimate holder?

Who is to secure clean receipts for the goods delivered?

8. What payments is the agent to collect from the consignees?

What must the master ascertain before he delivers the goods?

In what case does the agent visa the bills of lading?

In what case may the captain exercise a lien upon the goods?

What is the agent to do in case of shortage of goods?

What document is usually drawn in such a case?

By whom is this statement usually signed?

4.2. Read the dialogues again and answer the following questions:

4.2.1. Dialogue 1

1. What cargo were they ready to discharge?

2. When was the first mate to receive clean receipts?

3. What were these receipts to be exchanged for?

4. To whom were the refrigerators to be delivered?

5. Why did the first mate want to have clean receipts for each draft?

4.2.2. Dialogue 2

What consignment were they talking about?

What did the First Mate say about the remark on the B/L?

How ought they to have stated that remark correctly?

What document did they decide to draw up?

4.2.3. Dialogue 3

Why couldnt the agent give clean receipts for the steel billets?

What clause was there in the Bill of Lading?

What did that clause relieve the ship from?

What document were the experts to draw up?

In what condition was the cargo delivered?

4.2.4.Dialogue 4

Up to what temperature was the cargo heated in the tanks?

What was that done for?

Were they ready to take measurements in the tanks?

Who were they waiting for?

What did the captain say about the gauging equipment aboard?

4.2.5.Dialogue 5

Was the captain asked to drain tanks Nos.7 and 8 completely?

How deep a layer of oil was he asked to leave below/

What were the drains to be pumped into?

What did the captain say about the additional samples taken from the barge/

What samples were to serve as characteristics of whole lot?

Dialogue 6

When was cargo superintendent going to start inspecting the tanks?

How did the cargo superintendent want to have the pipeline pressed after discharge was completed?

What did the captain need the written order for?

How many tons of cargo were to be discharged into the barge?

5. Standard Marine Communication Phrases Relating to Preparing to Load/Unload

Go through the standard phrases below, then turn to the text and dialogues above and identify all the SMCP and observe how they are used in context.

Prepare the vessel for loading/unloading = Pregatiti nava pentru incarcare/descarcare

Unlock the hatch covers = Descuiati capacele gurilor de magazie

Rig hatchrails in nohold(s) = Pregatiti calea de rulare la magazia(magaziile) nr..

Give notice of readiness to load/unload byUTC/local time = Notificati nava gata de incarcare/descarcare pina la oreleUTC/LT

Have you received the cargo list? = Ati primit lista de incarcare?

Complete the cargo list = Completati lista de incarcare

Complete the stowage plan = Completati cargo-planul

Make a stability calculation = Efectuati un calcul de stabilitate

Are the goods ready to load? = Sunt bunurile gata de incarcare?

Are the cargo holds clean/dry/free of odour = Sunt magaziile de marfa curate/uscate/aerisite?

Clean the cargo hold(s)/deck(s) = Curatati magazia/magaziile puntea/puntile de marfa

Are the safety arrangements in the cargo hold(s) operational ?= Sunt dispozitivele de siguranta din magazia/magaziile de marfa operationale?

Check the drain well(s) are clean = Verificati daca putul/puturile de santina este/sunt curat/curate

Test the drain suctions = Probati tubulatura de drenaj

Cover the bilge(s) with tarpaulins/wrapper/before loading = Acoperiti santina/santinele cu prelate/huseinainte de incarcare

Are sufficient dunnage and mats available? = Exista suficiente materiale de separatie si rogojini disponibile?

Can the heavy lift(s) be stowed on deck = Pot fi stivuite pe punte cotadele grele?

Fill the double bottom tank(s)/ballast tank(s) before loading the heavy lift(s) = Umpleti tancul (tancurile) din dublu-fund/tancul (tancurile) de balast inainte de a incarca cotada (cotadele) grele.

Pump out the ballast water = Evacuati prin pompare apa de ballast

What is the maximum loading rate/unloading rate/pumping rate? Care este rata maxima de incarcare/descarcare/pompare?

The maximum loading rate/unloading rate/pumping rate istones/cubic metres per hour = Rata maxima de incarcare/descarcare/pompare este detone/metri cubi pe ora.

Do not exceed a loading rate/unloading rate/pumping rate oftonnes/cubic metres per hour = Nu depasiti o rata de incarcare/descarcare/pompare detone/metri cubi pe ora.

Additional phrases for tankers

Is the COW-system/inert gas system operational? = Este sistemul COW/sistemul de gaz inert operational?

When do you start crude oil washing? = Cind incepeti spalarea cu titei?

How much time does it take to ballast/deballast? = Cit timp este necesar pentru balastare/debalastare?

What is the pumping pressure? = Care este presiunea de pompare?

Check the cargo connections = Verificati racordurile de marfa

Can we connect the loading arm? = Putem conecta bratul de incarcare?

What backpressure is required for stripping? = Ce contrapresiune este necesara pentru stripuire?

Do you have reducers ofinches? = Aveti reductii deinci?

Close all sea valves and overboard discharges = inchideti toate prizele de apa de mare si sabordurile laterale de descarcare.

6. GRAMMAR. Conditionals: Introduction

We can use if   with many different structures. Here are the most common:

6.1.1.Open present or future conditionals

If + present simple + will + infinitive

If he asks me, Ill help him.(Perhaps he will ask me)

6.1.2. Unreal present or future conditionals

If + past simple + would + infinitive

If he asked me I would help him.( but he wont ask me, or he probably wont)

6.1.3. Unreal past conditionals

If + past perfect + would have + past participle

If he had asked me, I would have helped him. (But he didnt ask me)

6.1.4. General conditionals

If + present simple + present simple

If he asks me, I always help him.(=Whenever he asks me)

An if-clause can go at the beginning or the end of a sentence.

If it rains, Ill stay at home.

Ill stay at home if it rains.

We often write a comma (,) after the if-clause when we begin with this clause.

We can use conditional clauses without if.

Unless we hurry, well be late.

Suppose you won a lot of money, what would you do?

6.4. Open present or future conditionals

6.4.1. Basic form


If I go out Ill buy a newspaper.

If you dont study you wont pass your exam.

If they offer you the job, what will you do?

6.4.2. Use

We use this structure when there is a possibility that the situation in the if-clause will happen in the future.

If I go out, Ill buy a newspaper. (Perhaps I will buy a newspaper, perhaps I wont)

If we have enough time, well visit Robert. (Perhaps we will have enough time, perhaps we wont)

We also use this structure when there is a possibility that the situation in the if-clause is true in the present.

If youre hungry, Ill make you something to eat. (Perhaps you are hungry, perhaps you arent).

6.4.3. Other forms

We can also use shall instead of will with I and we in the main clause.

If I fail the exam, I shall take it again.

In this structure, we can use a modal verb e.g. can, may instead of will in the main clause.

We can also use the imperative in the main clause.

If you see Maria, give her a message for me, please.

We can use the present perfect or present continuous instead of the present simple in the if-clause.

If you have finished the letter, Ill post it for you.

Ill come back later if youre working now.

We can also use should after if when we are less sure about a possibility. Compare:

If I see Maria, Ill give her your message. (Perhaps I will see Maria)

If I should see Maria, Ill give her your message.( I am less sure that I will see Maria.)

We can also begin with should when we are less sure.

Should I see Maria, Ill give her your message,

6.5. Unreal present or future conditionals

6.5.1. Basic form


If I had a lot of money, Id travel round the world

If he got up earlier he wouldnt be late for work.

If you didnt pass the exam, would you take it again?


We use this structure to talk about unreal present or future situations.

If I had a lot of money, Id travel round the world. (But I dont have a lot of money)

If I didnt feel so tired, Id come out with you. (But I feel very tired)

If the weather was nice, Id go to the beach. ( But the weather is not nice.)

We also use sentences like these to talk about unlikely present or future situations.

If she really loved you, she wouldnt be so horrible to you.

If I won a lot of money, Id take a long holiday.

The past form e.g. had, loved does not have a past meaning in sentences like these: it has a hypothetical present or future meaning.

6.5.3. Other forms

We often use were instead of was after if, especially in a more formal style.

If the weather were nice, Id go to the beach.

Id come out for a walk with you if I werent so busy.

We often use if I were you to give advice.

If I were you, Id apply for a job.

We can use the modal verbs might or could instead of would in the main clause.

If I won a lot of money, I might stop working. (=I would perhaps stop working.)

I could repair the car, if I had the right tools. (= I would be able to repair the car)

6.6. Unreal past conditionals

6.6.1. Basic form


If the weather had been nice yesterday  I would have gone to the beach

If I had studied hard, I would have passed the exam.

If you hadnt missed your bus, you wouldnt have been late for school.

If I hadnt helped you what would you have done?

6.6.2. Use

We use this structure to talk about unreal past situations.

If the weather had been nice yesterday, I would have gone to the beach. (But the weather was not nice.)

If Id studied hard, I would have passed the exam.(But I did not study hard)

If you hadnt missed your bus, you wouldnt have been late for school.(But you missed your bus.)

6.6.3.Other forms

We can use the modal verbs might and could instead of would in the main clause.

If you had taken the exam, you might have passed it.( would perhaps have passed it.)

I could have repaired the car, if Id had the right tools. (=I would have been able to repair the car)

6.7. Conditional clauses without if

6.7.1. Unless

We can use unless to mean Ifnot.

Unless you put on some suncream, youll get sunburnt. (= If you do not put on some suncream)

I wont go to the party unless you go too. (=if you do not go too.)

We often use unless in threats e.g. Unless you stop making that noise, Ill scream! And warnings e.g. Youll be hungry later unless you eat now.

Compare if and unless

If you eat now, you wont be hungry later.

Unless you eat now, youll be hungry later.

Ill go to the party if you go too.

I wont go to the party unless you go too.

6.7.2. As/So long as, provided/providing (that)

We use As/So long as, provided/providing (that) to mean if but only if.

You can borrow my camera as long as youre careful with it. (=if but only if youre careful with it.)

Ill go to the party provided you go too. (=if but only if you go too.)

6.7.3. And and or (else)

We sometimes use and to join two ideas instead of using an if-clause.

Stay in bed for a few days and youll be fine.( =If you stay in bed for a few days, youll be fine.)

We can use or (else) to mean if not or otherwise.

Dont try to lift that box or (else) youll hurt yourself. (=If you try to lift that box, youll hurt yourself.)

6.7.4. Should

We can use should instead of if when we are less sure about a possibility. Compare:

If we have enough time, well visit Robert.(Perhaps we will have enough time.)

Should we have enough time, well visit Robert.( I am less sure that we will have enough time.)

We can also use should after if with this meaning e.g. If we should have enough time, well visit Robert.

6.7..5. Suppose/Supposing

We can also use suppose or supposing instead of if, especially in unreal conditions.

Suppose/Supposing you won a lot of money, what would you do?

7.Grammar -Progress Test

I.           Choose the correct answer-A,B or C

I may go to the USA next year..,Ill visit a friend in New York.

A When I go  B If I go C If Ill go

Ill see you.back from my holiday.

A when Ill come B when I come C if I come

..too busy tomorrow, Ill visit you.

A When Im not B if Im not C If I wont be

4..more money, Id buy a new car.

A When I have B If I have C if I had

If I knew Alans address,.to him.

A Id write B Ill write C I wrote

Where would you live.anywhere?

A if you lived B if you can live C if you could live

II.        Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form

Well go out later if it(stop) raining.

If I(be0 you, Id go to the doctor.

Do you want to watch TV? I(switch) it on if you do.

Simon doesnt want to come to the concert. I(buy) him a ticket if he did.

If we leave now, we(not/be) late.

If I were you, I(not/buy) that car.

If I (lie) in the sun, I always get sunburnt.

If John(not/apologize) to me, I wont speak to him any more!

(you/stop) working if you were a millionaire?

(you/phone) me tomorrow if you have time?

III.     Complete the sentences about these situations.

You went out for a walk without an umbrella. It rained, you got very wet and then you caught a cold.

a)      If I(take) an umbrella with me, I(not/get) wet.

b)      If I(know) it was going to rain, I(not/go) out.

c)      If I(not/go) out, I(not/catch0 a cold.

You went to bed late last night. This morning you woke up late. Then you missed your bus and you were late for work.

a)      I(not/wake up) late this morning if I(not/go) to bed late last night.

b)      If(not/wake up) late, I(not/miss) my bus.

c)      If I(not/miss) my bus, I(not/be0 late for work.

IV.      Re-write the sentences without if, using the words in brackets.


If we dont take a taxi, well be late. (unless)

Unless we take a taxi, well be late.

If you dont go now, Ill be very angry.

If you help me now, Ill help you later. (provided)

If you give me your address, Ill write to you. (and)

If they dont offer me a better job, Ill leave the company. (unless)

Ill stay up and watch the film if it isnt on too late. (as long as)

If you win the lottery, Ill give you half the money. (should)

V.         Review of conditionals

(i)         There are mistakes in some of these sentences. Find the mistakes and correct them.

Janet will be disappointed if shell fail the exam.

If Peter had been more careful, he wouldnt break the camera.

You can use my car tomorrow if I dont need it.

If I wont have much time, I usually have a sandwich for lunch.

If I were you, I wont lend John any money.

If the bus doesnt come soon, Ill walk home.

Id be happier if I dont have to work so hard.

(ii)       Make if sentences about these situations.


Mike never takes any exercise. Hes so unfit.

If Mike took some exercise, he wouldnt be so unfit.

I didnt know your address. I didnt write to you.

If Id known your address, I would have written to you.

We didnt know the film was on TV. We didnt record it on our video.

I go to bed late every night. Im always tired.

Janet wasnt in a hurry. She walked home.

I havent got enough money. I cant go skiing next week.

We didnt have an umbrella. We got wet.

Progress test Answer-key


(i) 1B; 2B, 3B, 4C, 5A, 6C


stops, 2.were, 3.ll(will) switch, 4.d(would) buy, 5.wont be,6.wouldnt buy, 7. lie, 8.doesnt apologize, 9. Would you stop, 10. Will you phone


a) d (had) taken, wouldnt have got

b) d (had) known, wouldnt have gone

c) hadnt gone, wouldnt have caught

a) wouldnt have woken up, hadnt gone

b) hadnt woken up, wouldnt have missed

c) hadnt missed, wouldnt have been


Go now or Ill be very angry.2. Provided you help me now, Ill help you later.3.. Give me your address and Ill write to you.4. Unless they offer me a better job, Ill leave the company. 5. Ill stay up and watch the film as long as it isnt too late.6. Supposing you were in my place, what would you do?7. Should I win the lottery, Ill give you half the money.


1..if she fails.2..he wouldnt have broken.3. Right, 4. If I dont have5. I wouldnt lend6.Right, 7.if I didnt have to work.


If wed known the film was on TV, we would have recorded it on our video.

If I didnt go to bed late every night, I wouldnt always be tired.

If Janet had been in a hurry, she wouldnt have walked home.

If I had enough money, I could go skiing next week.

If wed had an umbrella, we wouldnt have got wet.

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