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I.            Fill each gap in the sentences below with the correct word from the box.

Customers, developing, distribute, needs, place, price, producing, product, profit, promote, service, time, want.

Marketing is concerned with getting the right to the right .. at the right

Marketing is about meeting consumer . at a

Marketing aims to find out what people ; then .. and . a or that will satisfy those wants; and then determining the best way to ., .. and . the product or service.

II.         Fill in the missing words in this description of the marketing mix.

The traditional marketing mix was described in terms of four Ps:

  1. P, the goods or services.
  2. P.., the cost of the product.
  3. P .., also called distribution.
  4. P ., which aims to make people aware of the product.

III.       Choose the best definition for each of the words or phrases.

  1. sell-by date
  1. the limit placed on sales representatives to meet targets.
  2. The date by which a food or drug must be sold.
  3. The date when a product is sold.
  1. launch
  1. when a product is taken off the market
  2. when a product is tested before being sold
  3. when a product is first released onto the market.
  1. product life cycle
  1. the normal pattern of sales for a product
  2. the process of development of a new product.
  3. the different stages of improvement in an old product
  1. part
  1. a product
  2. a component
  3. a phase in the development of a product
  1. cost of labour
  1. cost of all work involved in making a product or service for sale
  2. cost of manual workers employed by a company
  3. cost of industrial action by employees
  1. cost of production
  1. selling price for a finished product
  2. all expenses for raw materials, heating, lighting, electricity, etc
  3. all costs involved in making a product ready for distribution and sale
  1. direct costs
  1. all costs relating to production of a product, including development costs and raw materials, electricity and labour.
  2. All costs involved in actual production of a product
  3. All labour costs involved in producing a product and, in addition, all support labour costs, such as secretarial and administrative work.
  1. fixed costs
  1. prices established by the government
  2. costs which are decided by the management of a manufacturing company, not by suppliers and retailers.
  3. Costs which do not depend on quantity of production, e.g. heating, lighting, rent.
  1. variable costs
  1. costs which change according to the quantity of production, such as raw materials, components, overtime pay, etc
  2. costs which are difficult to estimate as they may suddenly change because of changes in the market, such as competitors pricing
  3. costs which change according to the time of the year, e.g. warm clothes for winter, or summer fashion
  1. service providers
  1. organizations that offer a service, not manufactured goods
  2. people who work in after sales
  3. types of software that provide access to the internet.

IV.       Match the words with the definitions.

1. break-even point

a. the price wholesalers and distributors pay to the producer for goods

2. discounting

b. a pricing strategy based on low pricing and low unit profits

3. factory gate price

c. An illegal and secret agreement between competitors to fix higher prices to boost their profits

4. inelastic demand

d. the day-to-day costs of running a business

5. overheads

e. sales of a product do not change much with variations in price.

6. penetration strategy

f. reducing the price of goods in return for bulk sales or to a favoured customer.

7. price sensitive buyers

g. a product sold at a specially low price, perhaps at a loss, in the expectation that customers will spend money on other goods where margins are high.

8. loss leader

h. The point in the development of a product where sales begin to exceed the investment

9. cartel

i. consumers who are very attentive to price changes and look for lower priced items.

V.        Complete the following sentences with the words in the box.

When a business pays all its costs and taxes, any money left is ..

Another word for income is .

The difference between costs and selling price is the ..

Many consumers normally look for the lowest ..

Selling something at a reduced price is called giving a .

The price you pay for a professional service, for example from an architect, doctor or lawyer, is a .

Businesses cant sell products if there is no .

Another word for expenses is

An advertising method where a well-known public figure advertises a certain brand. .

An intermediary between producer and consumer. ..

A phrase that is used by advertisers and which sticks in the minds of the prospective buyers. ..

Vehicles for carrying the advertising message to the buyer.

A group of consumers for whom the advertising message is meant. ..

Advertising designed to sell ones own products at the expense of those of others.

Support by consumers of a particular brand.

A type of advertising which aims to advise consumers of new products, changes in old ones, recent innovations, primarily for the readers benefit.

The allocation of goods to consumers by means of wholesalers and retailers.

Someones amount of money available to buy goods with it. .

A marketing activity designed to boost the sales of a product and service.

Factors controlled by a company that can influence consumers buying of its products

A price at a discount offered by wholesalers to retailers on the condition that they pay in cash, collect the goods themselves and buy in bulk. ..

People working in advertising ..

We also sell . goods like milk, cheese and meat, which need to be sold within a short time.

Discount, advertisers, endorsement, perishable, media, informative advertising, cash and carry price, slogan, target audience, marketing mix, purchasing power, competitive advertising, promotion, distributor, brand loyalty, distribution, revenue, margin, price, costs, profit, demand, fee.

VI.      Read the following text and replace the words in italics with the following terms; then answer the questions that follow.

Commission, purchasing power, mail order companies, large multiples, franchises, mail order, warehouses, door-to-door selling.

Companies which specialize in selling through a catalogue sent out through the post normally have large buildings full of goods from where the goods are dispatched. Companies which own many stores have strength in negotiating prices where manufacturers are concerned. Small shops do not have this. Retail outlets which pay a licence fee to trade under a famous brand name often benefit from increased business, since the name is a powerful advertisement.

Going from one house to another, knocking on doors, is a highly labour-intensive type of sales operation. This type of work is normally paid on the basis of a percentage of the sales achieved being paid to the seller. Another type of selling is by a combination of catalogue and ordering by post. The idea is to get your prospective customer to agree to buy your products or receive a home visit for a demonstration.

    1. What is the difference between chain stores and small shops?
    1. Enumerate the selling methods presented in the text.
    1. Why is it profitable to have a franchise?
    1. Translate the text in to Romanian.
    1. Summarize the main points of the text.

VII.           Translate into English.

  1. Ar fi trebuit sa efectuati comanda mult mai devreme.
  1. Suntem dispusi sa va acordam o reducere de 4%.
  1. Anexam o copie a facturii.
  1. Toate cumparaturile trebuie platite in numerar.
  1. Conditiile de plata sunt 40% la comanda si diferenta prin rate esalonate in 6 luni.
  1. Micii vinzatori cu amanuntul protesteaza impotriva deciziei de a infiinta un supermarket.
  1. Este timpul sa avem propriile noastre depozite si sali de prezentare.
  1. Marfurile sint disponibile pentru livrare imediata.
  1. Este o piata mica dar foarte profitabila.
  1. Datorita marketingului prin telefon, vinzarile noastre au crescut cu 10%.
  1. Nu uitati sa le trimiteti ultima noastra lists de preturi impreuna cu conditiile noastre de vinzare.
  1. Bunurile nu sint in conformitate cu mostra.
  1. Toate cumparaturile trebuie platite in numerar.
  1. Ultima lor comanda dateaza din 1997. nu am primit nimic de la ei de atunci.
  1. Ati inregistrat comanda mea?
  1. Ei tocmai au deschis filiale in provincie.
  1. Concurenta devine din ce in ce mai mare.
  1. Firmele de vinzare prin corespondenta au primit o grea lovitura: cifra lor de afaceri a scazut cu 5%.
  1. Anexez ultima noastra lista de preturi incluzind toate taxele.
  1. Am reusit sa ne facem clienti fideli.

VIII.          Think of a product you know well. Write a short presentation of it.

IX.       What is the marketing mix? Briefly describe its elements.

X.         What is your opinion about Romanian products and their future on the European market?

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