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Present Tenses


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Present Tenses

in limba engleza pentru a exprima actiuni prezente se folosesc doua tipuri:

Present Tense Simple

Present Tense Continuous

Present Tense Simple

a) Definitie: Prezentul simplu desemneaza un eveniment sau o actiune care se intampla simultan cu momentul vorbirii (prezentul instantaneu) sau care include momentul vorbirii (prezentul generic si habitual).

b) Forma: Din punct de vedere al formei prezentul simplu este identic cu infinitivul scurt, la toate persoanele singular si plural cu exceptia persoanei a treia singular care adauga terminatiile -s sau -es.


Dupa verbele terminate in -ss (to kiss), in -sh (to rush), in -ch (to watch), in -o (to go) si in -x (to box) se adauga terminatia -es.

Verbele terminate in y precedat de o consoana transforma pe y in i si se adauga terminatia -es (I carry He carries).

Verbele terminate in y precedat de o vocala formeaza persoana a treia singular dupa regula obisnuita, adica se adauga terminatia -s (I play He plays)

c) Conjugarea

Observatie: Present Tense Simple formeaza interogativul si negativul cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to do conjugat la prezent.





I work

Do I work?

I do not work

You work

Do you work?

You do not work

He  works

Does he work?

He does not work

She works

Does she work?

She does not work

It works

Does it work?

It does not work

We work

Do we work?

We do not work

You work

Do you work?

You do not work

They work

Do they work?

They do not work

d) Folosiri

I) Prezentul simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune repetata, actiune ce face parte dintr-o obisnuinta prezenta.

Adverbe (stau la sfarsitul propozitiei):

- every+compusi - day (She goes to school every mourning



Adverbe de frecventa ( stau intre subiect si verb):

- usually; always; often; seldom; (She seldom goes to the cinema).

- in the (+ momente ale zilei: mourning, afternoon, night); (You have classes in the mourning

- on (+ zile ale saptamanii: Monday, Tuesday); (We have English classes on Friday

Numerale (stau la sfarsitul propozitiei).

- once/twaice/thretimes a week (We have English twice a week

II) Prezentul simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima actiuni cu caracter permanent (profesii).

She teaches English at a highschool in our town.

III) Prezentul simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima adevaruri generale si universal valabile.

Water boils at 100 C.

IV) Prezentul simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima actiuni viitoare, actiuni ce fac parte dintr-un orar oficial (mersul trenurilor).

What time does the train for Bucarest leave tomorrow.

Present Tense Continuous

a)      Definitie: Prezentul continuu exprima o actiune care se desfasoara in momentul vorbirii.

b)  Forme: in limba engleza aspectul continuu se formeaza intotdeauna cu ajutorul verbuluiauxiliar to be conjugat la timpul respectiv la care se adauga participiul nedefinit al verbului deconjugat (vb+ing

c)      Conjugare

Observatie: Present Tense Continuos formeaza interogativul si negativul cu ajutorul auxiliarului TO BE.





I am working

Am I working?

I am not working

You are working

Are you working?

You are not working

He  is working

Is he working?

He  is not working

She is working

Is she working?

She is not working

It is working

Is it working?

It is not working

We are working

Are we working?

We are not working

You are working

Are you working?

You are not working

They are working

Are they working?

They are not working

d)     Folosiri:

I)            Se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune care se desfasoara in momentul vorbirii (momentul de desfasurare coincide cu momentul vorbirii).

Adverbe specifice (stau la sfatsitul propozitiei):

- now, right now, at this moment (We are speaking English now).

II)          Prezentul continuu se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune temporara, actiune care iese din obisnuit. (We usually go to school in the mourning but today, we are going to school in the afternoon).

III) Prezentul continuu se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune viitoare, actiune care face parte dintr-un plan de actiune pe viitor. (She is giving a party next week).

Verbe care nu pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu

in limba engleza exista o serie de verbe care nu pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu cand au sensul lor de baza.

a)      Verbe de perceptie: to see; to hear; to smell;

(I see the car) but (I am seeing the doctor).

b)     Verbe ce exprima o emotie: to want; to wish; to love; to hate;

(I wish that I had a car) but (I am wishing you all the best).

c)      Verbe cognitive: to think; to realize; to feel; to understand;

(I think he is a good boy) but (He is thinking about her)

d)     Verbe auxiliare: to be; to have; (cand nu are sensul de a avea nu se foloseste)

(I have a car) but (I am having dinner).

(He is a good boy) but (He is being rude this week).

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