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In centrul atentiei: ochii - trucuri pentru ochi seducatori

Cosmetica frumusete

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In centrul atentiei: ochii

Primele semne ale inaintarii in varsta apar mai intai in jurul ochilor - acea zona unde pie-lea este foarte subtire, predispusa la alergii, inflamare sau aparitia ridurilor.

Inainte de a implini 30 de ani, iti pot aparea deja primele riduri de expresie. Dar nu te ingrijora. Daca accepti cateva schimbari in stilul de viata si un program adecvat de ingrijire a pielii, iti vei pastra tineretea chipului.

In jurul varstei de 35 de ani, se impun masuri mai radicale: tratamente cosmetice, injectii, interventii cu laser si uneori chiar proceduri chirurgicale.
De la produsele cosmetice de ultima generatie pana la tehnicile chirurgicale avansate, ai la dispozitie o multime de solutii pentru a scapa de riduri.

Solutii (gratuite) pentru ochi frumosi si sanatosi

Produsele pe care ti le poti procura din magazine, precum si tratamentele cosmetice au efectul lor, dar nu sunt de ajuns. In plus, trebuie sa ai grija ca stilul tau de viata sa contribuie la pastrarea frumusetii tale.
Combina acesti factori si vei avea o privire luminoasa, fara cearcane, pungi sau riduri.

  • Miscarea si exercitiile fizice pot atenua vizibil umflaturile de sub ochi. Totodata insa, trebuie sa eviti consumul de alcool si sa reduci, pe cat posibil, sarea din alimentatie. Fumatul poate produce cearcanele prin eliberarea de substante chimice, care, pe masura ce se absorb in sange, duc la dilatarea vaselor sangvine din zona pleoapelor.
    Pielea se inchide la culoare, facandu-si aparitia cearcanele si apoi pungile.
  • Dormi suficient. Prea putine ore de somn inseamna o privire obosita si incercanata. Foloseste o perna in plus - este o buna solutie pentru a nu te trezi cu ochii umflati din cauza retentiei de lichide.
    De asemenea, alege fetele de perna din materiale mai moi, cum ar fi matasea. In acest fel, vei evita sa te trezesti dimineata cu fata 'incretita'.
  • Cearcanele sunt cauzate si de deshidratarea pielii, asa ca bea cel putin un litru si jumatate de apa pe zi.
  • Atenueaza pungile cu ajutorul compreselor cu apa rece. Poti folosi si felii de castravete pastrate la frigider, pliculete de ceai (musetel sau albastrele) din infuzie, racite in prealabil, linguri reci ori cuburi de gheata invelite intr-o batista.
  • Uneori, un masaj usor este la fel de eficient ca si crema de ochi - cu atat mai bine daca le poti combina.
    Tamponeaza cu grija, in forma de semicerc, zona de sub ochi si apoi partea de sus, pornind dinspre interior catre exterior si mergand in cerc in jurul ochiului.
  • In cazul in care ti se umfla ochii dintr-o data, fara nici un motiv aparent, inseamna ca esti sensibila la un produs cosmetic sau la un aliment. Incearca sa le elimini pe rand, pentru a afla cauza.
    Daca pielea din jurul ochilor este foarte sensibila, foloseste produsele dermatocosmetice despre care am scris in numarul din februarie.
    Daca umflaturile persista sau, si mai rau, daca apar iritatii pe piele, trebuie sa mergi neaparat la medicul dermatolog.


. For Ladies that have hyper sensitive skin around the eye area, apply your concealer with our large eyeshadow brush made of Sable hair versus using a Synthetic concealer brush that is often too firm and harsh.
Anastasia Beverly Hills makes incredible concealers offered in 3 shades: light,medoum, and deep.This luxurious product contains natural extract such as Vitamin E and C for moisture.

. To achieve luscios,thick lashes use Anastasia Beverly Hills Mascara in Night Black or Night Amethyst.Apply it bending the wand 45 degree angle at the neck of where the brush ends.Once the wand is dipped into the tube,the brush will become saturated with the product.Therefore applying a heavier amount of mascara to once!

Eyebrow Trend 2004

Brows will be thicker, and arched with more definition, still maintaining a natural look. The Brows will also be slightly longer in length.

Keys to Great Eyebrows

Eyebrows must vary with each individual in shape, size, length, and color. A persons face shape, cheekbones, and nose all effect the outcome of their brow shape. What I always try to achieve is a very well groomed natural arch that will enhance all of your features and soften your look. - Anastasia Soare

How to Choose the Best Color For Your Brow

Blondes: Eyebrows should always be a little darker than your hair. Light Blondes approximately two shades darker.

Brunettes: If you are an intense brunette, eyebrows should be about two shades lighter. This takes the edge off and softens the look.

How to Choose an Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Powder color:

Blonde and Strawberry Blonde Hair use Golden Blonde Brow Powder

Light and Medium Brown Hair use Medium Ash Brow Powder

Brunette and Deep Auburn Hair use Brunette Brow Powder

How to Choose the Correct Eye Lights Highlighter Pencil:
Eye Lights Matte
Eye Lights Shimmer

For Ivory to Medium Light skin; Caucasian descent: try Matte Camille , Matte Halo , Matte Buff , Matte Pastel , Chiffon Shimmer and Damask Shimmer .

For Medium skin with yellow undertones; women of Latin and Asian descent: try Matte Shell , Lace Shimmer, Damask Shimmer, and Chiffon Shimmer.

For Brown skin, and also olive undertones; women of African, Latin, and Indian descent: try Matte Apricot, Lace Shimmer, Sand Shimmer , and Damask Shimmer
How to Prepare for Your First Eyebrow Appointment

Allow the eyebrow to grow in for 2 weeks; the more hair, the better.

If you are taking ANY acne medication, please stop one month before your visit. The skin is too sensitive and may tear if waxing is done during this type of treatment.

7 Steps to Perfect Brows




Apply the Pre-Tweeze Gel to the brow area in preparation for tweezing.

Arch and shape by applying one of the Classic Stencils to the brow. Fill in the brow area using the Small Angle Cut Brush to the brow with the Brow Pomade.

Tweeze hairs that are outside the
stenciled area.




Comb the brow hairs up with the spooley end of the brow pencil or spooley brush and clip any lengthy or unwanted hairs with the pink handled scissors.

Apply the After Tweeze Cream to calm and soothe any redness or irritated areas.

Apply the Eyelights Shimmer or Eyelights Matte pencil just below the arch of the brow. Gently smooth and blend into the brow line to create a highlight that opens up the eye. The Shimmer Eye Lights pencil can be used all over the lid, cheekbone and on the lips.


Apply the Brow Gel to condition and hold shape of brow all day.

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