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Comenzi foarte importante: usr/bin, sbin

Comenzi foarte importante 1.1 /bin Aici se gasesc comenzile de baza pe care toti utilizatorii au dreptul sa le execute. Comanda Descriere cat Concateneaza si printeaza chgrp
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Secure Remote Logins and File Copying

MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Location: file:///C:/5676B2B5/ksjhdjk45.htm Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Secure Remote Logins and File Copying Introduction = One = of
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Comenzi utile pentru lucrul in retea

Comenzi utile pentru lucrul in retea 1) CLEAR: sintaxa: clear efect: Sterge ecranul si muta cursorul in coltul din stanga – sus al acestuia. 2) W, WHO, USERS: sintaxa: w               who               users efect: Deter
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Sistemul de operare UNIX

Sistemul de operare UNIX Sistemul de operare folosit de obicei in cazul retelelor de calculatoare conectate la Internet, sau pentru lucrul in conturi shell, este UNIX.  Acesta este un sistem de operare folosit pe o gama larga de calculatoar
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Comenzi de lucru cu directoare

Comenzi de lucru cu directoare 1) MKDIR: sintaxa: mkdir nume-director efect: Se creeaza un nou director cu numele specificat, ca subdirector al celui curent.    2) RMDIR: sintaxa: rmdir nume-director efect: Se sterge directorul
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Comenzi de lucru cu fisiere

Comenzi de lucru cu fisiere 1) CP: sintaxa: cp fisiere-sursa director-destinatie efect: Se copie fisierul sau fisierele al  caror nume a fost precizat in directorul precizat. Directorul curent se specifica de obicei folosind simbolul “.”.
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Configuring Linux Mail Servers

Configuring Linux Mail Servers Introduction Email is an important part of any Web site you create. In a home environment, a free web based email service may be sufficient, but if you are running a business, then a dedicated mail server
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Controlling Web Access with Squid

Controlling Web Access with Squid Introduction Two important goals of many small businesses are to: Reduce Internet bandwidth charges Limit access to the Web to only authorized users. The Squid web caching proxy server can
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Centralized Logins Using LDAP and RADIUS

Centralized Logins Using LDAP and RADIUS Introduction Many centralized database programs have been developed to allow users to log in on multiple computers using a single password. NIS was one of the first, but it doesn't encrypt the pa
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Expanding Disk Capacity

Expanding Disk Capacity Introduction The lack of available disk storage frequently plagues Linux systems administrators. The most common reasons for this are expanding databases, increasing numbers of users, and the larger number of tas
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Linux Networking - How to Configure Your NIC's IP Address

Linux Networking Introduction Now that you have a firm grasp of many of the most commonly used networking concepts, it is time to apply them to the configuration of your server. Some of these activities are automatically covered during
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Miscellaneous Linux Topics

Miscellaneous Linux Topics Introduction From upgrades to headless operation to emulation - some topics, no matter how important, refuse to fit neatly into any one chapter. This appendix serves as a reference center for some of these nee
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Simple Network Troubleshooting

Simple Network Troubleshooting Introduction You will eventually find yourself trying to fix a network related problem which usually appears in one of two forms. The first is slow response times from the remote server, and the second is
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Configuring DNS

Configuring DNS Introduction Domain Name System (DNS) converts the name of a Web site ( to an IP address ( This step is important, because the IP address of a Web site's server, not the Web site
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Configuring NIS

Configuring NIS Introduction Network Information Services (NIS) enables you to create user accounts that can be shared across all systems on your network. The user account is created only on the NIS server. NIS clients download the nec
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Advanced MRTG for Linux

Advanced MRTG for Linux Introduction In many cases using MRTG in a basic configuration to monitor the volume of network traffic to your server isn't enough. You may also want to see graphs of CPU, disk, and memory usage. This chapter ex
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Managing Disk Usage with Quotas

Managing Disk Usage with Quotas Introduction You may eventually need to restrict the amount of disk space used on each partition by each user or group of users as your disk drives become filled with data. The disk quota feature of RedHa
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The Apache Web Server

The Apache Web Server Introduction Apache is probably the most popular Linux-based Web server application in use. Once you have DNS correctly setup and your server has access to the Internet, you'll need to configure Apache to accept su
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Installing Linux Software

Installing Linux Software Introduction You'll frequently need to install additional software on your Linux server that you didn't think you'd need when you first installed the operating system. This could be because of new business requ
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Dynamic DNS

Dynamic DNS Introduction In many home networking environments, the DSL or cable modem IP address is provided by DHCP and therefore changes from time to time. This can cause problems with the DNS zone files explained in Chapter 18, "
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