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SUSE Linux 10 Start-Up Guide

SUSE Linux 10 Start-Up Guide This guide will see you through your initial contact with SUSE Linux. Whether you are a first time user or an experienced administrator, check out the various parts of this manual to learn how to use and enjoy your
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Linux Driver Installation Guide

Linux Driver Installation Guide 1st Edition                   This is the release note for the PC-TEL HSP modem driver for Linux.                   This file explains how to build and use the HSP modem driver.
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Single-area OSPF

Single-area OSPF   Link-state ó distance vector routing protocol -          distance vector: §         copies of routing table à neighbo
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Linux Apache SSL PHP/FI frontpage mini-HOWTO

  Linux Apache SSL PHP/FI frontpage mini-HOWTO   This document is about building a multipurpose webserver that will   support dynamic web content via the PHP/FI scripting language, secure   transmission of data based on Netscape's SSL
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Configuring the Serial Hardware

Configuring the Serial Hardware The Internet is growing at an incredible rate. Much of this growth is attributed to Internet users who can't afford high-speed permanent network connections and who use protocols such as SLIP, PPP, or UUCP to dia
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TCP/IP Firewall

TCP/IP Firewall Security is increasingly important for companies and individuals alike. The Internet has provided them with a powerful tool to distribute information about themselves and obtain information from others, but it has also exposed t
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IPX and the NCP Filesystem

IPX and the NCP Filesystem Long before Microsoft learned about networking, and even before the Internet was known outside academic circles, corporate environments shared files and printers using file and print servers based on the Novell NetWar
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The Network File System

The Network File System The Network File System (NFS) is probably the most prominent network service using RPC. It allows you to access files on remote hosts in exactly the same way you would access local files. A mixture of kernel support and
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Netnews Netnews, or Usenet news, remains one of the most important and highly valued services on computer networks today. Dismissed by some as a mire of unsolicited commercial email and pornography, Netnews still maintains several cases of the
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Introduction to Networking

Introduction to Networking 1.1. History The idea of networking is probably as old as telecommunications itself. Consider people living in the Stone Age, when drums may have been used to transmit messages between individuals. Suppose caveman A
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Serial Line IP

Serial Line IP Packet protocols like IP or IPX rely upon the receiver host knowing where the start and end of each packet are in the data stream. The mechanism used to mark and detect the start and end of packets is called delimitation. The Eth
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Electronic Mail

Electronic Mail Electronic mail transport has been one of the most prominent uses of networking since the first networks were devised. Email started as a simple service that copied a file from one machine to another and appended it to the recip
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IP Masquerade and Network Address Translation

IP Masquerade and Network Address Translation You don't have to have a good memory to remember a time when only large organizations could afford to have a number of computers networked together by a LAN. Today network technology has dropped so
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Internet News

Internet News The Internet News daemon (INN) is arguably the most popular Netnews server in use today. INN is extremely flexible and is suitable for all but the smallest news sites.[1] INN scales well and is suited to large news server configur
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Getting EximUp and Running

Getting EximUp and Running This chapter gives you a quick introduction to setting up Exim and an overview of its functionality. Although Exim is largely compatible with sendmail in its behavior, its configuration files are completely different.
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Configuring TCP/IP Networking

Configuring TCP/IP Networking In this chapter, we walk you through all the necessary steps to set up TCP/IP networking on your machine. Starting with the assignment of IP addresses, we slowly work our way through the configuration of TCP/IP net
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The Point-to-Point Protocol

The Point-to-Point Protocol Like SLIP, PPP is a protocol used to send datagrams across a serial connection; however, it addresses a couple of the deficiencies of SLIP. First, it can carry a large number of protocols and is thus not limited to t
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Name Service and Resolver Configuration

Name Service and Resolver Configuration As we discussed in Chapter 2, TCP/IP networking may rely on different schemes to convert names into addresses. The simplest way is a host table stored in /etc/hosts. This is useful only for small LANs tha
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The Network Information System

The Network Information System When you're running a local area network, your overall goal is usually to provide an environment for your users that makes the network transparent. An important stepping stone is keeping vital data such as user ac
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Important Network Features

Important Network Features After successfully setting up IP and the resolver, you then must look at the services you want to provide over the network. This chapter covers the configuration of a few simple network applications, including the ine
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