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Changes Made in Microsoft DynamicsTM NAV W1 4.0 SP2


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Changes Made in Microsoft DynamicsTM NAV W1 4.0 SP2

This document describes the changes between Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision W1 4.0 SP1 and Microsoft DynamicsTM NAV W1 4.0 SP2.

Table of Contents

Application Changes

General Changes

General Ledger

Fixed Assets

Sales & Receivables

Relationship Management

Service Management

Purchases & Payables


Warehouse Management


Cap. Reqts. Planning



Business Analytics

Employee Portal

Commerce Gateway

Development Environment and Database Changes

Microsoft SQL Server Option

Development Environment

Employee Portal Front End

Navision Application Server


Installation Program



Smart Tag



Upgrade Toolkit

Industry Templates

Application Changes

General Changes

Errors fixed

A1)           Problem If Document Types Are Longer Than 30 Characters


If the document type is longer than 30 characters the system would come with an error message when trying to use the Navigate.

This has been corrected

Form 344 Navigate

A2)           Missing Multi Language Captions


Multi language captions were missing.

This has been corrected

Form 8605 Mapping field list

Form 8604 Mapping Object List

Form 6863 EP Language List

Form 6862 EP Field List

Form 7702 Fields

Form 5134 Contact Duplicates

Report 5183 Resend Attachments

A3)           Text Fields Are Too Short For Multi Language


Some text fields were too short to meet multi language requirements.

This has been corrected

Report 33 Reconcile Cust. and Vend. Accs

Form 8607 Implementation Status

A4)           Text Constant Text004 (Q1001) - Message Makes Pluralism With %1s


The use of a singular form on table captions cannot be easily transformed into other languages. The text constant was therefore changed to 'Dimensions'.

This has been corrected

Form 600 IC Dimensions

A5)           Navigation Pane Expands To Full Size And Can Not Be Resized


Sometimes when a computer is locked or goes into screensaver mode with Navision open, the Navigation Pane would come up in Full Screen and could not be resized.

This has been corrected

A6)           Run Object On Smart Tag Data Tool Set To Non-Existent Object


The RunObject property on the Start button of the Smart Tag Data Tool window was set to a nonexistent object - Codeunit 101900.

This has been corrected

Form 7950 Smart Tag Data Tool

VSA reference: 8189375

A7)           Navigation Pane Links Wrong


"Warehouse | Planning & Execution | Bin Contents" and "Warehouse | Goods Handling Multiple Orders | Bin Contents" did not link to the same form.

This has been corrected

MenuSuite 10 MBS

Form 7374 Bin Contents

A8)           Hotkeys Not Working


Hot keys for active menu changing did not work.

This has been corrected

VSA reference: 8182988

General Ledger


A9)           Missing Warning When Sending/Receiving The Same Document Multiple Times


It was possible to send and receive the same document multiple times without warning.

A warning has been added for the user to accept or decline multiple transactions of the same document.

This feature has been implemented

Form 611 IC Outbox Transactions

Form 615 IC Inbox Transactions

Table 414 IC Outbox Transaction

Table 418 IC Inbox Transaction

VSA reference: 8183849

A10)       VAT-Fields In General Ledger Not Filled In


When selling a fixed asset using the Net Disposal Method then the VAT-fields in the General Ledger Entries Window was not filled in.

New fields:

TAB5611 Depreciation Book, field no. 46: "VAT on Net Disposal Entries", Boolean field.

TAB5637 FA G/L Posting Buffer field no. 16: "Net Disposal", Boolean field

This feature has been implemented

TAB5611 Depreciation Book

TAB5637 FA G/L Posting Buffer

COD12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

COD5600 FA Insert Ledger Entry

COD5601 FA Insert G/L Account

COD5632 FA Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 7907571

A11)       Print VAT Spec In Local Currency


A new VAT Specification in LCY has been added to all reports which already had VAT Specification.

This feature has been implemented

Form 118 General Ledger Setup

Report 117 Reminder

Report 118 Finance Charge Memo

Report 122 Reminder - Test

Report 123 Finance Charge Memo - Test

Report 202 Sales Document - Test

Report 204 Sales - Quote

Report 205 Order Confirmation

Report 206 Sales - Invoice

Report 207 Sales - Credit Memo

Report 210 Blanket Sales Order

Report 402 Purchase Document - Test

Report 405 Order

Report 406 Purchase - Invoice

Report 407 Purchase - Credit Memo

Report 6631 Return Order Confirmation

Report 6641 Return Order

Table 98 General Ledger Setup

Errors fixed

A12)       Report 7 Does Not Show New Accounts


The date filter specified on the request form was overwritten in the code. Therefore some records were unintentionally being filtered out.

This has been corrected

Report 7 Trial Balance/Previous Year

VSA reference: 8113279

A13)       T & W Not Interpreted As Today And Work Date In Report 25


T & W were not interpreted as "Today" and "Work Date" in Report 25 field Date Filter on request form.

This has been corrected

Report 25 Account Schedule

VSA reference: 8157187

A14)       Balance Account Name Not Correct On Journals


When changing from a journal batch with a default bal. acc. no. to another template with a batch without a default bal. acc. no, the bal. acc. name in the bottom of the form was not cleared, but contained the bal. account name from the previous batch.

This has been corrected

Form 39 General Journal

Form 253 Sales Journal

Form 254 Purchase Journal

Form 255 Cash Receipt Journal

Form 256 Payment Journal

VSA reference: 8176462

A15)       Not All Columns Are Refreshed


The 12x1 Bar Chart Subform did not refresh all columns.

This has been corrected

Form 630 Bar Chart 12x1 Subform

VSA reference: 8183916

A16)       Consolidation Error When Changing Currency


It was not possible to change the Relational Exchange Rate Amount on form 511 Change Exchange Rate under the menu Exch. Rate, Last Balance Sheet, it was kept as the last exchange rate used. This created an error if the currency changed from one consolidation to the next, and the last consolidation was run twice. The field has therefore been made editable.

This has been corrected

Form 240 Business Units

A17)       Error When Updating The Analysis View


An error would occur when trying to update the analysis view when having many lines in the entry (more than 216799 lines).

This has been corrected

Codeunit 410 Update Analysis View

VSA reference: 8152115

A18)       Totaling Not Correct In Report 7151


The report didn't use all filters for totaling.

This has been corrected

Report 7151 Item Dimensions - Total

VSA reference: 8224065

A19)       Missing Permissions In Report 83


Permissions for tables 5930 - Posted Service Header and 5932 - Posted Service Invoice Line tables was missing.

This has been corrected

Report 83 Change Global Dimensions

VSA reference: 8223420

A20)       Wrong Format Of Dimensions In Budget Export To Excel


Exporting budgets to Excel would result in non-formatted fields for dimension values if they were blank. In cases where the dimension value was a number this would generate an error during import.

This has been corrected

Report 82 Export Budget to Excel

VSA Reference: 8291613

A21)       Wrong Rounding When Printing Acc. Schedule


When acc. schedules were printed and the setup was rounded to either nearest thousands or millions the figures were shown with decimals.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 8 AccSchedManagement


A22)       Inter Company Error Message Changed


When an inter company partner e.g. A tried to complete (send) an inter company line to a partner e.g. B that did not have the sending partner A set up as either an IC vendor/customer, an error message came up saying that 'IC Partner A does not exist as a Vendor in current company.' This was misleading since 'current company' referred to the company/partner the line was sent to and not the sending company. The message has therefore been changed to 'IC Partner A does not exist as a Vendor in IC Partner B.'

This has been changed

Codeunit 427 ICInboxOutboxMgt

A23)       Default Dimension Names Not Validated


When creating default data in "Codeunit 700 BA Overview Form Mgt.", the function UpdateDimName did not validate the dimension name in the line:

BADim.Name := BADim.Name + ' ' + BADimRel.'Relates-to Table Name'.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 700 BA Overview Form Mgt.

A24)       Business Unit Filter For G/L Account On Consolidated Report


If there were more than 4 business units within a company the report would give an error despite of what the user chose in business unit filter on the G/L Account.

This has been corrected

Report 18 Consolidated Trial Balance (4)

VSA reference: 8318743

A25)       Default Name For Measures And Check On Cube Dimensions


In Business Analytics the default name for measures was not the same when fields were chosen from "Select Fields" or manually typed.

There was no check for a Cube dimension name being used more than once.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 702 BA Db. Definition Create XML

A26)       Missing Ellipsis() On BA Db. Cube Dimensions


The Ellipsis () was missing after Select Dimensions and Select Fields on form 714 BA Db. Cube Dimensions.

This has been corrected

Form 714 BA Db. Cube Dimensions

A27)       Wrong Calculation Format


There was a wrong calculation format in a text string for Report 37 Balance Comp. - Prev. Year.

This has been corrected

Report 37 Balance Comp. - Prev. Year

A28)       "None" Is A Hard Coded String


"None" was hard coded.

This has been corrected

Report 36 Fiscal Year Balance

Report 37 Balance Comp. - Prev. Year

Report 38 Trial Balance by Period

A29)       Missing Confirmation Message


Confirmation message was missing when updating the Allow VAT Difference.

This has been corrected

Table 80 Gen. Journal Template

A30)       Look-up To IC Dimensions Not Correct


The look-up to the field Map-to IC Dimension Value in the Dimension Value table did not work when there was nothing entered in the Map-to IC Dimension field in the Dimension table for that Dimension. However, the field was filled out for another Dimension.

This has been corrected

Table 348 Dimension

VSA reference: 8243548

A31)       Analysis View Form Updated When Not Necessary


The form was updated if the user made a lookup in the Analysis View

Code field and pressed escape - the filters just entered were lost.

This has been corrected

Form 554 Analysis by Dimensions

VSA reference: 8242999

A32)       IC Partner Ref. Field Not Filled Out Properly On Documents


When filling out an IC document line with a GL Account, the IC Partner Reference was not filled out. Now it is filled out with the value from the Default IC Partner G/L Acc. No field on the GL Account table.

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Lines

Table 39 Purchase Lines

VSA reference: 8242513

A33)       Analysis View Budget Entries Was Not Deleted With Budget


When deleting a budget the connected Analysis View Budget Entries were not deleted.

This has been corrected

Table 95 G/L Budget Name

VSA reference: 8258799

A34)       Wrong Posting Date When Using UN Apply.


When UN applying a customer or vendor ledger entry, the detailed customer/vendor ledger entry received the posting date of the original application, instead of the posting date entered on the unapplied form.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

Codeunit 226 CustEntry-Apply Posted Entries

Codeunit 227 VendEntry-Apply Posted Entries

A35)       Updating Of Fields In Batch Post Journal Lines


In some cases where several lines had to be updated with Bill-to/Sell-to and Ship-to/Order Address Code only the first line was updated.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 13 Gen. Jnl.-Post Batch

VSA reference: 7728479

A36)       Close Income Statement Performance Optimizing


Close Income statement was slow when closing a fiscal year with more than the global dimensions. The way the report added the G/L postings up with the same combination of Dimensions, has been optimized, reducing runtime mainly on large databases which closes the income statement with more than the global dimensions.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 411 Dimension Buffer Management

Report 94 Close Income Statement

Table 353 Dimension ID Buffer

VSA reference: 8112024

A37)       Currency Posting Triggered Additional Currency Amount


When posting foreign currencies, additional credit or debit amount could be filled in on the general ledger entry - even when no additional currency was chosen.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8264434

A38)       Wrong Parameter Size In Report 96


In the function Initialize in report 96 the parameter FromGlAccount2 was a Code 20. This parameter was used for filtering on General Ledger account and has therefore been changed to Code 250.

This has been corrected

Report 96 Copy G/L Budget

A39)       XBRL has been updated to comply with XBRL specification 2.1


The XBRL functionality has been updated to comply with XBRL specification 2.1.

This has been updated

Codeunit 422 XBRL Import Taxonomy Spec. 2

Report 505 XBRL Export Instance - Spec. 2

Table 395 XBRL Taxonomy Line

A40)       G/L Account Entry Was Processed if Consol. Acc. Fields Empty


When the user executed the Consolidation - Test Database report while the Consol. Credit Acc. and Consol. Debit Acc. fields on the G/L Account table were empty, the program attempted to obtain a consolidated account.

This has been corrected

Report 14 Consolidation - Test Database

A41)       Entry No. In General Ledger Entries Skipped When Applying


When two entries were applied, the entry no. on the application in the GL Entries skipped/jumped one number.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8185240

A42)       Payment Method Not Included In The Where Used List


The Payment Method table was not included in the Where Used list.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 100 Calc. G/L Acc. Where-Used

VSA reference: 8202425

A43)       Global Dimensions Not Transferred With Inter Company


When doing inter company transactions, the global dimension on journal lines and on document headers were not filled out, but only appeared in the dimension tables.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 408 DimensionManagement

Codeunit 427 ICInboxOutboxMgt

A44)       Reversal Transaction Functionality Not Working


If the reversal entries only included one transaction number the filter for G/L and VAT entries were extended to include transaction no. = 0.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8170123

A45)       Error Message When Filling Field City


It was possible to enter 50 characters in the field City in the Company Information table, but an error message appeared. In the rest of the application the field City can only contain 30 characters, so the field City on the Company Information table has now been reduced to 30 characters.

This has been corrected

Table 79 Company Information

A46)       Report Change Global Dimensions Failed


An error was generated in report Change Global Dimensions when this report was run on localized versions of Navision. Translated captions of the tables could exceed the maximum length defined for the table names. The problem could prevent the report from working correctly on the localized versions of Navision.

This has been corrected

Report 83 Change Global Dimensions

VSA reference: 8256494 & 8257536

A47)       No Dimension Combination Displayed For Renamed Dimension


When creating two dimensions and defining the dimension combination for these dimensions as Blocked, and then subsequently renaming one of the dimensions, no value for either dimensions was displayed on the Dimension Combinations window.

This has been corrected

Form 538 Dimension Combinations

Form 539 Dimension Value Combinations

VSA reference: 8256494 & 8257536

A48)       Not Possible To Copy All Tables In Setup Checklist Window


It was not possible to copy the company specific tables. Now all tables can be copied.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 406 Setup Checklist Management

VSA reference: 8259950

A49)       Unrealized VAT Not Cleared


Unrealized VAT account was not cleared when applying a posted invoice against a posted payment. However, it was cleared when the posted payment was applied against the posted invoice.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8214784

A50)       Amounts Not Visible In Report 28


Dimension Detail Report did not show the amounts posted to the Beginning total Dimension Value.

This has been corrected

Report 28 Dimensions - Detail

VSA reference: 8277785

Fixed Assets


A51)       Wrong Calculation Of Depreciation


The fixed asset card has 2 new fields:

Temp. Ending Date

Temp. Fixed Depr. Amount

If these 2 fields are filled in then batch 'Calculate Depreciation' depreciates the fixed asset with 'Temp. Fixed Depr. Amount' yearly until 'Temp. Ending Date'. The Temporary Depreciation Method can be used together with the other depreciation methods, except 'User Defined' after 'Temp. Ending Date' the fixed asset is depreciated with the method specified in field 'Depreciation Method'.

The FA Reclass. Journal has 1 new field:

Calc. DB1-Depr. Amount

If a check mark is entered in this field then the reclass. function fills in the fields 'Temp. Ending Date' and 'Temp. Fixed Depr. Amount' in such a way that total depreciation of 'FA No.' and 'New FA No.' does not change in the current fiscal year, if the 2 fixed assets have been depreciated until (and with) 'FA Posting Date' of the reclass. journal. Depreciation method had to be 'Declining-Balance-1' or 'DB1/SL'. The calculation formula is specified below.

New fields:

TAB5612 FA Depreciation Book, field 61 Temp. Ending Date, type Date

TAB5612 FA Depreciation Book, field 62 Temp. Temp. Fixed Depr. Amount, type Decimal

TAB5624 FA Reclass. Journal Line, field 22 Calc. DB1-Depr. Amount, type Boolean

This feature has been implemented

COD5611 Calculate Normal Depreciation

COD5642 FA Reclass. Transfer Line

FOR5619 FA Depreciation Books

FOR5636 FA Reclass. Journal

FOR5666 FA Depreciation Books Subform

REP5607 Fixed Asset - Projected Value

TAB5612 FA Depreciation Book

TAB5624 FA Reclass. Journal Line

VSA reference: 8244082

A52)       New Depreciation Method "Sum Of Digits"


In some countries the depreciation method 'Sum of Digits' depreciation method is used. In Navision a new function in window 'Depreciation Table Card' creates a 'Sum of Digits' table.

This feature has been implemented

Form 5649 Insurance - Tot. Value Insured

Form 5659 Depreciation Table Card

Report 5683 Create Sum of Digits Table

A53)       Insurance Total Value Insured


On the fixed asset card a new menu-item 'Insurance - Tot. Value Insured' has been inserted.

The menu-item shows the total value insured for each fixed asset.

New Objects:

TAB5650 Insurance - Tot. Value Insured

FOR5649 Insurance - Tot. Value Insured

FOR5650 Ins. Tot. Valued Ins. Subform

This feature has been implemented

FOR5600 Fixed Asset Card

TAB5650 Insurance - Tot. Value Insured

FOR5649 Insurance - Tot. Value Insured

FOR5650 Ins. Tot. Valued Ins. Subform

A54)       Allow Negative Acquisition Cost


In some countries fixed assets are depreciated below zero (Book Value < 0).

This depreciation method is often combined with indexation of the acquisition cost.

This was not possible in Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision W1 4.0.

If the user enters a check mark in the new field 'Allow Acq.-Cost below Zero' in Table Depreciation Book then the user is able to index the acquisition cost.

New fields

TAB5611 Depreciation Book, field 47 'Allow Acq.-Cost below Zero', type Boolean

(we already have a field in this table named: 'Allow Depr. below Zero')

This feature has been implemented

TAB5611 Depreciation Book

COD5606 FA Check Consistency

Errors fixed

A55)       Missing Option String


An Option String was missing.

This has been corrected

Form 5662 FA Posting Types Overview

Sales & Receivables

Errors fixed

A56)       Reminders And Due Date On Entries Not Consistent


When creating an invoice and issuing a reminder for a customer and afterwards changing the due date of the invoice, the invoice would appear in the next reminder even though the due date was changed.

This has been corrected

Table 21 Cust. Ledger Entry

Codeunit 392 Reminder-Make

VSA reference: 8108957

A57)       Wrong handling of Extended Texts in Copy Document


If activating the recalculate lines option the extended text was taken from both the item and the sales lines. Same problem existed on the purchase side.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6620 Copy Document Mgt.

VSA reference: 8138661

A58)       Table Locking With Several Users and Dimensions


If two users were working in the same database, and one user changed a dimension on an invoice header without answering the confirm message, the other user would not be able to open the invoice.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 408 Dimension Management

VSA reference: 8142346

A59)       All Dimensions On Document Lines Were Checked


When a document was posted, the dimensions on all lines were checked, so if, for example, only one line was invoiced, the dimensions on the other lines were also checked.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 80 Sales-Post

Codeunit 90 Purchase-Post

VSA reference: 8146646

A60)       Wrong Card Shown If The No. Field On A Sales Doc. Was Blank


If the No. field on a sales line was blank, and the user clicked the Item Card link in the sales information pane, the wrong item card came up.

This has been changed

Codeunit 7171 Sales Info-Pane Management

VSA reference: 8160765

A61)       The Wrong Statistics Window Opened For Credit Memos


Statistics for credit memos opened the sales order statistics instead of the sales statistics. The same happened on the purchase side.

This has been corrected

Form 44 Sales Credit Memo

Form 52 Purchase Credit Memo

VSA reference: 8160818

A62)       Balance Field On Apply Entries Forms Not Updated Properly


The field Balance on forms Apply Vendor Entries and Apply Customer Entries was not updated correctly. The field Appln. Rounding Precision on G/L Setup was not taken into account.

This has been corrected

Form Apply Vendor Entries

Form Apply Customer Entries

A63)       Error When Copying Document


The sales line has a function that puts the value of the sales header into a buffer. Unfortunately the buffer was not updated after the "ToSalesHeader" was updated with information from the "FromSalesHeader".

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6620 Copy Document Mgt.

VSA reference: 8160823

A64)       Wrong Validation Of Requested Delivery Date


Wrong error message if a sales line had both "Requested Delivery Date" and "Promised Delivery Date" specified when creating a new sales line including the same item no., variant and location combination.

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

VSA reference: 8163452

A65)       Message Missing If A Reminder Terms Code Had No Levels


If a Reminder Terms Code had no levels and you tried to create reminders the system came with an error instead of the information message that appeared in version 2.60.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 392 Reminder-Make

Report 188 Create Reminders

Report 189 Suggest Reminder Lines

VSA reference: 8171530

A66)       Function Check Availability Does Not Work.


Function Check Availability didn't work if granule Order Promising' wasn't in the license file.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5790 Available to Promise

VSA reference: 8177658

A67)       Wrong Invoice Discount


The invoice discount was not shown correctly in the Sales Quote Statistics if an item used a location that required pick.

This has not been corrected

Form 160 Sales Statistics

Form 161 Purchase Statistics

VSA reference: 8184285

A68)       Budget Filter Missing


The Analysis Report did not include the budget filter.

This has bee corrected

Codeunit 7110 Analysis Report Management

VSA reference: 8196975

A69)       Special Characters Could Not Be Included In Post Code


If you entered special characters like () into the Post Code of the Customer card you would get an error.

This has been corrected

Table 225 Post Code

VSA reference: 8198311

A70)       Error When Creating A Second Sales Order


When creating 2 Sales Orders using the same Customer and using the same Item, with the Requested Delivery Date and the Promised Delivery Date filled in on the header of the 1st Sales Order, you would receive the error 'You cannot change the Requested Delivery Date when the Promised Delivery date has been filled in.' when the quantity was entered on the second Sales Order.

This has been corrected

Table 99000880 Order Promising Line

VSA reference: 8169709

A71)       Wrong Value Entries When Partially Shipping A Sales Order


When partially posting Sales Orders that included Item Charges and Item Tracking, wrong Value Entries would appear.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 80 Sales-Post

Codeunit 90 Purch.-Post

VSA reference: 8205158

A72)       Lookup On Field IC Partner Reference Did Not Work Correct


Lookup on field IC Partner Reference in both the Sales Line table and Purchase Line table did not work correct. When lookup was made the focus was on the wrong record.

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

Table 39 Purchase Line

VSA reference: 8185254

A73)       Error Message Appears When Running Report 35


A key was missing.

This has been corrected

Table 300 Reminder/Fin. Charge Entry

A74)       Incorrect Option String


The OptionString and the OptionCaption for the Type field were out of synch.

This has been corrected

Form 7120 Sales Analysis Lines

VSA reference: 8226812

A75)       VAT Country Code and Registration No.


The VAT Country Code and VAT Registration No. were not transferred from order header to G/L and VAT entry.

This has been corrected

Table 36 Sales Header

Table 38 Purchase Header

Table 81 Gen. Journal Line

Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

Codeunit 80 Sales-Post

Codeunit 90 Purch.-Post

VSA reference: 7738062

A76)       Credit Memos Included When Finding Reminder Header Level


Credit memos were wrongly included when calculating what level the reminder header should get.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 392 Reminder-Make

VSA reference: 8132726

A77)       Balance Field On Apply Entries Forms Not Updated Properly


The field Balance on the forms Apply Vendor Entries and Apply Customer Entries was not updated correctly. It did not take the Appln. Rounding Precision on G/L Setup field into account.

This has been corrected

Form 232 Apply Customer Entries

Form 233 Apply Vendor Entries

VSA reference: 8226782

A78)       Misleading Field Name In Reminder Line Table


The field Reminder Level in the Reminder Line table was misleading because it was not the same field as the field in the header with the same name. The field has therefore been renamed to 'No. of Reminders'.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 392 Reminder-Make

Codeunit 393 Reminder-Issue

Form 435 Reminder Lines

Report 122 Reminder - Test

Table 296 Reminder Line

VSA reference: 8239146

A79)       Wrong Update Of Quantity To Ship And Quantity To Invoice


In cases where Require Shipment was chosen on the active location - order lines were still updated with Quantity to Ship and Quantity to Invoice when an item number was revalidated.

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

Table 39 Purchase Line

VSA reference: 8292849

A80)       Amount To Apply Is Doubled


In the functions PostVend and PostCust in Codeunit 12, the Amount to Apply on CustLedgEntry and VendLedgEntry had amounts that were double the actual amount to be applied.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8216859

A81)       Purchase Statistics Calculation Incorrect


The Statistics were calculated wrongly due to rounding. The algorithm created a new purchase line, which was used for rounding the invoice twice.

This has been corrected

Table 39 Purchase Line

Codeunit 90 Purch.-Post

VSA reference: 8216248

A82)       Sales Statistics Calculation Incorrect If Prices Includes VAT


Sales statistics did not calculate "VAT Base", "VAT Amount" and "Amount Including VAT" properly if prices included VAT and 'Rounding Invoice' was set.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 80 Sales-Post

VSA reference: 8216248

A83)       Sales Documents With Info Pane Not Opened


It was not possible to open a sales document in the info pane if the customer had been deleted.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 7171 Sales Info-Pane Management

VSA reference: 8229253

A84)       Missing Cross Reference No. And Promised Delivery Date


The cross reference no. and promise delivery date was missing when doing a lookup.

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

VSA reference: 8111833

A85)       When Using Drop Shipment Comments Is Missing Comments


When a drop shipment was used and the Receipt of the item(s) was posted, the corresponding shipment did not have the comments from the order. The same applied when posting the shipment - the comments from the purchase orders were missing from the receipt.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 80 Sales-Post

Codeunit 90 Purch.-Post

VSA reference: 8328540

A86)       Sales History For Bill-to Customer Showed Sell-to Information


When choosing Sales history under Bill-to Customer the sales history was presented showing documents where the Bill-to customer had been used as a Sell-to customer.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 7171Sales Info-Pane Management

Form 41 Sales Quote

Form 42 Sales Order

Form 43 Sales Invoice

Form 5933 Sales Invoice (Service)

Form 7171 Customer Sales History

Table 18 Customer

VSA reference: 8291967

A87)       Wrong Amount In Amount To Apply On Apply Customer Entries


When Apply Customer Entries were initially opened and there were more than one entry in the form - the amount to Apply was calculated on the basis of the last entry instead of the current.

This has been corrected

Form 232 Apply Customer Entries

A88)       Payment Tolerance Warning Missing In Journals


When first setting the Applies to Doc no. and then setting an amount which should trigger a Payment tolerance warning, the payment warning was missing.


Table 81 Gen. Journal Line

VSA reference: 8242230

A89)       VAT Country Code and Registration No.


The VAT Country Code and VAT Registration No. were not transferred from order header to G/L and VAT entry.

This has been corrected

Table 81 Gen. Journal Line

Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

Codeunit 80 Sales-Post

Codeunit 90 Purch.-Post

VSA reference: 7738062

A90)       Wrong Filter When Looking For Application Documents.


When setting Applies-to ID on a document and afterwards doing a lookup on Applies-to Doc. No., a filter was applied to the form, holding the old Applies-to ID from xRec.

This has been corrected

Table 36 Sales Header

Table 38 Purchase Header

VSA reference: 8334666

A91)       Menu Item Structure Not Consistent


The menu items under Sales & Marketing, Order Processing did not follow the structure under Purchase.

This has been corrected

MenuSuite 10 MBS

A92)       Run Modal Error When Changing Location Code


The system would allow changing location code even though there were existing reservations.

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

VSA reference: 8166834

A93)       Undo Quantity Posting For Each Item Line


If a receipt with several items with extended text was to be undone, the user had to specifically select the lines of type item (and make sure that none of the text lines were selected). This has been changed so the system automatically ignores all lines with a different type than item.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5813 Undo Purchase Receipt Line

Codeunit 5814 Undo Return Shipment Line

Codeunit 5815 Undo Sales Shipment Line

Codeunit 5816 Undo Return Receipt Line

VSA reference: 8186531

A94)       Wrong Total Amount (LCY) When Currency Filter Was Applied


The Customer - Summary Aging report displayed an incorrect customer balance due in the Total Amount (LCY) field when the user specified a currency filter on the request fields.

This has been corrected

Report 105 Customer - Summary Aging

VSA reference: 8189224

A95)       Error When Trying To Update Exchange Rate For Documents


An error message would appear when trying to change the exchange rate on a released document. When attempting to click the "assist edit" button for Currency Code, a system error appeared.

This has been corrected

Form 41 Sales Quote

Form 42 Sales Order

Form 43 Sales Invoice

Form 44 Sales Credit Memo

Form 49 urchase Quote

Form 50 Sales Order

Form 51 urchase Invoice

Form 52 urchase Credit Memo

Form 507 Blanket Sales Order,

Form 509 Blanket Purchase Order

VSA reference: 8202423

A96)       Error In Drill Down In Customer Sales Lines Form


When drilling down in the field Sales Balance Due (LCY) in the Customer Sales Lines form, only open entries were shown instead of the open entries at the due date.

This has been corrected

Form 351 Customer Sales Lines

VSA reference: 8183827

A97)       'Closed By Amount' Field Not Updated Correctly With Partial Payments


When several invoices were closed by a payment that did not cover all amounts and the invoice was chosen to be partly paid, Navision did not close the payment.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8216251

A98)       Empty Salesperson Code In Outlook Int. Error Log Warning


When the user selected/cleared the Enable Synchronization check box on the Outlook Integration tab of the Salesperson/Purchaser Card, Navision recorded a warning in the Outlook Integration Log table with no value in the Salesperson Code field.

This has been corrected

Table 13 Salesperson/Purchaser

Table 5119 Outlook Integration Log

A99)       Sales Person Card Emptied


Improper behavior occurred when the user attempted to create a new salesperson by opening a new Salesperson/Purchaser Card from an empty line on the Salespeople/Purchasers window and filling in the Code field. Data entered in the Code field disappeared, although a new salesperson record was created.

This has been corrected

Form 5116 Salesperson/Purchaser Card

A100)            Responsibility Center Not Copied From Quotes To Orders


When making an order from a quote, the responsibility center was taken from company info unless a default value had been defined on the user setup.

This has been corrected

Table 36 Sales Header

Table 38 Purchase Header

VSA reference: 8229195

A101)            Item Cross Reference


When doing a lookup on Item Number the Item Cross Reference did not populate.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5702 Dist. Integration

A102)            Error In Reports If Several Invoices Were Applied Together


If two invoices were applied to a payment, reports 211 and 411 would display wrong values in field "Payment Amount not Allocated".

This has been corrected

Report 211 Customer - Payment Receipt

Report 411 Vendor - Payment Receipt

VSA reference: 8250279

A103)            Missing Function Call On Report 7051


The function CalcCurrentPrice was not used when running report 7051. The function takes care of calculating the current price for an item.

This has been corrected

Report 7051 Suggest Item Price on Wksh.

VSA reference: 8211966

A104)            Clearing Of Date Fields On Reports Request Form


Navision did not clear starting and ending dates when changing from an existing sales code to a new sales code.

This has been corrected

Report 7052 Suggest Sales Price on Wksh.

Report 7051 Suggest Item Price on Wksh.

VSA reference: 8245027

A105)            Planned Delivery Date Before Shipment Date


Planned Delivery Date came before Shipment Date when the system distinguished working and non-working dates.

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

A106)            Remaining Amount Moved From Invoice To Payment


When applying a payment to an invoice with payment discount in the grace period, and the payment was not large enough to cover the amount on the invoice, the remaining amount from the invoice was moved to the payment.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 426 Payment Tolerance Management

VSA reference: 8352365

A107)            Update Error On Table 36 And 38


When Revaluating the Sell-to Customer after entering a different Bill-to Customer and answer 'No' to the question about updating the Bill-to customer, some fields on the sales header were filled by the Sell-to customer rather then the Bill-to Customer. The same applied to purchase orders.

This has been corrected

Table 36 Sales Header

Table 38 Purchase Header

VSA reference: 8337643

A108)            Run Modal Error Message


A Run Modal error message occurs when refreshing item no. with a cross reference setup.

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

VSA reference: 8312163

A109)            Payment Tolerance Error When Applying


When applying a payment to a credit memo and an invoice, the payment tolerance worked differently depending on whether the payment was above or below the actual amount to be paid (but still within the tolerance).

This has been corrected

Codeunit 426 Payment Tolerance Management

VSA reference: 8263845

A110)            VAT Difference Not Updated Correctly


When the Line Amount in either the Sales Line table or Purchase Line table was changed, the VAT Difference was not updated (set to 0). This meant that if there was a VAT Difference before the Line Amount was updated, the VAT would be wrong, because the VAT Difference would be added to the new calculated VAT.

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

Table 39 Purchase Line

VSA reference: 8263844

A111)            VAT Error When Applying Payments, Invoices And Credit Memo's


When applying a payment to both invoices and credit memos the VAT calculation was wrong.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 426 Payment Tolerance Management

VSA reference: 8302576

A112)            Copy Document Function Not Working For IC Documents


When Copy Document function was used on posted inter company documents, the created inter company document was not sent to outbox.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6620 Copy Document Mgt.

VSA reference: 8298396

A113)            Unit Price For Sales Order Not Updated If Work Type Changed


When the user changed the Work Type Code for a sales order, the value of the Unit Price Excl. VAT field on the sales line was not updated.

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

VSA reference: 8261238

A114)            Wrong Default Value Assigned to Reserve Field on a Sales Document


If a Sales Quote was created for a contact which had no corresponding customer, the "Reserve" field in the "Sales Quote" window was assigned the default value "Never".

This has been corrected

Table 36 Sales Header

VSA reference: 8298341

A115)            Sell-to Contact Field Not Updated When Sales Order Created


When the user created a sales order and filled in the Sell-to Contact No. field, the Sell-to Contact field was not updated with the proper information.

This has been corrected

Table 36 Sales Header

VSA reference: 8295661

A116)            Run Modal Error Using Function Capable To Promise


The Run Modal error function was displayed when reservation existed (The function "Capable to promise" created reservation entries).

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

VSA reference: 8290255

A117)            Reservation Entry Already Exists


If items used Item Tracking the function recreating reservation entries would fail.

This has been corrected

Table 36 Sales Header

VSA reference: 8268763

A118)            Error With Import Of Budget


If for example a sales budget was exported without a customer filter, and the budget was changed in Excel and then imported again, no entries were imported.

This has been corrected

Report 7131 Import Item Budget from Excel

VSA reference: 8261194

A119)            Type Must Not Be Blank


The function 'Move Negative Line' did not allow creation of new sales orders if Type was blank.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6620 Copy Document Mgt.

VSA reference: 8258103

A120)            Sales Statistics Calculation Incorrect


Statistics were calculated wrong due to rounding. The algorithm created a new sales line, used for rounding the invoice, twice.

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

VSA reference: 8216248

A121)            Not Possible To Change Location Code On Sales Order


With a combination of "Reserve = always" and different outbound warehouse handling times, it was not always allowed to change location code on a sales order.

The error occurred when "OnModify" code called "ReserveSalesLine.VerifyChange".

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

Codeunit 99000832 Sales Line-Reserve

Codeunit 99000889 AvailabilityManagement

Form 46 Sales Order Subform

VSA reference: 8230915

A122)            Sales Order Warning


A sales order with a required delivery date older than the work date gave a warning if new sales orders for the same item were inserted - regardless of what the shipment date for the order was.

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

Codeunit 5790 Available to Promise

A123)            Sales Lines 'Qty. to Ship" And "Qty. to Invoice' Not Updated


There was no update on Sales Line 'Qty. to Ship" and "Qty. to Invoice' when changing 'Purchasing Code' to 'Drop Shipment' on an existing Sales Line.

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

VSA reference: 8280293

Relationship Management

Errors fixed

A124)            Sending Mail with Pre-XP Version of Outlook Crashes Navision


When an earlier version of MS Outlook than XP was used to send e-mail messages from Navision, a run-time error occurred and Navision crashed.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 397 Mail

Codeunit 5073 To-do Handler

VSA reference: 8062681

A125)            Attachment Was Removed When Resuming a Postponed Interaction


When a Postponed Interaction was resumed and then finished, the attachment for the Interaction Template was removed. The problem has been resolved by creating a new attachment for an Interaction Log Entry.

This has been corrected

Form 5077 Create Interaction

A126)            Contact Address 2 Field Displayed Wrong Chars. After Synch.


The Address 2 field on a Contact Card contained superfluous control characters when synchronized with Outlook, if the Street field of the Address Details window of the corresponding Outlook contact contained more than two lines of text.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5071 Contact Handler

Navision Service System reference: HQ-118-184-WHJ6

A127)            To-do Changes Were Not Reflected When Using Contact Search


If the user generated a Contact Search Index for to-dos, changed a field in a to-do, and then searched for this to-do again, the changes made for this to-do were not reflected in the Search Result List.

This has been corrected

Table 5080 To-do

Navision Service System reference: HQ-983-970-W8ZV

A128)            No Error When Segment Attachment Imported without Interaction Template


When the user created a segment without an Interaction Template and then tried to import an attachment, the system did not respond.

This has been corrected

Form 5091 Segment

A129)            Closing Recurring To-do Created New To-dos


When a non-recurring to-do was marked as recurring and was closed, new recurring to-dos for each of the segment's contacts were created.

This has been corrected

Table 5080 "To-do"

VSA reference: 8134239 & 8132784

A130)            Incorrect Error Message When Synchronizing with Outlook


A non-descriptive error message appeared when the user attempted to synchronize a salesperson/purchaser with Outlook when the synchronization with Outlook was not enabled for any salesperson/purchaser.

This has been corrected

Form 5116 Salesperson/Purchaser Card

Codeunit 5072 Outlook Application Management

A131)            Error When Clicking List on the Toolbar for the To-dos Form


An error message appeared when the user opened the To-dos window and then clicked the List button on the toolbar saying that the specified table was different from the table the form was using.

This has been corrected

Table 5102 RM Matrix Management

VSA reference: 8136931

A132)            Incorrect Interact. Lang. Code If Template Already Assigned


When the user changed a contact for an interaction in the Create Interaction wizard, the Language Code field was updated incorrectly, if Interaction Template had already been assigned to the interaction.

This has been corrected

Table 5077 Segment Line

A133)            Segment Line Table Not Updated When Segment Header Modified


When the user changed the Interaction Template Code on the Segment Header, the information in the Segment Line table was not updated, when the value in the Interaction Template Code field was different from that in the Segment Header before the changes were made.

This has been corrected

Table 5076 Segment Header

A134)            Impossible to Attach Doc. Without Merge Fields for a Contact


It was impossible to attach a unique document, without merge fields, for a contact in a segment.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5054 WordManagement

A135)            Redundant Notifications Sent When To-dos Reassigned To Teams


When the user reassigned a Salesperson To-do or a Team To-do to a Team, each team member received two notifications regarding the change.

This has been corrected

Table 5080 To-do

A136)            The Same Info. Flow Shown for Sent and Received E-Mails


When sending and receiving e-mails, the Information Flow field in the Interaction Log Entries window showed the same value for both sent and received e-mail messages.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5077 E-Mail - Logging

VSA reference: 8167590

A137)            Incorrect Invoice Periods Were Assigned to Sales Invoices


Sales Invoices with incorrect Invoice Periods were created due to the program's inability to check the correct ending date for the last Sales Invoice.

This has been corrected

Table 5965 Service Contract Header

Codeunit 5940 ServContractManagement

Codeunit 5944 SignServContractDoc

VSA reference: 8179302 & 8176427

A138)            Switch Checkmark in Canceled Was Inconsistent in ILE


The function Switch Checkmark in Canceled for Interaction Log Entries produced inconsistent results. The checkmark was not switched for some records.

This has been corrected

Table 5065 Interaction Log Entry

VSA reference: 8173257

A139)            Contact E-Mail Not Validated If Created from Bank Acc. Card


The E-Mail address on a contact card was not validated when the contact was automatically created from the Bank Account Card.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5058 BankCont-Update

A140)            Wrong Amount per Period If Contract Expired Before Period End


The calculation of the value for the Amount per Period field in the Service Contract window was incorrect when the contract expiry date occurred before the end of the invoice period.

The value in the Amount (LCY) field was not equal to the value in the Amount field in the Service Ledger Entries window.

This has been corrected

Table 5965 Service Contract Header

Codeunit 5940 ServContractManagement

VSA reference: 8185290

A141)            Company No. Was Blank When To-do Created From Sales Quote


Company No. Was Blank When To-do Created from Sales Quote.

This has been corrected

Table 36 Sales Header

VSA reference: 8305189

A142)            Attendee Scheduling Non-Editable If Certain Fields Modified


The Attendee Scheduling window became non-editable when the user changed the value in the Invitation Response Type field or Invitation Sent field for a to-do attendee in the window while the synchronization with Outlook was enabled.

This has been corrected

Table 5199 Attendee

A143)            Wrong Error Message When Importing Attmt. for a Segment Line


An incorrect error message appeared when the user removed and then tried to import a new attachment for a Segment Line, prompting the user to replace the existing attachment, although there were no attachments on the line to replace.

This has been corrected

Table 5077 Segment Line

A144)            Multiple Errors Occurred When Salesperson Was Renamed


When a user attempted to rename a synchronized Salesperson, multiple errors occurred such as disabling or raising errors, preventing the user from performing proper Outlook Synchronization setup.

This has been corrected

Table 13 Salesperson/Purchaser

Table 5119 Outlook Integration Log

Codeunit 5070 Salesperson Handler

Codeunit 5072 Outlook Application Management

A145)            Label On Create Interaction Window Too Small For Translation


The width of one of the labels on the Create Interaction window was too small, which caused problems when the application was translated into some languages.

This has been corrected

Form 5077 Create Interaction

A146)            Doc Meeting Attachment Could Not Be Opened From Outlook


When the user created a to-do of the Meeting type with a .doc file template attached, then modified and saved the template, it was not possible to open the attachment in Outlook after it had been synchronized.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5054 WordManagement

Table 5062 Attachment

Form 5097 Create To-do

A147)            No Shipping Info On Sales Quotes If No Customer Assigned To Contact


When the user registered a new contact, made a sales quote for this contact and created this contact as a customer, the Shipping tab of the Sales Quote window was not filled out with the relevant address information.

This has been corrected

Table 36 Sales Header

A148)            Error Occurred When All Contact Profile Answers Were Cleared


When the user clicked the Assist Button in the Answers field to open the Contact Profile Answers window and clear the check boxes in the Set field for all lines, an error message occurred and the Contact Card window closed automatically.

This has been corrected

Table 5089 Contact Profile Answer

A149)            Word Interaction Attachment With Merge Fields Couldn't be Opened


When the user e-mailed an interaction with a Word document that had merged fields attached to it, the attachment could not be opened by the e-mail recipient.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5054 WordManagement

A150)            Changes To New Outlook Item Are Not Reflected In Navision


When the user created an appointment/task in Outlook and then modified it in Outlook, Navision did not apply these changes to the corresponding to-do, while the synchronization with Outlook was enabled.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5073 To-do Handler

A151)            To-do Remains Canceled After Outlook Item Was Restored


When the user deletes an Outlook task/appointment which is synchronized with a to-do in Navision, and then restores it, the to-do remains canceled.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5072 Outlook Application Management

A152)            Opp. To-do Not Updated When SP Code/Contact No. Changed


When the user changed the Salesperson Code or Contact No. on an opportunity with related to-dos of the Meeting type and a Contact No. and Salesperson Code assigned, the program did not update the Attendee list for the to-do.

This has been corrected

Table 5092 Opportunity

Codeunit 5073 To-do Handler

Codeunit 5072 Outlook Application Management

A153)            Field Caption on Resend Attmt. Report Missing


The caption of the Update Merge Fields checkbox on the Option tab of Report 5183 Resend Attachments was missing.

This has been corrected

Report 5183 Resend Attachments

A154)            User Couldn't Create Interaction When Wizard Action=Import


An error message appeared when the user did the following: Imported a new attachment into the Create Interaction form, selected E-Mail as the Correspondence Type, and on the Interaction Templates window selected a template without an attachment and finally set Wizard Action to Import and clicked the Next button. This meant that the user could not go on to the next step of the Create Interaction wizard.

This has been corrected

Form 5077 Create Interaction

A155)            Label Height on Segment Wizard Was Too Small


The height of two labels on the Segment Wizard window was too small, which caused problems when the application was translated into some languages.

This has been corrected

Form 5113 Segment Wizard

A156)            Incorrect Caption and OH for Allow Co Repd. by Cont. Person


The caption did not describe the functionality of the Allow Co. Repd. by Cont. Person field in the Add Contacts batch job correctly.

This has been corrected

Report 5198 Add Contact

VSA reference: 8341638

A157)            Updated Starting Date Of A Task Was Not Synchronized To Outlook


The last date change was not synchronized to Outlook when the user did the following:

Created a task in Navision, synchronized it to Outlook, then changed the starting date to a later one and finally changed the starting date to one prior to the date when the task was created.

This has been corrected


A158)            E-Mail Format Set to Plain Text When Mail Sent From Navision


Default E-mail message format was set to 'Plain Text' when an E-Mail message was sent from Navision.


Codeunit 397 Mail

VSA reference: 8299712

A159)            Contact With Blank Name Was Synchronized to Outlook as a Company


During synchronization, Outlook treated a Navision contact of type Person with a blank Name field as a contact of type Company and created a corresponding contact of type Company in Outlook. This caused the creation of duplicate contacts of type Company in Navision.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5069 Outlook Contact Handler

Codeunit 5071 Contact Handler

VSA reference: 8287946

A160)            Replaced Contact Displayed When Criteria For Segment Reused


When creating a new segment with a contact, replacing this contact with another one, saving the criteria for this segment and then trying to reuse the saved criteria for a new segment, both contacts were displayed in the segment.

This has been corrected

Form 5092 Segment Subform

VSA reference: 8240722

A161)            Outlook Remained In Memory After Synchronization Setup


OUTLOOK.EXE process remained in memory when the user specified a folder of incorrect type while setting up the synchronization with Outlook for a salesperson, and then closed Navision.

This has been corrected

A162)            Text Length Inconsistency When Searching Contacts


Text string "Text009" can contain 37 characters in the "CodeUnit 5067 ProcessQuery' and field 'Contact Name' in 'Table Search Result' table may have 30 characters only. This would cause an error when the contact name was longer than 30 characters.

This has been corrected

Table 5113 Search Result

VSA reference: 8311875 & 8310513

Service Management

Errors fixed

A163)            Error Msg. Unclear When Contract Expires Before Inv. Period


The error message, that appeared when the expiration date for a locked contract fell before the next invoice period starting date, has been made more descriptive.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5943 "Lock-OpenServContract"

Navision Service System reference: HQ-731-17-3D5A

A164)            Item Serial No. in Item Tracking Sum. Inherited Incorrectly


When the user created a Service Order for an item from a Sales Order, the Serial No. in the Item Tracking Summary was inherited from the Sales Order but not the Service Order. The Serial No. should have been inherited from both the Sales Order and the Service Order.

This has been corrected

Table 5902 Service Invoice Line

Form 6510 Item Tracking Lines

Codeunit 6500 Item Tracking Management

Navision Service System reference: DE-428-626-HKZN

A165)            Error When Converting Service Quote with Loaner No. to Order


An error appeared if the user converted a service quote with a Loaner No. assigned to it into a service order, and then tried to receive the corresponding loaner.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5923 Service-Quote to Order

VSA reference: 7849669

A166)            Fault Reason Code Check Box Caused Numerous Errors


In some cases, when a Fault Reason Code with the Exclude Warranty Discount check box selected was assigned to or removed from the Service Invoice Line, the Line Discount Type field was not updated.

When the Fault Reason Code on the Service Item Line was assigned, the linked Service Invoice Line with the type Cost was not updated.

The Service Item Line's Fault Reason Code with the Exclude Warranty Discount check box not selected was not copied to the newly created Service Invoice Line with the type Cost.

This has been corrected

Table 5901 Service Item Line

Table 5902 Service Invoice Line

Codeunit 7000 Sales Price Calc. Mgt.

Navision Service System: GB-0-521-ELK3

A167)            Two Menu Items Had the Same Shortcut on Service Item Card


Component List & Posted Service menu items on the Service Item Card had the same shortcut 'P'.

This has been corrected

Form 5980 Service Item Card

A168)            Deleting Service Contract Line Removed Comments in Other Contracts


When a Service Contract line was deleted, the system removed service contract line comments for the corresponding lines in other Service Contracts.

This has been corrected

Table 5964 Service Contract Line

VSA reference: 8127801 & 8125795

A169)            The Posting of Service Orders Broke Table Relations


When the user posted a Service Order, the relations between tables were broken and database integrity was compromised.

This has been corrected

Table 5950 Service Order Allocation

Table 5908 Warranty ledger Entry

VSA reference: 8140300

A170)            Not Possible To Post Invoices with Same Service Ledger Entry Lines


When creating Service Invoice Lines, it was possible to apply the same Service Ledger Entry more than once. The system allowed posting the invoice without checking the status of the entry.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5912 ServLedgEntries-Post

VSA reference: 8142250

A171)            Service Invoice Line Discount Amounts Were not Posted to G/L Account


When a Service Invoice Line was created by the Get Service Order Usage function, the system applied the discounts to the line amount and showed only this value on the invoice. The discounts on the line were set to 0. When posted, no new General Ledger Accounts for discounts were created.

This has been corrected

Report 6003 Get Service Usage

Table 5933 Service Order Posting Buffer

VSA reference: 8146472

Knowledge Base reference: 898775

A172)            Error When Posting Service Lines with New or Replaced Item


An error appeared when trying to post a service order with new items or items that replaced other components in the service item, specified for a service item line in the Service Item Worksheet.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5907 ServInvLine-Post

A173)            Date Filter Ignored in Maintenance Visit - Planning Report


A user-defined filter for the Date Filter field was ignored when running the Maintenance Visit - Planning report.

This has been corrected

Report 5980 Maintenance Visit - Planning

A174)            Redundant Service Zone Msg. When Serv. Inv. Line Re-created


A redundant service zone code verification message was displayed when the user re-created service invoice lines.

This has been corrected

Table 5902 Service Invoice Line

Table 5900 Service Header

Table 5901 Service Item Line

A175)            Multiple Msg. When Creating Serv. Inv. Line for a Resource


When creating a service invoice line of type Resource with unit price greater than maximum labor unit price, the same information message appeared several times.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 7000 Sales Price Calc. Mgt.

A176)            Redundant Serv. Order Alloc. Line When Creating Serv. Order


When creating a service order from a service quote with resources allocated to service items, a redundant service order allocation entry, one for each resource allocation entry in the service quote, was added for the newly created service order, in the Resource Allocations window.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5923 Service-Quote to Order

A177)            Erroneous Average Response Time If Used with Resp. Centers


Average Response Time for a particular Responsibility Center was the same as the overall Average Response Time in the Order - Response Time report when several Responsibility Centers were included. A similar situation occurred in the Profit (Resp. Center) report, when no filters were specified on the Posted Service Header tab of the report.

This has been corrected

Report 5908 Service Order - Response Time

Report 5909 Service Profit (Resp. Centers)

VSA reference: 8174117

A178)            Dimension Management for Warranty Ledger Entries Was Missing


The Dimension Management functionality for Warranty Ledger Entries was missing. The code and the GUI have been modified in order to provide this functionality.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5907 ServInvLine-Post

Report 83 Change Global Dimensions

Form 5913 Warranty Ledger Entries

VSA reference: 8157785

A179)            Wrong Control Captions on Res. Avail. and Res.Gr. Avail.


There were incorrect captions for the controls of the Res. Availability (Service) window and Res.Gr. Availability (Service) window.

This has been corrected

Form 6004 Res. Availability (Service)

Form 6010 Res.Gr. Availability (Service)

A180)            Doc. Date Not Updated When Ser. Order Posting Date Changed


When the user changed the Posting Date on a Service Order, the Document Date was not updated accordingly.

This has been corrected

Table 5900 Service Header

VSA reference: 8174731

A181)            Error When Posted Service Order Was Printed or Previewed


An error appeared when printing or previewing a posted service order from the Navigate window.

This has been corrected

Report 35 Document Entries

VSA reference: 8174137

A182)            Missing Message Warning of Duplication


No warning message appeared to inform the user that the combination of Document Number and Posting Date had been used more than once.

This has been corrected

Form 344 Navigate

VSA reference: 8182659

A183)            Repair Status Code Filter Did Not Filter Service Tasks


The Repair Status Code filter for the Service Tasks report failed to filter service tasks correctly.

This has been corrected

Report 5904 Service Tasks

Form 5915 Service Tasks

VSA reference: 8192899

A184)            Qty. per UOM Field Not Updated When Modified


The Qty. per Unit of Measure field in the Resource Units of Measure window was not updated in the following situation: First the user set up different, but related, units of measure for lines of type Resource, and then he or she modified the Unit of Measure field for the service invoice line. As a consequence, the value in the resources ledger entries was incorrect.

This has been corrected

Table 5902 Service Invoice Line

Codeunit 5907 ServInvLine-Post

Codeunit 7000 Sales Price Calc. Mgt.

VSA reference: 8186595 & 8185555

A185)            Item Tracking Nos. Assigned To Line Types Other Than Item


In the Item Tracking Lines window there was a possibility to assign item tracking numbers to service invoice lines of the type Resource, Cost or Blank, whereas it should have only been possible to do this for lines of the type Item.

This has been corrected

Table 5902 Service Invoice Line

A186)            Shortcut Dim. Not Copied from Serv. Ledg. Entry to G/L Entry


The Shortcut Dimensions were not copied from the appropriate Service Ledger entry to the G/L entry, when the user ran the Post Prepaid Contract Entries batch job to post the ledger entries with contract prepaid accounts to contract income accounts.

This has been corrected

Report 6032 Post Prepaid Contract Entries

VSA reference: 8201141

A187)            Not Possible To Make Serv. Contract Non-Prepaid If Inv. Period=None


It was not possible to clear the prepaid check box on a Service Contract if the Invoice Period was set to 'None'.

This has been corrected

Table 5965 Service Contract Header

A188)            No Data in Report Selection When A New Company Was Created


When a new company was created, the Report Selection window in the Manufacturing and Service areas did not contain the appropriate information about which report would be printed in different situations.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 2 Company-Initialize

Codeunit 117000 Interface Service Management

Codeunit 119000 Interface Manufacturing

VSA reference: 8187954

A189)            Error When Service Order Log Viewed on Local Navision Versions


Error message: 'The length of the source exceeds the size of the destination buffer' appeared when the user tried to view Service Order Log on a localized version of Navision. The length of the return value of the corresponding function was changed from 30 characters to 50 characters to resolve the problem.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5906 ServLogManagement

VSA reference: 8206643

A190)            Error When Adjust Service Price Function Used for Serv. Item


An error occurred when attempting to adjust a service price using Adjust Service Price functionality for a service item line on the Service Order, Service Item Worksheet or Service Invoice Lines window. An additional check for the presence of a value in the Service Price Group Code field on the service item line was introduced. The check for the presence of a value in the Serv. Price Adjmt. Gr. Code field on the service item line has been moved to an earlier stage of processing.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6080 Service Price Management

A191)            Exclude Warranty Possible for Serv. Item Without Warranty


It was possible to Exclude Warranty for a service item on the Service Item Worksheet window when the posting date for a service item line did not fall between the Warranty Starting (Labor) or Warranty Ending (Labor) dates.

This has been corrected

Table 5902 Service Invoice Line

A192)            No Attachment Removal Confirmation When Interaction Was Canceled


A confirmation message about removal of an attachment was not displayed when the user switched the checkmark in the Canceled field for an interaction with an attachment created for a contact.

This has been corrected

Table 5065 Interaction Log Entry

A193)            Sales Invoice (Service) With Wrong Report ID Replaced If Printed


When the user posted and printed a newly created Sales Invoice (Service), the program ignored the Report ID selected on the Report Selections window and printed a non-service Sales Invoice.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 82 Sales-Post + Print

Codeunit 5910 ServOrder-Post+Print

VSA reference: 8236157 & 8073140

A194)            Error When E-Mail Was Sent From the Job Scheduler Window


An error appeared when the user changed the repair status of a service item to FINISHED in the Service Item Worksheet window, and attempted to notify the customer about the status change by E-Mail from the Job Scheduler window.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5961 JobScheduler-Run Object

VSA reference: 8249077

A195)            Overflow For Items With Skilled Resources


A text overflow error appeared when the user attempted to delete an item with Skilled Resources assigned due to the shorter than needed maximum length of the input parameters for the Resource Skills Update form.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5931 Resource Skill Mgt.

Form 6024 Resource Skills Update

VSA reference: 8251522

A196)            Service Contract Was Signed With No Service Period Specified


It was possible to sign a Service Contract without filling in the Service Period field on the Service Contract window.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5944 SignServContractDoc

VSA reference: 8260831

A197)            Wrong Lookup/Drilldown Prop. On Posted Service Invoice Line


The LookupFormID and DrillDownFormID properties in Table 5932 Posted Service Invoice Line were set to the Service Inv. Line List form, while they should have been set to the Posted Service Inv. Line List form.

This has been corrected

Table 5932 Posted Service Invoice Line

VSA reference: 8284040

A198)            Bill-to/Sell-to VAT Calc. Settings Ignored on Service Order


When the user used the General Ledger setup to set Bill-to/Sell-to VAT Calc. field to 'Bill-to/Pay-to No.' and then created a service order, the program ignored the settings. The "VAT Bus. Posting Group" on the service header was the same as the "VAT Bus. Posting Group" from the "Sell-To Customer No".

This has been corrected

Table 5900 Service Header

VSA reference: 8313308

A199)            Wrong Entry Type On Serv. Ledg. Entry If Credit Memo Posted


Incorrect value of the Entry Type field was recorded in the Service Ledger Entry table when posting a Credit Memo. As a result, incorrect information was displayed in the Service Item Statistics window for the corresponding Service Item.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5912 ServLedgEntries-Post

VSA reference: 8268838

A200)            Error When Deleting An Item With Service Item Skill Codes


An error occurred when the user attempted to delete an item which was linked to a service item with the skill codes assigned.

This has been corrected

Table 27 Item

VSA reference: 8251522

A201)            Default Dim. Not Used in Sales Invoice for Service Contract


Creating a sales invoice for a service contract would not include Default Dimensions even though it was set up to do so in G/L Account.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5940 ServContractManagement

VSA reference: 8245070

A202)            Permission Error When Repair Status for Service Item Changed


An error message appeared when the user with a license for Service Order Management, but without a license for Service Management - Planning & Dispatching, attempted to change the repair status of a service item in a service order to Partly Serviced or Referred.

This has been corrected

Table 5901 Service Item Line

VSA reference: 8214162

A203)            Incorrect Placement of Caption on Delete Service Order Log


The caption on check box Control2 on the Delete Service Order Log report was placed directly on the label, while it should have been placed on the parent control.

This has been corrected

Report 6002 Delete Service Order Log

A204)            Manual Discount Was Removed From Service Invoice Line


The value in the Discount field was deleted when placing a checkmark in Exclude Warranty Discount field on a service invoice line, entering the discount manually and clearing the checkmark in the Exclude Contract Discount field.

This has been corrected

Table 5902 Service Invoice Line

A205)            Alloc. Entry Res. Was Not Changed When Res. Group Assigned


When assigning a resource group to an allocation entry, the system did not modify the resource for the entry accordingly.

This has been corrected

Table 5950 Service Order Allocation


A206)            Fields 17 and 18 in Table 5911 Were No Longer Used


Fields "Contract Line Inv. Text (Add)" and "Contract Inv. Line Text (Add)" in table 5911 Service Mgt. Setup were no longer used. The fields have been deleted; the corresponding form has been changed.

This has been changed

Table 5911 "Service Mgt. Setup"

Form 5919 "Service Mgt. Setup"

Purchases & Payables

Errors fixed

A207)            Rounding Differences With Unrealized VAT


A rounding residual could in some scenarios with partial payment be left in the fields 'Add.-Curr. Rem. Unreal. Base' and 'Add.-Curr. Rem. Unreal. Amount'.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8134657

A208)            Quantity Field Not Validated


The quantity field on the purchase line table was not properly validated, causing omission of code calls.

This has been corrected

Table 39 Purchase Line

A209)            Requisition Work Sheet Lines Not Updated


There was no check for the Purchasing Code before the Requisition Line was processed.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 333 Req. Wksh.-Make Order

VSA reference: 8152477

A210)            Wrong Text In Error Message


Error message "Filter" appeared when left clicking on "Legend" in "Analysis Bar Chart Form".

This has been corrected

Codeunit 7110 Analysis Report Management

A211)            Wrong Ship-To Address


When creating a purchase order as special order, it should take the Ship-to Address from the location specified in the purchase header.

This has been corrected

Table 38 Purchase Header

Codeunit 333 Req. Wksh.-Make Order

Codeunit 5702 Dist. Integration

VSA reference: 8209141

A212)            Wrong Remaining Amount When Using A Payment Tolerance Discount


Even though a payment was covering the amounts on all invoices, the invoices would still appear open and show a remaining amount.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

Codeunit 426 Payment Tolerance Management

VSA reference: 8096946

A213)            Wrong Permission Check When Archiving Purchase Order


When printing a purchase order the user could not choose the archive even though the user had writing permissions to Purchase Header Archive.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5063 ArchiveManagement

Report 204 Sales - Quote

Report 205 Order Confirmation

Report 404 Purchase - Quote

Report 405 Order

VSA reference: 8321571

A214)            Suggest Vendor Payment


The Suggest Vendor Payment batch job created payment suggestions when the balance was negative.

This has been corrected

Report 393 Suggest Vendor Payments

VSA reference: 8089818

A215)            Problem With Item Charges And Dimension Value Posting


When trying to enter a freight item charge on a purchase order and assign it to other items on the same purchase order you would get the error that dimensions on the item charge were mismatched.

Navision was using the wrong Line No. to filter the Document Dimensions.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 90 Purch.-Post

VSA reference: 8143529

A216)            Permissions Error When Check Printed from Payment Journal


The error message "You do not have permissions to modify record in the bank Account table" was displayed when the user attempted to print a check from the Payment Journal window despite the fact that the user had permissions for posting payment journal lines.

This has been corrected

Report 1401 Check

VSA reference: 8166560

A217)            No Qty. to Receive on Purchase Document-Test Report Preview


The Qty. to Receive or Return Qty. to Ship columns were not displayed on the print preview of the Purchase Document - Test report.

This has been corrected

Report 402 Purchase Document Test

VSA reference: 8160061

A218)            User ID Missing When Unapply


When unapplying both detailed customer/vendor ledger entries and VAT entries the correct user ID was missing. The user ID was the same as the user ID belonging to the person who made the application.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8211933

A219)            Missing Inv. Discount Amount On Purchase Orders


Inv. Discount was not calculated when function "Carry Out AM" printed purchase orders from Requisition Worksheet.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000813 Carry Out Action

VSA reference: 8229189

A220)            Show Requisition Worksheets Function


Show Requisition Worksheets function did not show the right batch name due to saved previous value of Batch Name.

This has been corrected

Form 291 Req. Worksheet

VSA reference: 8244176

A221)            Requisition worksheet Is Not Considering Expected Receipt Date


The planning routine did not consider Reorder Point level if no real demand existed.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000854 Inventory Profile Offsetting

VSA reference: 8228141

A222)            Payment Discount Tolerance Warning When Pmt. Disc. Amount=0


Payment Discount Tolerance warning was displayed, although Pmt. Disc. Amount on a vendor ledger entry was set to zero.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 426 Payment Tolerance Management

VSA reference: 8251556

A223)            Unit Price Not Updated According To Unit Of Measure


On purchase documents unit price was not updated according to unit of measure code.

Now each time the unit of measure code is changed the unit price will change according to quantities registered in unit of measure details.

This has been corrected

Table 39 Purchase Line

VSA reference: 8240598

A224)            Problems Validating A Purchase Line Linked To Special Orders


If a Purchase Order Line including a Special Order link with a Sales Order line was validated, the fields 'Special Order' and 'Special Order Sales No.' would be deleted.

Now creating a new line will be enforced.

This has been corrected

Table 39 Purchase Line

VSA reference: 8251588

A225)            Aged Accounts Ignored Payments In Specific Situations


In situations where an invoice after the end date had closed 2 or more payments before the end date, only one of the payments was handled by the report.

This has been corrected

Report 120 Aged Accounts Receivable

Report 322 Aged Accounts Payable

VSA reference: 8308678

A226)            Un Apply Error With Reverse Charge VAT And Payment Discount


VAT entries were not unapplied correctly when using Reverse Charge VAT and payment discount.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 12 Gen. Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8278791


Errors fixed

A227)            Overflow Error In Function Calculate Plan On Order Planning Form


An overflow error occurred if a sales line had a description longer than 30 characters.

This has been corrected

Table 5520 Unplanned Demand

VSA reference: 7961935

A228)            Related Item Information Not Deleted


When deleting an item, related information in other tables was not deleted.

This has been corrected

Table 27 Item

VSA reference:

A229)            Error When Running Revaluation Journal


While the Revaluation Journal was posted a code loop was executed unnecessarily. This resulted in unexpected error messages.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 21 Item Jnl.-Check Line

VSA reference: 8140177

A230)            SKU Reordering Policy Is Not Taken Into Account


Report 705 Inventory Availability didn't take Reorder Point from SKU into account.

This has been corrected

Report 705 Inventory Availability

VSA reference: 8133303

A231)            Cannot Register Inventory Put-Away With Lot Number


It was not possible to register a Put-Away when created from a Production Order.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 7324 Whse.-Activity-Post

A232)            Error When Running "Calculate Inventory" Batch Job


After deleting a no longer used Bin and attempting to run "Calculate Inventory" batch job from the Physical Inventory Journal the batch job would stop.

This has been corrected

Report 790 Calculate Inventory

Knowledge Base article reference: 897182

A233)            Incorrect Cost Valuation In Report "Inventory Valuation - Cost Specific"


When a Purchase Order was partially received and partially invoiced, Report 5801 Inventory Valuation - Cost Specific was incorrect.

This has been corrected

Report 5801 Invt. Valuation - Cost Spec.

VSA reference: 8084421

A234)            Not All Item Ledger Entries Compressed


When running batch job "Report 798 Date Compress Item Ledger" not all item ledger entries were compressed.

This has been corrected

Report 798 Date Compress Item Ledger

A235)            Missing reports In Navigation Pane


Report 7150 and 7151 were missing in the Navigation Pane.

This has been corrected

MenuSuite 10

VSA reference: 8177647

A236)            Wrong Posting Date When Using Online Adjustment


When using online adjustment the posting date of the adjustment entries were set to the posting date of the source document. This should only be done if the posting date of the adjusted outbound item ledger entries is not within the allowed posting date interval.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5895 Inventory Adjustment

A237)            Wrong Reservation Entries


Planning suggested wrong reservation entries when demands had Lot/Serial numbers.

This has been corrected

Table 99000853 Inventory Profile

VSA reference: 8177857

A238)            Wrong Gross Requirement Calculation


The system calculated Gross requirement wrongly if reservation was set.

This has been corrected

Report 705 Inventory Availability

VSA reference: 8190685

A239)            Incorrect Inventory Value Calculated For Third Revaluation.


While posting an invoice the expected cost was reduced. As the revaluation has an expected cost too, it should have been reduced for the quantity invoiced. Unfortunately it was only reduced for the first revaluation. So the expected cost for the second revaluation was still added to the inventory value. Thus the inventory value was calculated wrongly.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 22 Item Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8299651

A240)            Test Report Did Not Show If An Item Was Blocked


If the user made an item journal line, blocked the item and then ran the test report, the report would not show that the item was blocked.

This has been corrected

Report 702 Inventory Posting - Test

VSA reference: 8290281

A241)            Wrong Character In Text String


This string was wrong: "Text000@1001 : TextConst 'ENU='Some unadjusted value entries will not be covered with the new setting. You must run the Adjust Cost M Item Entries batch job once to adjust these.'"

The "M" is not a standard OEM character.

This has been changed

Table 313 Inventory Setup

A242)            Inconsistent Locking Order


The locking order was inconsistent.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 22 Item Jnl.-Post Line

A243)            Additional Information Not Possible In Item Tracking Window


The IT window didn't allow entering additional information for 'New Lot No', 'New Serial No.'.

This has been corrected

Form 6510 Item Tracking Lines

VSA reference: 8077160

A244)            Wrong Compression Of Item Ledger Entry


Procedure CompressValueEntries did not check the value entries appropriately.

This has been corrected

Report 798 Date Compress Item Ledger

VSA reference: 8132769

A245)            Wrong Calculation Of Unit Cost When Using Undo Shipment Twice


A circular reference was created causing wrong calculations of unit cost.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 22 Item Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8127183

A246)            Permission Error In Item Vendor Table


It was not possible to enter cross reference numbers in Cross Reference Table.

This has been corrected

Table 5717 Item Cross Reference

VSA reference: 8058910

A247)            Error When Setting Filters On A Transfer Order


The user got an error when setting a filter in the No. field on a Transfer Order for a document no. that did not exist.

This has been corrected

Form 5740 Transfer Order

VSA reference: 8005257

A248)            Check Marks Are Reverted


When check marking "Automatic Cost Posting" and "Expected Cost Posting" in "Inventory Set up" check marks were reverted.

This has been corrected

Table 313 Inventory Setup

Codeunit 5810 Change Average Cost Calc. Type

A249)            "No." Parameter Too Short


"No." parameter in Codeunit 5812 - 'Calculate Standard Cost', function 'InsertInErrBuf' was defined with length 10 instead of length 20.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5812 Calculate Standard Cost

VSA reference: 8162314

A250)            Product Group Code Not Deleted


The "Product Group Code" was not deleted when "Item Group Code" was deleted.

This has been corrected

Table 5722 Item Category

VSA reference: 8157848

A251)            Error Message "The indexing 4 in the array is outside of the permitted range"


"Report 7150 Item Dimensions - Detail" would return the error "The indexing 4 in the array is outside of the permitted range" when previewing with 3 dimensions.

This has been corrected

Report 7150 Item Dimensions - Detail

VSA reference: 8177663

A252)            Report Quantity Explosion Of BOM Returns Error Message


If a Production BOM was handled instead of an item an unconditional 'Get' would lead to the error "Item doesn't exist".

This has been corrected

Report 99000753 Quantity Explosion of BOM

VSA reference: 8170070

A253)            Item And BOM Journal Templates Misplaced In Menu


Item Journal Templates and BOM Journal Templates menu items were reachable from Warehouse. The journals have been moved to Administration.

This has been corrected

MenuSuite 10

VSA reference: 8189412

A254)            Item Tracking Not Filtering On Bin Code


The error was caused because the remaining quantity was always taken from the Item Ledger Entry. This table does not include Bins so the quantity available per Bin was always displayed wrong.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6500 Item Tracking Management

VSA reference: 8211105

A255)            Wrong Adjust Cost - Item Entries


The cost adjustment tried to adjust the value entry created from the item charge that was assigned to the sales shipment.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5895 Inventory Adjustment

VSA reference: 8164815

A256)            Wrong Calculations With "Item Age Composition - Value"


The unit cost was calculated incorrectly.

This has been corrected

Report 5808 Item Age Composition - Value

VSA reference: 8230600

A257)            Inventory Adjust Cost Batch Job Creates Wrong Rounding Entries


Circular references were created between sales orders and sales credit memos.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 22 Item Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8194373

A258)            Transfer Orders And Inventory Picks/Put Away


When trying to create put away from a transfer order you would receive message 'There is nothing to create' even when there are items to receive.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5773 Whse.-Transfer Release

VSA reference: 8237614

A259)            BOM Posting Of An Item Set Up With Code Mandatory For The Dimension


When posting BOM Journals for items which had a Dimension Code of Code Mandatory you would get an error: "The Dimension Code must be specified", even when quoting on the BOM Journal line.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 32 BOM Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8206516 & 8218643

A260)            Discrepancy In Lot Numbers With Bin Content


Codeunit 7302 WMS Management would prevent a check of serial and lot quantity in a bin when location was a non-directed-put-away-and-pick location and the transaction was a movement.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 7302 WMS Management

VSA reference: 8259393

A261)            Divide By Zero Error


You would get a divide by zero error when using Item Charges on a purchase order.

The error was caused by the use of the 'Qty to invoice' on the distribution of the line discount amount. In some cases it was 0 when the charge assignment had been previously posted. The distribution of the line discount amount is now calculated using the same principles as the inv. discount amount which is based on the proportion with respect to the purchase line quantity.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 90 Purch.-Post

VSA reference: 8249057

A262)            Wrong Rounding Value Entries When Posting Revaluations


The first found outbound value entry was posted before revaluation. Revaluation was not included in the outbound cost calculation. The following value entry, which was posted after the revaluation was not regarded anymore.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5895 Inventory Adjustment

A263)            Dimensions Deleted


Dimensions were deleted in Phys. Inventory Journal when the field Qty. (Phys. Inventory) was validated.

This has been corrected

Table 83 Item Journal Line

VSA reference: 8265278

A264)            Error Message ' Assertion Failed:Inventory Profile'


The planning engine didn't allow to calculate transfers if the filter on Location was set.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000854 Inventory Profile Offsetting

A265)            Unit Cost Field Not Updated By Last Direct Cost


The field 'Unit Cost' was not updated by 'Last Direct Cost' although 'Net Invoiced Quantity' was increased from zero.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5804 ItemCostManagement

VSA reference: 8297029

A266)            New Non-Stock Item Created Twice


Creating a new item from a non-stock item and renaming it, would create a new item if the same non-stock item was used in a sales order.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5703 Nonstock Item Management

VSA reference: 8191814

A267)            Expected Costs Are Not Reduced In Manufacturing


A wrong condition was applied before vital code was executed in Procedure CalcMfgAdjustedCost. Thus the adjustment did not reduce the expected cost.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5895 Inventory Adjustment

VSA reference: 8337630

A268)            Reordering Policy Error


Calculating a regenerative plan and carrying out action messages would create an error if reordering policy was empty.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000813 Carry Out Action

VSA reference: 8314649

Warehouse Management

Errors fixed

A269)            "Cross-Dock Bin Code Field" Disabled


On location card, Bin tab, the field 'Cross-Dock Bin Code Field' was disabled.

This has been corrected

Table 14 Location

A270)            Wrong UOM Calculation


When you had a put-away UOM that was different from the pick UOM, the calculation of the fields 'Quantity Outstanding', 'Quantity to Handle' and 'Quantity Handled' in the put-away worksheet would be incorrect after creating the put-away, due to an invalid calculation of UOM's.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 7313 Create Put-away

VSA reference: 8172772

A271)            Available Quantity Not Calculated Correctly


When pick and reservation were used together, the reservation didn't calculate available quantity properly.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000845 Reservation Management

VSA reference: 8170365

A272)            Put-away Decimal Error When Handling Multiple UOM


Qty. (Base) of Whse. activity lines of type Put-away was calculated back and forth from Quantity during the Put-away Creation. This could cause rounding differences in Qty. Base, which let the balance quantity check fail during the registering of the Put-away.

This has been corrected

Table 7302 Bin Content

Codeunit 7313 Create Put-away

VSA reference: 8139802

A273)            Undo Shipment Not Possible


The system did not allow an undo shipment if "purchase return order" (or sales order) had a value set in the Appl.-to Item Entry field.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 22 Item Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8189489

A274)            Bin Content Remains After A Put-Away Is Deleted


The procedure delete Bin content was not called when a Put-away document was deleted. Therefore the bin content would remain after the document was deleted.

This has been corrected

Table 5767 Warehouse Activity Line

VSA reference: 8225852

A275)            Wrong Calculation In Pick Worksheet


Pick Worksheet calculates an incorrect 'Qty. to Handle' and 'Available Qty. to Pick' value. The system deducts the Available Qty. to Pick twice; the first deduction is for the sales order and the second deduction is for the warehouse pick document.

This has been corrected

Table 7326 Whse. Worksheet Line

VSA reference: 8248881

A276)            Error Message With Windows Logins Including More Than 20 Characters


When using a Windows Login containing more than 20 characters, an 'Overflow under type conversion' error message was displayed when looking up on the [User ID] field of table 7301 [Warehouse Employee].

This has been corrected

Codeunit 418 Login Management

VSA reference: 8276381

A277)            Shipping Advice Ignored


When posting shipments in a transfer, whether through a warehouse shipment or not, the program did not check that a shipment was complete when the Shipping Advice field in the Transfer Header was set to Complete.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5704 TransferOrder-Post Shipment

A278)            Pick Registered Without Sufficient Quantity To Pick


When registering picks of item-tracked items in locations without "Directed Put-away and Pick", the program did not perform a check to see that there was sufficient quantity for picking that was not either reserved or picked but not shipped.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 7307 Whse.-Activity-Register

A279)            Calculate Warehouse Adjustment Not Copying Expiration Date


"Report 7315 Calculate Warehouse Adjustment", creates item tracking lines for New Item Journal lines from procedures: "CreateReservEntryFor" and "CreateEntry" in "Codeunit 99000830 Create Reserv. Entry". These two procedures did not include the expiration date when creating item tracking lines.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 333 Req. Wksh.-Make Order

Codeunit 99000787 Create Prod. Order Lines

Codeunit 99000792 Create Prod. Order from Sale

Codeunit 99000809 Planning Line Management

Codeunit 99000813 Carry Out Action

Codeunit 99000830 Create Reserv. Entry

Codeunit 99000832 Sales Line-Reserve

Codeunit 99000833 Req. Line-Reserve

Codeunit 99000834 Purch. Line-Reserve

Codeunit 99000835 Item Jnl. Line-Reserve

Codeunit 99000836 Transfer Line-Reserve

Codeunit 99000837 Prod. Order Line-Reserve

Codeunit 99000838 Prod. Order Comp.-Reserve

Codeunit 99000840 Plng. Component-Reserve

Codeunit 99000842 Service Invoice Line-Reserve

Codeunit 99000845 Reservation Management

Codeunit 99000889 AvailabilityManagement

Codeunit 99008500 Request for Sales Quote-Accept

Codeunit 99008501 Purchase Quote-Accept

Codeunit 99008502 Sales Order-Accept

Codeunit 99008503 Purchase Order Cnfmn.-Accept

Codeunit 99008504 Purchase Invoice-Accept

Codeunit 99008506 Purchase Credit Memo-Accept

Form 6510 Item Tracking Lines

Report 7315 Calculate Whse. Adjustment

Report 790 Calculate Inventory

Table 5902 Service Invoice Line

VSA reference: 8290786

A280)            Typo In String "You can only have one default location per user ID"


There was a typo in string "You can only have one default location per user ID".

This has been corrected

Table 7301 Warehouse Employee


Errors fixed

A281)            Wrong Property On "TestTableRelation"


The "TestTableRelation" property should be set to No for the User ID field.

This has been corrected

Table 246 Requisition Line

Table 5525 Manufacturing User Template

Table 7311 Warehouse Journal Line

VSA reference: 8107505 & 8107508

A282)            Posting the Production Journal Causes Error


The posting of output failed if posted quantity exceeded expected quantity.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000837 Prod. Order Line-Reserve

A283)            Loop In The Calculate Regenerative Plan


Cancellation of created supply was suggested after carrying out the action message of a new supply and running planning again.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000854 Inventory Profile Offsetting

VSA reference: 8163415

A284)            Routing Line Comments Are Not Deleted Correctly


Routing line comments were not deleted correctly when operations were deleted - versions were not taken into account and one filter was missing.

This has been corrected

Table 99000764 Routing Line

VSA reference: 8160748

A285)            Wrong Set Up And Run Time In Production Journal


The Production Journal would have wrong values for Set Up and Run Time.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5836 Cost Calculation Management

A286)            Production Order Status Can be Changed If No Output Has Been Posted


It was possible to change the status on a Released Production Order to Finished without warning or error message if the components were backward flushed without a routing.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5407 Prod. Order Status Management

VSA reference: 8216819

A287)            Backward Flushing Rounds Decimal Quantities


The system uses precision from Item card, but the quantity was always rounded to the nearest value.

This has been corrected

Table 5407 Prod. Order Component

VSA reference: 8228529

A288)            Navision Hangs At The Posting Of Pick


The application would hang if quantity to handle (Reservation Entry table) was zero. A new error message ("Assertion failed: %1") has been added.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 7324 Whse.-Activity-Post

VSA reference: 8104334

A289)            Dimensions Not Inserted On Production Order Lines


When carrying out an action message in the Planning Worksheet form, dimensions were not transferred to production order lines. Now the dimensions from the requisition worksheet line will be added to the production order lines.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000813 Carry Out Action

VSA reference: 8082127

A290)            Overlaps Created When Scheduling Backwards With Production Scheduler


Rescheduling previous operations would change the duration of the operation. This was not taken into consideration when the production scheduler was moved back in time and thus created gaps or overlaps between operations.

This has been corrected


A291)            Possible To Consume Items That Are Not In Inventory


When consuming a component with Lot tracking on a Production order the system would permit consummation of an item with a Lot number that was not in Inventory. If omitting the reservation, check on availability was performed correctly.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000838 Prod. Order Comp.-Reserve

VSA reference: 8145016

A292)            The Character "&" In Customer Name Prevents Opening Production Schedule


It was not possible to open production schedule when "&" was included in customer name.

This has been corrected

XMLport 5500 Export Production Schedule

VSA reference: 8216016

A293)            Not Possible To Forward Schedule


You could not fill in the start date and ask Navision to forward the schedule accordingly. The function Refresh didn't work if 'Starting Date Time' was changed.

This has been corrected

Report 99001025 Refresh Production Order

Codeunit 99000787 Create Prod. Order Lines

VSA reference: 8211831

A294)            Wrong Unit Cost In Consumption Journal


When a Component used alternative Unit of Measure the Consumption Journal would calculate Unit Cost wrongly.

This has been corrected

Table 83 Item Journal Line

A295)            Actual Consumption Posting For MTO Production Order Is Not Possible


Posting of consumption of component was not allowed if the component was made in the same production order.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 22 Item Jnl.-Post Line

Codeunit 99000838 Prod. Order Comp.-Reserve

VSA reference: 8201113

A296)            Negative Qty In Output Journal Does Not Work With Item Tracking


Negative Qty in Output journal did not work with Item tracking. Navision would check if item tracking information had been set correctly.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 22 Item Jnl.-Post Line

A297)            It Is Possible To Do Consumption Against A Blank Location


The automatic posting of components did not perform any checks.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 22 Item Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8221421

A298)            Posting A BOM Journal With Dimensions Leaves Journal Line Dimensions


After journal post, dimensions entries in the Journal Line Dimension table still existed.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 32 BOM Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8211151

A299)            Reservation Entry Error During Planning


The problem was caused by wrong reservation entry with Status =Tracking (should have been Surplus) in table 337 Reservation Entry. The function "Carry Out AM" did not work properly if planning line suggested "AM=Cancel" and another Surplus entry existed in table 337.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000813 Carry Out Action

VSA reference: 8214637

A300)            No Warning Message For Deleting Requisition Lines


If any line existed in requisition worksheet the function 'Make Orders' would show the error 'Journal Line Dimension already exists'.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000813 Carry Out Action

Form 5522 Order Planning

VSA reference: 8155985

A301)            Refresh Function Lost Order Tracking Information


Refresh function would lose order tracking information if a production order was in connection with more sales lines.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000845 Reservation Management

VSA reference: 8253793

A302)            Wrong Calculation Of Dev % On Production Order Statistics


Production Order Statistics Dev % was calculated based on the 'Expected Cost' but the 'Actual Cost' (difference) was calculated based on the 'Standard Cost'. The dev % has been changed to be based on the 'Standard cost' to align field values.

This has been corrected

Form 99000816 Production Order Statistics

VSA reference: 8239176

A303)            Backwards Flushing Gives Additional Output Posting


Backwards flushing of the last operation gave additional output posting.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5407 Prod. Order Status Management

Clarify reference: SRQ050526600546

A304)            Not Possible To Refresh A Production Order More Than Once


It was not possible to refresh a production order more than once when using item policy "Make-to-Order" due to existing reservations.

This has been corrected

Report 99001025 Refresh Production Order

VSA reference: 8258748

A305)            Components Planned With Unnecessary Lot Numbers


Calculate Regenerative Plan in Planning Worksheet, Item No. 'Component' would create two lines with Action Message 'New', both having existing LOT No. assigned which should not be there when Action Message was equal to 'New'.

This has been corrected

Table 99000853 TransferFromItemLedgerEntry

VSA reference: 8294630

A306)            Lot No's Not Transferred To Picking Lines For Components


Warehouse Item tracking table was not updated properly.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6500 Item Tracking Management

VSA reference: 8294752

A307)            Incorrect Inventory Posting


Forward flushing with routing link codes and additional Units of Measure would cause posting of operation item ledger entry to have wrong quantity.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 22 Item Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 829-0477

A308)            Action Messages For Production Forecasts Missing


The planning engine used Forecast from MFGSetup instead of user's setting in the planning routine.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5431 Calc. Item Plan - Plan Wksh.

VSA reference: 8209569 & 8209064

A309)            Order Planning Crashes


The Order Planning window crashed if item used tracking policy = Tracking&AM.

This has been corrected

Form 5522 Order Planning

VSA reference: 8242265

A310)            Not Possible To Move Operations Starting With "0"


It was not possible to move operations starting with "0" in production scheduler.

This has been corrected

A311)            Unit Cost Not Updated On Production Order Lines


When updating production order status and Option 'Update Unit Cost' was used, Unit Cost was not updated on production order lines.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 5407 Prod. Order Status Management

VSA reference: 8298237

A312)            Planning Worksheet Gives Incorrect Result When Replanning


In some cases the planning routine suggested wrong quantity.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000854 Inventory Profile Offsetting

VSA reference: 8304991

A313)            Incorrect Total Quantity In Item Tracking Summary Window


Tracking Summary Window contained empty quantity.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6500 Item Tracking Management

A314)            Missing Item Category Code When Calculating a Plan


'Item Category Code' field was not copied when calculating a plan.

This has been corrected

Table 246 Requisition Line

VSA reference: 8304765

A315)            Missing BEGIN & END Statements In Function CreateEntry


Begin and End statements were missing in "CreateEntry" function.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000830 Create Reserv. Entry

A316)            "DeleteOrderLines" Function Coded Twice


"DeleteOrderLines" function was coded twice.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000813 Carry Out Action

Cap. Reqts. Planning

Errors fixed

A317)            Wrong Quantity When Calculating Regenerative Plan


Decreasing Minimum Qty led to a suggestion of supply which didn't cover full demand.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99000854 Inventory Profile Offsetting


Errors fixed

A318)            "Name 2" On Resources Not Transferred To Sales Lines


"Name 2" on a resource was not transferred to the field "Description 2" in the Sales Line table.

This has been corrected

Table 37 Sales Line

VSA reference: 8157825


Errors fixed

A319)            Default Dimensions Missing


The validation code for "Job No." was not called in the function SetUpNewLine and consequently no default dimension inserted.

This has been corrected

Table 210 Job Journal Line

VSA reference: 8111923

A320)            An Invoice Could Be Applied To a Closed Job Ledger Entry


If the user made two invoices and used the function Get Job Usage on both invoices before any posting so that the invoices had the same job ledger entries, both invoices could afterwards be posted.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 202 Job Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8157782

A321)            Error Message When Looking At Comments


When looking at comments on Form 221 Resource Allocated per Job you would receive en error message.

This has been corrected

Form 221 Resource Allocated per Job

A322)            Job Journal Did Not Use The Right Unit Price


On Job Journals with items the unit price was always taken from the Item card instead of taking the lowest price in Sales price table. Furthermore the field Customer Price Group was not filled out and the field appeared on the form and was editable, which does not correspond to how it works in documents.

This has been corrected

Form 201Job Journal

Table 210 Job Journal Line

Codeunit 7000 Sales Price Calc. Mgt.

VSA reference: 8171419

A323)            Check For Job When Receiving And A Purchase Order Missing


It was possible to post a receipt on a completed Job. Thereafter the process would stop.

A check was added to make sure a job had status "Order" and Job Posting Group was not empty when receiving a purchase order and shipping a purchase return order.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 90 Purch.-Post

Codeunit 202 Job Jnl.-Post Line

VSA reference: 8321704

A324)            Form Opened Twice


When pressing Get PhaseTaskStep on Recurring Job Jnl., the form opened twice.

This has been corrected

Form 289 Recurring Job Jnl.

VSA reference: 8340369

Business Analytics

Errors fixed

A325)            Default Name For Measures And check On Cube Dimensions


In Business Analytics the default name for measures were not the same when the fields were chosen from select fields or manually typed. There was no Check on Cube Dimensions name and the name was not used for the export to the Business Analytics program.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 700 BA Overview Form Mgt.

Codeunit 702 BA Db. Definition Create XML

Table 713 BA Db. Cube Dimension

Employee Portal

Errors fixed

A326)            Forms Not Running Modal


The forms were not updated when changing a record in a parent form.

This has been corrected

Form 6807 EP WP Table Card

Form 6827 EP WP Field Lookup List

Form 6836 EP Search Table List

Form 6843 EP User List

Form 6802 EP Group Card

A327)            Global Language Filter Removed From Employee Portal Forms


The user could only see the captions filtered by the current language. This filter has been removed. An administrator should now be able to see all captions for all languages. A special case is on form 6802 where language field exists. Here the user would still see the captions filtered by language but the option to remove the filter is available to see other language captions.

This has been corrected

Form 6802 EP Group Card

Form 6805 EP Web Part Request Card

Form 6817 EP WP Table Tab Card

Form 6846 EP WP Request Template Card

Table 6800 Employee Portal Setup

A328)            Create Company Fails


When trying to create a company and the Windows locale is different than 1033 you would receive an error.

This has been corrected

Table 6800 Employee Portal Setup

A329)            Wrong Terminology On Captions


Some Employee Portal forms had caption 'xxx List' for forms that are editable. These types of forms are not list forms since list forms are only for viewing purposes. These forms now have captions that better describe their behavior.

This has been corrected

Form 6809 EP WP Table Action List

Form 6810 EP WP Table Edit Criteria List

Form 6813 EP WP Action Filter Field List

Form 6827 EP WP Field Lookup List

Form 6832 EP WP Table Filter Field List

Form 6833 EP WP Table Filter Key List

Form 6835 EP SharePoint Image Path List

Form 6836 EP Search Table List

Form 6837 EP Search Field List

Form 6840 EP User per Group List

Form 6842 EP Group per User List

Form 6843 EP User List

Form 6851 EP Group Caption List

Form 6852 EP WP Request Caption List

Form 6853 EP WP Table Tab Caption List

Form 6854 EP WP Action Caption List

Form 6855 EP Web Setup Caption List

A330)            Misspelled String


"C6820-Q1019-P26171-A1033-L999:Delete Success" was misspelled.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6820 EP Error Messages

A331)            Source And Target Name Fields Are Too Small


Fields "Source" and "Target" in table 6829 was defined with length 30 even though they were assigned to field captions from "Field Table".

The captions are 80 chars long so the relevant fields on table 6829 have been expanded accordingly.

This has been corrected

Table 6829 EP WPR Field Lookup Mapping

A332)            Name Field Too Small


The name field was defined with length 30 even though this field uses the field captions which are defined as 80 characters long.

The name field has been changed to 80 chars.

This has been corrected

Table 6807 EP WP Request Tab Field

A333)            Web Part Time Out


When a BOM name included ")" in the name the web part would time out.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6815 EP Support Functions

A334)            Comparison Value Fields Are Not Mapped


When entering comparison values for decimals in Navision they were transformed into text format during XML communication to SharePoint.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6815 EP Support Functions

A335)            Card Web Part Error When Using Filters


Setting up a standard filter in "Card Web Part" would return an error message.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6813 EP Decode XML

A336)            Pictures Are Wrongly Scaled


In lists, every field configured to display an image would show the image scaled down to 10 percent, even when the value was changed in the configuration.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6814 EP Encode XML

A337)            Web Part Time Out


When creating a web part with a picture field without a scale ratio you would experience a web part time out when trying to load the web site.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 6817 EP Format Functions

A338)            Allowance Of Wrong Web Part Request Codes On Table Actions


Users were allowed to select a web part that was not part of the current group. This has been solved and an error message is displayed.

This has been corrected

Table 6809 EP WP Request Table Action

A339)            Web Part Request Table Can Link To It Self


Users were allowed to select the same web part as the one the table action was related to. This is not allowed any more and an error message is displayed.

This has been corrected

Table 6809 EP WP Request Table Action

Form 6809 EP WP Table Action List

Commerce Gateway

Errors fixed

A340)            Wrong Language Code


There was a wrong language code.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 99008528 BizTalk Appln. Srv. Startup

Development Environment and Database Changes

Microsoft SQL Server Option

Errors fixed

P1)           Transaction Log Has Unlimited MAX Size


There was no restriction of file size for the transaction log. With Microsoft SQL Server 2005 it is recommended to have a MAX size.

Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision 4.0 now has max precision S32_MAX = 2147483647.

This has been corrected





KB reference: 911748

P2)           Clustered Index Not Created On Primary Keys By Default


Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision did not by default create a clustered primary key index.

This has been corrected




KB reference: 911826

P3)           Not Possible To Open Salesperson Card When Being In A Print Dialogue


When opening a salesperson card in Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision 4.0 via the print dialogue, you could not focus on this card. Neither could you close the salesperson list because the card was opened. You would have to end the process.

This has been corrected



VSA reference: 8346156 & 8336496

KB reference: 909929

P4)           It Was Not Possible To Open Database


It was not possible to open a Microsoft SQL Server database that was created in Microsoft Business Solutions - Navision 3.70 Service Pack B Update 1. You would receive the following error message:

207,'42S22',[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name locktimeout'.

207,'42S22',[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'locktimeoutperiod'.

207,'42S22',[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'hardrowlock'.

207,'42S22',[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'bufferedrows'.

This has been corrected


KB reference: 911575

P5)           Desktop Links Can Not Open When Using Customer Licenses


With a customer license, Shortcuts to Desktop doesn't work properly. When you run the shortcut, it will open Navision, but not the actual form.

This has been corrected



VSA reference: 8219956

KB reference: 908799

P6)           Internal Error: The Back Color Is Not Defined


When opening other applications at the same time as Navision is searching for data, you would sometimes receive the error message: "Internal error: The back color is not defined".

This has been corrected





VSA reference: 8049570

KB reference: 908855

P7)           Dataport And Counting Records In Navision SQL Server Option


Dataport for table integer would run and would always be counting the records. Dataport should run on SQL Server in the same way as on the Native database.

This has been corrected


VSA reference: 8301007

KB reference: 911819

P8)           CTRL + O Could Cause Crash On A Tablet PC


With certain combinations of opening a company with Ctrl+0 while looking up / drilling down, Navision would close down with no error message, but a message was created in the application log with Event ID=1000 and offset=001a2d8c (; 41dc4918; finsql.exe;; 41dc4918; 0; 001a2d8c).

This has been corrected



VSA reference: 8277580

KB reference: 911571

Development Environment


P9)           Navision Support Of .fdf File Format


Navision now supports the .fdf file format for creating .pdf documents based on data in Navision.

This feature has been implemented


KB reference: 911574

Errors fixed

P10)       Copy And Paste Of Objects Removes Objects


When copying and pasting W1 objects in Object Designer, all objects selected would be removed when using a partner development license for Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision.

The correction for this error will now check the license before pasting.

This has been corrected

P11)       Error When Changing The Language In Object Designer


An error was generated when switching language in Object Designer.

This has been corrected

P12)       Navision Crashes When Pressing "Down"


When opening the report designer and pressing the "Down" arrow would cause Navision to crash.

This has been corrected

P13)       Not Possible To See User Defined Field In Outlook Contacts


A User-Defined field could only be created and stored when the corresponding object was opened (active) in Outlook.

This has been corrected

P14)       Error 3 In Module 9


Designing an object and including a very long string would cause an error message "Error 3 in Module 9".

This has been corrected

P15)       Property Exceeds The Buffer Size


Designing a form with very long text constants in different languages, would give an overflow. Importing the language module would not return this error.

This has been corrected

P16)       Database Not Converted


Opening an older database with a Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision 4.0 SP1 client would result in a database conversion. In situations where you chose to do the conversion and then closed the client, you would experience that you needed to go through the conversion procedure once more.

This has been corrected





VSA reference: 8364241

KB reference: 911824

P17)       It Is Not Possible To Print On Other Paper Size Formats


It was only possible to print on A4 paper format with Navision. Now Navision will use the printer driver settings to identify possible print formats, A4 will only be the default when the printer driver does not return print size formats.

This has been corrected

KB reference: 911818

P18)       Link Table Property On XML Ports Did Not Create The Correct Link


The check for consistency between table number and table variable name for linked tables was performed incorrectly.

This has been corrected



VSA reference: 8357935

KB reference: 911820

P19)       FindSet Does Not Have A Return Value If First Parameter Is "TRUE"


When you set the first parameter in a "FindSet" to "TRUE" and there is no record within your filter - you would get a runtime error regardless of you trying to handle the return value.

This has been corrected




KB reference: 911655

P20)       Using Copy/Paste To Tables With Property "PasteIsValid=No"


If you had a table with the property "PastelsValid=No" and you used the shortcut keys (Ctrl C and Ctrl V) to copy records, the records would be removed from where you were copying from.

This has been corrected



VSA reference: 8137152

KB reference: 911653

P21)       Asserts Causing Client Crashes


Asserts in the code caused the client to crash.

This has been corrected



VSA reference: 7896308

KB reference: 908854

P22)       Navigation Pane Expands To Full Size


After you restored the Microsoft Windows Terminal Server window, the navigation pane could be maximized. It might not be possible to resize the pane.

This has been corrected



VSA reference: 8216753

KB reference: 911752

P23)       Navision Shuts Down When Pressing Arrow "Down"


When you clicked the move-down arrow button to move a data item to a different position in a report that you were designing, Navision would crash.

This has been corrected



VSA reference: 8168951

KB reference: 911573

P24)       COM Memory Leak In Debugger


When working in the debugging environment, a memory leak could occur.

This has been corrected

KB reference: 911753

Employee Portal Front End

Errors fixed

P25)       Decimal Fields In Result List Are Not Displayed Properly


Decimal fields in the search result list were not displayed as decimal values.

This has been corrected

P26)       Pictures In Lists Does Not Work


Setting up a list with a picture would give an error when navigating to the page and selecting a record including the picture.

This has been corrected

P27)       Wrong Date Conversion


The conversion of Time- and Date time-Values to valid xml-dates was done incorrectly.

This has been corrected


Navision Application Server

Errors fixed

P28)       It Is Not Possible To Open A pdf File


When linking to a pdf file it was not possible to open the file from Navision.

This has been corrected

P29)       Convert Database Loops


When opening a database and converting it to the latest platform and closing Navision without opening the database would cause a database conversion again when opening the database the next time.

This has been corrected

P30)       Database Version Not Known In mdf File


When using a Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision 3.70.B Update 1 would give an error if the database was opened with a newer platform.

This has been corrected

P31)       Navision Application Server Can Not Run Adjust Cost Batch Job


When you tried to run the Adjust Cost - Item Entries batch job on a Navision Application Server (NAS) in Microsoft Business Solutions - Navision 4.0, the batch job did not run.

This has been corrected



VSA reference: 8082914

KB reference: 908662


Installation Program

Errors fixed

I1)             "Detect And Repair" Error When Opening InfoPath


When installing Navision before Office you would get an error "Detect and Repair" when trying to open InfoPath.

This has been corrected

I2)             Demo Site Not Removed


Demo Site template was not removed when installing a new version of Employee Portal demo site.

This has been corrected

I3)             Navision Installation Rolls Back If Microsoft SQL Server Service Fails To Start


Installing Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision would be rolled back if Microsoft SQL Server service failed to start during the installation.

The "Ignore" button is now available during the installation dialogue.

This has been corrected


I4)             It Is Not Possible To Install On Same Computer


The installation program installs a Navision version with the same GUID number and it is therefore not possible to run a Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision W1 4.0 SP2 installation if Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision W1 4.0 or Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision W1 4.0 SP1 is already installed on the computer.

Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision W1 4.0 SP2 installation will now give a warning when trying to install when Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision W1 4.0 is already installed. The warning will give the instruction to remove the previous installation before starting this installation.

VSA reference: 8331420



Errors fixed

T1)       "HideError" Property Does Not Hide When Server Is Not Found


If the server was not found when calling the "ConnectServerandOpenDatabase" function, the C/FRONT object would show a message box reporting an error regardless of the "HideError" property.

This has been corrected



Clarify reference: SRQ050804601306

KB reference: 912809

Smart Tag

Errors fixed

T2)           Spelling Mistake


Opportunity was misspelled in profile.xml.

This has been corrected



T3)           File Removed From Installation

The file security.dll has been removed from the Smart Tag installation as it is no longer needed for the Smart Tag functionality.



T4)       Set "FlowFilterMultiple"


It was not possible to make predicates that included parameter markers such as a '?' (question mark). With the new predicate "SetFlowFilterMultiple" it is now possible to make queries with dynamic parameters.


SELECT * FROM Currency Currency


This feature has been implemented


VSA reference: 8205906

KB reference: 912814

T5)       NODBC Did Not Work With Linked Server In SQL Server 2005


NODBC now works with linked server in Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

This feature has been implemented



KB reference: 911747

Errors fixed

T6)           Error When Running DTS Package


Running a DTS package that created tables with many records caused errors in process of copying data.

Error Message: "Need to run the object to perform this operation".

This has been corrected

T7)           NODBC Inserts Fields As 250 Characters Long


"VARCHAR" fields were assigned length 250.

This has been corrected

T8)           Filter Does Not Work


A filter on '999' would return records even when there were no records with code=999.

This has been corrected

T9)           Wrong Result Of Sorting Criteria


Sorting criteria on numbers "11001400" would include "13000" numbers.

This has been corrected

T10)        Internal Error 19-1262


When filtering on code before import to Excel would result in error message "Internal Error 19-1262" and make Excel crash.

This has been corrected

T11)        Blanks Not Returned By Query


When running a query to catch entries with a "BLANK" value, no records were returned.

This has been corrected

T12)        Filtering With "Filter Data" Returns More Records Than Wanted


When filtering on Document Type equals invoice, the query also returned credit memos.

This has been corrected

T13)        Dynamic Parameters Not Allowed


It was not possible to use a Parameter Marker '?' when specifying a Flowfilter. This would prevent runtime modifications of a query in MSQuery or other tools.

T14)           DTS Package Fails When Handling Big Tables


When running a DTS on 3 tables with many records in each, it would fail with these errors in the status list: 'Catastrophic failure' & 'Code execution exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION'.

This has been corrected


VSA reference: 8187795

KB reference: 907538

T15)           Wrong Filtering On Option Fields


When filtering on document types and executing the query, more document types than wanted were included.

This has been corrected



KB reference: 907539

T16)           "WHERE" Clause Ignores Blank Values


Creating a query with the "Where" clause resulted in BLANKS being excluded from the query result.

This has been corrected


KB reference: 907540

T17)           Internal Error 19-1262


When filtering on "Code" with a criteria "field length" > "code length" resulted in an error. "19-1262".

This has been corrected


VSA reference: 8206874

KB reference: 907653

T18)           Wrong Sorting


Numeric values were sorted as alpha numeric text. A series of numbers based on an alpha numeric search was returned, when creating a query looking for a range of numbers.

This has been corrected


VSA reference: 8210579

KB reference: 907654

T19)           IIS Server Freezing When Accessing Via ASP


IIS froze when the ASP site was accessing the Navision Database with more than one user at the same time.

This has been corrected


VSA reference: 8310548

KB reference: 912813

T20)           Fields Inserted As 250 Characters Long


CHAR" fields were inserted as 250 characters long.

This has been corrected


VSA reference: 8279644

KB reference: 898627

T21)           Disabled Fields Are Shown


Disabled fields were still shown as available.

This has been corrected


KB reference: 912794

T22)           No Warning When Fields Are Truncated


Entering a text with more than 30 characters resulted in a truncated field with 30 characters. It is no longer possible to add more characters than the field length in Navision.

This has been corrected


KB reference: 912792

T23)           Cannot Set Flow Filters On Joined Tables


It was not possible to add a flow filter when tables were joined.

This has been corrected


VSA reference: 8209188

KB reference: 912793

T24)           Mail Merge Would Fail


Mail merge in Word failed in non-US versions of Navision.

This has been corrected


VSA reference: 8337704

KB reference: 911823

T25)        Microsoft Office Word 2003 Crash


Performing a complex query with many flow fields for a mail merge operation in Microsoft Office Word 2003 could cause Word to crash.

This has been corrected


KB reference: 912795

This has been corrected


Errors fixed

T26)        Not Possible To Receive Goods With Two Scanners


The algorithm to assign ID's on the VT100 plug-in was incorrect. A new algorithm for the VT100 plug-in was created which should assign better ID's to the terminals. This only applies to Microsoft SQL Server Option and ADCS.

This has been corrected

Upgrade Toolkit

Errors fixed

T27)        Upgrade Tool Kit Deleted From Database Before Upgrade Was Complete


The Upgrade Tool Kit was deleted from the Navision database even though there were more companies to upgrade.

The Upgrade Tool Kit will now check the TimeLog Table for records in each company before removal.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 104004 Delete Upgrade Toolkit

VSA reference: 8252735

T28)        Error In Function "PostedDocDim.SETRANGE("Document No","No.")"


When upgrading Sales Shipment Lines, Sales Invoice Lines, Sales Cr. Memo Lines, Purch. Rcpt. Lines, Purch. Inv. Lines and Cr. Memo Lines an error was generated.

This has been corrected

Codeunit: 104052 - Upgrade 4.00 Step 2 Dimension

VSA reference: 8299926

T29)        Upgrade From Navision 3.60 Leads To Number Series Error


Not posted shipments were not possible to post after an upgrade from Navision 3.60 to Navision 4.0 SP1.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 104048 Upgrade 4.00 Step 2

T30)        Pay-to Vendor No. Is Not Upgraded (Navision 3.10 To Navision 4.00)


The "Pay-to Vendor No." was not set on the purchase receipt line during upgrade.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 104048 Upgrade 4.00 Step 2

T31)        "Output Completely Invd. Date" Not Filled For Partly Invoiced Sales


"Output Completely Invd. Date" was not filled when upgrading from Navision Financials 2.60 even though positive Item Ledger Entries were closed.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 104049 Upgrade 4.00 Step 2

VSA reference: 8167764

T32)        Value Entries Doubled


Value entries were doubled when lot numbers and partial purchase invoice posting was used in 3.01.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 104049 Upgrade 4.00 Step 2

Codeunit 104050 Item Trkg. Upgrade Step 1

VSA reference: 8199936

Industry Templates

Errors Fixed

T33)        Missing Tables In Data Cleaning Process


Some tables were not emptied when executing the data cleaning tool.

This has been corrected

Codeunit 8604 Data Cleaning

VSA reference: 8214969

T34)        Source Texts Too Long For Translation


The text corresponding to the controls 21 and 7 was wrong.

This has been corrected

Form 8600 Implementation

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