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PREPOZITII - engleza
Prepozitia este folosita ca element de legatura intre cuvinte care nu au aceeasi functie sintactica.
Exista unele verbe, substantive si adjective care pot fi urmate numai de o anumita prepozitie cu care alcatuieste un tot unitar.
Exemplu - to agree ---- with a person
---- to something
interested in, absent from, listen to, wait for.
Prepozitia este asezata la sfarsitul unei intrebari introdusa prin who, what, where sau cand avem diateza pasiva.
Exemplu Money is something we can't do without.
Where do you come from ?
What is this book about ?
Who are you talking to ?
This is the child to be looked after.
Cele mai des folosite prepozitii sunt:
Cu valoare pentru timp :
Exemplu at 2 o'clock, at noon, at lunchtime etc.
ON Date si zile
Exemplu : on 3 December, on friday, on Monday morning, on Christmas day (but "at Christmas")
IN PERIOADE LUNGI luni, ani, anotimpuri)
Exemplu in January, in winter, in 2003, in the 18 th century.
Observatie: Se poate folosi si pentru perioada de timp in viitor.
Exemplu I'll be back in two hours (in a few minutes etc.).
Cu valoare pentru spatiu:
Exemplu In a room, in a town, in the water, in the sky.
AT loc vazut ca punct in spatiu
Exemplu at the door, at the gate, at the end, at the top.
ON loc vazut ca suprafata
"at" este folosit in expresiile: at home, at work, at the seaside, at shool, at the party;
"on" este folosit in expresiile : on the left (right), on the ground, on the coast of America, on the river Danube etc.
FROM are doua intrebuintari:
Se refera la un interval : FROM TO (TILL) .. (de la / din . pana )
Exemplu We work from Monday till Friday.
Se refera la locul de provenienta :
Exemplu Where do you come from ?
SINCE + momentul inceperii actiunii:
Exemplu: I have lived here since 1994 (I was born).
For + perioada actiunii:
Exemplu: I have lived here for ten years.
ABOUT (in jurul, prin, despre, cam):
Exemplu: He walked about the room (prin).
What is it all about ? (despre).
It all happened about 1 o'clock (cam).
Constructii cu about: to be angry about, to be sorry about.
Observatie: AT - la, in, spre, pe. Arata de regula o oprire scurta sau stat pe loc.
Verbe urmate de AT: to aim, to arrive, to bark, to knock, to lock, to wonder, to lang.
AGAINST (impotriva, contrar, langa, peste, spre, catre)
Exemplu: He fights against the enemies.
He hangs the picture against the wall.
Put the chair against the wall
AMONG (printre mai multi, in mijlocul, in epoca)
Exemplu: He was among friends.
Cesar was the Ancient Romans.
BETWEEN (intre doi)
Exemplu: This is a secret between us
BUT (in afara de, pe langa, cu exceptia)
Exemplu: He would have died but for you
BY (langa, foarte aproape, cu, la, de catre, prin, din)
Exemplu: by plane, by fax, step by step, by birth, by theway, by chance, stand by me
IN, INTO (in, la, pe, cu, din)
IN --- miscare in acelasi perimetru, stat pe loc;
INTO --- miscare dintr-un loc intr-altul, de la o forma la alta.
Exemplu: He jumps into the pool El sare in piscina (de pe mal).
He jumps in the pool. El sare in piscina (topaie acolo).
OF (arata apartenenta) (a cui, al cui, etc, despre, de catre)
Exemplu: some of us, the best of men, first of all, a fool of fools
OFF (indica indepartarea de un punct sau oprirea)
Exemplu: to be off the point, to be off duty, to turn off the light
ON (pe, peste, la, din, dupa, cu , opusul lui OFF)
Exemplu: to be on duty, to turn on the light, to go on
UPON este forma veche a lui ON
Exemplu: Once upon a time A fost odata ca niciodata.
out afara, scos din, rezultat din)
Exemplu: to be out of reach; Look out ! ; the fire is out
to (catre, la, pana la, - miscare in timp sau spatiu)
Exemplu: Here's to you ! (pentru tine). Give the ball to me!
up (in sus; dupa verb arata ca actiunea s-a incheiat)
Exemplu: Hands up ! Time is up ! Drink up ! Give up ! What's up ?
with (cu, prin, cu ajutorul, din cauza, la fel cu)
Exemplu: Come with me ! She is red with anger ! I'm stiff with cold ?
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