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Verbul exprima ideea existentei sau a actiunii intr-o propozitie.
Ex.: I am a student.
The students passed all their courses.
Terminatiile formelor din limba engleza sunt foarte usor de tinut minte. Exista 4 forme verbale de baza. Limba engleza formeaza timpurile verbale cu ajutorul verbelor auxiliare, spre deosebire de limba romana, unde timpurile verbale se formeaza cu ajutorul desinentelor. De remarcat ca in limba engleza nu exista o forma verbala speciala pentru viitor.
Cele 4 forme verbale de baza sunt importante deoarece cu aceste forme si cu ajutorul verbelor auxiliare se formeaza timpurile in limba engleza:
Numele verbului |
Forma de baza |
Forma de trecut |
Participiul prezent |
Participiul trecut |
to work |
I can work. |
I worked. |
I am working. |
I have worked. |
to write |
I can write. |
I wroted. |
I am writing. |
I have written. |
Urmatorul tabel reproducele cele mai frecvente verbe neregulate in patru forme verbale reprezentative:
Base Form |
Present Third Person |
Past Third Person |
Past Participle |
arise |
arises |
arose |
arisen |
Verbele auxiliare be, have, do se
utilizeaza in formarea timpurilor verbale, a formelor negative si interogative.
Ex.: He is planning to get married
I haven't seen Peter since last night.
ca auxiliar, este folosit pentru a forma aspectul
continuu, in combinatie cu participiul prezent.
Ex.: He is living in
impreuna cu participiul trecut formeaza diateza pasiva
Ex.: These cars are made in
in combinatie cu participiul trecut formeaza timpurile perfecte.
Ex.: I have changed my mind.
I wish you had met Guy.
Prezentul perfect continuu, trecutul perfect
continuu sunt formate cu ambele auxiliare be si have:
Ex.: He has been working very hard
She did not know how long she had been lying there.
si have se folosesc de asemenea ca auxiliare pentru a forma
propozitii negative si interogative cu timpurile continue si perfecte.
Ex.: He isn't going.
Hasn't she seen it yet?
Auxiliarul do se foloseste pentru
a forma negativul si interogativul prezentului sau trecutului simplu.
Ex.: He doesn't think he can come to
the party.
Do you like her new haircut?
Auxiliarul do se poate folosi cu
verbe principale: do, have.
Ex.: He didn't do his homework.
He doesn't have any money.
In propozitii afirmative, do se
foloseste doar pentru evidentiere sau contrast.
Ex.: I do feel sorry for Roger.
Modul verbal se refera la una dintre cele trei atitudini pe care le poate avea un vorbitor fata de continutul mesajului exprimat.
Modul indicativ, prezent in majoritatea frazelor de pe aceasta pagina, se foloseste pentru a face o afirmatie sau a pune o intrebare.
Modul imperativ
se foloseste pentru a da instructiuni, ordine, directive, sugestii cu caracter
Ex.: Get your homework done before
you watch television tonight.
Please include cash payment with your order form. Get out of town!
Se observa ca nu exista nici un subiect in aceste propozitii.
Pronumele you (singular sau plural) este
subiectul implicit al propozitiilor imperative. Majoritatea
propozitiilor imperative vor avea deci subiectul la persoana II.
Exceptie: constructie imperativa care
include un subiect la persoana I
Ex.: Let's (or Let us) work on these
things together.
Modul subjonctiv se foloseste in propozitiile subordonate in urmatoarele scopuri:
She wishes her boyfriend were here.
If Juan were more aggressive, he'd be a better hockey player.
We would have passed if we had studied harder.
He acted as if he were guilty.
I requested that he be present at the hearing.
Subjonctivul nu este un mod important in limba engleza cum este in alte limbi, de exemplu in franceza sau spaniola. In multe situatii care in alte limbi cer subjonctivul, in limba engleza sunt folosite formele numeroaselor verbe auxiliarele.
O alta particularitate a limbii engleze o reprezinta verbele frazale. Verbele frazale sunt formate dintr-un verb si un alt cuvant, de obicei o prepozitie. Ele au luat nastere in vorbirea de zi cu zi.
Verbele frazale au sensuri mai greu de ghicit la prima vedere si pot avea mai multe astfel de intelesuri, de multe ori diferite. Te exemplu, to come out are 18 intelesuri diferite!
Verbele pot fi combinate cu propozitii sau alte
cuvinte pentru a obtine noi entitati.
Ex.: stand out, stand up, stand in,
stand off, stand by, stand fast, stand pat, stand down, stand against, stand for.
Mai mult, verbul si prepozitia sa par a nu avea nici o legatura in contextul respectiv
Ex.: Fill this out! Fill out this
form. (a completa un formular)
Three masked gunmen held up the Security Bank this afternoon.
(a jefui)
You left out the part about the police chase down
The lawyers looked over the papers carefully before questioning
the witness. (a examina)
O lista sumara a celor mai folosite verbe frazale, insotite de o scurta explicatie si un exemplu, poate fi gasita la:
Este foarte important sa intelegem utilizarea si sensul timpurilor in limba engleza. Multe dintre aceste forme verbale nu au corespondent in limba romana. Mai mult, sensul exprimat de formele verbale in limba engleza nu corespunde intotdeauna cu cel utilizat in limba romana.
1. Prezentul simplu
2. Prezentul continuu
3. Prezent perfect
4. Prezent perfect continuu
5. Trecut simplu
Trecut continuu
Trecut perfect
8. Trecut perfect continuu
9. Viitorul simplu
10. Viitorul continuu
11. Viitorul perfect
12. Viitorul perfect continuu
1.1. Forma
Prezentul simplu are forma de baza a verbului (write, work).
La persoana a III-a sg., forma de baza + -s
(he writes, she works).
Ex.: I play, you play, we play, they
He plays, she plays, it plays
Forma negativa se formeaza cu auxiliarul do:
Ex.: I do not drink tea.
She/he does not play football.
Forma interogativa
Ex.: Do you work here?
Does she/he sing beautifully?
1.2. Functii
Actiuni obisnuite, care se intampla in prezent sau in mod regulat, dar nu
neaparat in momentul exact al vorbirii:
Ex.: Mina plays tennis every weekend.
The Post office opens at 9:45.
Adevaruri sau realitati general acceptate:
Ex.: Some vegetarians eat fish but
they do not eat meat.
Winds carry weather balloons around the earth at the height of 24
Expresia opiniilor
Ex.: I think
They believe everything they read.
Expresie a preferintelor
Ex.: Lisette likes cats and dogs,
but she prefers cats.
Jim prefers maths to languages.
Se foloseste pentru a
exprima asa numitul prezent istoric, facand astfel referire la actiuni care
s-au intamplat de fapt in trecut.
Ex.: We were watching the back door
when, all of a sudden, in walks Dierdre.
Dierdre tells me that she took her brother to the dentist.
Prezentul simplu poate avea valenta de viitor
mai ales cu verbe ca: arrive, come, leave care sugereaza evenimente
planuite sau programate
Ex.: The train from
High tide is at 3:15 p.m. The Super Bowl starts at 6:15 p.m.
Expresii care semnaleaza frecvent actiunile
obisnuite exprimate prin prezentul simplu:
all the time, always, every classe, every day, every holiday, every hour,
every month, every semester, every week, every year, most of the time, never,
often, rarely, sometimes, usually
1.3. Conjugare
singular |
I walk |
you walk |
he/she/it walks |
plural |
we walk |
you walk |
they walk |
singular |
I sleep |
you sleep |
he/she/it sleeps |
plural |
we sleep |
you sleep |
they sleep |
singular |
I am |
you are |
he/she/it is |
plural |
we are |
you are |
they are |
I walk to work every day.
Dr. Espinoza operates according to her own schedule.
Coach Calhoun recruits from countries outside the U.S.A.
2.1. Forma
Acest timp se formeaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to be la prezent +
forma de baza a verbului + -ing (participiu prezent).
Ex.: I am buying all my
family's Christmas gifts early this year.
She is working through the holiday break.
Forma negativa - se adauga not
dupa forma de prezent simplu a auxiliarului to be.
Ex.: It is not raining.
Forma interogativa se obtine prin inversiunea
auxiliarului to be cu subiectul
Ex.: Are they playing?
Is he eating?
2.2. Functii
Prezentul continuu indica: o actiune care se afla in plina desfasurare in
momentul vorbirii.
Ex.: The phone is ringing. I can't
answer it. I'm washing my hair.
It's raining so they have to stop the game.
O actiune care se afla in desfasurare in
perioada prezenta, dar care poate nu se intampla concomitent cu momentul
Ex.: They are writing a new book.
She's studying English at the
Descrie o tendinta sau actiune care a debutat
Ex.: More and more people are
starting to play golf in
Pentru a desemna o actiune care este planificata
pentru viitor
Ex.: To meet the demand for English
language courses, they are planning to expand.
Mohan is leaving for
2.3. Verbele dinamice si statice
In general, numai anumite verbe pot fi folosite la
aspectul continuu si acestea se numesc verbe dinamice.
Aspectul continuu al unui verb arata ca o actiune este,
era sau va fi in desfasurare. Formele verbale progresive (aspectul continuu) se
folosesc numai in cazul verbelor dinamice, de miscare, care exprima calitati
capabile de schimbare.
Nu se spune 'He is being tall' sau 'He is resembling
his mother' sau 'I am wanting spaghetti for dinner'
ci vom spune: 'He is tall', 'He resembles his mother',
'I want spaghetti'.
Tabelul urmator descrie in detaliu diferentele dintre verbele statice si cele
Verbe care exprima o activitate:
abandon, ask, beg, call, drink, eat, help, learn, listen, look at, play,
rain, read, say, slice, throw, whisper, work, write
Ex.: I am begging you. I was learning French. They will be playing upstairs.
Sensul este identic cu cel al formelor simple:
Ex.: I beg you. I learned French.
They will play upstairs.
Verbe care exprima procese
change, deteriorate, growmature, slow down, widen
The corn is growing rapidly. Traffic is slowing down.
Sensul este identic cu cel al formelor simple
Ex.: The corn grows rapidly. Traffic
slows down.
Verbe de perceptii senzoriale
ache, feel, hurt, itch
Ex.: 'I feel bad' si 'I am feeling bad' au acelasi sens in acest caz.
Verbe care exprima actiuni tranzitive:
arrive, die, fall, land, leave, lose
Formele continue indica inceputul actiunii pe
cand formele temporale simple, din contra.
Ex.: She was falling out of bed
(when I caught her).
She falls out of bed every night.
Verbe exprimand actiuni momentane:
hit, jump, kick, knock, nod, tap
Formele continue indica durata scurta si sugereaza repetitia.
Ex.: She is hitting her brother.
He is jumping around the house.
Verbe de perceptie, senzatie, activitate mentala:
abhor, adore, astonish, believe, desire, detest, dislike, doubt, feel, forgive,
guess, hate, hear, imagine, impress, intend, know, like, love, mean, mind,
perceive, please, prefer, presuppose, realize, recall, recognize, regard,
remember, satisfy, see, smell, suppose, taste, think, understand, want, wish
I detest rudabaga, si nu I am detesting rudabaga.
I prefer cinnamon toast, si nu I am
preferring cinnamon toast.
Verbe de relatie si posesie
be, belong to, concern, consist of, contain, cost, depend on, deserve,
equal, fit, have, include, involve, lack, matter, need, owe, own, possess,
require, resemble, seem, sound
I am sick, si nu I am being sick.
I own ten acres of land, si nu I am
owning ten acres.
My brother owes me ten dollars si nu My
brother is owing me ten dollars.
Verbul to have nu se foloseste niciodata in
aspectul continuu atunci cand are sensul de 'a suferi de':
I have flu. He has a fever.
Se foloseste la aspectul continuu atunci cand
are intelesul de 'a angaja pe cineva pentru o
I'm having my hair done on Wednesday.
They're having the house painted.
Have se foloseste la aspectul continuu atunci
cand are sensul de 'experienta':
I'm having a lot of problems with this task.
They're having trouble selling their house.
2.4. Conjugare
singular |
I am walking |
you are walking |
he/she/it is walking |
plural |
we are walking |
you are walking |
they are walking |
singular |
I am sleeping |
you are sleeping |
he/she/it is sleeping |
plural |
we are sleeping |
you are sleeping |
they are sleeping |
singular |
I am being |
you are being |
he/she/it is being |
plural |
we are being |
you are being |
they are being |
Verbele regulate formeaza trecutul simplu prin
adaugarea la forma de baza a verbului +-ed.
Ex.: scream > screamed, work >
Verbele neregulate au forme proprii de
Ex.: sleep > slept, drink >
Forma negativa se compune cu ajutorul
auxiliarului to do, conjugat la trecut (did) + not in fata
verbului principal. Did + not se
folosesc des in forma contrasa didn't.
Ex.: I did not jump over.
She didn't finish the work.
Forma interogativa se formeaza prin inversiunea
dintre auxiliarul did si subiect
Ex.: Did you
want it?
Did it rain there?
Trecutul simplu se foloseste pentru a exprima
fapte si realitati din trecut
Ex.: In the past people believed
that the earth was flat.
Descrie un eveniment sau actiune incheiata
petrecuta in trecut
Ex.: John Loud invented the
ballpoint pen in 1888.
Pentru a descrie starea, conditia sau obiceiuri
din trecut
Ex.: I went to school by bus when I
was a child.
singular |
I walked |
you walked |
he/she/it walked |
plural |
we walked |
you walked |
they walked |
singular |
I slept |
you slept |
he/she/it slept |
plural |
we slept |
you slept |
they slept |
singular |
I was |
you were |
he/she/it was |
plural |
we were |
you were |
they were |
When I was a girl, I walked five miles to school every day.
Carmelita slept through the entire class.
We worked really hard to make this a success, but then Chuck
ruined it with his carelessness.
Every time I finished a sandcastle, the waves came in
and washed it away.
Tarzan dove into the swamp and swam toward the
Trecutul continuu se formeaza cu ajutorul formei
de trecut simplu a auxiliarului to be, was/were
+ forma participiului prezent (-ing) a verbului principal.
Ex.: I was singing.
You were talking.
Ex.: You were not / weren't
She was not / wasn't reading.
Ex.: Was I speaking
Were they playing the flute?
Trecutul continuu ca si prezentul continuu sunt forme verbale apartinand registrului oral, limbii vorbite cu precadere si sunt rar folosite in registrul scris.
Trecutul continuu este
folosit pentru a exprima actiuni in desfasurare intr-un moment din trecut.
Deoarece indica o limita a duratei actiunii este
foarte folosit pentru a indica actiuni care au avut loc (trecut simplu) in timp
ce o alta actiune era in desfasurare, sau pentru a indica o actiune in
desfasurare care este intrerupta de o alta.
Ex.: Carlos lost his watch while he
was running.
I was watching Oprah when John came in screaming.
Exprima activitati din trecut
Ex.: Once I was driving through
Pentru a vorbi despre obiceiuri din
trecut. Trecutul continuu este
insotit in acest caz de always.
Ex.: Grace was always handing in
late papers.
My father was always lecturing my brother.
In general, numai anumite verbe pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu si acestea se numesc verbe dinamice. (vezi: 2.3. Verbe dinamice si verbe statice.)
singular |
I was walking |
you were walking |
he/she/it was walking |
plural |
we were walking |
you were walking |
they were walking |
singular |
I was sleeping |
you were sleeping |
he/she/it was sleeping |
plural |
we were sleeping |
you were sleeping |
they were sleeping |
singular |
I was being |
you were being |
he/she/it was being |
plural |
we were being |
you were being |
they were being |
Dad was working in his garden all morning.
During the mid-50s, real estate speculators were buying all
the swampland in
Was he being good to you?
In mod paradoxal, limba engleza nu are o forma ca atare a viitorului, dar idee de viitor se poate exprima in nenumarate moduri.
Cea mai frecvent folosita modalitate de a
exprima o actiune viitoare este cu ajutorul lui will/ shall sau a
formei contractate a acestora 'll.
Ex.: She will leave soon.
We shall overcome.
Ex.: I will not / won't finish.
Ex.: Will you catch the ball?
Viitorul exprima preziceri ale actiunilo
viitoare sau interogatii despre viitor.
Ex.: Computer technology will
influence our future.
Decizii care tocmai s-au luat si care nu au fost
Ex.: I'll finish this report
Face promisiuni
Ex.: I'll phone you tomorrow.
Invita pe cineva la un
eveniment, actiune
Ex.: Will you come to my house on
To be about to = a fi pe punctul sa
Ex.: He is about to die.
To be + infinitiv = exprima ideea unor planuri pentru viitor, ordine sau
Ex.: There is to be an investigation
into the mayor's business affairs.
You are to be back on the base by midnight.
singular |
I will walk |
you will walk |
he/she/it will walk |
plural |
we will walk |
you will walk |
they will walk |
singular |
I will sleep |
you will sleep |
he/she/it will sleep |
plural |
we will sleep |
you will sleep |
they will sleep |
singular |
I will be |
you will be |
he/she/it will be |
plural |
we will be |
you will be |
they will be |
We will be victorious!
We shall overcome.
We are going to win this race.
The bus arrives at three this afternoon.
The boss is announcing his retirement at today's meeting.
Will + be + participiul prezent (-ing) al verbului
Viitorul continuu indica o actiune continua, care va avea loc si se va desfasura la un moment
dat din viitor.
Ex.: I will be running in
next year's
Our campaign plans suggest that the President will be winning
the southern vote by November.
By this time tomorrow night, I will be sleeping in my own
Next fall, we will be enjoying all the vegetables we planted
last spring.
Will we be spending too much money if we buy that
big-screen TV?
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