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NOTE: This game is referred to as Broken Sword: The Angel of Death in the UK
To see the other guides that I have written, please check out this link:
WARNING: This walkthrough does contain spoilers that may ruin the game for
anyone who may be playing this game for the first time. Do not read ahead
unless you fully understand the risks involved.
Copyright notice:
Don't plagiarize this guide or add this guide to your site without my
permission, as legal action will be taken against you. Please don't reproduce
this guide for profit. Please do not distribute this guide, and please don't
email me requesting permission to add my guides to your site, as enough places
already have them on their pages. Please do not make an HTML version of any of
my guides. Other than that, have fun and I hope this guide helps you out.
People have constantly emailed me because they were having technical
difficulties with a game for which they are using one of my walkthroughs.
I am not tech support, nor am I affiliated with any of the different companies
that made the games for which my walkthroughs are based upon. If you do
email me with a technical problem, the only answer I can and will give you
is to check the developer's website and read the FAQs. The reason for this is
because I do not want to be held liable for any damages done to your system.
Update History:
1 - April 13, 2007 - The first version of this guide is completed and released.
Introduction (from the manual):
Biblical scholars have long agreed that Moses was more than just a poor
shepherd's boy. It is said that he was a natural scholar and that from an early
age he devoted himself to unravelling the mysterious arts of alchemy.
Indeed, he read documents that even in those times were already very ancient -
the scant remains of older, extinct civilizations. Amongst those documents, it
is believed, lay the primitive blueprints for an awesome weapon
Moses was able to construct this weapon. And when the Pharaoh refused passages
for the Israelites out of Egypt, he unleashed it upon the Egyptians with
terrifying effect. The Pharaoh capitulated. The Exodus began.
The weapon was the final and most terrible of the Great Plagues.
Uncannily, it seemed to kill selectively, leaving the Israelites unharmed. The
Egyptians called it - 'The Angel of Death'.
Hundred of years later, the secrets of Moses' deadly weapon that could destroy
to order was lost, although the memory lived on.
Or so it was thought
Watch the opening movie and then we'll taken to New York where we find
everyone's favorite hero, George Stobbart wasting away as a lawyer in a bail
bonds office. The manual explains that after the events of The Sleeping Dragon,
George was interrogated by various secret service agencies and eventually it
was declared that what happened was another case of mass hysteria. After
returning home, George finds that his patent company has gone bust and that no
one else was willing to hire him. The only job that he could get was as a legal
aide at a bail bonds office in the Harlem projects and his new life also
involves living in a tiny apartment in the most dangerous part of town.
When his next client walks in, she is a beautiful and sophisticated blonde
woman whose problems he'd die to solve. What he doesn't realize is that he
almost does for no sooner has the mysterious woman tells him of her plight than
a couple of unruly men attack them, thus beginning a new adventure for George
When you gain control, you have to find a way to keep the men from barging in
and kidnapping the woman who introduces herself as Anna Maria. Take the golf
club near the door and go to the other side of the room. Try to open the other
door and George says he'll need something to pry it open. The only thing that
comes to mind is the golf club that you just picked up. Use the golf club on
the door to force it open and Anna Maria will follow you through into the next
Knock the file cabinet near the door to bar entry to the men chasing Anna
Maria. Climb up onto the cabinet and continue up through the hole in the
ceiling. You'll learn that Anna Maria is being chased because she has a
manuscript that she's been decoding and she called a little too much attention
to herself. You'll be interrupted by an elevator door closing and Anna Maria
will run over to keep it from fully closing but she can't hold it for long. Use
the golf club to temporarily hold the door open until George can find a more
permanent solution. Walk over to the right side of the room to find a grille
covering a vent. George won't have any luck pulling the grille off
by himself, so ask Anna Maria to help by going into your inventory at the top
of the screen and clicking on the face of Anna Maria. Click the new icon on the
grille to have Anna Maria help get the grille off of the vent.
Pull the vent out and maneuver it over to the elevator door. Push it under the
elevator door and the vent will keep the door from closing. Take the golf club
back and then exit the room through the vent you uncovered a moment ago. Shimmy
across the ledge until you reach the fire escape and climb up the ladder to the
Once you've reached the roof, climb up the ladder on the side of the joist.
Pick up the chain at the end of joist's platform and George will cause a chain
to fall and hang across the gap in between the two buildings. George can't
reach it from his present location, but he can use the golf club to extend his
reach. Doing so will see George swing on the chain across the gap over to the
next building. You can't exactly leave Anna Maria behind and she won't be able
to reach the chain so you'll have to find another way to help her out. Turn the
right handle behind the next joist and it'll swing clockwise to line up with
the first joist, which will provide Anna Maria with a way across.
Enter the building to the right and follow the wall along to the left. Grab the
beam above you and shimmy down to the large beam to the left. Let go of the
beam and landing on the beam below will cause a pipe to fall to the floor
below. Grab the beam above you again and follow it the rest of the way. On the
other side, continue to follow the path until you find a gap in the floor.
George can easily jump across it and then you can keep on going. Shimmy down
the next ledge until you reach the floor with a broken brick wall.
Go through the door and remove the rope from it. Close the door behind you and
then lock it using the sliding bolt. Attempt to open the door again and this
time George will kick it as hard as he can, which causes the door and the
portion of the brick wall around it to fall over, forming a bridge. Once Anna
Maria has caught up with George, take the stairs down a couple of stories and
go through the next door.
Run to the other side of the room and look at the pipe on the floor to learn
that it's rusted. Check out the circuit box to learn that when George caused
the pipe to fall, it broke the breaker switch so that it won't stay in the off
position when you attempt to flip it. Leave it alone for a moment and go to the
other side of the room. On the other side of the door you'll find that part of
the floor has sunk. Climb down off the ramp to the next floor and follow it
around until you see a couple of boards bridging yet another gap in the floor.
You'll find a couple of live wires preventing George from crossing the planks.
Go back up to the breaker switch and ask Anna Maria to hold the switch in the
off position. If she doesn't hold it for you, it's because you haven't looked
and tested out the breaker switch or you haven't looked at the live wires.
Once she's holding the switch, cross the planks with the live wires and move
the cabinet that's blocking the door on the other side. Anna Maria will catch
up with you here and you can go over to the security shutters nearby and ask
Anna Maria to turn the handle which opens the shutter. Once it's opened part of
the way, have George hold the shutter open and the pair will make their escape
and head off to the hotel where Anna Maria is staying.
Walk over to the counter and try to open the center window. The manager will
yell at you to leave it alone, so do so and talk to the guy instead. His name
is Alfonso and this is his hotel. It's been in his family for generations. Talk
to him about everything and then cross to the other side of the room into the
lobby. Talk to the guy reading the book. He sure is a nervous fella, ain't he?
Talk to him about everything as well and then check out the book he's reading.
George will note that he's using a keycard as a bookmark. Talk to him again and
he'll finally introduce himself as Thelwell Minster. He won't let you borrow
the keycard, so we'll have to find another way to get it.
Go through the door near the vending machines to find the bathroom. Access your
PDA and use it to call the hotel. Ask Alfonso to get Thelwell Minster and watch
as Thelwell leaves his book behind as he goes to answer the phone. Quickly
leave the bathroom and take the keycard out of his book. Talk to Thelwell again
and then head towards the front desk.
Exit through the double doors to the left of the desk by swiping the keycard
through the reader next to it. Head upstairs and along the way Anna Maria will
call you and inform George that she's stuck out on the fire escape and it won't
be too long before she's noticed. Enter the hallway to the left and you'll hear
a banging coming from one of the doors. The guy further down the way will tell
you to pass it off as nothing.
Talk to the man and you'll notice from the way he's dressed and talks that he
is an Elvis impersonator. Talk to him twice and then back to the stairs. Look
at the sign to learn that the upstairs is being fumigated and you can see the
results so far lying on the floor at your feet. Pick up one of the dead bugs
and then head back downstairs. Swipe the card through the reader to open the
doors and head on through. Try to open the grandfather clock near the desk and
Alfonso will yell at you.
Speak with Alfonso about the fumigation, the beetles, and about the grandfather
Put the dead beetle on the clock and then talk to Alfonso about it. While he is
distracted, open the center window and take the lighter off of the desk. Head
back upstairs and talk to the Elvis impersonator again. Walk between the guy
and the window at the end of the hall and when he starts dancing, open the
window. As the impersonator walks over to close it, light the dry flowers
sitting on the table on fire with the lighter and the sprinklers will be set
off. Watch as the impersonator runs off, allowing George to access the room he
was guarding.
Inside the room, check out the safe in the corner to learn that it's been
cleaned out, meaning that the manuscript has been stolen! Walk over to the bed
and pick up the pen that's lying on the floor. Go into the bathroom on the
other side of the bed and turn off the vent by pressing the button on it.
Notice that it shakes as it turns off. Put the string into the vent and then
switch it back on to cause the vent to fall out of the window.
Anna Maria will rejoin you here and she'll walk around and check out what the
men did to her hotel room. Leave here and go back to the first door in the
hall, which is where you first heard the banging. Slide the flyer and pen under
the door and the person on the other side will give you the code to the door.
Enter the code into the door to free the receptionist. The impersonator will
run by shortly afterwards and the woman will take off after him. You'll
eventually find yourself back at the bail bonds office.
You'll see George's partner Virgil sulking in front of the couch because the
office has been trashed and Virgil's MP3 player has been destroyed. 40 gigs of
the best jazz and R&B collection and it's all gone. Go through the door on the
other side of the room to enter the office you started in at the beginning of
the game and take the pack of cigarettes you find lying on the desk. You can
now leave here and head back to Alfonso's Hotel.
When you arrive back at the hotel, you can see the receptionist being
questioned by a police officer. Talk to the girl to be introduced to Juanita,
who seems to have developed a crush on George. Talk to her about everything and
then talk to the policeman to be introduced to Officer O'Halloran. Talk to
O'Halloran about everything and then show him the pack of cigarettes. You'll
learn that the tattoo that George saw on the Elvis impersonator is that of the
Martino gang and that they're also a part of the Mafia. Talk to Alfonso as well
before leaving here and going back to the bail bonds office.
Talk to Anna Maria about Mama Martino's and then tell her about the Mafia. Talk
to Virgil and then leave here to go to the meat packing company.
Enter the small shop near where George is currently standing. Check out the
butcher's apron behind the counter to see that it's covered in blood. Talk to
the man running the shop about everything. He sure does have an affinity for
plagued Broken Sword 3. I also commend you on continuing to write great
dialogue and insisting on spot-on voice acting for George and Nico. As long as
you keep on making any future Broken Sword games as cool as this one, you know
you can count on me to continue supporting the series. I just hope that with
Broken Sword V you can improve on the load times because the ones in this game
seemed atrociously long.
Rolf Saxon - This guy has voiced George in every Broken Sword game to date and
it'd be hard to imagine the series without him. He does an excellent job
bringing George Stobbart to life and injecting humor into the games where it's
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