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How good is your C


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How good is your C.V.

Povedl se ivotopis? Prezentuje jasně a zřetelně vai praxi, zkuenosti a schopnosti? Pomůe vm probojovat se k přijmacmu pohovoru?

Studentka Merry hovoř o svm ivotopise:

Hi, my name is Merry - I hope to make my CV as perfect as possible to attract as many employers. I have my name in bold and all in capital letters in bigger fonts  and also after that I have put my address and then I put my email, my date of birth, nationality and mobile all in the same format.

Kromě jmn, adresy a telefonnho čsla se do osobnch dajů na začtku ivotopisu můe přiřadit e-mailov adresa, datum narozen a nrodnost. Merry tak hovořila o grafick pravě - zmnila se o sazbě psma: font a mluvila taky o celkov pravě ivotopisu: format.

Dalm pokusnm krlkem je Andreas. Patrice Wareov podrobila jeho ivotopis takzvanmu 60ti vteřinovmu testu:

Ok Andreas you just handed me your CV and that's good. Well first of all I would look at it for 60 seconds and say does this pass the 60 second test? Does this invite me to read and certainly it looks inviting to read. It's nicely laid out & you've got some very strong headings. I can find the information I need on your skills & activities, work experience about your education etc. very easily so you made it quite accessible. You've told us where you live, where people can get hold of you - and your nationality - and it's quite helpful to put that you've got to be addressed as Mr so and so you might even put your marital status, if you're married or single, there if you wanted to.

Kdy se zaměsnavatel probraj tosem ivotopisů, věnuj jednomu nanejv minutku dvě. Jak se z tohoto pohledu jev Andreasův ivotopis? Podle Patrice Wareov působ grafick prava na prvn - rychl pohled dobře. M tam vrazn hlavičky a nadpisy. Andreasův ivotopis se snadno čte a je srozumiteln. Ovem Andreas mohl uvst a neuvedl: His title- Mr. Dle neuvedl: his marital status, co se v některch zemch - jako napřklad v USA - nemus uvdět. Zrovna tak nemuste uvst datum narozen.

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