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THE MODERNIST ART OF FICTION One possible way of approaching modernism is to place it within a larger cultural framework, by establishing its position to other ‘–isms’ emerging at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twent
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Reflections on Actantial Models

Reflections on Actantial Models The text reprinted here belongs to Chapter 10 of Greimas' Structural Semantics, a comprehensive attempt to adapt linguistic categories to the structural analysis of literature. Drawing on the example of generati
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Types of Narration

Types of Narration WAYNE C. BOOTH Wayne C. Booth devotes chapter 6 of The Rhetoric of Fiction to an analysis of the different types of narration theoretically available. As he explains, earlier classifications of point of view, such as Norm
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Focalisation in Film Narrative

Focalisation in Film Narrative CELESTINO DELEYTO Deleyto's article is a pathbreaking attempt to adapt Genette's and Bal's concept of 'focalization' to the specific analysis of film narrative. Drawing on the distinction between narrator (who
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Modes and Forms of Narrative Narcissism: Introduction of a Typology

Modes and Forms of Narrative Narcissism: Introduction of a Typology LINDA HUTCHEON The text reprinted here belongs to chapter 1 of Narcissistic Narrative ( 1980). In it, Linda Hutcheon underlines the intrinsic fictionality and artificiality
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Introduction - NARRATOLOGY

Introduction - NARRATOLOGY Preliminaries Definition of narratology Narratology is, etymologically, the science of narrative. The term was popularized, however, by such structuralist critics as Gérard Genette, Mieke Bal, Gerald Prince
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Focalization MIEKE BAL The fragment reprinted below is part of the subsection on 'Focalization' in chapter 7 of Narratology, devoted to the analysis of the story level ( Genette's 'narrative'). Genette, in his Narrative Discourse, corrected
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Reading for the Plot

Reading for the Plot PETER BROOKS In this excerpt from chapter 1 of 'Reading for the Plot' ( 1984) Peter Brooks sets out to update and redefine the traditional concept of 'plot', fallen into disuse in the English-speaking world a
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A New Approach to the Definition of the Narrative Situations

A New Approach to the Definition of the Narrative Situations F. K. STANZEL F. K. Stanzel is one of the earliest and most outstanding narratologi-sts in German. His Narrative Situations in the Novel: Tom Jones, Moby Dick, The Ambassadors, Ul
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The Value of Narrativity in the Representation of Reality

The Value of Narrativity in the Representation of Reality HAYDEN WHITE Starting from the Barthesean proposition that narrative 'is simply there like life itself . . . international, transhistorical, transcultural' ( 1977: 79), Hayden White
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Fabula and Sjuzhet in the Analysis of Narrative: Some American Discussions

Fabula and Sjuzhet in the Analysis of Narrative: Some American Discussions JONATHAN CULLER Jonathan Culler is one of the main semioticians in the Anglo-Saxon sphere. He has both adapted and criticized the European structuralist schools in h
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The Time of Narrating (Erzählzeit) and Narrated Time (Erzählte Zeit)

The Time of Narrating (Erzählzeit) and Narrated Time (Erzählte Zeit) PAUL RICŒUR Ricœur's work as a whole provides a bridge between narratology, contemporary theology and existential philosophy. He is one of the most important practitioners
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What is Exposition? An Essay in Temporal Delimitation

What is Exposition? An Essay in Temporal Delimitation MEIR STERNBERG In line with Wolfgang Iser, Umberto Eco and Horst Ruthrof, Meir Sternberg offers a reader-response approach to narrative. He defines narrative as a system of 'gap filling
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Introduction to the Study of the Narratee

Introduction to the Study of the Narratee GERALD PRINCE In this seminal article, Gerald Prince, following Genette, draws attention to the figure of the nartatee, the narrator's addressee, which, he contends, is a strangely neglected althoug
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Voice GÉRARD GENETTE In chapter 5 of his Narrative Discourse, under the general heading of 'Voice', Gérard Genette offers a systematic analysis of the role of the 'narrating instance' (the one who narrates) as distinct from that of the 'wri
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Authors, Speakers, Readers, and Mock Readers

Authors, Speakers, Readers, and Mock Readers In this article Walker Gibson, taking up the New Critical distinction between author and dramatic speaker, differentiates between real reader and 'mock reader'. The mock reader is the narrator's add
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Desire in Narrative

Desire in Narrative TERESA DE LAURETIS Teresa de Lauretis' Alice Doesn't: Feminism, Semiotics, Cinema ( 1984) is a groundbreaking study in which, as the subtitle indicates, the author attempts to reconcile semiotics and feminist theory for
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Story World and Screen

Story World and Screen EDWARD BRANIGAN In chapter 2 of Narrative Comprehension and Film Branigan considers filmic narrative from the point of view of the spectators, analysing the way in which they transform the two-dimensional sequence of
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Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives

Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narratives ROLAND BARTHES The article reprinted here was originally published as the introduction to no. 8 of Communications, perhaps the most memorable issue of the pathbreaking French journal and
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The Logic of Narrative Possibilities

The Logic of Narrative Possibilities CLAUDE BREMOND This essay, like Barthes' ''Introduction to the Structural Analysis of Narrative'', was also published in no. 8 of Communications. Barthes situated the work of the contributors
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