THE MIDDLE AGES: THE SECRET OF CHAUCER’S CANTERBURY PILGRIMS. “EVERYMAN” MEDIEVAL LITERATURE (1066-1400) Ø Feudal system: king, lords, yeomen, serfs, the sheriff represented the kingCiteste tot ... 1517 cuvinte
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THE RENAISSANCE (I): WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, THE GREAT NONCONFORMIST CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ELIZABETHAN AGE Ø age of travelling, adventure, discovery, colonial expansion, initiative, prosperity, pCiteste tot ... 1508 cuvinte
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DRACULA: between myth and reality
DRACULA: between myth and reality It was precisely a century ago that one of the masterpieces of Gothic horror fiction - and of European literature as a whole - was published in Britain: the novel 'Dracula', written by Bram StokerCiteste tot ... 2279 cuvinte
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Le livre Thérèse Raquin (1867), de Emile Zola
Le livre Thérèse Raquin (1867), de Emile Zola. 1. Introduction a.) Présentation du roman Au XIXème siècle, il y a trois genre littéraire : - le romantismeCiteste tot ... 4823 cuvinte
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The duality: good and evil
Universitatea “ Petru Maior” Facultatea de Stiinte si Litere Limba si lieratura romana- Limba si literatura engleza Anul II, Grupa a-II-a The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Citeste tot ... 855 cuvinte
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Gulliver’s Travels
Gulliver’s Travels “ Want to know the world? Look it up close. Want to like it? Look it up from the distance. “ Citeste tot ... 700 cuvinte
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Postmodernism - From A History of English Literature
Postmodernism - From A History of English Literature The end of the Second World War marked a new phase in literature. After the war, British writers shared a desire for change and a mood of reaction against political ideology—rCiteste tot ... 4689 cuvinte
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CRITICISM AND FICTION (1891) By William Dean Howells ON REALISM, CRITICISM AND THE SOCIAL EFFECT OF LITERATURE (title in Jane Bernadette’s selection)
CRITICISM AND FICTION (1891) By William Dean Howells ON REALISM, CRITICISM AND THE SOCIAL EFFECT OF LITERATURE (title in Jane Bernadette’s selection) The question of a final criterion for the appreciation of art is one thatCiteste tot ... 12058 cuvinte
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The Relationship between Language, Thought and Reality
The Relationship between Language, Thought and Reality Long before linguistics existed as a discipline, thinkers were speculating about the nature of meaning. For thousands of years, the question ‘what is meaning?’ has been considered centraCiteste tot ... 16703 cuvinte
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Movies: Watched With the Eyes or With the Brain?
Movies: Watched With the Eyes or With the Brain? Cinematography offers a wide variety of movie types, but a main distinction is made between the so called serious movies and entertaining movies. Between the two types, serioCiteste tot ... 1261 cuvinte
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The Post-Modernist American Short Story - Toni Morrison – Beloved
The Post-Modernist American Short Story Toni Morrison – Beloved Toni Morrison (born Chloe Anthony Wofford on February 18, 1931), is a Nobel Prize-winning American author, editor, and professor. Her novel Beloved won the Pulitzer PriCiteste tot ... 1598 cuvinte
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Twilight of the Superheroes
Twilight of the Superheroes The Interminable Ramble An unpublished series proposal for DC Comics by Alan Moore •The Introduction -------- ----- ------ -------- ----- ------ ------Citeste tot ... 16208 cuvinte
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Fielding and the Epic Theory of the Novel
Fielding and the Epic Theory of the Novel SINCE it was Pamela that supplied the initial impetus for the writing of Joseph Andrews, Fielding cannot be considered as having made quite so direct a contribution as Richardson to the rise of the noCiteste tot ... 8601 cuvinte
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Fielding as Novelist: 'Tom Jones'
Fielding as Novelist: 'Tom Jones' LITERATURE yields few more interesting causes célèbres than the debate over the respective merits of the novels of Fielding and Richardson, a debate which continues today even though during the last cCiteste tot ... 11937 cuvinte
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THE MAGIC WORLD OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY BRITISH DRAMA While poetry and fiction was drawing upon the genius of the romantics, the 19th century theatre was mainly the home of irregular spectacle, melodrama and farce. Most of the romantic pCiteste tot ... 3853 cuvinte
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THE SENTENCE PATTERNS OF LANGUAGE 4.1. Syntax as opposed to morphology In chapter 3 we considered morphology, the structure of words. Clearly, if we are to make a sensible utterance we need to know hCiteste tot ... 15291 cuvinte
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A Template Approach to the GMAT Essay
A Template Approach to the GMAT Essay You will be given an essay topic that ETS expects to be debatable. In other words, about half of the people will agree with one side, while the other half will agree with the other side.ETS will not giveCiteste tot ... 2224 cuvinte
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Romantic Period (1770-1830)
Romantic Period (1770-1830) 1.1Economic and social changes Historians of English literature denote by the Romantic period' the time between the year 1798, in which Wordsworth and Coleridge published their Lyrical Ballads, and 1832, when WalterCiteste tot ... 5914 cuvinte
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THE GLASS FLOOR From: 'Weird Tales' Fall, 1990 INTRODUCTION In the novel Deliverance, by James Dickey, there is a scene where a country fellow who lives way up in the back of beyond whangs his hand with a toolCiteste tot ... 2959 cuvinte
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LEXIS 2.1. What is a word? 2.1.1. If we set aside exclamations of joy, fear, and so on we can communicate little verbally without words. It is words which, expressed as sounCiteste tot ... 3978 cuvinte
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