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Chaulnes Method
The experiment presents a method of determining the refraction index for materials that are optic solid and shutter by Chaulnes Method
The refraction index which defines optical the mediums is the ratio between the speed of light in vacuum and the speed of light in the medium.
The relative index of refraction is the ration between the absolute index of refraction of the two mediums
Chaulnes Method of determination of the refraction index for transparent solids based on the refraction phenomena. This phenomenon is the change of the propagation direction of a ray of light on a surface of two transparent mediums. The ration between sinus of the incident angel and sinus of the refraction one is a constant measurement for two mediums and is equal with the relative index of refraction
sin i/sin r = n21
we had 5 glasses and one Plexiglas, and these are the refraction indices:
Medium |
Refraction indices |
Error |
Glass 1 | ||
Glass 2 | ||
Glass 3 | ||
Glass 4 | ||
Glass 5 | ||
Plexiglas |
The errors are made by:
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Vizualizari: 1972
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