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Care of Prospective
During Pregnancy
PROSPECTIVE mothers should hold in their consciousness
the ideals on the lines of which they would have their children evolve. A
passive wish will not etch into the nervous system of the prospective child a
formative desire--the mother must live her desires. Honesty must be lived--not
simply paying debts agreed upon, but doing unto others as she would have others
do unto her. This commandment, which is the foundation of ethics, is acted upon
perfunctorily and ostentatiously by convention; but there is no soul-building
force in it, and the mothers who would transmit ideal traits to their children
must live them. In the performance of this function they may fool their
neighbors, their friends, and their God; but they cannot fool the laws of
biology--the laws of their being.
The grasping merchant prince transmits kleptomania to
his beautiful daughter; the sins committed in secret are declared from the
housetops; the tippling mother transmits dipsomania to her son; and the lustful
parents stamp nymphomania on the daughter and libertinism on the son.
The reckless disregard for law and order that is racing
rampant throughout the world is the materialization of the unholy practices
etched into the plastic nervous system of children by parents.
Mothers, would you have your children normal,
self-controlled, and happy? Then you must be. Do you want to have a
normal--which is an easy--labor, and be able to nurse your child? Then live
normally; avoid gluttony; control your emotion; learn to be poised; study (not
read) 'Toxemia Explained,' and the 'Cook Book.' Cultivate
the study and thinking habits. Enlarge your vocabulary by daily reference to a
good dictionary. We cannot without words learn to think--stamp ideal habits on
our children. We shall not need prohibition and other stupid laws when the
mothers of our country cease to be food-drunkards and sensualists.
Fathers who are unwilling to do their part in the
betterment of the coming race should not assume the responsibility.
Men and women must know more concerning their influence
in shaping the lives of their children. Excesses of parents dull, and even
inhibit, the moral development of children. Moral idiots are begotten in lust
and conventional drunkenness. If the race is deteriorating, the fault lies in
the habits and daily doings of parents.
If a mother wishes to have an obedient child--one that
is sensible and lovable--she should live a sensible and lovable and obedient
life herself, practicing self-control continually. If a mother would have a
normal child, she must live a normal life.
Exercise.--All through pregnancy the tensing
exercises, as given in my book, 'Toxemia Explained,' should be
practiced daily. For the first few months, all the exercises may be used. As
time goes on, the exercising may be a little less vigorous, selecting those
exercises which do not bring much strain on the abdomen.
A limited amount of walking, housework, etc., may be
carried on, always being careful about overstraining when lifting.
Bathing.--During this period the body should be
kept particularly clean by giving the skin plenty of attention, so as to keep
the skin-circulation as active as possible and elimination perfect. A warm
sponge-bath should be taken, either night or morning,
a thorough dry-towel rubbing should be given at night, or vice versa. Once a week the sponge-bath may be replaced with a hot-tub soap and
water-bath, being careful not to soak the body too long in hot water.
Hot-water bathing is enervating.
Douches.--If there is any leucorrhea, or any
other discharge from the vagina, a douche should be taken each night before
retiring, until it has subsided. Use quite warm water, with a tablespoonful of
salt to the gallon of water.
Enemas.--If the bowels fail to move during the
day, before retiring at night use a small enema of a pint of water. Put it into
the bowels, allow it to remain for a short time, and then solicit a movement.
If no results are obtained, do not worry--just let the bowels alone. If they do
not move during the next day, repeat the enema at night.
Kidneys.--At least once a month, from the beginning
of pregnancy, the urine should be examined by someone qualified to do so, to
ascertain that all is well and no albumin is showing in the urine.
Corsets.--If a proper amount of exercise is
taken regularly before pregnancy, and the ligaments and muscles of the abdomen
and pelvis are so strengthened, very little support will be necessary. It is
better to have as little binding as possible; but, if a support is necessary,
there are some well-fitting maternity corsets on the market which are a great
help. Supports are not necessary when eating and exercise are correct in
Eating Habits.--The mother should not change her
habits of eating during this period, except to see that she does not overeat.
The breakfast should be light--merely a little fruit, such as apples, pears,
oranges, grapefruit, berries, or any fresh fruit, according to season.
At noon, have a vegetable soup, prepared according to
the directions given in the 'Cook Book.' Follow this with a good big
combination salad.
At night, have the regulation Tilden dinners: meat one
day, with two cooked, non-starch vegetables and a combination salad; the
alternate days, a decidedly starchy food in place of the meat, with the
vegetables and salad.
All fancy foods, such as pies, cakes, and desserts of
all kinds, should be sidestepped. Just live as simply as
Prospective mothers should watch their weight during
pregnancy. Just before confinement a woman should not weigh more than ten
pounds above her regular weight. At the beginning of pregnancy the increase in
weight should be very little and the gain very gradual. If the weight increases
too rapidly, the intake of food should be cut down, so as to hold the weight
Mothers should not follow the custom of eating for two,
building excess weight, and suffer from the symptom-complexes of swollen limbs,
varicose veins, kidney burden, Toxemia, surgery, enlarged womb, uterine
catarrh, misplacements, fibroid tumor, and, in ten to twenty years, uterine cancer,
etc. Children born of such parents develop into mediocre human animals. Their
most characteristic inherited tendencies are appetite and passion. They mature
early, and their sex-complex drives them into lust and every excess that gives
a thrill. They soon bring on pronounced enervation and imperfect elimination,
establishing chronic Toxemia, after which the organism subtilely builds organic
disease. The tubercular diathesis builds pulmonary tuberculosis, after going
through all the preliminary crises of Toxemia--namely, all the so-called
catarrhal diseases. The mind and nervous system have their symptom-complexes.
The glandular--the ductless and duct glands--have their share of composite
derangement wished on them by Toxemia, occupation, and habits.
A child born of a gluttonous mother may die of
childbirth injuries, or subsequent so-called diseases caused by disagreeing
mother's milk or the hazards of post-natal readjustment
What is meant by post-natal readjustment is that a
plethoric infant (a fat baby) will continue obese, and come to a premature end
unless he is properly reduced. To do so requires much
time Readjusting means proper food and exercise, continuing over a period long
enough for the cell-tissue to be biologically educated out of its hydropic
habit. Obesity is a disease, and, as in the case of all so-called diseases,
when the cause is removed nature must have time to return to the normal.
Few fat people have the self-control to live in a
manner, and for a sufficient length of time, for nature to get back to the
normal. The same is true of all those suffering from all other so-called
diseases. Should the fat boy live to maturity, his reproductive function will
lack virility; and should he reproduce, the progeny would lack virility and
vitality, and would die early. Most children of this type die within the second
year, or suffer with digestive derangements, lose weight, become underweight
from malnutrition, and continue throughout a life of thirty to seventy years of
semi-invalidism. Fat babies are prone to die of diseases 'peculiar to
children.' They do not bear up well under the so-called contagious
Morning Sickness.--Morning sickness is nature's
punishment for past sins committed. Prospective mothers who have morning
sickness have abused their privilege in all lines. They have sought pleasure to
excess, have danced too much, and have imprudently cooled the body after being
heated, by sitting in a draft, drinking too much water or soda-fountain
beverages, or chilling the stomach too frequently with ices; and in their
every-day lives they have eaten too much, too frequently, and of improper food
combinations, and neglected to masticate and insalivate starchy foods properly.
Instead of eating a reasonable amount morning, noon, and night, many have eaten
five times a day, and sometimes oftener. The human body has its limitations,
and everyone should try to learn what they are, and then respect them. The
commonest drunkenness is food-drunkenness. Physical and mental pleasures
enjoyed to excess are a form of drunkenness, and sooner or later bring on
enervation. Those who are enervated fail to eliminate the waste-products of the
body as fast as necessary, and toxins are retained in the system, bringing on
what I define as Toxemia. People in this state are in line for catching colds,
coughing, and having the lighter forms of so-called diseases, such as colds,
headache, sore throat lasting a few days, fits of indigestion, constipation,
and other so-called diseases.
A young woman getting married, after bringing on this
state of her organism, is almost invariably troubled with morning sickness,
because in all such cases there is a gastro-intestinal indigestion, if not
catarrhal inflammation. A sensitive, catarrhal stomach is the commonest
derangement of people who ordinarily pass as normal or healthy. Pregnancy in
such subjects is accompanied by an extraordinary state of the stomach, which is
called morning sickness--often it is an all-day sickness. These subjects continue
abusing themselves with irregular eating and imprudent eating, which aggravates
the so-called morning sickness. Those troubled with morning sickness should
fast a reasonable length of time, and, when indulging in food, they should take
a little fruit for breakfast. If fruit irritates the stomach, or the
stomach rebels by becoming nauseated, this feeling should pass off before any
more food is taken. If the discomfort lasts during the forenoon, no food should
be taken at noon. Hot water, sipped slowly, in place of food, should bring some
relief, and, to quiet the irritation of the stomach, hot water may be sipped at
intervals all the forenoon. If the afternoon is spent in comfort without
nausea, a light dinner should be indulged in in the evening--a small piece of
broiled steak, a lamb chop, or any other meat desired, with one or two properly
cooked vegetables and a combination salad. Bread or starches in any form should
not be eaten. Certainly no eating of an improper character should be indulged
in, such as cake, ice-cream, custard, as these will increase the nausea and
prolong a recovery.
When comfortable, plain eating should be the rule: in
the morning, if the stomach will accept it, a piece of dry toast, eaten without
butter, masticating each morsel until liquefied in the mouth, and then followed
with orange juice and water half and half, or any table beverage ordinarily
used, except tea or coffee; at noon, fruit; and in the evening, the regulation
dinner, similar to the one mentioned above. Avoid heavy eating until the nausea
has entirely disappeared; then respect digestive limitations. Remember that
self-control is transmissible.
Care of the Breasts After
Childbirth.--Breast-pumps are builders of abscesses, if they are not used
properly. When mothers are forced to their use, they should have them
manipulated by someone who is well skilled in their use. I never advise the use
of the breast-pump unless absolutely necessary. If there is no abuse or
bruising of the breasts, there will be no cause for abscesses.
If for any reason it is necessary to dry up the
breasts, it is not necessary to resort to the breast-pump to draw off the
accumulated milk. This is often the cause of abscess. It is not necessary to
take away the milk. If the breasts become feverish and swollen, the mother
should lie down and put dry warm or hot applications over them. They may be
painful for a short time, but it does not take more than a day or two to start
the drying-up of the milk. This procedure is much safer and quicker than the
use of the breast-pump. The milk dries up very rapidly after it has once
started to do so. After about twenty-four hours of being swelled to the fullest
capacity, the breasts begin to decline.
If the nipples become inverted, they should be drawn
out daily and gently massaged.
The nipples may be hardened by gentle massage and daily
washing with cold water.
Miscarriage and Abortion.--The word
'abortion' means throwing-off of the foetus before the third month.
It may be criminal abortion or brought on accidentally. After the third month
it is called miscarriage. Abortions are frequently caused by over-excitement,
long and tiresome rides, lifting and straining in housework, or excessive
venery. This last-named cause is common to those wives whose consorts are sadly
in need of knowledge of the true relationship of husband and wife. Excess
brutalizes both husband and wife, breeds contempt, and often curses children
before birth.
Mothers should keep quiet following an accident of the
above-described kind. They should use hot douches three times a day. If there
is pain, the family physician should be called. If no disagreeable symptoms
appear, perhaps all that is necessary will be to use hot douches two or three
times a day. No drugs are to be used in the douche, except a little salt or
soda. When a disagreeable odor develops, a good doctor is needed. Cleanliness
is the main thing; but, if there is any discomfort or fever following, a
physician should be called who will give intra-uterine treatment. Neglect may
cost a life.
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