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Higher blood cholesterol is a sign that the cells of the body have developed a defense mechanism against the osmotic force of the blood that keeps drawing water out through the cell membranes; or the concentrated blood can not release sufficient water to go through the cell membrane and maintain normal cell functions. Cholesterol is a natural 'clay' that, when poured in the gaps of the cell membrane, will make the cell wall impervious to the passage of water (see Figure 14). Its excessive manufacture and deposition in the cell membrane is part of the natural design for the protection of living cells against dehydration. In living cells that possess a nucleus, cholesterol is the agent that regulates permeability of the cell membrane to water. In living cells that do not possess a nucleus, the composition of fatty acids employed in the manufacture of the cell membrane gives it the power to survive dehydration and drought. Cholesterol production in the cell membrane is a part of the cell survival system. It is a necessary substance. Its excess denotes dehydration.

Normally, it is water that instantly, repeatedly, and transiently forms into adhesive sheets and binds the hydrocarbon bricks together. In a dehydrated/membrane, this property of water is

lost At the same time that water is binding the solid structure of the membrane, it also diffuses through the gaps into the cell.

Figure 14 has been designed to demonstrate the structure of a bilayer membrane during full hydration and its possible extreme dehydration. I have presented this researched concept at an international gathering of cancer researchers. These same scientific statements are published and have been discussed by other researchers. How does this phenomenon affect us in our everyday life? The answer is simple. Imagine that you are sitting at a table and food is brought to you. If you, do not drink water before you eat the food, the process of food digestion will take its toll on the cells of the body. Water will have to be poured on the food in the stomach for proteins to break and separate into the basic composition of their amino acids. In the intestine, more water will be required to process the food ingredients and then send them to the liver.

In the liver, the specialized cells will further process the intestine-digested materials and then pass the resupplied and composition adjusted blood to the right side of the heart. In the liver, more water is used to process the food ingredients. The blood from the right side of the heart, which has also received some 'fat' components from the lymphatic system that empties into the right side of the heart, will now be pumped into the lungs for oxygenation and exchange of the dissolved gases in the blood. In the lungs, aeration of the blood further dehydrates it by the process of evaporation of waterthe 'winter steam.'

Now this highly concentrated blood from the lungs is passed to the left side of the heart and pumped into the arterial circulation. The first cells that will face this highly osmotically concentrated blood are the cells lining the larger blood vessels and capillaries of the heart and the brain. Where the arteries bend, the osmotically damaged cells will also face the pressure of the oncoming blood. Here, the cells will either need to protect themselves or become irreversibly damaged. Do not forget that the integrity of their cell membrane is proportionately dependent on the presence of 'water' that is available to them and not that which is being osmotically pulled out. A look at Figure 15, and then Figure 14, will make the understanding of this process of 'cholesterol adaptation' to dehydration easier.

There comes a moment when the brain begins to recognize the further imposed severe shortage of water in the body, and then in the middle of eating food will compel the person to drink it. It is already too late, because the damage is registered by the cells lining the blood vessels. However, when this dehydration registers itself by production of the dyspeptic pain, we most stupidly give the person antacid! Not water, antacids! Not water, histamine-blocking agents! Unfortunately, this is the problem with all treatment procedures under the 'solutes paradigm.' All treatment procedures are 'relief of symptoms' oriented. They are not geared to the elimination of the root cause of the problem. This is why 'diseases' are not cured. They are only 'treated' during the lifetime of the person.

The root cause of degenerative diseases is not known, because a wrong paradigm is being pursued. If we begin to appreciate that for the process of digestion of food, water is the most essential ingredient, most of the battle is won. If we give the necessary water to the body before we eat food, all the battle against cholesterol formation in the blood vessels will be won.

After a longer period of regulating daily water intake, so that the cells become fully hydrated, gradually the cholesterol defense system against the free passage of water through the cell wall will be less required; its production will decrease. The hormone-sensitive, fat-burning enzymes of the body have been shown to become active after one hour's walk. They remain active for 12 hours. It also seems that with the lowering of blood cholesterol and walking to induce the 'fat burners'' activity, the deposited cholesterol will also be broken and passage of blood through the already blocked arteries will become possible (see Mr. Fox's letter).

Walking two times a dayevery 12 hourswill maintain the activity of the hormone sensitive fat burning enzyme (hormone sensitive lipase) during day and night and help clear away the excess lipid deposits in the arteries.

Testimonials That Make You Ponder

Mr. Mohammed Wahby's concern is not unique to him; everyone who has raised blood cholesterol levels is worried. It is common knowledge that many diseases are associated with raised cholesterol levels in blood circulation. Different blood cholesterol levels have in the past been considered normalall the time decreasing the accepted threshold until around 200 (milligrams per 100 cubic centimeters of blood) is now considered normal. Even this figure is an arbitrary assessment. I personally believe the normal range to be around 100 to 150. My own levels started around 89 and never went above 130. Why? Because for years and years, my day started with two to three glasses of water. In any case, a March 28, 1991 New England Journal of Medicine report, followed by an editorial, about an 88-year-old man who eats 25 eggs daily and has normal blood cholesterol levels, reveals one fact. The cholesterol we eat seems to have little to do with the high level of cholesterol in some people's blood.

Let us get one thing clear: Excess cholesterol formation is the result of dehydration. It is the dehydration that causes many different

diseases and not the level of cholesterol in the circulating blood. It Is therefore more prudent to attend to our daily water intake rather than to what foods we eat. With proper enzyme activity, any food can be digested, including its cholesterol content. Mr. Wahby could reduce his cholesterol levels without too much anxiety about his food intake (see letter on page 90).

He lived normally and yet his cholesterol levels came down dramatically from 279 to 203 in two months without any food limitations. All he had to do was to drink more water before his meals. If he had taken regular daily walks, this level would have been further reduced during the two months. In time, it will be further reduced. His testimonial is printed by his kind permission. He is so happy with the simplicity of the process that he wishes to share his joy with others.

If increased water intake lowers cholesterol levels, only to rise again, make sure your body is not getting short of salt. Read the section on salt in chapter 12. You should realize that cholesterol is the basic building block for most hormones in the human body. Naturally, a basic drive for increased hormone production will also raise the rate of cholesterol production.

Basically, it is assumed that heart disease begins with the deposit of cholesterol plaques in the arteries of the heart. At the final stages, the two may exist at the same time. However, in my opinion, it begins when the constriction producing chemicals from the lungs spill over into the circulation that goes to the heart. As it is explained in the chapter on asthma, in dehydration, part of the process of water preservation is the associated secretion of substances that constrict the bronchioles. At a certain threshold that does not at the time manifest itself in an asthma attack, the same chemicals, if they spill into the blood circulation that goes through to the lung, will also constrict the walls of the heart arteries once they reach them. This situation will lead to heart pains, known as anginal pains.

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