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Princess Diana
Table of contents
The girl with a future4
A fairy-tale wedding.8
The young princess12
The woman inside15
The new Diana18
Her last days..20
The reason I have chosen Princess Diana for my paper is that I was impressed by her tragic story and I wanted to find out more about her beautiful but short life.
In this paper I have gathered information regarding the princesss life before she met Charles, her charity work and how she tried to change the image of the Royal Family and to bring more color into their life.
I have always considered her the beautiful English princess who changed the picture of the Royal Family. She did not become the Queen of Britain, but to the people of the country she became a 'Queen of Hearts. Diana wanted to change things in the world, and she helped many people through her work for charity and thats why she impressed me because she had everything and she loved helping the ones in need.
Sadly, her fairytale marriage went wrong, and
she learnt to live and work alone. They were following her car when it crashed
The girl with a future
On 1
July 1961, a baby girl was born at her family home, in Sandringham,
The Spencer are a very old English family. They
became rich a long time ago as sheep farmers, and the family goes back to King
Charles ll and King James ll of
The house they lived in then, Park House,
was near the Queen's house at
Later, people called Diana 'a
fairy-tale princess'. But her story was often a sad one too. Her parents
had the son that they wanted so much in 1964-they called him Charles. But their
marriage was unhappy, and soon terrible fights began. When Diana was only six,
her mother,
For a long
time, the children could only visit their mother at weekends. Francess very much
wanted her children to live with her, but their father was against the idea,
and so they stayed at Park House with him. Other woman came to the house to
look after the children, but they didnt usually stay long. The children made
trouble for them - they threw their clothes out of the window, or locked them
in the toilet! The two smallest children, Charles and Diana, were really
unhappy. Each night in bed, Charles cried for his mother, and Diana lay there
alone, listening to him. She was too frightened of the dark house to get out of
bed and go to him.
But Diana and Charles were a loving brother and sister. As time went on, they often travelled by train together to visit their mother. Diana was always friendly with her two old sisters, Sarah and Jane, but they had different lives.
Johnnie Spencer tried to do his best for the four children, and at Christmas they could choose all the presents that they wanted. There were too many presents, and not enough hugs and kisses, they remembered later. Diana loved her father, and wanted to look after him. She liked to help in the house too, and to look after her animals. She had a cat, Marmelade, and a dog called Jill. Like a lot of English girls, Diana learned to ride a horse, but after she broke her arm in an accident she was frightened and didnt want to ride again.
Like the
children in many rich or old families in
In Dianas young life, everything was always changing, and she often felt alone. She was very sad when her grandmother-her fathers mother- died in 1972. Her grandmother was a very kind woman. She looked after Diana a lot when her parents separated. Things changed even more in 1975 when her grandfather died too, and the Spencer family moved into the old family home at Althorp, in Northamptonshire. Dianas father was now Earl Spencer, Diana became Lady Diana Spencer, and her brother Charles a Viscount. Later, he became an Earl too.
Until then, Park Hose in
At school, Diana made plenty of friends. She was a good student, not especially clever, but she enjoyed her lessons. She liked English and painting, but she was best at dancing and swimming. It was soon clear that she would never go to university, but she was helpful and kind. She even won a coup for helpfulness! As part of school charity programme, Diana began to visit old or ill people in the town near the school. Usually, she talked to them, or helped with their shopping. This is perhaps where her love of charity work began.
But she was not always quite so good. Once
she got into real trouble when she left the school at night! She planned to
meet a friend outside the school to get some sweets from her. One of the
teachers found her empty bed and called the police! The head teacher was very
angry, but her parents were secretly amused. When Diana left
But Johnnie loved his new wife, and they were very happy together. And, in the end, Diana was pleased that Raine was there to look after her father. In 1978, a year after the marriage, Johnnie became very ill. The doctors thought that he would die. Raine nursed him back to health, but it was a long time before he was better again.
A little earlier, in 1977, Diana went off
to a very expensive finishing school in
He bought her a very nice flat in
What could she do for a job? She loved
children, and so she began to look after babies and small children for her
sisters friends. Sometimes she cleaned their houses too, or cooked meals for
them. She studied cooking again in
Then she found a job at the
Soon there would be love in her life too-she would find her prince and fall in love. She would become the new Princess of Wales. She didnt know this, of course, but she did feel that she was getting ready for something special. Diana went to parties, and she had a lot of friends, but she was never serious about a man at that time.
I had to keep myself tidy , she said later, for what was coming .
A fairy-tale wedding
Prince Charles was talking a long time to choose a wife. He was already 32. He always had plenty of girlfriends-Dianas sister, Sarah, was once his girlfriend. But he couldnt decide who to marry. Charles was the future King of Britain, so he had to choose well. Not every beautiful woman makes a good queen. Life in the Royal Family can be very hard-the Royals spend a lot of time in public. She must also be a girl from a good family, and Charles must be her first lover.
In February
1981, the news finally came out that Prince Charles was getting married-to Lady
Diana Spencer. The photos in the newspapers showed a pretty, quiet girl with a
sweet smile, and the reporters soon begin to call her Shy Di. Diana was the
first English girl to marry a Prince of Wales for five hundred years. And in
private, Prince Charles said that the Spencers were more royal than the
Royals! It seemed that Diana and Charles were perfect together. People in
Diana grew up with the Royal Family, but for a long time she didnt really know Charles. There are lot of families in the royal circle, and also Charles was twelve years older than her. He was already a young man when she was still a child. But when Diana was sixteen, they met at a country house party. She was only a schoolgirl, and Charles was more interested in his dog and his sport than in her. But from that time, Diana put a photo of Charles by her bed.
They met at a few more parties, but it was
only in July 1980 that Charles began to look at Diana with new eyes. They were
both staying with friends in the country. In the evening, Diana sat next to
Charles outside in the garden. She was telling him that she saw him at a
funeral a year earlier. You looked so sad, she said. I thought , Its wrong that youre alone-you need someone to
look after you. Charles heart opened to her, and from then on he was seriously
interested in her. He asked her out for an evening of music, with supper later
Maybe youll be the next Queen of England! a friend told her. Diana only laughed.
Then Charles asked her to go to Balmoral for the Breamar Games, the Scottish sports which happen every September. Dianas sister Jane was now married to Robert Fellowes, the Queens personal secretary. They had a small house in the royal park at Balmoral, and Diana stayed there with her sister and husband. Prince Charles phoned her every day, and they went for walks together.
Until then, no one guessed that the Prince had a new girlfriend. But, one day Charles and Diana were fishing by the River Dee. Suddenly they noticed someone on the other side of the river. It was a reporter from a newspaper looking for royal news. Diana quickly ran to hide behind some trees, and used a mirror from her hand bag to watch him. Two other photographers hurried to the same place by the river. They were all very excited, trying to see his new woman in Charles life. Diana escaped from them that day. But soon the reporters knew her name, and it was in all the newspapers.
Now her life began to change. The public
wanted to know all about her, and paparazzi followed here everywhere. They
followed her in her little red Mini-Metro car. They phoned her in the middle of
the night and waited for her outside the
When Prince Charles finally asked her to marry him, in February 1981, she agreed. She arrived back at her flat very happy that night. Her friends were waiting for her. They knew that it was something special! Diana said Ive got news for you-but I must go to the toilet first! So they all knocked on the toilet door until she told them! Im going to marry Prince Charles! she called out, half-laughing and half-crying.
He gave her a beautiful blue ring, and they were ready now for the photographs, the television recordings and the public appearances. Several times, they had to answer the question: are you in love? ,Of course! answered Diana. But Charles was not so sure. His answer always seemed to be, Yes-but what does that mean?
To the public, it was real love. It was
exiting news for
Diana now moved into Clarence House, the Queen Mothers home, and was safer there from the reporters. Everyone was getting ready for the wedding-over ten-thousand presents arrived for Charles and Diana! She chose a young husband and wife, David and Elisabeth Emanuel, to make her wedding dress.
But not everything was perfect. At the center of the fairy-tale, there was a black shadow. When Charles asked Diana to marry him, something strange happened. She suddenly felt, deep inside, that she would never be Queen. She also knew that she would have a difficult job as Charles wife.
This did not stop her. But, just before the wedding, she became seriously worried. She suddenly understood that Charles old girlfriend, Camilla Parker-Bowles, was still very important to him. Diana found a present from Charles to Camilla, and he often telephoned her. Did Charles really loved her or was he still in love with Camilla?
And Diana was no longer free. The happy days in her flat with her friends, and at work with the little children, were all gone.
The royal machine frightened her. There
were so many royal rules, and
She still tried to enjoy herself. She
escaped to
She got thinner, and she even wanted to stop
the wedding but her sisters told her to go on. So on 29 July 1918, Prince
Charles married Lady Diana Spencer in
Diana arrived at back. With flowers in her hands, and her heart full of
hope, she agreed to marry Charles, I will she said.
Charles put the wedding ring on her finger. It was made of Welsh gold. This gold was a present to the Royal Family about fifty years earlier, and Dianas ring was made of the very last piece. Charles and Diana were now husband and wife. They promised to stay together all their lives.
The crowds who were shouting Lady Di! Lady Di now changed the words to Princess Di! Princess Di!
They went back to
Diana was suddenly the worlds favorite woman. Her face really was on the tea-towels and on cups, glasses, spoons, and all kind of things that people bought at the time of the Royal Wedding. They wanted something to record and remember that special day, the most important royal day since Elisabeth became Queen in June 1953.
So could the fairy-tale marriage possibly have a happy ending?
Did Charles really loved Diana when he married her? He probably tryed to do his best at the time, but it was difficult for him too. In the past, kings and princes married to make the Royal Family stronger and to have children. Now Charles had to find the right wife for the Royal Family, and marry for love. Could Diana be the perfect royal wife, when she was also a modern girl? In 1981, we didnt ask ourselves these questions. We all wanted to enjoy the fairy-tale while we could.
The young princess
In her new marriage, Diana was like a young bird who was learning to fly. At school, she was too shy to speak in public. Now she was making public appearances all the time as one of the Royal Family. One of her first public visits was in May just before she married. This was to Tetbury, a town near Prince Charless new country home at Highgrove in Gloucestershire. Crowds of people came out to see Diana. Dressed in a red suit, she walked through the streets and smile shyly as they gave her bunches of flowers. It took some time before she wasnt frightened of these public appearances. On one of the first that she made with Prince Charles, he told her to walk over to the waiting crowds. Talk to them he told her. I cant! I just cant! she said.
But she had to, and after that, she found it easier and easier. She was very natural, and everyone liked that. People began to feel that they could talk to her about their problems. She was quickly becoming one of the most popular women in the world. Soon she was more popular than Charles. He wasnt very pleased by this. Im sorry, Im not my wife, he said once or twice to the crowds when he made a visit alone.
Everyone loved Diana because she was young and beautiful. During her first few years as a princess, she learnt how to dress well and people became interested in her clothes. After every appearance, the reporters described what she was wearing. There were photos in the newspapers recording all her different dresses. Sometimes she wore dresses and hats that were too old for her, like those for a 45-year-old woman.
Then she
became the well-dressed Diana that we remember today. She choose a lot of
wonderful clothes-dinner dresses, trousers, and suits. She learnt to dress for
all kinds off appearances-for special visits, for sport, or for travel. For
public appearances, she had to wear clothes that were comfortable, as well as
Then Diana became a mother too. Before the
baby was born, she felt sick a lot of time. But she was healthy, and on 21 July
1982, she went into St. Marys Hospital, in
At first the new parents couldnt agree on
names. Charles wanted to call the baby Arthur, but Diana preferred William. On
3 August, in the Music Room at
Dianas first big public visit was to
So Charles and Diana took the baby William
with them. Great crowds came out to see the Prince and the Princess of Wales,
and Diana quickly become popular in those countries too. She was always ready
to do what people liked best-on her first visit to
Soon another baby was coming, and on 15
September 1984 Prince Harry was born. When the family was in
Diana looked
after her boys. She often played with them, and helped them with their early
lessons. But it was important that they met other children too. Charles wanted
Williams and Harry to study at home with a private teacher, but Diana didnt
agree. In September 1985, William went to his first school.
Diana was now a busy princess, wife and mother. But she was beginning to work with charities now too, which quickly became one of the most important things in her life. In 1982, the newspapers reported that Diana was now working with five charities. By the time she was 24, she was working with eighteen. She began to visit people in hospital. She wasnt afraid to meet people who were dying and she began to meet people with terrible illnesses like AIDS. A lot of people were frightened that you could catch AIDS by touching someone; Diana held the hand of a man with AIDS to show that this wasnt true.
She worked hard but she still wanted to
have a great time too. She practiced a special dance secretly with the famous
dancer Wayne Sleep. Then one night at the theatre, she suddenly went up to the
front to dance with
Diana now had a new friend in the Royal Family. This was Sarah Ferguson, or Fergie, who married Prince Andrew, Charlies younger brother, in 1986. She was a girl with a worm heart, but she wasnt always sensible. One night, just before they got married, Prince Andrew was having a man only party.
Fergie and Diana dressed up as policewoman to try and get in! Again, the Royal Family was not pleased with Diana. She was becoming too wild.
Few people knew that at this time Diana was not happy. She seemed to have the perfect life. But inside she was in trouble. She was helping other people, but she needed help herself. She was popular; a great favorite of the people, and reporters photographed her everywhere. But in private, she was alone with her troubles.
The woman inside
In November 1982, the Palace told the world that Diana was in the best of her health. She did not have an eating illness, as some of the newspapers were saying. Diana began to look too thin even before she got married.
People thought that she was just tired, or growing up. But in fact, Diana was getting ill. She ate too much, and then made herself sick. She ate large meals out of the refrigerator late at night. She ate cakes and chocolate, and was sometimes sick several times a day. At first she looked thin because she kept no food down inside her. But in the end, she learnt to hide her illness so that she looked fine.
In January 1982, Diana fell down some stairs when her first baby was on the way. It wasnt in the newspapers until a few weeks later. It was an accident, the Palace said. It was only a few stairs. The doctor visited her and she was fine now. There was nothing to worry about.
But Diana tried to kill herself that day. Life was too much for her. She felt sick all the time before William was born, and her new job in the Royal Family was very difficult. Most of all, she felt that her husband wasnt really interested in her. On that day, he wanted to go out horse-riding and he wouldnt stay to talk to her.
After William was born, she felt very unhappy. This happens to many women, of course, for a short time after they have babies. But Diana got worse, not better. She sometimes cut herself with a knife, and tried several more times to kill her self. She was probably crying out for help. Outside, she was still the perfect Princess of Wales, but inside, she was hurting.
Before Prince Harry was born, the hospital told Diana that the baby was a boy. She didnt tell Charles. He really wanted a girl. When he first saw their new son, he told her this. Suddenly Diana felt that this was the end of their marriage. Something inside me died, she told her friends later.
She married for love, but perhaps Charles didnt. Did his family push him into the marriage? His real love, Camilla Parker-Bowles was already married, and he had to marry someone. Perhaps he chose Diana only because she would be the right sort of royal wife and mother.
Charles was still seeing Camilla when he was married to Diana. On their wedding holiday, Diana saw that Charles still kept photos of Camilla in his pocket. And during the marriage Charles still gave Camilla presents, and often telephoned her privately. The mother of Camillas grandmother also had a royal lover, King Edward Vll. Camilla, it seemed, was repeating the family story. But Charles and Camilla were friends, as well as lovers. They were the same age, and they were interested in same things, like horses and the country. Many women did not find Charles an easy man, but Camilla seemed to understand him well. Earlier, a lot of his girlfriends got tired of him. He could be warm one day, and cold the next day. He spent time with them, and then disappeared for a long time. Even Camilla stopped waiting for him when she was young. She married another man, Andrew Parker-Bowles.
Charles and Diana were different ages, and they liked different things. He wanted to read books on their wedding holiday; Diana wanted to enjoy the sun and the sea. He wanted to talk about serious ideas, when she wanted to give everything to their new love. It was soon clear to them both that they thought and felt very differently.
In public, they were still husband and
wife, but in private they were sleeping in separate bedrooms. People were
beginning to see that all was not well. In
Diana was working hard for the Royal Family and the country, but she was still very unsure of herself. She was always waiting for Charles and The Royal Family to say Well done! They never did. But in 1988, life begin to changer for her. She found that she could be strong.
A terrible accident happened when she and
Charles were on holiday in
And then Diana decided that it was time to help herself too. Carolyn, her old school friends said Ill give you an hour. If you dont go to a doctor, Ill tell the world about your illness! Diana went to see a special doctor to help her with her eating illness. How many times have you tried to kill yourself? he asked her at once. Four or five times, she said. She was very surprised that he seemed to know all about her so quickly. In six months time, he told her, she could be a new person.
He visited her every week, and she began to read books about illness and to understand herself better. In six months, she was a new person, and she was almost better.
It was the beginning of a new way of life for her. She had to help herself; Charles wouldnt help her. He didnt love her as she wanted. And he never would.
She also
learnt to give her love to the poor and ill people that she met through her
charity work. She had a special touch. When she visited people in hospital, a
hug or a kiss from Diana seemed to help them greatly. Sometimes she continued
to visit people for a long time until they were better. She often wrote them
kind letters later. A lot of her charity work was with children, and she was
always happy and natural with them.
At home, it was the beginning of the war between Diana and the Royal Family. It was difficult for people who worked for Charles and Diana. They had to decide which side they were on. You had to be a Charles person or a Diana person. If you tried to be both, you quickly got into trouble. Diana began to think of Charles people as the enemy.
They now lived two separated lives in the family too. This was true even for the boys. When Diana took them out, they went to modern places that children like-water game parks or the cinema. They usually wore ordinary clothes like jeans and T-shirts. With Charles, they wore more grown-up clothes, and did country things that he enjoyed, like fishing.
The public began to think wore of Charles when Prince William had a serious accident at school in 1991. Diana stayed at the hospital with him all night but Charles went off to the theatre. How could he do that? people asked. What sort of father is he?
Charles loved his sons too but perhaps he didnt understand how to show it. He did try to do better after that, but many people were beginning to prefer Diana. But not everyone. Shes ill some people were saying. She needs to be in hospital. Or Shes trying to hurt the Royal Family.
Diana was beginning to make a new life for herself. It was difficult, and she was often unhappy, but it was the only way out.
The new Diana
The Queen called 1992 a terrible year. It
began badly for Diana, too. On 29 March, her father died. She was on holiday in
Then a new book came out about Princess Diana: Diana-Her True Story by Andrew Morton. The book talked about Dianas eating illness and about how unhappy she was with Prince Charles and the Royal Family. It also talked about Prince Charles and Camilla Parker-Bowles. At first, everyone was very surprised! Could all be true? In the end, people realized that most of it was Dianas real story.
But there was another surprise coming from her-and an unpleasant one. Diana was beginning, secretly, to look for a new love in her life. She had to be very careful, because she and Charles were still married. The world would not think well of a royal mother with other lovers. Then, suddenly, recordings of secret phone calls between Diana and James Gilbey came out. Gilbey was an old friend of Dianas, but here they were talking as lovers.
Another lover was James Hewitt, the man who taught Diana to ride again-she was still afraid of horses after her accident as a child. Will Carling, the sportsman, and his wife ended their marriage because of Diana. Then there was Oliver Hoare, who sold paintings. Someone began to make silent Phone calls to his home; perhaps it was Diana, unhappy because Oliver didnt want to talk to her. We will probably never know everything about her life at this time, but its clear that she was seeing other men.
Then in 1993 recordings of phone conversations between Charles and Camilla appeared, and everyone now knew for sure that they were lovers. Charles was very unhappy about this, and at first promised to live alone without woman. A year later he talked it all on television. But he didnt stop seeing Camilla.
In November 1992, Charles and Diana did
make a visit together to
private rooms at
But she was doing her best to help her sons
for their future as royal princes, and William perhaps the future King of
England. She decided that they needed to understand some of the countrys
problems. She took them to visit sick people in hospitals. But she also took
them out secretly to see some of the dark and unpleasant places where homeless
people spend the night. In 1995, William went to
Dianas new life had good times too. She
had plenty of friends. Many of them were famous, and some of them were film
stars or pop stars. She was friendly with the pop stars Elton John and George
Michael, and with Terence Stamp and Richard Attenborough, the film stars. She
knew Luciano Pavarotti, the Italian singer, and others from the music and the
film world, like Michael Jackson, Paul and Linda McCartney and Liza Minelli.
She often had lunch with friends. An Italian restaurant,
But she couldnt escape from the paparazzi. Everywhere she went, they tried to take photographs of her. Sometimes they took photos secretly-you could get a lot of money for a new photo with Diana.
Suddenly, it was all too much for her. In December 1993, she told the world that she wanted to live quietly. She would stop most of her work for charities. She needed time for her children, and for her private life.
It was not for long. She soon came back because she wanted to get on with her work, and be a mother to the world. She wasnt afraid of illness, or of people who had serious problems with their bodies. She was ready for a hug and a kiss for everyone.
She often
visited children at hospitals like
She was still traveled to other countries.
In 1994 she visited
Diana once said, Im not frightened of dying, if I can die happy.
Her last days
After Dianas
marriage finally ended in August 1996, she was a rich woman with over 17
million. But she wanted to go on working. She specially wanted to stop the use
of landmines. She visited
She had a good summer in 1997. She visited
her brother, Charles in
There was only one sad time in the middle
of July, when she went to
Something very special was happening in
Dianas life that summer too. She had a new boyfriend. This was Dodi Al Fayed,
a film-maker, who was 42. The Al Fayeds are a Moslem family from
The Al Fayed family and the Spencer family
were already friends. Diana first met Dodi about ten years earlier, but they
didnt become good friends until she went on holiday to
They went away on holiday again at the end
of the month, but they were alone this time. They visited Corsica and
On 21 August, Diana flew back to
When their boat arrived at
They arrived on Saturday, 30 August. Dodi
had a small home in
The paparazzi knew that Diana and Dodi were
now in
At last, just after midnight, they left the hotel by the back door to go back to Dodis house. They were trying to escape, and sent off another car from the front. But some of the paparazzi saw Diana and Dodi as they drove off in their special Mercedes car with their driver and bodyguard.
You wont catch me! said the driver, Henri Paul, as he drove faster and faster; so did the paparazzi, some in cars, and several on very fast bikes. There were cameras and lights everywhere, as they tried to photograph Dianas car. When the road came to the River Seine, it went underground.
The car was
now traveling very fast-perhaps 160 km an hour when it hit a wall. The crash
killed Dodi and the driver at once. The bodyguard, Trevor Rees-Jones, was still
alive. So was Diana but she was very badly hurt.
It took more than an hour before they could get her out of the crashed car. They took her to hospital, where doctors tried to save her life but it was no good. She died at about four oclock in the morning.
Soon telephones were ringing in
At Balmoral, Prince Charles woke his sons
William and Harry to tell them the terrible news. That afternoon, Charles left
During the week, newspapers, television and
radio were full of Dianas sad story. People cried and left bunches of flowers
for her. By the middle of the first day, there were over a thousand bunches
And during that week, the mystery about the car crash was growing. When Trevor Rees-Jones, the bodyguard, finally woke up in hospital, he couldnt remember the accident. We now know that the driver, Henri Paul, had too much drink that evening, far too much. But paparazzi were driving too fast and too near, and the photographers lights were too bright. Did they make it happen too? And was there a second car in the crash? This was probably just a wild story, but there was still a mystery about the crash.
Dianas funeral was on Saturday, 6 September
1997, one week after she died. On Friday night, thousands of people went to
Her funeral,
like her wedding, brought famous people together from all over the world. Some
were heads of governments, and others were her friends. Many were famous names
from the worlds of film and music. All the Royal Family was there. Prince
Charles, William and Harry walked behind Dianas body as it went into the
church. Her sons gave her white flowers with a card that just said mummy. In
Earlier that summer, Diana looked after her friend Elton John at Gianni Versaces funeral. Now he sang at her funeral. It was a song that he once wrote about the film star Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn Monroe and Diana were both 36 when they died. Elton changed the words for Diana.
Then her brother, Charles spoke about Diana. He remembered how kind and beautiful she was. Today is our chance to say thank youWe want you to know that life without you is very, very difficult.
The funeral car took Dianas body to the
Spencer family home at Althorp. At first, her family planned to bring her to
the local church at Althorp, but then they decided against this. Thousands of
visitors could make life too difficult for the small village. So finally, they
took Diana to a small island in a lake, in the gardens of
I was very impressed by her tragic accident because she didnt deserve a death like that for all the good things she has done. She is my model in life and her kindness is a feature that cant be over looked.
She helped a lot of people who Im sure will never forget her and she will always be alive in our hearts.
On August 30th, 1997 the princess traveled from this place hopefully to a place where she can find peace and happiness forever.
Dianas life is over, but her story is not. Her life showed a new road for the Royal Family to take. She showed them a way to be nearer to the British people and to help them with the real problems in the modern world.
When she died, we all remembered that life can be very short. Everyone has to do his best with the time that we have.
Princess Diana , Ed. Longman-Cherry Gilchrist
Diana: Princess of
Princess of
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