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The Nation-State in the Culture of Capitalism

The Nation-State in the Culture of Capitalism The mutual relationship of modern culture and state is something quite new, and springs, inevitably, from the requirements of a modem economy. —Ernest Gellner,
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Indigenous People, Ethnic Groups, and the Nation-State

Indigenous People, Ethnic Groups, and the Nation-State At the present time indigenous societies that believe it is immoral not to share with one's kin or with those less fortunate than oneself are con
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POLICIES AGAINST IMMIGRANTS IN WESTERN EUROPE AND U.S.A. Abstract: This study presents an analyse of the policies against immigrants in Europe and U.S.A. For the Europe the policies presented are examples from the most developed countri
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VERS UN INDICATEUR DE LA FRAUDE ELECTORALE Résumé : La fraude électorale est répandue y compris dans les grandes démocraties. Dans des situations politiques où peu de voix séparent les candidats elle peut avoir un eff
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Capitalism and the Making of the Consumer

Capitalism and the Making of the Consumer The consumer revolution is a strange chapter in the ethnographic history of the species. For what may have been the first time in its history, a human community willingly harbored a nonrel
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Environment and Consumption

Environment and Consumption If the life-supporting ecosystems of the planet are to survive for future genera­tions, the consumer society will have to dramatically curtail its use of re­sources—partly by
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”THE BELGIAN EXPERIENCE” OF ROMANIAN EMIGRANTS Abstract: A straight answer to the question why Romanians did and do leave their country, would seem inappropriate/hazardous. Without any doubt, even from its very beginning, the pheno
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Antisystemic Protest

Antisystemic Protest The paranoid scapegoating process at a time of social change, when people are experiencing a sense of compulsion to live up to old moral obligations even when they are ignoring them in day-to-day behavior, is
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The Problem of Population Growth

The Problem of Population Growth America and other rich nations have a clear choice today. They can continue to ignore the population problem and their own massive contributions to it. Then they will be trapped in a downward spira
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Disease Cities were microbe heavens, or, as British microbiologist John Cairns put it, 'graveyards of mankind.' The most devastating scourges of the past at­tained horrific proportions only when the microbes reached
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Western Africa and E.U. Politics

         Western Africa                                       and                       E.U. Politics      West Africa is oriented west of an imagined north-south axis lying close to 10° east longitude. The Atlantic
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Hunger, Poverty, and Economic Development

Hunger, Poverty, and Economic Development The persistence of widespread hunger is one of the most appalling features of the modern world. The fact that so many people continue to die each year from famines, and that many millions m
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Constructing the Citizen-Activist

Constructing the Citizen-Activist Our task is no longer one of creating countercultures, engaging in political protest, and pursuing economic alternatives. To create a just, sustainable, and compassionate post-corporate world we mu
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Religion and Antisystemic Protest

Religion and Antisystemic Protest Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as
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Peasant Protest, Rebellion, and Resistance

Peasant Protest, Rebellion, and Resistance The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionizing the instru­ments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society. —Karl Marx
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Aspects of the external migration of population from Moldova NouA Abstract: Located on the left bank of the Danube, at the border with Serbia, Moldova Noua has known the external migratory phenomenon before 1989 and, most of all, in t
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The Laborer in the Culture of Capitalism

The Laborer in the Culture of Capitalism / have read in E. P. Thompson's ' The Making of the English Working Class ' that the first man who attempted to establish a labor union in England at the end of t
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The Rise of the Merchant, Industrialist, and Capital Controller

The Rise of the Merchant, Industrialist, and Capital Controller From the fifteenth century on, European soldiers and sailors carried the flags of their rulers to the four corners of the globe, and European merchants estab­lished t
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European Union - The European Integration

European Union Europe Unification isn’t an artificial work, made only by technocrats; it is the fruit of a political decision which is supported by long intellectual, moral and spiritual traditions. In 1950, May the 9th, Robert Schuman
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The Political Career and Personal Qualities of Richelieu (a research paper on Richelieu)

The Political Career and Personal Qualities of Richelieu (a research paper on Richelieu) The greatness and admiration of Richelieu do not come only from his ideas on government comprehensibility, intelligence and progressive
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