Corn Snake Care Sheet and Information
Corn Snake Care Sheet and Information Common Name: Corn Snake, Red Rat Snake Latin name: Elaphe guttata guttata =Corn Snake (Elaphe guttata guttata)' Native to: Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern United States (from the Pine Barrens of NCiteste tot ... 690 cuvinte
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Animal Communication
Animal Communication Throughout this course of study, the concept of language as the demarcation between animals and humans has prevailed. Further, as we have seen in our class readings, many claim that it is through language that our "Citeste tot ... 2478 cuvinte
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Brown house spider or brown recluse spider
Brown house spider or brown recluse spider Laxosceles reclusa Description: Brown to black with obvious 'fiddle' on back of head and thorax. Chunky body with long, slim legs 2.5 to 4 centimeters long. Habitat: Under debris, rocks,Citeste tot ... 39 cuvinte
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DANGEROUS ANIMALS - Scorpions, Spiders
DANGEROUS ANIMALS Animals rarely are as threatening to the survivor as the rest of the environment. Common sense tells the survivor to avoid encounters with lions, bears, and other large or dangerous animals. You should also avoid large grCiteste tot ... 3406 cuvinte
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Widow spider
Widow spider Latrodectus species Description: Dark spiders with light red or orange markings on female's abdomen. Habitat: Under logs, rocks, and debris. In shaded places. Distribution: Varied species worldwide. Black widow in United StCiteste tot ... 55 cuvinte
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Scorpion Scorpionidae order Description: Dull brown, yellow, or black. Have 7.5- to 20-centimeter long lobsterlike pincers andjointed tail usually held over the back. There are 800 species of scorpions. Habitat: Decaying matter, under debriCiteste tot ... 64 cuvinte
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