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PHARE 2003
Title: Investments in Economic and Social Cohesion
Sector: Integrated
Regional Measures (RE)
Location: Romania
8 Development Regions
Overall Objective(s):
To support the Romanian Government to implement an
integrated multi-annual regional development policy through investment projects
in priority sectors, in order to enhance the
indigenous economic and social potential of the 8 Development Regions,
according to the provisions of the National Development Plan (NDP) and in close
correlation with the institution building support provided for designing
national economic and social cohesion policies in line with the EU policies and
Project purpose
achievement of the wider objective will be attained through an integrated set
of measures, with the following specific immediate objectives:
A. .Technical
and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
To strengthen and consolidate the achievements of the
reform acquired through the PhareTVET RO 9405 programme for initial TVET, as
well as through Phare 2001-and Phare 2002 Economic and Social Cohesion (IB for
TVET) in order to further assist in the modernisation of the rationalized TVET
To consolidate reviewed responsibilities,
governance and accountability mechanisms in the provision of initial TVET in
line with the social and economic development as stated in the National
Development Plan and based on further recommendations acquired through IB
activities of the 2001 and 2002 programme;
To further assist in the provision of equal chances
of young people to achieve relevant professional qualification comparable with
those within the European Union, by providing TVET which flexibly responds to
the learning needs of each individual, taking into account the institutional
achievements of 2001 and 2002 programme. Special attention will be given to
young people in rural areas.
B. .Human
resources development
nTo support Ministry of
Labour, Social Solidarity and Family (MoLSSF) to improve the administrative capacity for implementation of employment projects similar to those
financed by European Social Fund.
nTo facilitate access to
employment for job seekers by enhancement of active employment measures and to
develop new skills according to evolving needs of the labour market, promoting
equal employment opportunities for vulnerable groups, such as young unemployed
and long-term unemployed
nTo develop labour force
skills to become more adaptable to structural changes according to identified labour market skill shortage
support the Romanian Government to develop and implement the pilot phase of an
integrated multi-annual national program for the period 2004 2006 on creating
and promoting local waste management activities.. This will help local public
authorities to implement the National Development Plan (NDP) priorities and EU
directives, in order to increase the attractiveness of the areas for inward
investment, to rehabilitate the environment and increase the quality of life of
communities, to protect the population health.
improve the capacity of the local public authorities in contributing to the
environmental protection
develop and implement local-scale projects within the waste management sector,
that will provide waste management facilities to ensure environmental
rehabilitation and protection in areas where they will be implemented.
reduce the impact of landfill sites to the environment
improve the collection and transport of waste in areas where until now no
sanitation system exists
improve effective and simple waste treatment methods with a good cost-benefit
D.1 Regional and local infrastructure
To develop infrastructures supporting tourism
development, in order to strengthen competitiveness of SMEs from tourism sector
and improve the attractiveness
of recognised tourism areas;
To rehabilitate degraded sites with economic
potential (industrial sites, closed enterprises from urban heavily polluted
To develop infrastructures supporting business and
tourism development, in order to strengthen competitiveness of SMEs through
better access to technologies, services, markets and information;
improve the regional transport infrastructure for supporting a modern, efficient transport, while
decreasing the environmental impact of the transport activities.
D.2 Small and Medium Towns Infrastructure
Development Programme (SAMTID)
support the Romanian Government to develop and implement the pilot phase of an
integrated multi-annual national program creating and promoting a framework of
transforming service provision and investing for sustainable water services in
small and medium towns. This will help national and local authorities comply
with National Development Plan (NDP) and EU directives, through:
the commercialisation of water and wastewater services provision of small
and medium towns on a voluntary basis, through the creation of efficient and
financially viable and autonomous integrated regional services providers, as
free from political influence possible;
the implementation of capital investment for
rehabilitation, modernization and up-grading of local water and wastewater
infrastructure and performance improvement programs that raise service
standards while promoting the application of cost recovery principles.
E. .Business Development Support Services
develop the private sector by strengthening SMEs management capacity and
competitiveness which contribute to new job creation and increase in exports;
develop and strengthen the capacity of SME intermediaries to deliver SME
financial and business development support services.
F. .Awareness Campaign, Selection, Monitoring and Site
promote measures and provide information and advice on project preparation
ensure a transparent, competitive and effective process for project appraisal
and selection
To increase capacities of
regional structures for programming and effective implementation of projects
financed under this programme in order to carry out monitoring, control and
evaluation activities, efficiently.
To upgrade and sustain an
adequate implementation system for the infrastructure type projects, including
site supervision and inspection.
Partnership and NPAA priority
The project has the potential to impact on the
following priorities identified in the revised Accession Partnership (adopted June 2002):
Adopt and implement a comprehensive public
administration reform package.
Enhance policy formulation by consulting stakeholders in particular social partners and representatives from
civil society.
Stress human rights and the protection of
minorities, by improving the situation of
Roma, the situation of persons with handicap and to prevent and combat all
forms of discrimination.
Increase the volume and quality of public
investment, including infrastructure, education environment and health.
regards Social Policy and Employment, to
implement the adopted national Action Plan for Employment, commitments and
recommendations identified in the Joint Assessment of Employment Policy
Priorities (JAP) and ensure appropriate capacity for management of European
Social Fund type projects in preparation for Structural Funds; develop capacity of the National Agency for
Employment to implement active measures and employment programmes, strengthen
its regional and local structures; complete and implement reform of the social
assistance system, (including clarity in the decentralisation process) in line
with the acquis principles: continuity of the social protection, administrative
efficiency, predictability, sustainability, equal treatment and
anti-discrimination; continue to support social partners capacity building
efforts, in particular with a view to their future role in the elaboration and
implementation of EU employment and social policy; improve
inter-institutional co-operation, properly decentralising social
responsibilities to the local level, budgetary organisation, ensuring adequate
staff numbers, and effective training of personnel.
For the SMEs it will be considered to:
implement market oriented strategy to stimulate SMEs competitiveness and
sectoral programs; promote a SME-friendly economic and legal environment;
review policy framework and legislation to improve the access of SMEs to investment finance.
policy should concentrate on:
oDevelop a national policy for economic and social
cohesion and, in this context, regularly update and improve the National
Development Plan (further co-ordination with
the national budgetary and policy-making processes, including multi-annual
programming and budgeting).
oSet up the required monitoring and evaluation
system, in particular for ex-ante and ex-post evaluation and for the collection
of the relevant statistical information and indicators.
oStrengthen the institutional and administrative
capacity of the bodies in charge of programming and managing funds for economic
and social cohesion, in line with the Structural Funds approach.
oDevelop the capacity to (i) select, discuss and
clarify development priorities at both national and regional levels, and (ii)
identify, programme, and prepare projects
oEstablish a clear division of responsibilities at
national and regional level and improve the administrative capacity in terms of
recruitment, career profiles and training. Improve co-ordination and co-operation between
ministries, as well as between relevant agencies and social and economic partners.
oPrepare to comply with basic financial management
and control provisions as laid down by the respective regulations of the
Structural Funds. Particular attention should be given to clarifying the role
of the regional levels and strengthening inter-ministerial co-operation and
Regarding the environment it is important to: ensure progress with the
implementation of the transposed acquis,
including through securing the necessary financial resources
the implementation and transposition of the Environmental Acquis in the waste
management field
Improve administrative capacity to implement the acquis, through reinforcement of
staffing both in the Ministry and in other relevant bodies. Particular
attention needs to be paid to enforcing capacity of the Environmental
Protection Inspectorates at local level and the regional level as well as to
co-ordination between ministries.
Reinforce structures and mechanisms (including
co-ordination between ministries) to ensure integration of environmental
protection requirements into the definition and implementation of all other
sectoral policies so as to promote sustainable development.
specifically, the project addresses priorities identified in some areas of the NPAA (National Programme for Accession
of Romania to the European Union, June 2002). These are:
Short- and medium- priorities for Regional Policy
and Co-ordination of Structural Instruments (4.21 of the NPAA) include: Strengthening of the partnership [principle?
sic] through activities targeting the awareness of the potential partners on
the role and benefits they have by participating in the elaboration and
implementation of the regional development policy as well as by participation
in the improvement of the programming and monitoring exercise.
Short-term priorities regarding Public
Administration Reform (Ch. 5. of the NPAA)
include: decentralisation of public services and strengthening of
administrative and financial local autonomy and the need to develop local
public services and improve their quality in order to meet the EU requirements,
notably for activities related to water and wastewater services.
According to the Chapter 4.18. Education and
Training from the NPAA, our country should ensure the
continuation of the reform of the vocational training system. The following
measures are taken into consideration: completing the legal framework by
drawing up the law on vocational training, involving the social partners at all
levels and the cooperation of all institutions, establishing the operational
structures of the National Adult Training Board and authorizing the first
centres for education and certification of professional skills, strengthening
the control of the activity of the providers of vocational training services,
developing a national network of authorized centres that will asses vocational
competence, implementing programmes meant to train the trainers, preparing for
implementing programmes such as European Social Fund in the domain of
vocational training of work force.
This project meets the following NPAA medium term priority for SMEs: improving the administrative capacity
of NASMEC by monitoring the impact of measures and programmes to support SME
development and updating the statistical database comprising the situation and
structure of SMEs..
concerning the infrastructure the main aims are to improve and develop the
local and regional infrastructure, essential requirement for the private sector
development; transport, tourism and environmental infrastructure that will be
identified and respond to priorities of the regional development programmes
to National Development Plan
In line
with the demand of the present exercise, Romanias regional policy, included in
the National Development Plan for the period 2002-2005, states as development
axes the following:
Axis 1: Development of the productive sector and
related services, strengthening the economic
activities competitiveness and private sector promotion
Axis 2: Improvement and development of infrastructure
Axis 3: Improvement of human resources potential,
labour force capacity to adapt to the
market needs/requirements and the social services quality
Axis 4: Support to agriculture and rural development
Axis 5: Environment quality improvement and its
Axis 6: Support to scientific research, technology
development, innovation as well to communications,
IT and information society
Axis 7: Improvement of economic structure
of the Regions, support to sustainable and balanced
regional development.
financed under this component will address directly or indirectly the following
Axis 1 Due to the fact that the regions do not
benefit from sufficient productive capital, supporting productive sector, through investments promotion, is a
priority for Romanias national policy for regional development; as objectives
within which this priority is observed are private
sector development and investment
promotion, support to productive
SMEs in order to increase competitiveness;
Axis 2 -
Improvement and Development of
Infrastructure - the economic potential of a region, as well as its
attractiveness for locating investment, depend highly on its infrastructure
conditions. Successful regional development initiatives require that the local
infrastructure, as a component of the economic base, is able to support the
demands placed upon it. It is, however, generally recognised that the Romanian
social and economic infrastructure is insufficiently developed to meet the
needs and requirements of a growing economy.
Local infrastructure, as an element of the economic base, must support the
demands placed on it. Emphasis has been
given in recent years to improving water and wastewater service delivery in
large cities and in priority areas for regional development. The more recent
policy to create new opportunity for small and medium towns to improve their
local services is being incorporated into the NDP.
Axis 3 - Improvement
of human resources potential, labor force capacity to adapt to the market
needs/requirements - Social policy is central to reducing inequalities and
imbalances and promoting social cohesion. Along with economic policies and the
employment policy, it creates the necessary mechanism for attenuating poverty,
improving living and work conditions and raising the quality of life. It is
imperative, therefore, to establish a genuine correlation among these policies
and close co-operation between the respective implementing factors, thus
achieving an integrated strategic approach. The national strategy of the labour
force aims at creating such structures that are able to transform the
unemployed into working people on the first labour market, by supporting
competitive and sustainable job creation. This objective will be realized by
promoting active measures to fight against youth and long-term unemployment and
promoting social inclusion by access to employment and by promoting vocational
training programmes, in order to develop skills for the new labour market in
the context of lifelong learning.
Axis 5: - Environment
quality improvement and its protection - Measures related to environmental
rehabilitation of degraded industrial sites and closed enterprises in heavily
polluted areas, in order to make use of the existing industrial infrastructure
for the development of new economic activities.
The main priorities in the field of environmental protection are:
oWaste management
quality, climate changes, Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
protection and conservation
waste management scheme will increase the attractiveness of the urban areas for
inward investment, will rehabilitate the urban environment and will increase
the quality of life of communities, will protect the populations health and
will facilitate the compliance with the EU waste management acquis.
The SAMTID project will bring strong environmental benefits too, enabling small and medium municipalities to meet EU and Romanian environmental standards.
Axis 6: - Developing
the information society and IT - The
broad use of opportunities offered by the information society represents an
important aspect of the economic support strategy.
Border Impact
Not applicable.
The Phare 2003 investment schemes will be
implemented in all the development regions. Concentration is ensured
through supporting a specific target group (like in the employment measures) or
to focus a measure on very distinct types of projects and activities with
clearly defined selection criteria, such as: waste management, tourism and
transport infrastructure, water and wastewater infrastructure.
A. Technical and
Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
and justification:
The VET system aims to
respond in a dynamic and flexible way to the increasingly changing demands of
the community at large, resulting from economic developments and from specific
measures for social cohesion as defined by the government policy.
proposed project represents the continuation of the Phare 2001 and 2002
Investment in Social and Economic Cohesion TVET, and it is based on the
achievements of Phare VET programme RO 9405 and its generalisation policy. At
the end of the EU Phare VET programme RO 9405, in December 1998, the system of
vocational education and training has been partially completed (education
levels corresponding to vocational schools and post-high schools), and left clear
recommendations for generalisation and the completion of the whole system.
New developments of the
educational system requires new adjustment of the TVET system, as the Ministry
of Education, Research and Youth launched the proposal of extending compulsory
education from 9 to 10 years. According
to the new extended duration, the TVET system will be consolidated through developing two TVET pathways, one
leading to the third level of qualification part of the high school education,
and an integrated three level training
offer, with 3 exits corresponding to the three European qualification levels,
as follows:
1. grades IX X , compulsory TVET leading to 1st level of qualification, which
can continue with 2. grade XI,
post-compulsory TVET, leading to 2nd level of qualification, which
can continue with
3. grades XII-XIII, post-compulsory TVET leading to
3rd level of qualification
4. grades IX-X, compulsory TVET leading to
recognition of competences, which can continue with
5. grades XI to XII/XIII, post-compulsory TVET
leading to 3rd level of qualification
These amendments will affect the role of the TVET
school clusters, including their marketing strategy, so that they have to
reconsider their position and to motivate young people for a whole TVET career,
instead of offering short training segments of parallel qualifications, as it
is now.
regional and local disparities on the availability and quality of TVET are
specifically addressed. Heavy industrial restructuring does also require restructuring
of educational offer in TVET from traditional industrial trades to new economic
areas (e.g. agro-tourism) and trades, which are emerging in the labour market.
development of core skills implied by the new technologies and management systems - required in order to ensure the
continuation of reforms initiated by previous Phare VET 9405 and Phare ESC 2001
and 2002, the require to answer to the challenges raised by the extension and
restrcturing of compulsory education, the lasting regional and local
disparities in the quality of TVET and the specific needs of the groups at
risk, all these demand further investment in TVET school infrastructure in a
long term perspective.
measures have in view both respecting the safety standards and general
pedagogical norms of the MoERY, and the standardisation of the working process
and quality assurance required by each employment domain.
Moreover, the introduction
of the modular training and certification procedures through the several
interventions in the TVET reform supposes a modular design of the training
places and appropriate facilities for acquiring core skills, such as
self-management and use of IT. At the
same time, the process of rehabilitation should convert under-utilised TVET
schools into modern training centres, for both initial and continuing training.
At national level the project is aiming at
adjusting the whole VET system to enable schools to respond to the education
and labour market training needs at local and regional level. This by providing
initial education and training, lifelong learning opportunities, as well as
training on demand. The provision of education and training has to be
sustainable and of good quality, comparable with European standards. The
project wants to ensure the coherence of the national VET system and as such
counteracting disparities between regions as well as assuring the quality of
VET provision all over the country.
At local and regional level the project is
aiming at VET schools to learn to respond to the education and labour market
training needs of individuals, those of the community at large and the business
community in particular. As such VET schools will contribute in a pro-active
and flexible way to economic growth and social cohesion of the area they are
serving. In the actual stage of development, there is a need for further
investment in rural areas with potential for economic development, as well as
for strengthening the local capacity of the TVET resource centre to facilitate
transfer of know-how.
The present project adds a special focus on TVET
schools in rural areas with
the aim to sustain the economic and social cohesion objectives. There is
a significant proportion of students in rural areas (47% of students at
compulsory school age is enrolled in education within the rural areas) and the
schooling capacity is very limited. This particular attention to rural areas results
also from the conclusions of the 2002 study of MoERY and the Institute of
Educational Sciences, which shows low participation rate in secondary education
in rural areas, including abandonment of apprenticeship schools due to lack of
resources and job perspectives. In the current context, encouraging a longer
duration of compulsory education including basic TVET leading to qualification
at the first level, as well as the perspective of regional and local
administration and development of human resources, it is expected the graduates
who decide to remain in their localities to have the needed skills to perform
jobs required by local economic agents, like farms, agro-tourism pensions and
small and medium scale industries. In the mean time, there is considered the
chance of compulsory education graduates to continue their upper secondary
education in rural areas schools, by enlarging access to TVET, as indicated by
the Joint Assessment Paper developed in October 2002. The restructured TVET
system includes, during and after compulsory education, learning paths having
dual purposes, namely education and training.
additional 50 schools will be assisted in view of broaden access and diminished
inadequacies in the territorial provision of TVET.
See Annex 4.1.
As a
continuity of Phare 2001 and 2002
Programme, which provided for structural repairs and consolidation of the units
presenting serious damages, under Phare 2003 the 111 selected units (100 TVET
schools and 11 resources centres) will benefit from the rehabilitation of the
vocational workshops in order to be fit for installing the specialised
equipment and to facilitate the delivery of initial and continuing TVET equal
to European standards.
As a
continuity of Phare 2001 and 2002 Programme, tThe 111 selected units (100 TVET schools
and 11 resources centres) will receive further assistance to procure and
install in rehabilitated vocational workshops the specialised
equipment according to reformed curriculum for the last years of training.
The additional 50 schools will be assisted to act as community resource centres in order to
serve the training needs of young people in view of regenerating the local economy in rural areas.
The need for VET institutions acting as resource or
support centres at the regional and local level was already stressed by the Feasibility
Study that grounded the TVET projects of IB and Investment under Phare
2001. An additional Study will be elaborated by the TA under
the Phare 2002 ESC IB component to give an accurate image of the functions
these resource centres should play especially in rural areas.
a total number of 161 schools will
be assisted for investment under Phare 2003, which represent a sound nucleus
for ensuring the sustainability of TVET reform measures.
selected units (100 TVET schools and 11 resources centres) will benefit from
the rehabilitation of the vocational workshops in order to be fit for
installing the specialised equipment and to facilitate the delivery of initial
and continuing TVET equal to European standards.
Didactic and modern technologies equipment and didactic
software (which has been identified on the basis of a labour market assessment
of the medium and long-term strategies for skills development) supplied,
installed and in use, for the specialised years of training of the 111 schools
IT and office equipment supplied, installed and in
use in 50 schools in rural areas
Supporting the curricular reform in order to
facilitate the training of core skills of the students, as well as those
technical skills requested by employers
Transition from school to working life facilitated
Better access to information and documentation
ensured and training facilities for trainers and trainees improved, with a
special focus on rural areas.
Planning of the activities
for the overall Phare supported TVET reform covers a longterm perspective of
three consecutive Phare programmes. An
indicative figure to cover the Phare investment was in Phare 2001 programming
estimated as 48,4 MEURO. It was
initially planned to cover two consecutive Phare programmes. However, in order
to ensure efficient use of funds, better absorption and enough time for
implementing the results of the Phare 2001 programme (preparing the TVET system
for further investment by upgrading infrastructure), it was decided to spread
the financing to cover three consecutive Phare programmes (16 MEURO for
Phare 2001+ 18 MEURO for Phare 2002 + 14.4 MEURO for Phare 2003)
Based on
the estimated results of Phare 2001 and 2002, additional funding is needed to
cover the investment needs of the schools in rural areas and ensure
sustainability of the local transfer of know how through the selected resource
MEURO of Phare funding will be provided for TVET investment in 2003, with the following distribution:
Meuro as representing the
second part of the specialised equipment (years 3 or/ and 4 and 5 of study) to
be given to the 111 schools and resource centers previously selected during
Phare 2001 and 2002.
Meuro representing IT and
office equipment for the additional
50 schools
6 Meuro for workshops rehabilitation
Twohree types
of contracts will be concluded under this component:
A1. Procurement of the specialized equipment
for specialised training workshops in
the 111 schools (supply of equipment)
A2 Procurement of IT and office equipment for additional 50 schools
(supply of IT equipment)
A3. Schools buildings rehabilitation (works)
Supply of Equipment The
Investment component for equipment
contracting started already in Phare 2001, with the delivery of the information
technology (computer networks) and office equipment, as well as the preparation
of technical specifications for the specialised equipment and preparation of
the related tender documents for Phare 2002. The investment sub-component for
procurement of didactic and modern technologies equipment and didactic software
will be implemented based on labour market assessment concerning the medium and
long-term strategies for skills development, in order to assure the core skills
achievement and facilitate the transition from school to working life.
schools and 11 resource centres previously selected for the priority areas as
defined through Phare 2001 will receive specialised equipment for the
laboratories and workshops They have received the equipment for basic training (namely the first two or
three years of TVET) from Phare 2002 and the rest of the equipment for specialised training (the 3rd and/or the
4th and the 5th years of TVET) is to be supplied under
Phare 2003.
preparation of the technical specifications (TS) for the specialised equipment
for the 111 schools was provided during the Phare 2001 IB sub-component
The expected delivery for
June 2005 will allow the teacher and
instructors training during the Phare 2002 programme.
TS for the 50 schools acting as community resource centres for rural areas will
be object of preparation under Phare 2002 IB.
total 14.4 Meuro average costs of
the equipment for specialised training are estimated as follows:
135,200Euro/school x 100 schools = 13.52 MEURO from Phare contribution
80,000Euro/resource centre x 11 resource centres = 0.88 Meuro from Phare contribution
A2 Supply of IT equipment Taking
into consideration the average costs of the similar equipment provided during
the previous Phare 2001, the amount of average 38,100 EURO per school represent the estimation of IT and office
equipment costs. The lot allocated to each beneficiary unit will include about
25 work stations and 1 server 2 printers [m1], 1
overhead projector, 1 TV set , 1 video player, 1 copy machine, 1 fax machine, 1
flipchart. Internet access and e-mail will be also provided.
total 1.905 Meuro average costs of the IT and office equipment are estimated as
Euro/school x 50 schools = 1.905 Meuro from Phare contribution
A . Works The selected schools will
benefit of gradual rehabilitation, starting with basic repairs from Phare
2001 and finalising with the upgrading of vocational workshops, as follows: 100
schools units involved in the Phare 2001 TVET programme + 11 resources centres
inside the target areas; rehabilitation of the vocational workshops and
necessary upgrading for installing the specialised equipment.
Technical specifications
for the rehabilitation of worshops will be prepared under Phare 2001 by
short-term technical assistance.
An average amount of 54 000 euro/ school unit (Phare)
represents a provisional estimation of the costs that should be allocated for
the works. Local authorities could provide local co-financing for additional
works for preparation, improvement and rehabilitation of school areas. Total
Phare amount for A1 is 6 Meuro.
local level is represented by the TVET schools, as main beneficiaries together
with their social partners at local, county and regional levels, and assures
the operational activities.
estimated total number of the involved schools is 161, from which 11 will act
as resource centres in target areas, and 50 schools are
new ones added in the programming year 2003
D.2 Small and Medium
Towns Infrastructure Development Programme (SAMTID)
1. Background and Justification
After a period of
more than four decades of centralized management,
organize actions to attract external investments for the benefit of local communities;
support and advise local public administration authorities in their steps concerning attracting investments;
monitor the way of attracting investments and accomplishment of conditionalities;
support local public authorities in contracting internal or external loans and in providing guarantees.
17 municipalities, each with more than 150.000 inhabitants, have benefited from
capital investment programs for rehabilitation of their water and wastewater
infrastructure. Many of these municipalities also obtained funds through the
ISPA Program to continue the rehabilitation and modernization of the water
supply and wastewater systems.
promote special programs for small towns with the purpose of rehabilitating and modernizing local environmental infrastructure.
The Ministry of Administration and Interior decided to develop the SAMTID Program for this category of towns, taking into consideration that they:
The necessity for investment in small and medium towns was outlined in the strategy for investment promotion in local environmental infrastructure. In July 2001, the SAMTID concept was presented during a meeting organized at Victoria Palace, with participation of central and local authorities who were involved in MUDP 1 and MUDP 2, representatives of IFIs and mass media.
As present fragmented structure for provision of municipal service are not favourable to effective management of investment resource and service provision, SAMTID will aim to Motivate groups of towns to begin to work together, taking account of experience in EU Member State and elsewhere as regards consolidation in water sector, to benefit from economies of scale and to ensure the rational use of water resources.
The Government of Romania views the transformation and modernization of the water and sanitation services in these municipalities as a long-term effort. As many as 230 small and middle-sized towns with a total of approximately 6.2 million inhabitants, representing 50% of the country's urban population, are in need. Even with focusing on the most urgent needs to rehabilitate and upgrade water and wastewater systems, SAMTID may need a full decade to reach most of the towns. The government is committed to implementing this program in three phases:
Phase 1: Pilot - Starts with Phare programme 2002, a design stage to establish the foundation elements, followed by an application stage to test this elements on a pilot basis for five groups of municipalities, and prepared for future projects taking into account the lessons learned.
Phase 2: Expansion Depending on the progress of the pilot phase, the program will be adjusted and expanded to a wider number of groups of municipalities within the context of the framework loans by the international banks that finance these first two phases.
Phase 3: Consolidation This will built on the expertise gained during the pilot and expansion phases. A new framework facility can finance modernisation in additional municipalities as well as other investments needs such as system expansions for the participants in the initial phases.
Phare investment support under this project is for the expansion phase to be implemented during 2004-2007, still preparing for later expansion scale of activities.
SAMTID will finance projects on the basis of a similar procedure with 'Call for proposal' with a bottom up approach. Local authorities are already preparing for this, identifying their needs for projects under USAID Regional Infrastructure Project (RIP) in collaboration with the Water Training Centre of the Romanian Water Association. Additional assistance will continue with support of PPF Phare 2002 and 2003 as described in the accompanying ESC IB project fiche on technical assistance and project preparation facility for SAMTID.
A project under the program would be the integrated investment sub-program (two parallel investment schemes[1] and the relevant contract package mentioned under the SAMTID Architecture in Annex 4.4.) for a single group of municipalities with one identified local authority (municipality or county council) acting as leader to be financed by a consistently applied combination of grants (Phare & National Fund) and loans (single IFI per project).
2. Linked activities
See Annex 4.1.
Implementation of water supply rehabilitation, upgrading and modernization works in 20 to 50 small and medium sized Romanian towns (nine to twelve groups) as the extension of experience to be expanded around the country.
Improvement of the quality of water supply services with an impact in these towns.
Amalgamation and restructuring of the operations and administration of the water supply services and stimulation of cooperation between local authorities to resolve some priority needs in the field of public services;
Identification and implementation of measures to improve the creditworthiness of utilities, thus creating possibility of accessing credit schemes;
Development of the institutional and organizational basis for the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive concerning the water management within river catchment basin areas.
4. Activities
The SAMTID program will provide a balanced distribution of grant and loan resources in a fair and transparent manner for all beneficiaries over a multi-annual period. As a general principle all beneficiaries will have equal access to a pre-established balance between loans and grants. Project proposals will identify separately the loan and grant components, that will be executed through separate contracts. Phare 2001 PPF resources will be used to determine the manner to apply this principle to the pilot projects and then, Phare 2002 will carry out an assessment of the scheme drawing up lessons for the expansion phase of the programme. Financing for all components in a project will be agreed prior to development of tender documents.
The investments of SAMTID should be selected based on the identified needs of the SAMTID eligible local beneficiaries and the linked proposal for improving the quality of the services and the performance in the water and wastewater field, emphasizing a short payback period and maximum cost-effectiveness, to reduce operating costs, improve efficiency and reliability. The mentioned proposal should include an investment in infrastructure proposal, a financial analysis showing the financial viability of the investment[2] and a complete cost-benefit or cost effectiveness analysis, including the overall impact of the proposed investment and the related measures . New meter installation programs should form part of every project where these are not universal and should be part of demand management programs.
With the support of the Phare 2001 team working with all the stakeholders involved in this programme (MoAI, MIE, MPF, BEI, BERD, European Commission) a set of eligibility and selection criteria has been developed, to allow the pre-selection of projects by RDAs and then the final selection made by the SAMTID Steering Committee. The criteria are presented below.
The Steering Committee of SAMTID require the following eligibility criteria to be satisfied to facilitate potential investment projects being included in the SAMTID programme:
a. be Associations of local public authorities, which will be responsible for contracting of services on the water and wastewater networks within the participating Associations with a Licensed Operator;
The applicants will be a combination of Local Councils of eligible towns and County Councils. The County Council will represent the interests of the association and in the case where two or more County Councils join together the County Council representing the greater benefiting population will be the lead.
b. the Association of Municipalities must be authorised, through Articles of Association, to be the designated promoter of infrastructure investment proposals; the proposed infrastructure to be extended/rehabilitated/improved should clearly demonstrate its public utility;
c. the Articles of Association of the Association of Municipalities should define the lead County Council a Lead Council, which is authorised to act on behalf of the participating local authorities, and should provide that all member local authorities jointly participate in the activities of the Association;
d. the applicants should have their headquarters in
e. the applicants should have feasibility studies elaborated in conformity with the Romanian regulations in the field, and approved by the relevant entitled authority according to laws in force. The feasibility study should not have been elaborated or up-dated more than one year before and developed in line with the content detailed in the SAMTID Manual; the applicants should also have the consent of the Urban Certificate. In a separate study called Supplementary Information for the Feasibility Study applicants should present additional analysis developed in line with the SAMTID Manual representing international standards for analyzing bankable projects.
f. a commitment by each local council to contract the same single licensed commercial water services operating company that may hold one or more legal arrangements to operate in service areas within the AoM at a future date ;
g. has developed a baseline assessment for a master plan according to the format in the SAMTID manual and established key performance indicator targets for a Licensed Operator;
h. has developed a conformity plan according to Law 458/2002.
i. Stated commitment to increase tariffs in real terms where necessary and meet the requirements of debt service
2.1. Size of Projects
The project is likely to have a value of between 2.0 Meuro and 1 3 Meuro per Association and structured in such a way that 50% will be grant, supported by EC Phare Grant from the ESC fund and the GoR National Fund and 50% by Loan through an IFI;
The maximum size of town that can be served under the scheme is 150000 inhabitants.
Municipalities can be included in the scheme only if they do not benefit from ISPA or SAPARD funding;
Duration: The duration of the execution of the works may not exceed 20 months. For each project, the deadline for signing the works contracts is 30.11.2005 and the deadline for disbursement is 30.11.2007.
2.2. Sectors or themes
The following sectors to which the projects must relate are:
Water abstraction, transmission, treatment and distribution systems
Wastewater collection, treatment and sludge disposal systems
The scheme will support the rehabilitation and modernisation of local water and wastewater infrastructure. SAMTID will finance expansions of the systems and building of new assets, such as extensions of networks or new treatment plants for water or wastewater, only in exceptional and duly justified cases. Investments will be selected and prioritized for financing which reduce costs, improve efficiency and improve basic services. New meter installation programs will form part of every project where these are not universal and should be part of demand management programs.
Expenditures must be directly linked to achieving the purpose of the project and appropriately accounted for. Eligible expenditures could include investment costs related to the site preparation, public utilities networks, main works, plant and machinery, supervision during implementation, contingencies. Cost of land acquisition is not eligible under the programme.
Pre-selection Criteria
The indicative list of pre-selection criteria that are envisioned:
Technical and financial feasibility of the investment programme and maturity of the documentation;
Potential for improving the level of key performance indicators provided in the licensing procedures and gaining efficiencies through reduced operating costs;
Detailed financing plan and positive benefit/cost analysis or least cost analysis;
An affordability study has been carried out and an indication obtained on the populations willingness to pay for an improved level of water services.
Demonstrated commitment to universal metering and demand management measures.
Priority given to investments that will result in reduced operating costs and improve the levels of service provided, such as network rehabilitation, pump replacement, and meter installation programmes.
Secondary selection criteria will be developed during TA2 that will enable ranking to be carried out for nomination of the pilot projects. These are expected to be based on the following secondary selection criteria:
Commitment of IFI to fund project with specified conditionalities to be met that will be identified as part of the due diligence process;
Institutional capacity of PIU and MSU;
Commitment to transfer loan conditionalities into the concession contract.
A detailed Manual of selection procedures, including Standard Forms and Check Lists, will be issued and tested through the pilot phase. The procedures developed under the pilot phase will be adjusted after the assessment of the pilot phase implementation financed from Phare 2002 technical assistance.
Generally, projects will range from a minimum of 2 Meuro to a maximum of
Meuro total credit plus grant financing. If two or more counties join consideration will be given to increasing
the range of funding.
The final beneficiaries will be small and medium municipalities that have not yet benefited from international financing under the programs MUDP I, MUDP II, or ISPA. Unlike MUDP II that worked with single cities or counties and existing utilities, SAMTID must motivate groups of towns to begin to work together to benefit from scale of operations and to plan and implement investments that ensure rational use of water resources and of environmental conditions. This can involve any combination of municipalities and/or county council covering a suitable group of towns, associated in partnership - with a clearly identified leader assuming the responsibility for the loan component - and contracting[4] a single licensed services operator (see Annex 4.4)
To be eligible for SAMTID, municipalities should choose a form of delegated management to a licensed services operator from an open bidding process as required by recent legislation. This is critical to the sustainability and efficiency of the services. Technical assistance from the program will support the process.
It is expected that
the group of municipalities must demonstrate being capable of implementing
projects and receiving and servicing credit financing for infrastructure based
on fees from the operator. They must comply with all financial criteria
approved by the SAMTID Steering Committee. Further, the groups of
municipalities will be responsible for securing the management and control
structures of the projects that will be grouped for the purpose of common operation
by commercial companies, complying with relevant legislation and with policy to
reduce the number of small utilities. The Phare 2003
The municipality that receives program financing will own the respective new assets and maintain the public sector ownership of the rehabilitated infrastructure for a period of at least 5 years. If privatisation occurs before, the conditions of private capital involvement will be subject to formal approval from the EC Delegation.
Access to the infrastructure must be guaranteed for all potential users on equal terms; if differentiated tariffs are foreseen, detailed justification should be provided on a case-by-case basis.
Parallel co-financing of investment within the overall SAMTID framework will allow procurement, contracting and financial management arrangements for specific investment contracts to correspond to the specific requirements of each source of financing.
Contracting of the works financed from Phare ESC shall be under the responsibility of the MIE as Implementing Agency, subject to endorsement by the EC Delegation. A separate agreement for the implementation of the projects will be concluded between MIE and each leader of the selected group of local authorities, in order to ensure the close monitoring and supervision.
The Ministry of European Integration will manage contracting that uses Phare funds and the corresponding national co-financing.
For the EIB financed projects it was agreed that one work contract will be concluded for Phare grant plus national co-financing and EIB loan, following Phare procedures. For EBRD financed projects one work contract will be concluded for Phare grant plus national co-financing and EBRD loan, following EBRD procedures (see Annex 4.5 on Contracting SAMTID ).
Budget: 21 Meuro Phare contribution.
For SAMTID projects, Phare will support the supervision costs for the whole budget of this component, composed of Phare contribution, national co-financing and IFIs contribution.
[m1]For the MER - If we can have further details about the lots composition, we have to include them in the Fiche.
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