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The Adjective
1.Proper adjectives
A Portuguese sailor
The English teacher
The Indian plains
2. Descriptive Adjectives- indicating a quality or state restricting the application of a noun to such a person or thing as possesses the quality or state denoted by the adjective:
a brave boy, a sick lion, a large field
3. Quantitative Adjectives
Much, little nom none, some, any, enough, sufficient, all, whole, half etc
!!! NO is always an adjective, NONE is always a pronoun.
Adjectives of quantity are always followed by a singular noun: this noun must always be a noun if material or an abstract noun.
4. Numeral Adjectives
May be: definite (cardinals, ordinals, multiplicative)
Indefinite: all, some, enough, no, many, few. Etc
! a definite numeral can be made indefinite by placing the word some or about before it.
5. Demonstrative Adjectives
Definite: this, that, such, the same, the other, these, those
Indefinite: ,a, an, one, any, a certain, such, some, another, other.
6. Distributive Adjectives: each, every, either, and neither.
Usage of Adjectives
They may be used as:
A. Attributes
The following types of adjectives may only be used as attributely:
you poor man, my dear lady, that wretched woman.
Emphasizers have an intensifying effect:
a certain winner, pure fabrication, a clear failure, a mere repetition, an outright lie, a sure sign, a simple truth, a true scholar, a real hero, a definite loss
Amplifiers scale upwards from an assumed norm. Some may be used predicatively:
a complete victory= the victory was complete
but only attributively in a complete fool, a total nonsense, a great supporter, a perfect idiot, an extreme enemy , the absolute limit, a close friend, the very end, his entire salary, a firm friend
Downtoners have a lowering effect
a slight effort a feeble joke.
ABOUT Angry (also with) Annoyed (also at) Anxious (also for) Careful Certain Crazy Earnest Happy Mad (also after, for, on) Particular Pleased (also at) Soliticious Sorry Sure (also to) Worried AT Amazed Amused Astonished Bad Charmed (also with) Clever Delighted Disgusted Displeased Excited Frightened Good Hopeless Incensed Indignant Irritated Offended Pleased Puzzled Quick Skilful (also in) Slow Surprised Staggered Vexed BY Affected Appalled Impressed Disgusted (also with, at) FOR Adequate Anxious Apt Beneficial Concerned (also with) Convenient Dying Eager (also to) Essential Hungry Inadequate Inclined Fit Mad Prepared Sorry Sufficient FROM Alien (also to) Different Immune Opposite Suffering IN Deficient Diffident Engaged (also to) Experienced Fortunate Immersed Interested Justified Lucky Mistaken Outstanding Persistent Proficient Skilful (also at) Unsuccessful |
OF Afraid Accused Ashamed Aware Capable Conscious Convinced Envious Fond Guilty Ignorant Independent Innocent Jealous Proud Scared Short Sick Sure Tired (also with) Typical Weary Worthy ON Based Bent Dependent Keen Reliant Resolvent Set Sweet TO
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