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Zapp Turbo - Accelerator Internet


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Zapp Turbo
Accelerator Internet


Descriere generala


Principiul de functionare

Instalare si configurare


Schimbarea starii de functionare (ON/OFF)

Reducerea dimensiunii imaginii in favoarea vitezei (Performance Tuning)

Monitorizare si diagnoza

Descriere generala

Zapp Turbo este o solutie prin care viteza conexiunii Zapp este imbunatatita. Astfel se poate transfera o cantitate mai mare de informatie in acelasi interval de timp (fara a presupune costuri suplimentare).


  • Imbunatatirea vitezei de transfer in regim de download/upload. Fisierele compresibile (word, excel, power point, etc) pot fi transferate cu viteze de cateva ori mai mari fata de conexiunea Zapp clasica (fara Zapp Turbo).
  • In cazul expedierii fisierelor atasate cu programele clasice de e-mail (Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Messanger, Eudora) va fi remarcata o diferenta semnificativa intre transferul optimizat de Zapp Turbo si cel normal.
  • In cazul utilizarii in regim de browsing (WWW) exista posibilitatea reducerii dimensiunii imaginilor in favoarea vitezei.

Programul client este usor de instalat si nu presupune cunostinte avansate de configurare.

Principiul de functionare

La capetele conexiunii Zapp se vor afla urmatoarele elemente:

  • Un server (sau un cluster de servere) aflat in reteaua Zapp
  • Un program client instalat pe calculatorul utilizatorului Zapp

Atat serverul cat si programul client vor aplica un set de algoritmi de compresie si optimizare ce vor permite un transfer mai mare de date in acelasi interval de timp, prin aceeasi conexiune.

In cazul unui download, fisierul de pe un server (web, mail, server de aplicatii) va fi procesat de catre serverul Zapp Turbo (comprimat si optimizat pentru traversarea conexiunii Zapp), iar programul client il va decompresa la destinatie.

Download cu Zapp Turbo

Rezultatul este un transfer de date mai bun.

Pentru a verifica performantele atinse de Zapp Turbo, puteti face teste de transfer accesand adresa de web : (click dreapta pe fisier si selectati optiunea Save As)

adresa utila pentru testarea vitezei de transfer din reteua Zapp

In cazul fisierelor compresibile,
viteza de transfer prin Zapp Turbo creste mai mult

In cazul fisierelor putin compresibile (compacte),
viteza de transfer prin Zapp Turbo va fi mai putin importanta

Acelasi principiu de functionare este aplicat si in cazul transferului de date efectuat dinspre calculatorul clientului spre Internet (exemplu: fisiere atasate la un e-mail)

Upload cu Zapp Turbo

Instalare si configurare

Pentru instalarea programului client este suficient sa copiati intr-un director local kit-ul de instalare aflat la adresa:


  • Inchideti toate aplicatiile inainte de lansarea wizard-ului de instalare.
  • In cazul in care doriti sa utilizati o aplicatie de tip firewall, este recomandat ca aceasta sa fie instalata dupa programul Zapp Turbo

Urmati instructiunile programului automat de instalare (wizard).


Programul client nu presupune o configurare speciala, fiind functional imediat dupa instalare. Optional, puteti modifica in functie de preferinte, setarile initiale.

Dupa lansare, in partea inferioara a ecranului (system tray) va fi vizibil urmatorul icon:

ON (pornit)

OFF (oprit)

Lansarea consolei de administrare se face prin dublu click pe icon.

Schimbarea starii de functionare (ON/OFF)

Aplicatia poate fi pornita / oprita din Main > Turbo mode > ON/OFF

Reducerea dimensiunii imaginii in favoarea vitezei (Performance Tuning)

Serverul Zapp Turbo are optiunea de reducere a dimensiunii imaginilor continute de site-urile web. Algoritmul de reducere a dimensiunii este asemanator cu cel folosit de formatul jpeg.

Monitorizare si diagnoza

Aplicatia include un set de teste privind setarile de retea precum si starea retelei TCP/IP. Rezultatele acestor teste pot fi salvate intr-un fisier text (diagnostics.txt).

System Control > Diagnostics:

Exemplu de fisier cu rezultatele testului.

Test Number:1 Is networking configured?

Pinging loopback address. This makes sure TCP/IP is installed and working fine.

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=0ms TTL=128

Reply from bytes=32 time=0ms TTL=128

Reply from bytes=32 time=0ms TTL=128

Ping statistics:

Packets Sent = 3, Received = 3, Lost = 0 (0 %loss)

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

Test Succeeded.

Test Number:2 Is there an IP address assigned?

This test makes sure operating system and network adapter

are communicating with each other.

IP address was found to be [ ].

Pinging IP address.

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=0ms TTL=128

Reply from bytes=32 time=0ms TTL=128

Reply from bytes=32 time=0ms TTL=128

Ping statistics:

Packets Sent = 3, Received = 3, Lost = 0 (0 %loss)

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

Test Succeeded.

Test Number:3 Does a default gateway exist?

Default gateway is a system that connects a subnet with one or more other networks.

Messages intended for hosts on other networks are directed to the default gateway.

The default gateway routes the messages to its final destination.

Default gateway of your subnet was found to be [ ].

Pinging default gateway.

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=0ms TTL=128

Reply from bytes=32 time=0ms TTL=128

Reply from bytes=32 time=0ms TTL=128

Ping statistics:

Packets Sent = 3, Received = 3, Lost = 0 (0 %loss)

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

Test Succeeded.

Test Number:4 Is DNS name resolution working?

DNS server was found to be [ ]. Pinging DNS server.

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=251ms TTL=61

Reply from bytes=32 time=160ms TTL=61

Reply from bytes=32 time=260ms TTL=61

Ping statistics:

Packets Sent = 3, Received = 3, Lost = 0 (0 %loss)

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 160ms, Maximum = 260ms, Average = 223ms

Performing NSLOOKUP using [ ] as DNS server.



Non-authoritative answer:



Given address [ ] was successfully resolved to [ ].

Test Succeeded.

Test Number:5 Is the default Zapp Turbo server reachable? Given Venturi Server [ ] was successfully resolved to [ ].

Pinging Venturi Server [ ].

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=170ms TTL=62

Reply from bytes=32 time=170ms TTL=62

Reply from bytes=32 time=161ms TTL=62

Ping statistics:

Packets Sent = 3, Received = 3, Lost = 0 (0 %loss)

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 161ms, Maximum = 170ms, Average = 167ms

Test Succeeded.

Test Number:6 Is a Zapp Turbo Service available?

Attempting real connection (RC) to Venturi Server [ ].

RC status: VS_OK.

Test Succeeded.

Test Number:7 Is the desired destination reachable?

Given destination address [ ] was successfully

resolved to [ ].

Attempting TCP connection to HTTP port(80) of

destination address [ ].

TCP connection status: CONNECT_OK.

Test Succeeded.

Test Number:8 Is it possible to fetch a HTML page using Zapp Turbo Service?

Retrieving html page from

Retrieving html succeeded. Retrieved 50389 bytes (28 files) 33388 ms

Test Succeeded.

Test Number:9 Determine the time to download a whole web page using Zapp Turbo.

Retrieving html page from

Retrieving html succeeded. Retrieved 50389 bytes (28 files) 26519 ms

Test Succeeded.

Test Number:10 Determine the time to download a whole web page WITHOUT using Zapp Turbo service.

Retrieving html page from

Retrieving html succeeded. Retrieved 50389 bytes (28 files) in 63892 ms

Test Succeeded.

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