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Clasificare (Classification of Article):
Articolul hotarat (The definite article)
Articolul nehotarat (The indefinite article)
Articolul zero (Zero article)
a) inaintea consoanelor: the teacher
b) inaintea semiconsoanelor (u,y,w): the university
the weak
the year
-se pronunta [ i ]
a) inaintea vocalelor: the eye
b) inaintea lui h mut: the hour
c) cand accentuam ceva in mod special: This is the man.
inaintea unui substantiv deja mentionat sau cunoscut de vorbitor:
The cat near the window is my pet.
inaintea adjectivelor la gradul superlativ:
She is the tallest girl in the class.
inaintea substantivelor nume proprii la plural ce denumesc familii:
The Whites are our neighbours.
inaintea substantivelor urmate de apozitie:
Mr. Smith, the teacher, is an Englishman.
inaintea substantivelor la singular folosite in sens general:
The horse is a useful animal.
inaintea substantivelor considerate unice:
The earth moves round the sun.
inaintea substantivelor care denumesc muntii la plural sau lanturi muntoase;grupuri de insule;
intinderi de ape,deserturi;canale,golfuri;capuri.
The Alps, the
inaintea substantivelor ce denumesc institutii:
-hoteluri si restaurante:the Hilton, the Chinese Restaurant
-muzee,biblioteci,banci: the
-teatre,cinematografe:the National Theatre, the Capitol Cinema
inaintea substantivelor ce denumesc ziare:the Times, the Guardian, the Observer
inaintea substantivelor ce denumesc nume de vase,trenuri,avioane:the Titanic, the Orient
inaintea substantivelor ce denumesc tari (daca sunt la plural sau reprezinta o uniune):
the Unitated States of
inaintea numeralelor ordinale:Henry the Eighth
inaintea substantivelor provenite din adjective ce denumesc clase,nationalitati sau o idee abstracta:
The rich should help the poor.
The Romanians live in Romania.
inaintea substantivelor ce denumesc punctele cardinale:
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
inaintea lui same,only:
We live in the same building.
You are the only woman for this job.
inaintea numelor de instrumente muzicale in sens general:
She plays the piano.
ca echivalent al pronumelui this sau that:
I am busy at the moment.
I could not remember it at the time.
inaintea substantivelor ce denumesc o specie:
The trout lives in cold mountain rivers
inaintea substantivelor care arata o parte a corpului omenesc:
The head was on his shoulders.
inaintea substantivelor insotite de prepozitii:
at the beginning
by the way
for the time being
in the end
to break the ice
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