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Clasificarea (Classification of Numeral):
1-one 11-eleven
2-two 12-twelve
3-three 13-thirteen
4-four 14-fourteen
5-five 15-fifteen
6-six 16-sixteen
7-seven 17-seventeen
8-eight 18-eighteen
9-nine 19-nineteen
10-ten 20-twenty
30-thirty 21-twenty-one
40-forty 32-thirty-two
50-fifty 43-forty-three
60-sixty 54-fifty-four
70-seventy 65-sixty-five
80-eighty 76-seventy-six
90-ninety 87-eighty-seven
100 (a) one hundred
174 one hundred and seventy-four
800 eight hundred
1,000 (a) one thousand
6,247 six thousand two hundred and forty-seven
1,000,000 (a) one million
Utilizarea numeralului cardinal :
a) pentru a exprima un numar:
1,457 (a) one thousand four hundred and fifty-seven
b) pentru a exprima anii:
1457 fourteen fifty-seven
1012 ten twelve
c) pentru a indica un numar de telefon:
0 five nine one two double three four five six
d) pentru a exprima timpul cronologic:
1:00 It's one o'clock
2:10 It's ten past two
11:15 It's quarter past eleven
4:30 It's half past four
6:55 It's five to seven
4:40 It's twenty to five
7:45 It's quarter to eight
Observatie.: In engleza
9:10 It's ten after nine
7:45 It's quarter before eight
e) in exprimarea varstei:
I am seventeen (years old).
1st -the first 9th -ninth
2nd -the second 10th -tenth
3rd -the third 11th -eleventh
4th -the fourth 12th -twelfth
5th -the fifth 20th -twentieth
6th -the sixth 30th -thirtieth
7th -the seventh
8th -the eighth
642nd -six hundred and forty-second
a) in exprimarea datei:
August 27th, the 27th of August
I was born on the 1st of December 1966.
In engleza
b) pentru a indica ordinea persoanelor, lucrurilor, actiunilor in timp si spatiu
The Second World War
Henry IV (the
Susan plays only in the third act.
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