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Can si could
Sensurile verbelor sunt urmatoarele:
He can play the piano. (El poate canta la pian)
You can join us if you want. (Poti sa te alaturi noua, daca doresti)
It could snow later on this evening. (Probabil ca va ninge mai tarziu in seara aceasta.)
You can borrow my CD if you want to. (Iti pot imprumuta CD-ul meu daca doresti)
Can I have some more ice-cream? (Imi mai puteti da putina inghetata?)
If you have nothing else to do, you could do the ironing. (Daca nu ai altceva de facut, te poti ocupa de calcatul rufelor.)
The knock's too loud. It can't be that little boy. (Ciocanitul este prea tare. Nu poate fi baietelul acela)
Folosirea lui can si could:
Aceste verbe modale se folosesc pentru a exprima:
Let's have dinner together. We can go to a Chinese restaurant. (Sa luam cina impreuna. Putem merge la un restaurant chinezesc.)
My grandfather could speak Latin and old Greek. (Bunicul meu putea vorbi latina si greaca veche)
If you answered this question, you could get a better mark. (Daca ai fi raspuns la aceasta intrebare, ai fi luat o nota mai buna)
Can you do this sum in your head?
What did she say? She asked if I could do that sum in my head. (Poti face aceasta adunare in minte? Ce te-a intrebat ea? M-a intrebat daca as putea sa fac adunarea in minte)
I'm so sorry! I could have helped that old man! (Imi pare atat de rau! As fi putut sa-l ajut pe batranul acela)
Affirmative form:
singular |
plural |
I can |
we can |
you can |
you can |
he/she/it can |
they can |
singular |
plural |
I could |
we could |
you could |
you could |
he/she/it could |
they could |
Negative form:
singular |
plural |
I can't (cannot) |
we can't (cannot) |
you can't (cannot) |
you can't (cannot) |
he/she/it can't (cannot) |
they can't (cannot) |
singular |
plural |
I could not (couldn't) |
we could not (couldn't) |
you could not (couldn't) |
you could not (couldn't) |
he/she/it could not (couldn't) |
they could not (couldn't) |
Interrogative form:
singular |
plural |
can I? |
can we? |
can you? |
can you? |
can he/she/it ? |
can they? |
singular |
plural |
could I ? |
could we ? |
could you ? |
could you ? |
could he/she/it? |
could they ? |
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