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May si might - engleza
Sensurile verbelor may si might sunt urmatoarele:
May I use your pen? (Imi permiti sa iti folosesc stiloul?)
I wonder if I might use your phone. (Ma intreb daca as putea sa iti folosesc telefonul.)
She has a piece of
paper with a
(Ea are o bucatica de
hartie cu un numar de telefon de la
Folosirea lui may si might:
I may spend the weekend with my friends. (E posibil sa imi petrec sfarsitul de saptamana cu prietenii mei)
She said she might spend the weekend with her friends. (Ea a spus ca era posibil sa fi petrecut sfarsitul de saptamana cu prietenii ei)
Nobody noticed the prisoner's uniform outside. But he might have worn the guard's uniform.
(Nimeni nu a observat afara uniforma prizonierului. Dar e posibil ca el sa fi purtat uniforma paznicului.)
May you both be very happy. (Fie ca voi amandoi sa fiti fericiti.)
Atunci cand vrem sa exprimam faptul ca in trecut am avut permisiunea de a face ceva sau vrem sa subliniem libertatea pe care o aveam de a face ceva, folosim can, could sau be able to. May si might nu se folosesc in aceste situatii.
I could (was allowed) to use my parents' car when I was twenty. (Puteam (aveam voie) sa folosesc masina parintilor mei la varsta de 20 de ani.)
'Might not' vs. 'Could not'
'Might not' suggests you do not know if something happens.
'Could not' suggests that it is impossible for something to happen.
Affirmative form:
singular |
plural |
I may |
we may |
you may |
you may |
He/she/it may |
they may |
singular |
plural |
I might |
we might |
you might |
you might |
he/she/it might |
they might |
Negative form:
(may not si might not nu se contrag)
singular |
plural |
I may not |
we may not |
you may not |
you may not |
he/she/it may not |
they may not |
singular |
plural |
I might not |
we might not |
you might not |
you might not |
he/she/it might not |
they might not |
Interrogative form:
singular |
plural |
may I? |
may we? |
may you? |
may you? |
may he/she/it ? |
may they? |
singular |
plural |
might I ? |
might we ? |
might you ? |
might you ? |
might he/she/it? |
might they ? |
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