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Perfect future in the past
Este o varianta a lui Perfect Future, care are urmatoarea forma:
Affirmative: Subiect + should (pt. pers. I, sg, pl.) + have + participiul
trecut al verbului de conjugat
Subiect + would (pt. celelalte persoane) + have + participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat
ATENTIE: Participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat este forma a treia a verbelor neregulate sau forma terminata in -ed a verbelor regulate.
Model: to be to play
I should have been I should have played
You would have been You would have played
He would have been He would have played
She would have been She would have played
It would have been It would have played
We should have been We should have played
You would have been You would have played
They would have been They would have played
Negative: Subiect + should (pt. pers. I, sg, pl.) + not + have + participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat
Subiect + would (pt. celelalte persoane) + not + have +
participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat
Model: to be I should not have beenàI shouldn't have been
You would not have beenàYou wouldn't have been He would not have beenàHe wouldn't have been
She would not have beenàShe wouldn't have been
It would not have beenàIt wouldn't have been
We should not have beenàWe shouldn't have been
You would not have beenàYou wouldn't have been
They would not have beenàThey wouldn't have been
Interrogative: Should (pt. pers. I, sg, pl.) + subiect + have + participiul verbului de conjugat
Would (pt. celelalte persoane) + subiect + have +
participiul verbului de conjugat
Model: to be to play
Should I have been? Should I have played?
Would you have been? Would you have played?
Would he have been? Would he have played?
Would she have been? Would she have played?
Would it have been? Would it have played?
Should we have been? Should we have played?
Would you have been? Would you have played?
Would they have been? Would they have played?
Timpul Perfect Future in the Past se traduce astfel:
1. Viitor anterior (voi fi mers, voi fi fost,) in propozitii secundare care au ca regenta o propozitie la trecut. Este putin folosit in astfel de situatii in vorbire.
Model: Mi-a spus ca se va fi dus deja la mare.
He told me that he would have already gone to the seaside.
2. Conditional perfect (as fi mers, ar fi mers, as fi fost, .)
Model: He would have gone to the seaside but he had no money.
El s-ar fi dus la mare dar nu a avut bani.
OBSERVA}IE: In limba engleza, verbul auxiliar (care ajuta la formarea timpurilor perfecte) este to have, spre deosebire de limba romana, unde acesta este a fi. Astfel, pentru a spune:
sa fi mers
englezii folosesc:
to have gone
La fel ca si:
as fi mers
should have gone
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